Thursday, December 03, 2015

The Democrats are simply scumbags

From Tea Party Nation

Posted by Judson Phillips on December 2, 2015 at 7:15pm in Tea Party Nation Forum

The Democrats are simply scumbags. There is really no other way to describe it.  14 people were murdered in San Bernardino California.  Every Republican Presidential candidate expressed their sympathies and their prayers for the victims and for law enforcement.

What did the Democrats do?

Every one of them from Hillary Clinton to Bernie Sanders exploited the tragedy for political purposes. 

They are disgusting scum.  There is no other way to put it.  The rest of the Democrats joined in.  Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz also tweeted about gun control.

Democrats believe they should never let a crisis go to waste.  For them everything is about politics, power and control.  They should never allowed to control any branch of government again.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Facebook Wisdom from Pastor Duke

Duke Hergatt

Yesterday at 7:18am · Halfmoon, NY ·

Reading the fall if Jerusalem under Nebuchadnezzar where the siege began in 605 BC and the final fall in 586 BC when the Temple came down along with the walls of the city. All the glory was gone. The warnings from all the prophets unheeded. But their Holy God kept the promise of judgement when He preferred the promises of blessing for obedience.
I think of the glory of our country is mostly gone now. The siege began a good while ago. And saddest of all it's our own corruption from within that is destroying us. Our people are divided. Our media fans the flame of division. We have over spent, over taxed, over sexed and over indulged. As God rose up evil enemies to pressure His people to repentance so we have evil enemies all around now called radical Islamic terrorist. Our fall is looming and the New World order is in place and it ain't gonna be pretty.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

America’s spoiled brats

Posted by Judson Phillips on November 8, 2015 at 8:00am in Tea Party Nation Forum

In the past, America could look to the future.  The older generation of Americans would do their best to help their children and grandchildren have a better life than they did.  They also knew that America would be left in good hands for future generations. 

Sadly, this is no longer true.

One incident recently is just one example of how the generation coming up is totally lost and America may be lost with it.

What happened?

This year, many college campuses posted warnings telling students not to wear constumes that could be considered offensive.  Like communists everywhere, school bureaucrats want to take all the fun out of life.

At Yale, things got worse. The special snowflakes that make up the student body at Yale are demanding two college professors be fired.  What was their horrible crime?  They did not speak up against “offensive” Halloween costumes.

That’s right, they did not speak out against them.  They did not encourage those costumes.  They just didn’t immediately mouth the politically correct party line. Now the privileged little brats at Yale don’t even want to bother with a Stalinist show trial.  They just want to drag the two out and give them the academic equivalent of the firing squad.

The administration at Yale immediately went into the fetal position and apologized before even knowing what they were apologizing for.  Then a video went viral.  A group of students at Yale cornered one of he offending professors and one student in particular began screaming at him.

The real crime this student accused the professor and a school administrator is, creating an “unsafe” space.  That’s right, the students have the right to a “safe space.”

Safe space is liberal speak for not forcing a student to see anything that they might disagree with or might offend them.

Oh the horror!

One would probably ask what these little children are going to do when they reach the real world but the answer is they probably never will.   The obvious question is, what are they going to do when they are in business and their Chinese competitor is creating an “unsafe space” that is going to bankrupt the American company they work for?

But these children aren’t going to have to worry about that. Ten years from now, they will still be working part-time as coffee baristas, wondering why their Women’s studies degrees is unemployable and crying because they cannot pay back their student loans. 

This story is simply a microcosm of what is happening in American academia.  It is funny to watch left wing professors being eaten by their own left wing progeny. But the truth is these little babies are throwing temper tantrums so that they can avoid being confronted by positions they disagree with.  Why the hell should they think when they can just exclude contrary positions?

Unfortunately, this thinking is not limited to Yale.  It is prevalent through out academia. 

The children who are screaming today that they must have “safe spaces” are the same children who fifteen to twenty years from now will be moving into positions of political leadership.  After all, if they can’t make it in the real world, what other job is left for them but politics?

This generation that is coming up does not believe in the right to think, the right to believe and the right to speak and act on someone’s beliefs if those thoughts and beliefs are in disagreement with the left wing’s political orthodoxy.

That is a dangerous trend for America.  The right to think for yourself and the right to offer you opinions, even if spoiled little Ivy League children don’t like it, is a fundamental part of liberty.  Without it liberty fails.

But then again, these children only believe in liberty for themselves.  That is dangerous for the future of America.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

What Democrat debate?

  • Posted by Judson Phillips on November 15, 2015 at 7:30am in Tea Party Nation Forum
  • There was a debate last night among the Democrat Party contenders. 

    What, you missed it?

    Don’t feel bad. 99.9% of America missed it too.  After all, that was the plan.  Who runs a debate on Saturday night? The answer is, a party that does not want America to see its candidates.  That is a stark contrast from the GOP debates that are bringing in record audiences. 

    But there was something most people missed on the debate last night.

    What was it?

    Just 24 hours after the Paris Jihadist attacks, the Democrats did not want to talk about Islam.  At least one American is dead but they did not want to talk about Moslem terror.  Indeed, none of them even uttered the word “Islamic terrorism.”  Bernie Sanders attributed terrorism to “climate change.”

    These same geniuses, a mere 24 hours after Paris, called for importing more Islamic terrorists claiming to be refugees.  This comes only hours after reports that at least one of the terrorists was admitted to Europe through Greece, claiming to be a “refugee.”

    With a left wing moderator, there were no hard ball “gotcha” questions, as the Republican candidates get all the time. Of course, the Democrats are too afraid to have a debate much less have a tough questioner.  If they are so afraid of Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, how will they deal with Vladimir Putin or ISIS?

    The real problem is all three of the possible Democrat nominees have the same things in common. They hate America. They hate real Americans.  They hate they system of freedom and liberty that made America great.  They want to destroy the Constitution and impose socialism on America.

    The debate last night showed us why we must have a conservative nominee in the Republican Party and that nominee must destroy the Democrat in the 2016 election.

    Friday, November 13, 2015

    A Few Items From My Bucket List - 1

    1. Getting thrown to the ground and hand cuffed by JJ on Criminal Minds.

    2. Getting checked into the glass by a tough mean hockey player.

    3. Learn to speed read in Scandanavian

    4. Learn to spell Scandinavian

    5. Sing Karaoke in a gay bar wearing a Japanese kimona.

    Technorati Tags: ,,

    A Few Items From My Bucket List - 1

    1. Getting thrown to the ground and hand cuffed by JJ on Criminal Minds.

    2. Getting checked into the glass by a tough mean hockey player.

    3. Learn to speed read in Scandanavian

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    4. Learn to spell Scandinavian

    5. Sing Karaoke in a gay bar wearing a Japanese kimona.

    Thursday, November 12, 2015

    The Rise of the Special Snowflake

    By Judson Phillips at

    The rise of the special snowflake

    November 12, 2015 — 1 Comment

    The special snowflakes are among us.  They are the new millennial generation that is in college or graduated in the last few years.  Why are they so special?

    Unlike most real Americans, they have to be coddled.  Before they are confronted with anything, they need “trigger warnings.” If the trigger is too great, they must have “safe spaces” where they are not confronted with any idea they don’t like.  The fear “microagressions” and embrace the tyranny of collectivism.

    It is time something is done about the circumstances that create these “special snowflakes.”  What can be done about the insanity

    currently reigning on college campuses?

    A revolution is required and it starts at the state level.  States have tremendous control over state universities.  It starts with the legislature.  Voters need to go to their state legislators and demand they change the way colleges operate.

    Colleges and universities do not operate in the free market. They rely on endowments, tuition and state subsidies.  It is time for the legislatures to cut off funds until Universities start making changes.

    Too many universities have faculty members who teach freak show classes for freak show degrees.  These degrees are totally useless in the real world.  Why do universities even offer classes such as “Feminist critique of 50 shades of grey.”   State supported Universities should be forced into a market based model.  Departments that do not generate enough revenue through tuition should be closed.

    Professors should be required to offer classes that generate enough revenue to cover the cost of the professor’s salary plus the additional costs of the buildings and support staff.  A class on “Homoerotic literature” is not going to do that.  Intro to Business or Engineering principles will have no problem meeting their funding requirements.

    The other reform that needs to be made is at the federal level.  Guaranteed student loans need to be abolished.  They are the ultimate in crony capitalism.  Banks are guaranteed either the loans are paid back or the government covers the loss.

    Even without the guarantee, banks would still offer student loans. But they would offer loans, provided the students showed a plan to repay the loans.  It would eliminate the phenomena of students graduating with debt of $100,000 and a useless degree in feminist studies.

    Cutting off the guaranteed student loans would eliminate the endless funding of left wing universities and the practice of universities hiring far left wing hacks, like the University of Missouri’s infamous Melissa Click, for jobs that simply give them a subsidy for activism.

    America’s universities are no longer centers for higher education.  They are factories that produce indoctrinated, whining, entitled brats.  Professorships are now little more than sinecures for leftwing activists.

    Real Americans are tired of the spectacles such as happened this past week at the University of Missouri.  Even more than being tired of the embarrassing excesses, Americans are tired of paying the bills for these leftwing clowns.

    It is time to demand change now.

    Saturday, November 07, 2015

    Political Polls

    Polls are very confusing and can easily mislead everyone.  As I scroll through the various polls on the internet I find that Trump is leading by a greater margin and his fan base is growing;  however I also find that he is now behind Ben Carson and Cruz is gaining ground.   Is he ahead?  Or is he falling behind?   Turns out that polls are like statistics – to be manipulated to support what you want to believe.   Like the media we must start start ignoring them and actually just go with what we think without being influenced by them. 


    Thursday, November 05, 2015

    GOP Has Lost The Right to Control Congress

    GOP Has Lost The Right to Control Congress

    The latest Obama-Boehner-Ryan Budget travesty properly reflects just how far - as in low - the Republicans have fallen. 

    This craven Budget is full of tricks and gimmicks, adds $900 Billion to the National Debt, scraps hard-won spending caps, restores the EX-IM Bank, funds Planned Parenthood and raises the Debt Ceiling for the next two years.  This Bill is so embarrassing that Republican “leadership” lowered their heads and slid it under the Senate door in the dead of night to avoid having to face Ted Cruz and other conservatives before the sun came up.  Just like vampires.

    How bad is this Budget? Well, this Budget is so bad that Marco Rubio actually returned to the Senate to vote against it. You know it’s bad if Rubio skipped a campaign event to vote.  He probably thought the Bill increased H-1B Visas for cheap foreign tech workers.  Ooops.

    And make no mistake; the new Speaker Paul Ryan was behind the scenes pulling the strings on this shameful Budget.  That all means one thing: reckless spending will continue under Republican “leadership” just like it did under Democrat “leadership”. 

    The National Debt was $10 Trillion when the GOP won the House and took control of America’s purse strings in 2010.  This Budget scam means it will grow to just south of $20T after six years of Republican rule. Thank you Mr. Boehner, et al. 

    This Budget has exactly what Obama and the Democrats wanted, top-to-bottom.  In other words, this Budget would not be any different than if Democrats had controlled Congress.  Ryan is a fiscal Democrat disguised as a Republican.  A sheep in sheep’s clothing, as it were. That’s why Obama, Pelosi and Harry Reid heaped so much praise on Ryan.  Republicans essentially gave up and threw in the towel before the first round bell.   

    Ryan is just a sober version of John Boehner without the fake tan, fake tears and stale odor of tobacco.  Ryan is a typical establishment Republican: talks tough about not wanting the Speaker’s job; acts tough about not taking the job; swears he won’t take the job; but quickly reverses himself and takes the job when pressured.  Not a profile of courage or conviction.   

    It is very hard to understand why Republicans continue to break their promises of fiscal responsibility.  It is most difficult to explain why they continue to betray their own base.  Perhaps this latest budget fiasco confirms that Republicans are, in fact, being bribed or blackmailed into submission.

    So these questions must be asked AGAIN: Is there any cogent rationale for the Republican Party to exist anymore?  Why do conservative Republicans and Tea Party members continue to vote for a Party that repeatedly breaks its promises and does nothing different than Democrats?

    The Conservative Party. We are built from the ground up by Conservatives, for Conservatives.  Come home America!

    From Pastor Duke Hergatt on Facebook

    Love this message.  He has been running a series based on Ministry Memory and they are great.    Anyway:

    Duke Hergatt

    3 hrs · Waterford, NY ·

    Ministry memory: one Saturday in fall of 73 I visited all my bus kids and no one showed up to visit the other route. I skipped lunch and went ahead and visited all those kids. At the last house the child's mother was crying while on the phone. Her sister was suicidal on the other end. The mom begged me to go visit here NOW. it was getting late but of course I went. The young woman was hysterical with a loaded gun on the table. It was crazy. All I knew was to give my testimony and tell her there's a whole new life in Christ. She got saved and sent the gun back to her sister. I had to preach that night at a campfire for our young peoples group at Jack and Marilyn Carr's farm. I had no time to study or to eat. I remember eating six hot dogs before I preached "I have bread to eat that you know not of. ". That was my day.. I got a bite of that gospel bread that day and knew..this is my life. Chris Jackson got saved that night along with one more. I got one last bite of that Jesus bread and have been addicted ever since. What a wild journey it's been.


    Duke Hergatt

    Yesterday at 8:05am · Waterford, NY ·

    Ministry memory: soon after I was saved I saw the set of encyclopedias sitting in my closet that I had stollen from the school one

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    by one. I felt compelled to return them to the school in repentance. It went viral. The next month I felt compelled to visit my old principle and apologize for all the grief I had caused him in my BC days. As I began telling him my story he stopped me in my tracks. I thought he was throwing me out of his office. But he said "No.. I want the whole school to hear your story". The next week I preached my first sermon to the Lucas public school 7th-12th grade faculty and all. The schools first drug dealer had become the first preacher. The fire God put in my heart all those years ago continues to burn hot. Many of those students through the years have come to Christ. What a great open door that was. Thank you Mr Wine..RIP.


    Saturday, October 31, 2015

    RNC pulls out of NBC debate

    Laura Ingraham’s Website,  October 30, 2015

    The Republican National Committee has pulled out of a planned Feb. 26 debate with NBC News after widespread criticism of this week's CNBC debate from both the party and campaigns.

    But some say the RNC's action may be too late to satisfy candidates who were upset with the questions asked by CNBC moderators on Wednesday night.

    "We are suspending the partnership with NBC News for the Republican primary debate at the University of Houston on February

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    26, 2016," RNC Chairman Reince Priebus wrote in a letter to NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack.

    Friday, October 30, 2015

    Colleges Offer Sensitivity Consultants for Halloween Costumes Is your costume politically correct?

    10.30.2015 News  Sarah Fisher

    ollege campuses are alerting the student body that they can call and consult with advisors as to whether their Halloween costume is politically correct.

    “Unsure if your costume might be offensive?” asks a poster that’s been hung around campus at State University of New York at Geneseo. “Don’t be afraid to ask questions.”

    The poster provides five different phone numbers and email addresses to which students can refer if they are concerned about their costume.

    Wesleyan University is also offering its students the opportunity to make sure their Halloween garb is appropriately inoffensive.

    Kat Timpf at National Review writes,

    It’s not clear whether students will be able to reach these numbers round-the-clock through Halloween weekend. Hopefully they will. After all, Halloween is a very serious issue, and can not be treated as if it were just some fun little holiday that’s a chance for people to use their imaginations and have some fun without taking each other too seriously.

    What if you want to dress up as a politically correct Halloween costume consultant for Halloween?

    The politically correct college costume consultant story was originally reported at College Fix

    Wednesday, October 28, 2015

    Wake Up America: Democrats at War with We The People

    Posted by Lloyd Marcus on October 27, 2015 at 7:53am

    Please forgive me for sounding like a doting dad, but I was blessed to watch my adult daughter play in the softball world series.  I beamed with pride as the outfielders backed up when she came to bat.  However, what I am about to report will further entrench me as a traitor in the minds of other blacks in my family.

    My wife Mary alerted me to the latest horrific incidents of the Knockout Game that were ignored by the mainstream media.  In New Jersey, a black thug knocked out an unsuspecting,defenseless white woman.  In Baltimore, 50 black teens almost beat a 61-year-old white man to death.  My former employer WJZ-TV Baltimore refused to mention in their coverage that the attackers were black.  And yet, race is the first thing out of reporters' mouths in those rare incidences in which whites assault blacks. Stats show that blacks assault whites far more than vice versa.

    I am the first to say all people are solely responsible for their behavior.  However, I see these black assaults on whites as the fist of the Democratic Party punching out innocent whites – the hand of the Democratic Party pulling the trigger assassinating police officers across America.

    Democrats with MSM assistance have successfully convinced many black youths to believe that white America is a collection of racist murderers and responsible for all of black America's woes.  This Democrat-media insidious lie has caused black youths to feel morally justified in punishing their white nemesis.

    Few people realize that the Democratic Party is at war with America.  Yes, I am unequivocally saying everything the Democratic Party does is an attack on traditional morals and values.  The party leadership is repulsed by our God-given freedom and rights written in the Constitution.  Due to his radical education and perverted view of morality, President Obama believes that the world has too little because America has too much.  He is using his presidency to dethrone America as the world power.

    From the Oval Office to numerous corrupted liberalism-infected government agencies, Democrats arrogantly bully and govern with an iron fist against the will of a majority of Americans.  In essence, the Obama regime gives the American people the finger daily.

    From their perch of superiority, Democrats and liberal celebrity elitists believe that only they should be permitted to bear arms, rather than us hayseed commoners.  These elitists live in massive mansions, drive gas-guzzlers, and use colossal amounts of fuel flying their private planes.  Meanwhile, they lobby to force us peons to drive tiny tin cans, use public transportation, and “lower our carbon footprint” to “save the planet.”

    Here are just a few examples of the Dems’ hidden war against Americans.

    The nationwide epidemic of blacks attacking innocent whites is due to a clarion call to attack by Democrat-inspired and supported Black Lives Matter.  What is so frustrating and crazy is that the BLM movement was founded on the lie that white cops and white civilians routinely murder blacks.  Furthering this hate-generating lie, legitimizing and empowering the vile hate group, the Democratic National Committee has given BLM its blessing to host a presidential town hall – to discuss “racial justice.”  Give me a break.  Why not invite the KKK as well?

    hen there is Kate's Law, which was voted down in the Senate by 44 Democrats.  Thirty-two-year-old Kate Steinle, while enjoying a leisurely stroll with her dad on a San Francisco pier, was shot by an illegal who was convicted and deported numerous times.  And yet, he kept coming back to the U.S.

    Kate's Law is a mandatory five years in jail for felony illegals who keep coming back.  To protect our families, a majority of Americans want Kate's Law.  Democrats said, Screw you, America.  We want to continue rolling out the welcome mat to illegals because we are working on giving them the right to vote.  With all the government handouts we offer, we are pretty confident the illegals will become loyal Democrat voters.  So screw Kate, her family, and you, America!

    Another reason why Obama and the Democrats ignore federal law, encouraging the invasion of illegals, is because they believe that America has been too white for too long.  I have to endure a rant from my wife every time she has to “press one for English.”

    Despite national protest rallies and massive intense opposition from the American people, President Obama officially signed his insane Iran nuke deal, giving the world's largest sponsors of terrorism $150 billion.  Iranians boldly chant, “Death to America.”  Obama lied, claiming there are ballistic missile restrictions in his Iran nuke deal.  There are not.  And where will those missiles be pointed?  The answer is America.  Ponder that, folks.

    By the way, a majority of American voters still oppose Obamacare.  Obamacare is another example of the Democrats saying, Screw you – we're taking over your health care, deciding who lives or dies, whether you like it or not.

    verage American Joe knows very little regarding what happened at our U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  In a nutshell, Ambassador Stevens begged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for more security, saying they were sitting ducks for al-Qaeda terrorists.  Stevens's request was denied.  Nothing, including Stevens's and his staff's lives, would be allowed to contradict the Obama administration's lie that al-Qaeda was no longer a threat.  Ambassador Stevens and other Americans were killed in a terrorist attack on our consulate.  Stevens's body was abused and dragged through the street.

    To protect the administration's terrorism-is-not-a-problem lie, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Obama appeared on numerous TV shows insisting that the attack was a spontaneous protest sparked by an anti-Muslim video.  Emails revealed that Hillary knew that the attack had nothing to do with a video and that it was a planned al-Qaeda terrorist attack.

    Displaying the self-serving callousness of a sociopath, Hillary looked Pat Smith, mother of Benghazi victim Sean Smith, in the eye and promised to punish the producer of the video that caused the death of her son.

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    It is extremely chilling that a major political party places its liberal agenda above the lives and best interest of Americans.  This is how their party rolls, folks: Democrats versus the People.

    In softball, my daughter is a natural.  She hit a blast into the stadium lights, exploding them.  Okay, I am exaggerating a bit.  She did hit a ground-ball single that drove in the winning run.  That's my girl!

    Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

    Sunday, October 18, 2015

    Creation Science

    From Facebook:
    Duke Hergatt

    Yesterday at 8:25am · Waterford, NY ·

    Great ministry memory. Dr Bernard Vonnegut, founder of the School of Meteorology at SUNY Albany and team member on the

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    Manhattan Project came to Christ here at Temple late in his life. I taught him creation science. He said "it finally all fits together." He blessed me and said "I gave my life to see how things tick. You have given your life to study the ONE WHO MAKES IT ALL TICK. If I had to do it all over again I would choose what you have chosen". Ain't it amazing whose doors Jesus knocks on!

    GOP Debates

    Need to Know

    October 16, 2015

    CNBC agrees to Trump demand for two-hour debate

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    Posted by Staff

    CNBC has agreed to limit its forthcoming Republican primary debate to two hours and allow for opening and/or closing statements, acquiescing to the demands of Donald Trump and other GOP campaigns, CNN has confirmed.

    The Republican National Committee began calling the campaigns on Friday morning to inform them that CNBC had agreed in principal to limit the debate to two hours, including commercials, and to allow for opening and/or closing statements, according to two sources with knowledge of the decision.

    Friday, October 02, 2015

    Kerry And UN Ambassador Power Snub Netanyahu, Skip UN Speech As Obama Proves He’s A “Big Man”

    How thin-skinned and petty is Hussein Obama? Enough to remove both Secretary of State John Kerry and his clone, UN ambassador Samantha Power, from the auditorium when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was going to be speaking.

    Netanyahu doesn’t like the fact that Obama is giving nuclear weapons to his country’s sworn enemy, one that has pledged to wipe them off the map. Obama probably expected that the subject matter might be more than a little critical of his Iran giveaway, more than would be to his liking and by pulling the top two diplomats he was able to snub the Israeli leader. Obama still hasn’t gotten over the audacity of Netanyahu addressing Congress without kissing his royal ring first.

    Not that it made any difference, the Congressional opposition was all for show, with all of the necessary strategic elements necessary to get the “treaty” through Congress worked out well in advance. It’s not about the nukes or the security of the world; it’s about something much more important, Obama’s ego.

    According to Breitbart News, Kerry and Power were summoned to a video conference with their Fuhrer just prior to the start of

    Netanyahu’s speech on Thursday and were absent for the full duration.

    An unnamed State Department official told them, “Ambassador Power and Secretary Kerry were unable to attend Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech before the General Assembly because they were called into a meeting with President Obama, which they participated in via video teleconference.”

    That same official minimized the importance of their absence, stating, “The United States was represented at the speech by Ambassador David Pressman, Alternate Representative of the United States to the United Nations for Special Political Affairs, Ambassador to Israel Daniel Shapiro, and Ambassador Richard Erdman, Alternate Representative to the UN General Assembly.” While it’s probably true that it was of little consequence whether Kerry or Power were in attendance substantively, the symbolic gestures of disrespect are unmistakable and significant.

    Having failed in his interfering effort to have Netanyahu defeated in Israel’s last election, delivering the most public of personal insultswas the least he could do. That is the childish behavior we expect from the narcissistic despot when his ego is bruised. At least he wasn’t lying on the floor kicking his feet, not where he could be seen, anyway.

    Netanyahu’s speech can be seen in part here.

    I’m Rick Wells – a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. I’m not PC; I call it like I see it. – Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit &

    “The shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christian”

    From “Brutally Honesty” blog.

    We should all be livid that a debate about guns breaks out before the dead and injured quit bleeding, led by the President of the United States, while the elephant in the room is completely ignored:

    The gunman who opened fire at an Oregon community college was forcing people to stand up and state their religion before he began blasting away at them, survivors said Thursday.

    A woman who claimed to have a grandmother inside a writing class in Snyder Hall, where a portion the


    Authorities carry a shooting victim away from the scene... AP Photo

    massacre unfolded, described the scene in a tweet.

    “The shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christian,” she wrote. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs. My grandma just got to my house, and she was in the room. She wasn’t shot, but she is very upset.

    The Twitter user then recalled how her grandmother attempted to save the life of one of her close classmates.

    “She tried to perform CPR on her friend, but it was too late,” the woman said. “I hope nothing like this ever happens again.”

    Kortney Moore, an 18-year-old student at Umpqua Community College who was also in the room, told Oregon’s News Review that the shooter was indeed on the hunt for Christians.

    Moments after hearing a bullet come flying through a window, she said the 20-year-old shooter made his way inside and targeted their teacher, pumping a single round into their head.

    As the young man ordered people to the ground, Moore laid patiently with her classmates and waited, according to the News Review.

    Once they all got down, she said the gunman began asking people to rise and say what their religion was. After they stood and gave their answer, he started shooting.

    God rest the souls of those martyred in His name.

    And a pox on those attempting to score political points on this while being ignorantly oblivious as to what really went down.

    Yes, a pox.

    Crossposted at Wizbang.

    Twitter Wisdom – Oct 2nd–School Shooting

    This is something I have thought and said a lot over the years. . . .


    = Opportunity Hater@NotOne2bPC 27m27 minutes ago

    Maybe if you tried to solve WHY people kill instead of trying to ban what they used....

    From Facebook – School Shooting

    Peter Whitehouse

    18 hrs ·

    Another school shooting… more senseless death. When will we realize that this is so much more than a debate about guns. There is something very wrong with our society. We have consciously removed prayer from schools and God from the marketplace and we have taught humanism with no moral absolutes. And we are surprised? Do you think another law will change our hearts? How we need a spiritual awakening! How we need the Lord! Please pray for these grieving families. Please pray for America.

    Wednesday, September 30, 2015

    GOP Candidates - 2015

    My top 3 candidates are 1. Ted Cruz  2. Donald Trump  3. Dr Ben Carson.   There are a few that I classify as a “maybe” on my list.   Then there are some that if they are the candidate I just will not vote or will maybe find some 3rd party to vote for.  

    I am not a Carly Fiorina fan.   Has anyone stopped to think why the Main Stream Media would push people like Carly or Jeb Bush – it isn’t because they are strong / good Republicans or Conservatives. 

    I can’t put my finger on it but although Chris Christy says some things I like I just can’t warm up to him.  So he is on my maybe list and push come to shove I might vote for him.

    I like Gov Huckabee but I don’t think he is feisty enough to get down in the trenches and fight it out with the liberal socialists.

    Sunday, September 27, 2015

    Donald Trump Immediately Replies With These Four Words When CBS Anchor Asks Why He’s ‘Thin-Skinned’

    The Blaze: Sep. 25, 2015 11:45pm Oliver Darcy

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump fought back against assertions that he is “thin skinned” in an interview set to air in full on “60 Minutes” Sunday.

    “Why so thin-skinned?” CBS News anchor Scott Pelley asked the real estate tycoon.

    Trump immediately responded with four words: “I don’t like lies.”

    He added, “I–I don’t mind a bad story. If you did a bad story on me for 60 Minutes, if it were a fair story I wouldn’t be thin-skinned at all.”

    Trump said that some reporters are “among the worst people” he’s ever encountered in his life.

    “I mean a pretty good percentage is really a terrible group of people. They write lies, they write false stories. They know they’re false. It makes no difference. And frankly I don’t call it thin-skinned, I’m angry,” he told Pelley.

    “But a reporter asks you a couple of tough questions and the first debate and the whole week after that its war on that reporter,” Pelley replied.

    “Well, I don’t think those were fair questions,” Trump said.

    Pelley told Trump that “an impression is created though that you like to dish it out but you can’t take a punch.”

    “Oh I think I can take it,” Trump answered. “I–I could take it if it’s fair. Again, if people say things that are false which happens a lot with me — if people say things that are false I will fight, like, harder than anybody. If I do something wrong, and that happens, and they write a fair story that I did something wrong, there’s nothing to fight about. I can handle that. I don’t like lying. You know I’m a very honorable guy, I don’t like lies.”

    Trump earned himself a reputation for being sensitive to media scrutiny by way of blasting news outlets and reporters who are critical of his campaign. The billionaire has gone after multiple Fox News personalities, National Review’s editor and Politico in recent days.

    Monday, September 14, 2015

    Church Memory – St John Presbyterian in Tampa

    One day after church a small group of men were standing outside talking.   Manuel Beiro said to my dad “Henry, you are a cracker and I am a Cuban, and we’re going to be friends”.   And they were great friends in their church life and in their personal lives.  Today’s church lacks that friendliness, that willingness to reach out to everyone, anyone.    Today we just want to get out of the church and get home perhaps to watch football or some such thing.  Manual and my father and lets not forget Mike Cassanueva were great friends through the years and the world could sure use more men like that.  I miss all of them.

    Saturday, September 12, 2015

    Fox News – So Disappointing

    This has certainly been an eye opening year.  The GOP debates showed me that Fox news is certainly not “Fair and Balanced” and I have started to pay attention once again to the other news sources.  Now today I see where a Fox news guy called Christians “Haters” – sorry guys but I can’t tolerate this anymore and am looking for an alternative news source. 

    Besides “Political Correctness” the thing that is really killing our country is the news media.   What happened to those days when the news media “reported” the news instead of making it?  It seems that the people working for the various news sources are trying to make a name for themselves instead of reporting the news.   I stopped listening to talk radio many many many years ago when I realized that the host was sitting there preaching at me for 3 or so hours instead of taking callers and discussing the topic with them. 



    Thursday, September 10, 2015

    Upper Room Devotional – 9/10/2015

    Read Isaiah 40:25-31

    Thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads in every place the fragrance that comes from knowing him.

    - 2 Corinthians 2:14 (NRSV)

    Today's Devotional

    The day before our Harvest Festival several sisters from church and I decorated the sanctuary with flowers, berries, and trailing shrubs. Our work went smoothly. Soon, bright arrangements were everywhere! When the main decorative work had been completed there were some “leftovers” on the table — broken branches, unattractive flowers, unopened buds. As we gathered all this together to throw into the trashcan, the caring hands of one woman took a few items from the pile of garbage, wrapped a ribbon around them, and crowned her masterpiece with a shiny bead. A charming bouquet appeared before our eyes.

    Sometimes I feel like one of those superfluous, broken branches, thrown away in this materially oriented world. But for our Lord none of us is superfluous or unnecessary. Each person is precious and valuable in God’s eyes. (See Isaiah 43:4.) Each of us is a unique flower in the fragrant bouquet of the Lord.

    Irina Ivanova (Pskov, Russia)

    Thought for the Day:

    None of us is superfluous to God.

    Prayer: Generous and merciful God, help us to know ourselves as your beloved children. Help us to understand that we are wonderfully made by you and that we have everything we need for life and holiness. Amen.

    Prayer Focus: Someone with low self-esteem

    Republican Leadership

    From the “Tea Party Nation”

    The Republican Leadership in Washington want Barack Obama’s Iran sanctions deal to go through.  There is absolutely no doubt about that.  Bailout Bob Corker’s bill, which turned the Senate and the Constitution on its head, would not have passed unless the Republican Leadership wanted it to pass.

    The Republicans are pulling another one of their famous stunts where they publicly oppose a bill, yet set the bill up so it can pass over their objections.  

    Iran screams “Death to America!” all the time.  They spend their money funding terrorist around the world.  Obama hates America and wants to hurt the nation so it is obvious why he wants the Iran deal.  Bo why are the Republicans so determined to pass the bill that let’s Iran build nuclear weapons and end western sanctions against Iran?

    Find out the shocking answer to this question, now on Tea Party Nation.

    Visit Tea Party Nation at:

    Saturday, September 05, 2015

    Church Thoughts

    As I have grown older – ok ok, old;  I have had a lot of chance to reflect on my Christian life and church preference.   I have a lot of miscellaneous and probably unfinished thoughts on a lot of churchy things.   Fasten your seatbelts and hopefully finish reading this post.

    Music,  most of todays churches use contemporary music instead of the old hymns I am used to.   I tolerate the guitars and drums as long as they are not do loud that you can’t hear the voices;  sometimes they are just too overpowering.  I do wish they would sprinkle in an old standard once in a while – I would love to sing thing like “The Old Rugged Cross” or “ In The Garden” once in a while. 

    In the past people would not just say “welcome”, shake your hand and then keep walking. . . because hey there might be a football game on.    They would engage you in an actual conversation.   Maybe invite new folks to a mid week Bible study or Sunday School or church dinner.    And the older church folks would never let a newcomer stand or sit alone. 

    Church folk would even hand you a religious tract booklet or also something I don’t see anymore,  a small New Testament Bible;  I still have one I was given back in 1967 when I was leaving to go to Thailand with the Air Force.  I am not saying that I always read it faithfully but it has travelled with me all over the world and I still have it and look at it once in a while – it planted the seed in Christianity in my life and I am very grateful for it. 

    I remember when (60’s) the Pastor would periodically come around for a visit (usually Sunday afternoon) and maybe a meal.  That really helped to get to know everyone and not just be a face in a crowd;  plus it is nice to get to know the Pastor as a person and not just the guy who preaches.   It wouldn’t work for me in my situation as I am the only “churchy” one – but there are many folks who would benefit from it. 

    In parting,  there is one thing I wish I could do is to go into the sanctuary during the week and just sit there in the quiet and think – but in todays world that just isn’t possible. . . . is it?

    Today’s Generation–Relaxing

    I feel that todays kids don’t know how to relax.  Unless they are bellied up to a bar in the local pub or holding one of their devices staring at the screen or just sitting on the couch watching Netflix  - they are not happy. 


    They do not know how to truly relax.   The wife and I sometimes drive up to Schroon Lake and get a sub at the general store and a bottle of soda and we sit on the hill overlooking the public beach.   Just watching folks swimming and just plain having fun by the lake is so very relaxing.  Watching the lake, the boats the trees gently blowing in the breeze is just a pleasure.    Maybe just listening to people as they talk and laugh while just walking by or playing with Frisbee's or just watching their kids is so very relaxing. 


    For a generation of people who are so inactive because they stay inside and just stare at one or more of their devices constantly – they never let their mind go into neutral to relax for a while. 


    Of course one of the things they don’t do because they are always using one or more devices is that they don’t actually talk to each other or maybe meeting new people.   They live in a very small self contained world and that is sad. 

    Bristol Palin Asks Barack Obama One Simple Question He Refuses to Answer

    From Buzzpo website and Facebook

    As a conservative activist and politically well-informed young woman, Bristol Palin is following steadfastly in her famous mother’s footsteps.

    In a recent blog post, she criticized President Obama’s renaming of Mount McKinley in Alaska to Denali, after years of protests from indigenous tribes.

    “Renaming a mountain is not going to make up for all the other ways he (Obama) has let down the Alaskan people,” Bristol wrote.

    “Why doesn’t he check out our oil fields? Why doesn’t he open our pipeline so we can supply our own natural gas instead of buying it from our enemies in the Middle East … This is just a joke … The next election can’t come any sooner.”

    Wednesday, September 02, 2015

    A Mom's Letter To Her Daughter About Miley Cyrus

    From “Chicks on the Right”, Wednesdaay 8/28/2015

    Written by  Mockarena

    There's a letter from a mom to her daughter that's going all viral like. And it's no wonder, because it's awesome.

    Yes, this is what happens when you constantly hear everything you do is awesome. This is what happens when people fawn over your every Tweet and Instagram photo. This is what happens when no responsible adult has ever said the word “no,” made you change your clothes before leaving the house, or never spanked your butt for deliberate defiance.

    If you ever even consider doing something like that, I promise you that I will run up and twerk so you will see how ridiculous twerking looks. I will duct tape your mouth shut so your tongue doesn’t hangout like an overheated hound dog. I will smack any male whom you decide to smash against his pelvis – after I first knock you on your butt for forgetting how a lady acts in public.

    Why would I do that? Because I love you and I want you to respect yourself. Miley Cyrus is not edgy or cool or sexy. She’s a desperate girl screaming for attention: Notice me. Tell me I’m pretty. See how hot I am. I know all the guys want me. All the girls want to be me.

    You probably know girls who will emulate this behavior at the next school dance. Don’t do it with them. You are far too valuable to sell yourself so cheaply. Walk away. Let the boys gawk and know in your heart that they see only a body that can be used for their pleasure and then forgotten.

    According to the sourcelink, "The mother also apologized to her daughter if she has ever 'felt sad because I haven’t gushed over everything you’ve done.' The job of a mother, she writes, is to 'praise when praise is due, but also to offer constructive criticism and correction when it is needed as well.'”

    “Dear daughter, I am going to fight or die trying to keep you from becoming like the Miley Cyruses of the world,” she concludes. “You can thank me later.”

    OH SNAP.

    What good is the Republican Party in Washington?

    Posted by Judson Phillips on September 2, 2015 at 6:59am in Tea Party Nation Forum

    Does anyone remember 2009? The Republicans in Washington were desperate.  They were a minority in the House of Representatives, where Nancy Pelosi ran that Chamber like her own personal dictatorship. In the Senate, the GOP had shrunk to the point where they could not even filibuster a bill.

    The Republicans begged and pleaded with the base.  If you just get us back into power, they said, we will do everything you want.

    Six years later, conservatives have given the GOP their wish.  The Republicans now control the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Absent a stunning series of events beyond anyone’s control, the Republicans will gain control of the White House after the 2016 election.

    But now, because of things going on in Washington, conservatives are asking, “What good is the Republican Party in Washington?”

    What is happening?

    Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, has announced that there will be no government shutdown at the end of the month.  There will be no attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood has been rocked by scandals that show how evil that organization is.  These videos show executives joking about selling body parts so one of them can buy a Lamborghini. Another horror story involves them talking about cutting through the face of an aborted baby to get the brain.  The understory here is that for some of these aborted babies to be usable for medical purposes, they are basically born alive.

    Planned Parenthood should be defunded and abolished just as a matter of general principle.  But there is a more practical issue here.  The abortion industry is one of the largest funders of the Democrat Party. The Republican Party should take on Planned Parenthood for that reason alone.

    Yes, Barack Obama is threatening to veto any budget bill that does not include funding for Planned Parenthood.  Because he threatening to do so, is no reason for the GOP to surrender.  But that is exactly what they are doing.

    The Republican Party in DC will not fight for anything. Despite their promises, they are not fighting to repeal Obamacare. Despite their promises, they are not fighting to cut spending or reduce the size of government. 

    Some fights you win and some fights you lose.  But you always lose if you never fight. 

    The base is sick of Republicans who will not fight for anything they claim they believe in.

    Is it any wonder many Republicans are now looking at Donald Trump as a candidate?  There is no telling what a President Trump would really do but he is willing to fight the other side.

    That is certainly more than the current Washington leadership is willing to do.

    Monday, August 17, 2015

    Today’s Thoughts – Aug 17, 2015

    Life is getting more confusing every day.  Politics is destroying our nation and our churches.  Many denominations are feeling the need or pressured into changing their values to match society’s values;   it should be the other way around where churches try to change society for the better. 

    One of the main problems in changing your values because of the vocal activists is that they are never satisfied and once they have won one concession they are ready to take another step and then another one and so on. 

    Life will never be just or fair to everyone that just isn’t the way life works.  You cannot take all of the hurt or pain out of life.   Faith in Jesus / God will help you to overcome the pain or hurt but it is always going to be there. 

    Right now I am “un-churched”.  I don’t know where I will ultimately end up.  I should not try to find a new church / denomination that fits “all” of my beliefs or inner thoughts;  like a politician it would be wrong to believe every thing they say. 

    What should I look for in a new church?   If a church feels friendly and welcoming that is a great first step.  Do they invite you to other functions?   Does the preaching seem to be inspiring?  Does the church seem to be alive and are there any outreach ministries, how about children . . . are there any;  no children or few seems to be a sign of a dying church.   Are there any men’s/women’s groups or bible studies during the week?

    I don’t know . . . life is just too confusing right now.

    Is Your Hut Burning?

    Is Your Hut Burning?
    The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and everyday he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions. BUT then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger. "God, how could you do this to me!" he cried.

    Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied.

    It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground - it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.

    For all of the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it:

    You say: "It's impossible"
    God says: All things are possible because God can do all things (Luke 18:27)

    You say: "I'm too tired"
    God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30)

    You say: "Nobody really loves me"
    God says: I love you (John 3:16 and John 13:34)

    You say: "I can't go on"
    God says: My grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9 and Psalm 91:15)

    You say: "I can't do it"
    God says: You can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13)

    You say: "I can't figure things out"
    God says: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6)

    You say: "I'm not able"
    God says: I am able (2 Corinthians 9:8)

    You say: "It's not worth it"
    God says: It will be worth it (Romans 8:28)

    You say: "I can't forgive myself"
    God says: I FORGIVE YOU (l John 1:9 and Romans 8:1)

    You say: "I can't manage"
    God says: I will supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19)

    You say: "I'm afraid"
    God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7)

    You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated"
    God says: Cast all your cares on ME (1 Peter 5:7)

    You say: "I don't have enough faith"
    God says: I've given everyone a measure of faith (Romans 12:3)

    You say: "I'm not smart enough"
    God says: I give you wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30)

    You say: "I feel all alone"
    God says: I will NEVER leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)

    Sunday, August 16, 2015

    If America Goes Down the Toilet: I'm Blaming Lame Pastors

    Doug Giles | Aug 16, 2015  (

    Our country is in a crap sling of gastronomical proportions. I was going to say astronomical but this thing is more gassy than it is interplanetary.

    You wanna know how messed up we’ve become?

    Well, for one, Kim Kardashian has 43 million followers on Instagram just waiting for her to post a pic of her ample ass-ets. Secondly, social media dipsticks think Cecil The Lion’s plight was/is more important than Planned Parenthood's dealing aborted baby body parts. Thirdly, there are actually people in this country, who call themselves Americans, who’re contemplating making Hillary Clinton president.

    Look, as far as I’m concerned, Hillary shouldn’t be allowed to sell moon crickets at Skeeter’s Bait Shop on Lake Pontchartrain, much less run our nation; and if this was 1773 that evil clown would have been jailed for treason and left to rot in jail until her teeth turned brown.

    In addition to peeps actually contemplating Hillary for President, the Right’s answer to the potential Hildebeest acid-trip is Donald Trump.

    Now, don’t get me wrong … I love what Trump is doing both to the Left and the Right, in stirring the putrid political pot, but I’m a guessin’ that even Trump has to be befuddled that he has to pony up to fix this slop.

    So, how’d we arrive at such a gloomy place, where we would elect Obama twice, a junior state senator whose claim to fame was writing two books about himself: and where many are actually thinking about heaving Hillary’s haggard backside into the Oval Office to sit behind the same desk where Bill shagged Monica?

    While everyone is running around playing pin the blame-tail on the donkey, trying to super-glue responsibility for our nation’s decades long complicated demise, I’d like to put the church at the top of the culpability flow chart. Yes, I blame the brethren, in particular ministers, for not stemming the tide on our nation’s abysmal slide.

    The last 40-plus years of ecclesiastical “influence” has allowed for political corruption to take place that would’ve never seen the light of day from pastors who were here during our country’s conception. Yep, the majority of ministers that were kicking around during our nation's founding and framing wouldn’t have let this smack go down on their watch. Oh, hell no.

    No, matter of fact, America’s early ministers, unapologetically, poured lighter fluid on our original revolt against political tyrants. They weren’t ministers who were preaching for financial profit, longing to be Charisma magazine’s playmate of the month, but were instead veritable founts of political offense if you were peddling enslavement to government goons. Yes, they were holy, ticked-off fire-brands unafraid to rebuke political pigs that wished to enslave us.

    The original pastors were rebels. Our current crop of clergy are like Obadiah’s “prophets” hiding in caves from Hillary… I mean Jezebel. The New England clergy fueled The American Revolution because they loved this thing called liberty and independence more than life and they had no problem whatsoever destroying political pariahs who sought to enslave people to big government jackasses.

    If America is going to go forward into greatness then the Elijahs of God are going to have to come forth and get a whip and start clearing the punks.

    Let us pray…

    Thursday, August 13, 2015

    Advice for a Good Life

    We come into this world crying while all around us are smiling.  May we so live that we go out of this world smiling while everybody around us is weeping.        

    -- Persian proverb

    Killing Babies – Betraying Israel – God Bless America?

    Tea Party Nation website


    Killing Babies – Betraying Israel – God Bless America?

    Death to America
    Josh, in Israel, emailed me. He said they are“living under the specter of the Iran deal and see where this is all heading.” They are extremely concerned. Josh said, “For starters what even gave him the right to lead such "negotiations" on behalf of the world? Who anointed him king, anyway?” Josh concluded, “Either Obama's deal is insane or deliberate.”
    Well Josh, the US mainstream media has for all intensive purposes made Obama king. Concerned Americans say we are resembling a banana republic (dishonest government ignoring laws). The MSM aggressively promotes whatever Obama wants the public to know and blocks what he does not.
    For example: Everyone knows about the shooting of Cecil the lion. Due to a MSM insidious blackout of the story, 70% of Americans do not know about the real-life horror movie happening behind the walls of Planned Parenthood. The vile scumbags at PP are illegally black marketing baby body parts (mostly black). Cause for PP staff to high-five and celebrate is when they score an intact dead baby because the profit is higher.
    Think about that folks. The MSM has made sure the masses know nothing about Obama and Democrats supporting and covering up the PP illegal baby body parts chop shop scandal. And yet, everyone knows about the death of a lion.
    The MSM also makes sure (king) Obama can lie with impunity. In my youth, I naively thought public officials cannot lie because we have video. If Obama lies to America and the MSM refuses to call him on it, does it make a sound?
    Yo Morgan, I need you and that Black dude (Jack Black) to sell my nuke deal to my peeps. Whenever Obama wants to scam blacks his language becomes more urban. Black actor Morgan Freeman and other Hollywood liberals produced a video, “#Iran Deal is Awesome!” – to sell Obama's nightmarish deal. The lie-filled video is an outrageous insult to Americans' intelligence.
    Clearly, Obama knows the MSM will help sell his lies. The Iran ego-driven irresponsible nuke deal is Obama urinating on America and Israel's head while his minions tell us his golden nectar is divine rain that will ultimately produce beautiful flowers of peace. Frustratingly, black race loyalists, white guilt ridden Obama sycophants and Leftists will sigh and say, “Isn't he wonderful?”
    My announcer will tell you how Obama's deal screws everyone.

    Thanks Lloyd, and hereeee's what Iran gets – over one hundred billion dollars to further its role as the world's greatest exporters of terrorism. That's right folks. The US will be funding terrorism, against itself.

    The guy Obama made the deal with, Ayatollah Khamenei, along with Iranian hardliners chant, “Death to America!” Ayatollah Khamenei's new book, “Palestine” instructs how tooutsmart the US and destroy Israel. Obama says chill-out, Khamenei does not mean it.

    Obama says inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran's nuclear facilities to insure they are not making a bomb. Not true. The deal says inspectors must give Iran 24 days notice whichIran can stretch even longer. Do I really need to elaborate on the absurdity of this Obama concession?

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Obama's nuke deal will spark a middle east nuclear arms race. Well duh! If the neighborhood bully gets a gun, doesn't self-preservation dictate that neighbors rush to acquire guns to defend themselves from the bully? Is Obama that stupid or is he, as Josh suggested, “deliberately” endangering Israel?

    But wait folks, there's more. Everyone on the planet knows Iran will break the deal and immediately pursue a nuclear bomb. In 2013, Obama backed Israel's right to use force to stop them. Unbelievably, Obama's Iran nuke deal requires the US to defend Iran against Israel. Can you imagine the US actually fighting our ally to protect terrorism? How satanic is that?

    Regarding Israel (Genesis 12:3): “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee.”– God

    And now, back to you, Lloyd!

    To my fellow black Christians who are going along with Obama's evil deal, you should be ashamed of yourselves; choosing skin-color loyalty over God's chosen people.
    The Bible says, “Before I formed thee in thy mother's womb, I knew thee...” To provide intact dead babies for its clients, PP abortion doctors deliver the entire baby except for the head (partial birth abortion). Then, the doctor inserts scissors into the base of the baby's skull and forces the scissors up into its brain to kill the baby. Whether you are a Bible believer or not, your gut tells you this is evil. This fall, congress will vote whether or not to continue giving PP billions of taxpayer dollars in support of this evil.
    In less the 50 days, congress will vote thumps up or down on Obama's insane Iran nuke deal. Thumps up equals officially turning our backs on our ally, Israel.
    Brother and sister Americans, if congress fails us on either of these two crucial issues, how can we expect God to bless America?
    Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
    Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

    Sunday, August 09, 2015

    The Show Stunk – GOP Debate on Fox News

    Tea Party Nation – daily E-Mail

    The Show Stunk

    Demeaning, disrespectful and stupid.  That was the farce played out on Fox last night, the so-called “debate”, where no debating occurred.

    For the first six minutes, the viewers saw only Baier and Kelly.  Why?  Are they running for the office of president?  Why do we see them at all?  There is absolutely no need to see them.  We need only hear their voices as they ask the questions, insulating viewers from their expressions.  But, it was all about them.

    When after six minutes they finally brought out the candidates, Kelly yells out cheerily “C’mon out guys!”  Then they filed out like contestants on Family Feud.  True, most of them weren’t worth any more notice than that, just empty suits.  But Trump, Cruz, Carson, Walker, Huckabee and Kasich had actually accomplished some things in their lives other than government employment.

    “C’mon out guys”?  They should have opened the show with the contestants at their podiums.  The intro was insulting.  Worse was to follow.

    The first question was reserved for Donald Trump.  True, it was posed to all of them, but it was clearly meant for Trump.  Baier asked for a show of hands if there was anyone among the contestants who would not endorse the eventual GOP nominee and would instead run as an independent.  Trump raised his hand.  Of course, Baier and probably most of the audience knew that Trump had stated his intention to run as an independent if he was ill-treated by the GOP.

    Trump’s answer threw Baier into a snit.  Baier retorted with his own, no doubt rehearsed, loud editorial, repeating Trump’s answer and telling the viewers that such an action would result in a Democrat victory.  His face looked mean.  He had rehearsed the look, for your benefit.

    His statement was a blatant lie.  Prior to the election, Baier cannot know the outcome of Trump – or anyone else – running as an independent.  If Baier knows that, then Baier knows who the next president will be.  If Baier knows who the next president will be then, it’s all rigged.  The election’s a scam.  However, that’s even beside the point.  We were not there to hear Baier, but to hear the candidates.  We don’t care what Baier thinks.  He’s just an actor.

    When Rand Paul suddenly launched into Trump like a hysterical Schnauzer, I had to change the channel.  I was done.  I guess my wife is made of stronger stuff because she stuck it out, telling me that Kelly went on to ask Trump why he was mean to women.  So now we have a new presidential issue, “meanness to women”.  Right.  Would she have asked that of Bill Clinton or JFK?  But Donald Trump?

    I understand that the remainder was dedicated to all the stuff that either belongs in the states or on foreign policy – none of which are the things which most affect Americans on a daily basis.  Most Americans are concerned with economics and their personal security as well as their freedom to act in their own self-interest.  Thus, there was little discussion of taxation, bureaucratic overreach, repeal of Obamacare, government spending, or any of the associated details which matter to us all every day.  Time watching a Three Stooges episode would have been better spent.

    What was crystal clear was that the mission of Baier and Kelly was to take out Donald Trump.  Of course, they’re all in for Bush and other Establishment figures which I knew from the start.  I wondered if they had been coached by the CIA, which maintains ties with all the major networks and news outlets (Read here if you want more on this:   What’s the CIA doing in domestic affairs? )  Whatever the situation, the show was truly bad – at least as much as I could stomach without getting sick.  I won’t be watching any of the others and I doubt that anyone learned anything worth learning, except how pathetic the Republican National Committee is for setting up such a bad and insulting show while targeting an individual for elimination.  If I was Donald Trump, I would be announcing my Independent candidacy today.

    Saturday, August 08, 2015

    Fox News – GOP Debate

    I was totally bummed out by the debates,  specially the way FOX news handled it.   Bottom line is that FOX News is no longer my number one news source because that didn’t just moderate the debate they made a huge attempt to influence it and to crush one of the candidates, while propping up another one. 

    The whole format of the debate was wrong also.   In a true debate a question is asked and each candidate responds to it and then the listener gets to choose which one answered it best according to his or her own values. 

    Looking at the minutes each candidate got it was not even close to being fair.  Two candidates got twice as many minutes as other ones.  FOX news can drop their motto now as it no longer applies – fair and balanced it is NOT.

    Now excuse me I have to go and try to find another news source. . . .

    Friday, August 07, 2015

    Donald Trump on Sean Hannity

    From Sean Hannity daily email,  August 7, 2015

    Trump on 3rd Party Pledge: Why Should I Give Up Leverage?
    Sean spoke with Donald Trump after last night's first GOP presidential debate and asked the frontrunner why he declined to support the eventual GOP nominee.
    Trump explained that he refused to take the pledge to not run as a third-party candidate because he didn't want to give up his leverage with the Republican Party.
    "If they don't treat me well, Sean, why should I make that pledge?" Trump asked. "At this moment, it's great leverage, and I might as well use it."
    "I just want to be treated well and treated with respect."
    Trump also took issue with the Fox News moderators. "These people (Fox News moderators) were not so nice to me, as far as I'm concerned," he said. The Republican frontrunner then took a jab at moderator Megyn Kelly.
    "[T]he question from Megyn. It was not a nice question to start off with," he said.
    To watch Sean's entire post-debate interview with Donald Trump please click here.

    Monday, July 27, 2015

    20 Short Clean Jokes

    Complements of Chicks on the Right !





    Tuesday, July 21, 2015

    Romans 12: 1-3

    King James Version

    Rom 12:1  I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
    Rom 12:2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
    Rom 12:3  For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

    Poll: Trump surges to big lead in GOP presidential race

    From Laura Ingraham’s website

    July 21, 2015

    Poll: Trump surges to big lead in GOP presidential race
    Posted by Staff

    The Washington Post:
    Businessman Donald Trump surged into the lead for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, with almost twice the support of his closest rival, just as he ignited a new controversy after making disparaging remarks about Sen. John McCain’s Vietnam War service, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

    Support for Trump fell sharply on the one night that voters were surveyed following those comments. Telephone interviewing for the poll began Thursday, and most calls were completed before the news about the remarks was widely reported.

    Although the sample size for the final day was small, the decline was statistically significant. Still, it is difficult to predict what could happen to Trump’s support in the coming days and weeks as the controversy plays out.

    07/21/15 7:21 AM

    New Poll: Americans Show Decreasing Support for Gay Marriage

    From  Laura Ingraham’s website – July 21, 2015

    July 20, 2015

    New Poll: Americans Show Decreasing Support for Gay Marriage
    Posted by Staff

    Conservative Review:

    It’s been over three weeks since the Supreme Court redefined marriage, nullified multiple portions of the Constitution, and implicitly blessed the budding pagan inquisition against religious liberty.  Yet, the GOP-controlled Congress has done absolutely nothing – not even on a committee level – to protect religious liberty and fight back against judicial tyranny.

    If the American people actually had a party that cared about the Founding principles, the fact that some states are violating the religious liberty and private property rights of Christian business owners would be enough to inspire immediate action at a federal level.  Sadly, no such party exists. 

    But don’t Republicans at least read the polling data?

    07/20/15 10:25 AM

    Monday, July 20, 2015

    Report: As Conceal Carry Permits Climb, Murder Rates Drop

    Townhall .com  Leah Barkoukis  July 19, 2015

    Gun control advocates insist that tougher gun laws will reduce murder rates, but according to a new report by the Crime Prevention Research Center, just the opposite has been true under President Obama.

    Since President Obama’s election the number of concealed handgun permits has soared, growing from 4.6 million in 2007 to over 12.8 million this year. Among the findings in our report:

    -- The number of concealed handgun permits is increasing at an ever- increasing rate. Over the past year, 1.7 million additional new permits have been issued – a 15.4% increase in just one single year. This is the largest ever single-year increase in the number of concealed handgun permits. [...]

    -- Between 2007 and 2014, murder rates have fallen from 5.6 to 4.2 (preliminary estimates) per 100,000. This represents a 25% drop in the murder rate at the same time that the percentage of the adult population with permits soared by 156%. Overall violent crime also fell by 25 percent over that period of time.

    -- States with the largest increase in permits have seen the largest relative drops in murder rates.

    “It puts the lie to the myth promulgated by anti-gun individuals that somehow more law-abiding citizens carrying guns will lead to more crime. In fact, quite the opposite is the case,” said Larry Keene, senior vice president and general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, reports The Washington Times. “More law-abiding citizens own firearms for self-protection, and crime continues to decline.”

    Increasingly, too, polling shows support for gun ownership growing and support for gun control falling. The former eclipsed the latter in December of 2014, when for the first time the American public found it more important to protect Second Amendment rights than control gun ownership.

    “The public increasingly understands that gun control is a failed social experiment, and it doesn’t work,” Keene said, reports the Times. “All gun control ever does is infringe upon the rights of the law-abiding citizens and does nothing to stop criminals from illegally acquiring firearms, and it doesn’t stop them from misusing them in crime.”

    The researchers found that the change in trends with regard to permits and gun sales is directly related to Barack Obama’s presidency. Simply put, the greater the push for gun control in the wake of several mass shootings, the more Americans head to the gun shop.

    “Whenever we see calls by politicians to take away the ability to exercise a fundamental civil liberty protected by the Second Amendment, people react,” Keene said, reports the Times.

    And interestingly, the research shows that the stereotype of the gun-owning American “being a middle-aged white male from the South” is definitely not true anymore.

    Women and minorities are getting more permits than Caucasian males, the research found. In fact, black females made up the fastest growing concealed handgun permit group. 

    Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, told the Times that the data on black permit holders is good news for conservatives.

    “That is probably one of the most encouraging findings in that whole survey,” he said. “That ought to give liberals and anti-Second Amendment folks a lot of reason to cry."