Friday, August 14, 2009

Tea Party’s – Freedom of Speech

Slowly but surely, Americans have begun to make their feelings known.  And as they have, they have discovered what the Left really means when it waxes rhapsodic about freedom of speech, dissent as patriotism, and civil liberties: only for those who agree with us; not for you¸you dimwitted, knuckle-dragging, greedy, gun-toting, child-bearing, God-fearing idiots.

When Congress passed a $787 billion “stealfromus” package without reading it, when buyer’s remorse began to set in, and when the “tea parties” sprung up, the tenor of the Left’s accusations changed.  Now, taking a page from Obama’s intellectual “mentor” Saul Alinsky, the press, the entertainment industry, and Democrats in Congress stepped up their tactics and attempted to marginalize and ignore public sentiment, mocking the protestors repeatedly as “teabaggers,” (a vulgar slang term for a particular type of vulgar activity), laughing at them during prime-time newscasts, and giving airtime to inflammatory personalities like Keith Olbermann and Janeane Garofalo, who called Americans “racist rednecks” and “bigots.”

As if this were not bad enough, the Department of Homeland Security leaked a memo in which Americans having served in the military, favoring limited government, opposed to abortion, supporting restrictions on illegal immigration, or Second Amendment rights were characterized as potential “home grown terrorists.”

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