Saturday, August 31, 2013

Gotta Love Charlie Daniels

Charlie Daniels@CharlieDaniels 52s

How long is it going to take this country to realize that our president does not know what he is doing and refuses to listen to those who do

Sarah Palin on Syria / Obama

Note:  I would vote for Sarah in a heartbeat. . .



"So we're bombing Syria because Syria is bombing Syria? And I'm the idiot?" - Sarah Palin

* President Obama wants America involved in Syria's civil war pitting the antagonistic Assad regime against equally antagonistic Al Qaeda affiliated rebels. But he's not quite sure which side is doing what, what the ultimate end game is, or even whose side we should be on. Haven't we learned? WAGs don't work in war.

* We didn't intervene when over 100,000 Syrians were tragically slaughtered by various means, but we'll now intervene to avenge the tragic deaths of over 1,000 Syrians killed by chemical weapons, though according to the White House we're not actually planning to take out the chemical weapons because doing so would require "too much of a commitment."

* President Obama wants to do what, exactly? Punish evil acts in the form of a telegraphed air strike on Syria to serve as a deterrent? If our invasion of Iraq wasn't enough of a deterrent to stop evil men from using chemical weapons on their own people, why do we think this will be?

* The world sympathizes with the plight of civilians tragically caught in the crossfire of this internal conflict. But President Obama's advertised war plan (which has given Assad enough of a heads-up that he's reportedly already placing human shields at targeted sites) isn't about protecting civilians, and it's not been explained how lobbing U.S. missiles at Syria will help Syrian civilians. Do we really think our actions help either side or stop them from hurting more civilians?

* We have no clear mission in Syria. There's no explanation of what vital American interests are at stake there today amidst yet another centuries-old internal struggle between violent radical Islamists and a murderous dictatorial regime, and we have no business getting involved anywhere without one. And where's the legal consent of the people's representatives? Our allies in Britain have already spoken. They just said no. The American people overwhelmingly agree, and the wisdom of the people must be heeded.

* Our Nobel Peace Prize winning President needs to seek Congressional approval before taking us to war. It's nonsense to argue that, "Well, Bush did it." Bull. President Bush received support from both Congress and a coalition of our allies for "his wars," ironically the same wars Obama says he vehemently opposed because of lack of proof of America's vital interests being at stake.

* Bottom line is that this is about President Obama saving political face because of his "red line" promise regarding chemical weapons.

* As I said before, if we are dangerously uncertain of the outcome and are led into war by a Commander-in-chief who can't recognize that this conflict is pitting Islamic extremists against an authoritarian regime with both sides shouting "Allah Akbar" at each other, then let Allah sort it out.

- Sarah Palin

Obama blows off Congress

Complements of Barracuda Brigade:


Friday, August 30, 2013

Obama Blows Off Congress & We The People During Congressional Call ~> Meets Instead With Magic Johnson ~>

Clint nailed it, Obama = Empty Chair. Guess war with Syria is not more important than Magic Johnson. Hey Congress, Obama didn't just blow you off, he blew us, "We the People" off. This is unacceptable, we demand impeachment proceedings begin today...Right Now...!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pentagon Labels Founding Fathers, Conservatives as Extremists

Todd Starnes | Aug 26, 2013


George Washington would not be welcome in the modern U.S. military. Neither would Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin, according to Department of Defense training documents that depict the Founding Fathers as extremists and conservative organizations as “hate groups.”

The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute training guide was obtained by Judicial Watch under a Freedom of Information Act Request. It was acquired from the Air Force but originated from the Pentagon.

“This document deserves a careful examination by military leadership,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told Fox News. “Congress needs to conduct better oversight and figure out what the heck is going on in our military.”

Included in the 133-pages of lesson plans is a student guide entitled “Extremism.”

The DOD warns students to be aware “that many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights and how to make the world a better place.”

Under a section titled “Extremist Ideologies,” the document states, “In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples.”

“It’s disturbing insight into what’s happening inside Obama’s Pentagon,” Fitton told Fox News. “The Obama administration has a nasty habit of equating basic conservative values with terrorism.”

The Pentagon did not return telephone calls seeking comment on the training materials.

The training guide warned that participation in groups that are regarded as extremist organizations is “incompatible with military service and is, therefore prohibited.”

“It’s craziness,” Fitton said. “It’s political correctness run amok.”

The training documents also focus on those who cherish individual liberty.

“Nowadays, instead of dressing in sheets or publically espousing hate messages, many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights and how to make the world a better place.”

The document relied heavily on information obtained from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a leftwing organization that has a history of labeling conservative Christian organizations like the Family Research Council as “hate groups.”

Fitton said the reliance on SPLC material is troubling.

In 2012, an FRC guard was shot during an attack on their headquarters building. The gunman admitted he was influenced by the SPLC’s branding of the Christian group has a hate group.

It’s not the first time the military has been caught using training materials that depict conservatives and Christians as extremists.

In April Fox News obtained an email sent by a lieutenant colonel at Fort Campbell to three dozen subordinates warning them to be on the lookout for any soldiers who might be members of “domestic hate groups” like the FRC and the American Family Association.

“When we see behaviors that are inconsistent with Army Values – don’t just walk by – do the right thing and address the concern before it becomes a problem,” the email advised.

At the time the Army denied there was any attack on Christians or those who hold religious beliefs.

“The notion that the Army is taking an anti-religion or anti-Christian stance is contrary to any of our policies, doctrines and regulations,” an Army spokesman told Fox News at the time.

However, in a separate incident, an Army training instructor listed Evangelical Christianity and Catholicism as examples of religious extremism – along with Al Qaeda and Hamas.

The same Army spokesman said the training session was an “isolated incident not condoned by the Department of the Army.”

Fitton told Fox News the military seems to be having a lot of isolated incidents and it appears the Pentagon is sending a message to Christians.

“They are putting out the not-welcome sign to conservative Christians,” Fitton said. “They are trying to make the military an unwelcome place for conservative Christians.”

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Quinn's Sex Pills for 11-year-old Girls

  • Posted by David Lawrence on August 23, 2013 at 9:36am
  • Quinn’s Sex Pills for 11-year-old Girls

    Christine Quinn in the Post (Wed., 8-21) says “she’s open to allowing middle-school girls as young as 11 to receive the morning-after contraceptive pill.”

    She thinks she is being pragmatic but she is actually showing her underlying dislike of sexual differences.   Confused by her own sexuality and gender, she believes that pushing contraception on children is not in any way awkward nor immoral.  No wonder she has received a mayoral endorsement from the anti-family Planned Parenthood of New York City Political Committee.

    Sexuality need not be related to the practical use of contraception.  It has its own magnificent chemistry and must not be cheapened by removing sanctions and making it overly easy.  Encouraging children to have sex is to steal their youth from them.

    It is sick, whether or not practical, to give contraception to eleven years olds. Although it is no longer popular to say, lesbians have problems in that they view the world differently from ninety-nine per cent of the population.  And they only get away with it because they are enabled by angry liberals who are mortally afraid of being labeled homophobic, even when it is appropriate to be so.

    Thursday, August 22, 2013

    More Wit and Wisdom from Twitter


    White 89-year-old WW2 vet beaten to death by two black teens. No urgent TV specials. No national conversation. No O identifying with victim


    The Golden Mirror@TheGoldenMirror 58m

    Don't only be compassionate towards others. Also be compassionate towards yourself.


    Charlie Daniels@CharlieDaniels 1h

    How long is the world going to stand by and let that sob in Syria Exterminate human beings. What a horrible way to die.


    Wise Man Si@WiseManSi 2h

    Don't be afraid of losing someone who doesn't feel lucky to have you.

    Monday, August 19, 2013

    Marriage, When Will the Liberals Stop

    by Fox News Insider // Aug 19 2013 // 12:09pm

    A Florida attorney named Paul Rampell is suggesting that couples sign “wedleases” in order to avoid messy divorces. Essentially, a couple would enter a marriage contract and select the length of the term. At the time of the lease’s expiration, the couple can either renew it or not.

    Donald Trump reacted on Fox and Friends this morning saying that while he’s always been a proponent of pre-nuptial agreements, “this is beyond pre-nups.”

    “I think this might be taking it one step too far,” Trump said.

    What do you think? Is it a good idea?  

    Obama’s New Math Curriculum Gives Kids Points for Wrong Answers?!

    by Fox News Insider // Aug 19 2013 // 10:29am

    In a YouTube video, a curriculum coordinator in Chicago explains how through this new program students can actually get the answer wrong, but still receive full credit!

    She said, “Even if they said 3x4 was 11, if they were able to explain their reasoning and explain how they came up with their answer, really in words or in oral explanations […] but they just got the final number wrong, we’re really more focusing on the 'how'

    Anna Kooiman asked whether this is a continuation of the “wussification” of America.

    “This is not going to work in the real world if this child becomes a doctor and decides to operate on the wrong knee!”

    Hillary's racial politics

    August 18, 2013

    Hillary's racial politics
    Posted by Staff


    Hillary Clinton began her 2016 march to the White House last week, and it wasn't a promising debut. The former first lady and Senator used her first big policy speech since leaving the State Department to portray American election laws as fundamentally racist. The speech was longer on anecdotes than statistics, so allow us to fill in some of the holes.
    "In 2013, so far, more than 80 bills restricting voting rights have been introduced in 31 states," Mrs. Clinton told her political base of lawyers at the American Bar Association. She portrayed these laws as part of an effort reaching back years to "disproportionately impact African-Americans, Latino and young voters." And she threw the Supreme Court in as part of this racist conspiracy, assailing its recent decision finding the "preclearance" section of the Voting Rights Act to be unconstitutional.

    08/18/13 4:43 PM

    'Ethnic cleansing' on USA soccer team?

    August 18, 2013

    'Ethnic cleansing' on USA soccer team?
    Posted by Staff


    A Los Angeles soccer team is being 'ethnically cleansed' as part of a strategy by the billionaire owner to Mexicanize it, a former employee has claimed.
    In a lawsuit filed on Wednesday, former Chivas USA human resources director Cynthia Craig has alleged that a culture of harassment and discrimination caused her departure.
    The African-American claims she was forced out of her job in July by the team's owner Jorge Vergara and president, Jose David, because she was not Mexican and could not speak Spanish.
    The former youth academy coaches, Daniel Calichman and Teddy Chronopoulos, have also alleged that they were victims of the team's purging of non-Mexican players and coaches, according to Fox News.

    08/18/13 5:12 PM

    Saturday, August 17, 2013

    Stupid Liberal Quotes

    My fear is that the whole island (of Guam) will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize. -- Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson

    I propose a limitation be put on how many sqares [sic] of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don’t want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required. -- Sheryl Crow

    Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. -- Barack Obama

    Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs. -- Nancy Pelosi

    During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. -- Al Gore

    Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’ The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you. -- Joe Biden

    Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them. -- Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

    If we want to keep our reproductive rights, we must be willing to tell our stories, to be willing and able to say, “I love my life, but I wish my mother had aborted me.” -- Lynn Beisner, the Guardian

    Isn't it a little racist to call it Black Friday? -- Joy Behar

    Seniors love getting junk mail. It’s sometimes their only way of communicating or feeling like they’re part of the real world. -- Harry Reid

    Thursday, August 08, 2013

    Our soldiers at Fort Hood were unarmed, thanks to Bill Clinton

    Welcome to The Michael Savage Newsletter, your daily insider report on all things "Savage."
    In today's issue: The trial of the Fort Hood killer is finally under way, four years after the massacre that left 13 dead and 32 injured.
    Michael Savage is the only talk-show host asking one of the most important lingering questions: Why were all those soldiers unarmed, and which president disarmed them?

    "How could one throwback piece of trash like Major Hasan execute 13 soldiers and injure another 32, without a shot being fired in return?" Savage wondered, noting:
      It was a military base not an elementary school.
      This is your military under this twisted administration, but make no mistake: It goes back to George W. Bush, who didn’t fix what Bill Clinton started.
      Bill Clinton disarmed our troops.
      One of his first acts upon taking office in 1993 was to prevent soldiers on military bases from carrying their personal firearms.
      This law made it almost impossible for commanders to issue firearms to soldiers for their personal protection.
      That’s why a civilian policewoman from off base was the one who finally halted Major Hasan’s rampage, with her marksmanship.
      The 13 bodies in that Texas morgue are the direct result of gun control craziness as enacted by Clinton.

    Tuesday, August 06, 2013

    Commending a President, His Daughter and the Secret Service

    by Chuck Norris Aug 6, 2013

    A few weeks ago, a former president and many of his Secret Service agents made a significant sacrifice on behalf of another young American that went largely unnoticed by most of the nation. Did you catch it?

    My friend and our 41st president, 89-year-old George H.W. Bush, in solidarity with his Secret Service detail, shaved his head for 2-year-old Patrick -- the son of one of Bush's former agents -- who has leukemia and is undergoing chemotherapy for it.

    The Bush Protective Division launched a website, at to help with Patrick's medical bills. It also is spearheading the inaugural Patrick's Pals Motorcycle Benefit Run on Aug. 10 in Kennebunkport, Maine, which is a 50-mile motorcycle ride through the countryside, with a lunch and silent auction to follow.

    When Bush decided to lose his hair in support of young Patrick, many of us were reminded of Bush's own precious and brave daughter Robin, who died from leukemia 60 years ago at age 3.

    George W. Bush was born first in 1946. Pauline Robinson Bush -- known as Robin -- was born second in 1949. She was diagnosed with leukemia right after her brother Jeb was born in 1953.

    Barbara Bush recollected those tough times during an interview with her granddaughter Jenna Bush Hager for the Today show. After Robin's prognosis, the former first lady said, the Bushes were told there was nothing they could do. A doctor said: "You don't do anything. She's going to die. ... My advice is to take her home, love her. In about two weeks, she'll be gone."

    Of course, the Bushes weren't going to give up that easily. Instead, they opted for Robin's aggressive treatment, including painful blood marrow tests, blood transfusions and chemotherapy. It wasn't easy on Robin or her parents, but they all faced their fears courageously for Robin's sake.

    The Los Angeles Times explained: "In his 1987 biography Looking Forward, Bush said prayer helped him and his wife through Robin's treatment: 'Barbara and I sustained each other; but in the end, it was our faith that truly sustained us, as gradually but surely, Robin slipped away.'"

    Though the treatment extended her life by roughly six months, Robin went home to heaven Oct. 11, 1953, two months before her fourth birthday.

    Barbara shared: "I was combing her hair and holding her hand. I saw that little body. I saw her spirit go."

    5 Liberal Policies That Backfire and Ruin Lives

    John Hawkins | Aug 06, 2013


    The biggest problem with modern liberalism is that it has devolved into little more than childlike emotionalism applied to adult issues. A liberal picks which policies to support based on whether they make him feel "nice" or "mean" and then he declares a policy to be a moral imperative based on his emotional reaction to it. There's no consideration put into whether the cost of a program is worth the benefits provided or whether the policy ultimately benefits more people than it harms; there's just a wild lurch based on feelings. Unfortunately for liberals, governing in that fashion is not sustainable over the long haul and leads to the sort of disasters we've recently seen in Greece and Detroit. Unfortunately for the rest of us, the wheels of history turn slowly and at times, ambiguously, which means bad ideas can take a long time to prove their unworthiness -- so long in fact, that there's often someone trying the same failed idea under a new name by the time the old idea has been discredited. 1) Price controls: Limiting the prices of certain goods like gas, electricity or food seems a kind -hearted thing to do. However, lamentably, it destroys the way the market functions. If the price of a product or service is kept artificially low, it will cause the populace to use more of it than it normally would. When this happens under ordinary circumstances, suppliers spend more money to keep the product coming (They buy surplus stock, set up 2nd and 3rd shifts at their plants, etc., etc.), they raise the price to cover their higher expenses and they wet their beak a bit by taking a little extra profit. On the other hand, if they can't cover the extra expenses because of price controls, they'll still try to sell what they have available, but there is no longer an incentive to use extra resources to meet demand for the product. So, when you see price controls put in effect, prepare yourself, because as sure as night follows day, a shortage is going to eventually occur.

    2) Affirmative Action: In an effort to help black Americans, liberals advocate Affirmative Action. Sadly, this has turned into a particularly detrimental policy for black Americans. First off, every black American now has a question mark over his achievements. Did he deserve them or were they given because of Affirmative Action? This is one of the biggest drivers in the grossly unfair, soft bigotry to low expectations that are all often applied to black Americans in the media. Worse yet, depending on the numbers you believe, somewhere between 60-70% of black Americans drop out of college. Affirmative Action has a lot to do with that because it "helps" black Americans get into a more rigorous college than they may be ready to handle at a young age. As Walter Williams has said,

    "...(B)lack students who are being turned into failures at MIT, if they’d gone to engineering school at the University of Pennsylvania or Cornell, they’d be on the Dean’s list."

    That's an awful lot of human potential being wasted in the name of Affirmative Action.

    3) Rent Control: Everybody needs a place to call home; so keeping rents low seems like a benevolent idea. Also, who wouldn't want a great place to live on the cheap? However, in practice, cities with rent control are the most expensive places in America to rent. That's because housing is a for profit industry. Existing apartments that can't make a profit will close and new builders certainly aren't going to build more space if they can't make a profit on it. If you have a housing glut, it's cheap to find a place to live. If you create an artificial housing shortage via rent control, it creates more homelessness and makes an area less affordable to live in for average families.

    4) The DDT Ban: DDT is a safe, incredibly effective pesticide that was used extensively here in the United States with few negative effects. Sadly, Rachel Carson's junk science book Silent Spring made a lot of wild, unsupported claims about DDT hurting birds that forever stuck in the minds of liberals. The substance was banned worldwide and even after the ban was lifted, liberal foundations, governments, and USAID have applied tremendous pressure to keep poor countries from using it. This is regrettable because DDT was and still is the cheapest and most effective way to kill mosquitoes that spread malaria. It's very difficult to estimate the numbers of people in poor nations that have died because of liberal hatred of DDT, but most estimates seem to at least put it in the tens of millions with another million or so dying each year. There are a lot of dictators whose names we curse that haven't killed as many human beings as liberals have by making sure poor people in South America and Africa can't use DDT to free themselves of the scourge of malaria.

    5) The Minimum Wage/Living Wage: What could be wrong with making sure that everyone makes at least a certain minimal amount for any work he does? After all, shouldn't everyone make enough to support a family off his wages? That's a nice idea, but the problem with it is that businesses aren't charities and when you force them to pay employees more per hour than they're worth, the company is probably going to react either by cutting their work force, replacing them with machinery, technology or outsourcing, or by hiring a smaller number of higher quality workers that are worth the money. In other words, minimum wages and living wages create unemployment. A great example of how this works recently happened in D.C. A law was passed targeting Wal-Mart which would have forced the retailer to pay its workers 50% more than the minimum wage. Wal-Mart's response was to cancel the opening of six stores in the area. The liberal argument is that the thousands of people who would have voluntarily chosen to work for Wal-Mart will be better off unemployed. The conservative argument is that they should be allowed to make their own choice about whether the pay, health care, skills, and potential for advancement in the job are worth it.

    Saturday, August 03, 2013

    IRS harassing pro-lifers

    From Laura ingrahams’s website

    August 2, 2013

    IRS harassing pro-lifers
    Posted by Staff

    Months after the inspector general’s report in May that revealed the IRS had specifically targeted tea-party groups applying for tax-exempt status as charitable organizations, the IRS continued to stall pro-life groups’ applications for tax-exempt status, according to the Thomas More Society (TMS). What President Obama condemned as one of various “phony scandals” isn’t nearly over yet.
    “Even though the inspector general’s report claimed that the harassment of tea-party groups ended in 2012, the harassment of pro-life groups continues unabated,” says Peter Breen, Thomas More’s vice president and senior counsel.

    Benghazi witnesses forced into silence?

    From Laura Ingrahams’s website

    August 2, 2013

    Benghazi witnesses forced into silence?
    Posted by Staff

    Even as the White House labels Benghazi a "phony scandal," a raft of new allegations and concerns is once again bringing the controversy back to the forefront in Washington.
    Fox News has learned that at least five CIA employees were forced to sign additional nondisclosure agreements this past spring in the wake of the Benghazi attack. These employees had already signed such agreements before the attack but were made to sign new agreements aimed at discouraging survivors from leaking their stories to the media or anyone else.
    CNN has also reported that dozens of people working for the CIA were in Benghazi on the night of the attack, and that employees are being intimidated into staying silent.