Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Senate Dems learn the power of the mute button too late

Senate Dems learn the power of the mute button too late
Posted by Staff

The New York Times reports:
Um, Senators, ever heard of the mute button?
Moments before a conference call with reporters was scheduled to get underway on Tuesday morning, apparently unaware that many of the reporters were already on the line, Charles Schumer of New York, the No. 3 Democrat in the Senate, began to instruct fellow senators on how to talk to reporters about the contentious budget process.
After thanking his colleagues — Barbara Boxer of California, Ben Cardin of Maryland, Tom Carper of Delaware and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut — for doing the budget bidding for the Senate Democrats, who are facing off against the House Republicans over how spending for the rest of the fiscal year, Mr. Schumer told them to portray John Boehner of Ohio, the Speaker of the House, as painted into a box by the Tea Party, and to decry the spending cuts that he wants as extreme. “I always use the word extreme,” Mr. Schumer said, “That is what the caucus instructed me to use this week.”

Bill Maher (typical Liberal Democrat)

Bill Maher's obsession with Sarah Palin reaches new low

And that's quite a feat given this dude's despicableness.

Last week, he called Sarah Palin "a dumb twat".  Over the weekend, he decided to use the "C" word... you know the one... it rhymes with punt.

Class act eh?

There was a time, long since past, where peckerheads like this were dealt with by men with spines, men with class, men who treated ladies like ladies and a**hole misogynists like the scum that they are.

Bill Maher needs to have his butt kicked.  I've got to believe that many women out there could do it.  But there ought to be a man out there, a real man, who'll stand up for ladies and punch this guy straight in his kisser.  And yea, as someone who's recently returned to the Catholic church and who's trying his damndest  to walk the straight line and be a role model worth modeling... I realize that what I'm calling for here goes against the grain.

But hey... I'm a sinner.  The apostle Paul called himself Chief Sinner.  And I'm telling you that if Bill Maher and I were to run across each other, I might just wrestle that title away from St. Paul.  I think it'd be worth it.

For Sarah Palin and all decent women maligned by this butt-munch pantywaist poor excuse for a human being... one punch is all I'd need.

And then it'd be off to the confessional...  post-haste.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What do you get. . .

Q: What do you get if you cross a crooked politician with a crooked lawyer?
A: Barack Obama.

How do you know Obama is lying?

How do you know Obama is lying?  His lips are moving.  Lying is a way of life for the Obama regime.  From Libya to Obamacare to "climate change", if Obama claims it is so, you can pretty much guarantee it is not.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What do John Boehner and Barack Obama have in common?

What do John Boehner and Barack Obama have in common?

They are both really lousy leaders.   Boehner’s leadership of the budget battle can be compared to Obama’s leadership of the Libyan fiasco.  It is pointless, clueless and without a goal or strategy.

Obama’s primary goal, now that he has started this war is to abdicate leadership as quickly as possible.  Boehner’s primary goal seems to be to avoiding any meaningful changes in the budget and doing so as quickly as possible.

Does anyone in Washington understand the concept of being a leader?   Of course, Obama does not.  He is the professor (except he was never a professor).  He has no clue.   Boehner should at least have a clue.  He ran a business before being elected to Congress.  But that was twenty years ago.  He seems to have forgotten.

With no leadership in Washington, I have come to two conclusions.  First, we need to shut the government down.   I had hoped the Republican leadership in the House would come to its senses and push for realistic budget cuts.  I want to see $1.65 trillion in budget cuts.  We are rapidly hitting insolvency.  I would certainly be willing to compromise on say $800 billion in budget cuts this year.  But when the high figure for budget cuts this year is $61 billion and the more realistic figure is $25-35 billion, which in the face of a $1.65 trillion dollar deficit is a joke.

The fact that John Boehner will not stand firm for serious budget cuts in the face of this drastic situation tells me he is clueless.  He could not find his head if he were searching for it with both hands, standing in front of a mirror.

My second conclusion is that we have absolutely no choice but to reject any attempt to raise the debt ceiling.   The debt is now at 100% of our gross domestic product.  Personally, I think this is a huge psychological figure.  Either we stop here or we will never stop.  If the debt ceiling is raised now, we will simply blow past the 100% debt mark and Congress will keep spending money will all the furor of Paris Hilton on a shopping spree.

The last time we raised the debt ceiling was in February of 2010.   The ceiling went up and spending did not go down. We keep hearing it will be the end of the world as we know it, if we do not raise the debt ceiling.  This is from the same bunch of clowns who gave us record debt.  This is from people like Tim Geithner who cannot even operate the Turbotax software program. 

We the people spoke in the last election.  It is time to speak again.  We need to be calling, faxing, email, and twittering our leaders. Stop the spending.  Let the government shut down.  The left has a lot more to lose from this than Americans do.  Tell them; do not raise the debt limit.   Allowing Congress to be able to borrow more money is about as bright as giving an alcoholic a room full of booze and the keys to a high performance auto.

It is time to tell Congress, stop spending and cut up the credit cards.  We are watching and if you are not serious, the elections are only eighteen months away.  We will remember and we will fire you.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Iowa Emergency Drill–draws outrage

An emergency drill set to take place in an Iowa school Saturday is drawing outrage after organizers revealed the mock scenario involves an “anti-immigration” pro-gun student shooting dozens of students in a racially-motivated shooting spree.

Convervatism–Not Winning

Judson Phillips called me yesterday and asked if I still felt the same way about John Boehner.   I told them not only was Charlie Sheen making more sense than John Boehner, at least Charlie Sheen is winning.

It isn’t just Boehner that is not winning.  The Tea Party is not winning, and if the Tea Party is not winning, that means America is not winning.

Only five months after our electoral triumph, conservatism is not advancing, which means our movement is not winning.

Do we need proof?  Look at the budget.  After a promise to cut $100 billion from this year’s budget, the House only passed a budget that cut $61 billion and now when it goes to the Senate and the final version comes out, it looks like there will only be cuts of between $25 to $35 billion.   That isn’t a cut, that is a joke.  Despite the promise to defund Obamacare, nothing is being done to stop Obamacare.  The James O’Keefe videos gave conservatives the ammunition to defund NPR and PBS.  That is not happening.  Defunding Planned Parenthood has huge support.   That is not happening either.

Boehner claims his hands are tied and there is nothing he can do. In other words, its perfectly okay for Reid to say, “We won’t pass anything that defunds Obamacare, Planned Parenthood and NPR,” yet Boehner is unable to (or won’t) say, “You either cut $100 billion from the budget or we won’t pass anything and the government will shut down.”  Instead of backdoor cocktail party wheeling and dealing, Boehner should be out on the steps of the Capitol telling the American people exactly what the Democrats are up to and ask for their help.

Congress will soon deal with the issue of the debt ceiling.   By April, our national debt will equal 100% of our gross domestic product. In plain English, we owe an amount equal to what America makes in an entire year.  There is every indication that congress will simply ignore this horrifying number, raise the debt ceiling and let us slide even further into debt.

The obvious answer is to stop spending.  Unfortunately the answers that are being discussed in Washington do not involve cutting spending.   The Congressional Budget Office has just come out with a proposal suggesting that we should be taxed for every mile we drive.   The CBO is complaining that because people are going to more fuel-efficient cars, gas taxes are down.  Instead of cutting wasteful spending, the CBO is proposing that there be a mandate that technology be installed in every car that would measure the number of miles driven and the government would tax you based on that.  How would you measure the miles driven?   With GPS of course.  Big brother would be watching and charging you for every mile you drive.

Speaking of waste, it has been a month since the General Accounting Office released a report on waste and inefficiency in government.  According to the GAO report, hundreds of billions of dollars could be saved by eliminating programs that are inefficient or are duplicative.    Republican Senators and Congressmen should have been wrestling with each other to see who would be the first to get in to introduce legislation to eliminate these programs.

To date, nothing.

Perhaps it is asking too much for those who eagerly sought our support in the election to now do what they promised to do.

It is a time honored GOP tradition for Republican elected officials to come home, talk a great game, yet when they go back to Washington, they conveniently forget what they told the folks at home.  The Tea Party rose up to say we are not tolerating business as usual.  Unfortunately, John Boehner has not gotten that message.   The question is, are we going to get the message they are not listening and not paying attention.  And if we do, what are we going to do about it?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fed’s waste more of YOUR money

Feds to spend $461 million to speed up 3 hour train trip by 13 minutes
Posted by Staff

WBTV reports:
North Carolina transportation officials say they've reached an agreement that will allow them to obtain $461 million in federal grants to improve train service.
The agreement will allow faster and more frequent passenger service between Charlotte and Raleigh. State transportation secretary Gene Conti says the agency will seek bids for contracts for tracks, bridges and trains.
Officials say the new service would cut travel time from Charlotte to Raleigh to less than three hours, even with seven stops along the way. However, the ride will only be 13 minutes faster.

Illegals with criminal records arrested in Virginia

Need to Know

March 24, 2011

Over 130 illegals with criminal records arrested in Virginia
Posted by Staff

The Washington Post reports:
Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials say more than 130 illegal immigrants have been arrested in northern Virginia as part of a recent enforcement effort targeting criminal aliens.
ICE and other law enforcement officials announced the arrests Wednesday morning in Manassas, where local authorities have complained that the federal government is not doing enough to remove and deport illegal immigrants.
Officials say they arrested 163 foreign nationals from Sunday to Tuesday, including roughly 130 with criminal records. They say the enforcement effort focused almost exclusively on illegal immigrants with criminal records, including people convicted of sex offenses.

03/24/11 4:07 AM

Lessons from Napoleon : listen up Republicans

Lessons from Napoleon

Napoleon is attributed with making the famed comment; when your enemy is destroying himself, don’t get in the way.

That is a lesson the GOP has never learned and most Republicans in congress seem genetically incapable of learning.

Obama has made a huge mistake with his Libyan adventure.  Liberals and Conservatives are skewering him for it.   Obama is on the ropes over this one and his entire Middle East policy seems to have no purpose other than turning the Arab countries into one massive Islamist state.

Obama needed something to get the GOP to start self-destructing again and get them fighting each other instead of him, so he tossed out the one card guaranteed to do that.


Speaking in El Salvador, on his way back to America, he called on the GOP to join him in enacting Amnesty.

Obama understands the GOP very well.  The GOP is probably the only organization in the world that has surrendered more than the French Army.   The GOP is more ADD than I am and has a singular inability to stay on message.  Finally, the GOP is much like my dog.  If I pull out a treat, I don’t care what else is going on, that dog is there for the treat.   Obama knows all he has to do is bring up amnesty and the RINOs are going to start slobbering all over the place for it.  The GOP will surrender its values and this will reignite a civil war in the Republican Party.

Obama takes the typical liberal racist view that all Hispanics are pro illegal immigration.  Obama believes that just because people are Hispanic, they have only one point of view and that point of view is determined by the color of their skin.  Unfortunately, the GOP falls into that same trap.  The simple truth is not all Hispanics are for illegal immigration.   There are some that are.  There are a lot that are not.  Amnesty will have a huge cost, not only in money but also in political upheaval in this country.

The GOP lacks the singular ability to stay on message.  Michele Bachmann is one of the few members of the GOP who knows how to tenaciously stay on message.  This is something the Republicans should learn.  Her interview with David Gregory a few weeks ago on Meet the Press is a classic example of how to stay on message.

Bachmann’s message has been simple.  No continuing resolution without cutting $105 billion for Obamacare.

The GOP had a great chance to stay on message and not only defeat Obama in a landslide of epic proportions, but they could have had the opportunity to establish the GOP as the dominant party for the next twenty years.   The messaging is simple.  Obama is bankrupting us and we are going to cut the budget, balance the budget and save the country from financial collapse and national insolvency.

Unfortunately for America, the GOP is doing its best French Army imitation and is reverting back to its norm of unilateral surrender and forsaking victory at all costs.

Two hundred years ago, Napoleon led the French Army across Europe.  He was a great general and when he was leading the French Army, they did not surrender.

The Republicans have some very talented conservatives.  The problem is, they are not the ones leading the party. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Liberals: They Blinded Us With Science

March 23, 2011

Liberals: They Blinded Us With Science
by Ann Coulter

In response to my column last week about hormesis -- the theory that some radiation can be beneficial to humans -- liberals reacted with their usual open-minded examination of the facts.

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According to Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters, MSNBC's Ed Schultz devoted an entire segment to denouncing me. He called me toxic, accused me of spreading misinformation and said I didn't care about science.

One thing Schultz did not do, however, was cite a single physicist or scientific study.

I cited three physicists by name as well as four studies supporting hormesis in my column. For the benefit of liberals scared of science, I even cited The New York Times.

It tells you something that the most powerful repudiation of hormesis Schultz could produce was the fact that a series of government agencies have concluded -- I quote -- that "insufficient human data on hormesis exists."

Federal Government Watching You !

The federal government is now policing your Facebook page
Posted by Staff

Education Department officials are threatening school principals with lawsuits if they fail to monitor and curb students’ lunchtime chat and evening Facebook time for expressing ideas and words that are deemed by Washington special-interest groups to be harassment of some students.
There has only been muted opposition to this far-reaching policy among the professionals and advocates in the education sector, most of whom are heavily reliant on funding and support from top-level education officials. The normally government-averse tech-sector is also playing along, and on Mar. 11, Facebook declared that it was “thrilled” to work with White House officials to foster government oversight of teens’ online activities.
The only formal opposition has come from the National School Board Association, which declined to be interviewed by The DC.

Sexist attacks on Sarah Palin: It’s okay if you are a liberal

  • Posted by Judson Phillips on March 22, 2011 at 7:16pm in Tea Party Nation Forum

    Bill Maher, who is allegedly a comedian, recently made a very tasteless, sexist comment directed towards Sarah Palin.

    The silence from the left was deafening.  Had the speaker been a conservative, the firestorm would have been immediate and intense.   The left would have demanded the conservative apologize, lose their job, attend sensitivity training and come out in favor of everything on the loony feminist agenda.

    From NOW, at first silence.  Then they finally said they would denounce Maher for what he said but then said, “we are on to you, you right wingers.”

    Where does someone start with this?  Maher is a talentless hack. If he were not a liberal, no one would even pay attention to him.  Of course, for NOW, it is the seventh circle of hell that they have to step out and defend Sarah Palin.  Maher is a part of the liberal establishment so he is able to get away with such stupid and offensive comments.

    Double standards are mandatory for liberals.  They do not want to defend Sarah Palin.  After all, she is everything they are not.  She is talented, intelligent, worked her way up using her own brains and talent and does not look like a reject from a Texas cattle stockyard.

    Of course, NOW is nothing more than an arm of the liberal establishment.  They only came out in defense of Sarah Palin because they had to.  Conservatives called them on this.  Conservatives followed Alinsky’s playbook, making liberals live up to their own ideals.

    Watching NOW, or as Rush Limbaugh likes to call them, the NAGs, National Association of Gals, go through contortions to make sure they were not to hard on a liberal was really amusing.   They had to make sure in their comments they were not endorsing Palin.  I can almost imagine the writer of the press release holding it out at arm’s length so that none of the Palin germs got anywhere near her.

    NOW has a long and disgusting record of double standards.  They ignored Jerry Brown’s staffer calling Meg Whitman a “whore” last year during the California Governor’s race.  Sexist remarks against conservative women get a pass as long as the speaker is a liberal.  NOW will not even stand up against allegations of sexual assault, as long as the alleged perpetrator is a liberal. When Juanita Broderick claimed Bill Clinton raped her and had some credible evidence to back up the claim, NOW was silent.  When Anita Hill made extremely weak charges of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas, NOW was all over them.  There were demands that Thomas withdraw his nomination, all because he was a conservative.  Had he been a liberal and supported abortion, he could have been a serial rapist for all they would have cared.

    It is hard to take NOW seriously any more.  They are truly a joke.  The good news is there is a wave of conservative women led by Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann who do not need to hide behind such a fringe group and who really put theories of equality into practice.

    Meanwhile, NOW becomes little more than the punch line on a joke told by a talentless comedian.

    Obama–What Me Worry?

    What in hell is he doing?

    And does he freakin' know?

    With Japan staggered by a natural disaster and a nuclear crisis, cruise missiles launched against Libya in our third Middle East conflict and a majority of U.S. senators complaining about a lack of leadership on the budget, President Obama decided it would be a good time to schmooze with Brazilians.

    His "What, me worry?" presidency has given both Americans and our allies plenty to worry about. But in the process of making nice with Brazil, Obama made a mind-boggling announcement that should make even his most loyal supporter cringe:

    We will help Brazil develop its offshore oil so we can one day import it.

    We have noted this double standard before, particularly when — at a time when the president was railing against tax incentives for U.S. oil companies — we supported the U.S. Export-Import Bank's plan to lend $2 billion to Brazil's state-run Petrobras with the promise of more to follow.

    Now, with a seven-year offshore drilling ban in effect off of both coasts, on Alaska's continental shelf and in much of the Gulf of Mexico — and a de facto moratorium covering the rest — Obama tells the Brazilians:

    "We want to help you with the technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely. And when you're ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers."

    Obama wants to develop Brazilian offshore oil to help the Brazilian economy create jobs for Brazilian workers while Americans are left unemployed in the face of skyrocketing energy prices by an administration that despises fossil fuels as a threat to the environment and wants to increase our dependency on foreign oil.

    I can't wait to hear Obama's defenders defend this one.

    Stand by for sheer idiocy.

    The American Dream–Illegal Alien Version

  • Posted by Judson Phillips on March 23, 2011 at 6:28am in Tea Party Nation Forum

    Tony Hill is a substitute teacher in Glendale Arizona.  He is now the center of perhaps more attention than he wanted.  He wrote a letter that was read in the Arizona State Senate about illegal immigration.

    Hill’s letter states that he was substituting at a Glendale school recently and the Hispanic students refused to say the pledge of allegiance.   Instead, they said they were Mexicans and America stole this land.

    Hill went on to say that based on his experience teaching, a majority of these kids to not want to be educated.  They want to be gang bangers and gangsters.  He said, “They hate America and are determined to reclaim this land for Mexico.”

    The left went nuts over the letter, which caused a stir when it was read on the floor of the Senate.   Democrats immediately lapsed into the demented state of “things are not as they are but as they should be,” and stated the letter could not possibly be true.  They questioned whether Hill was even a substitute teacher.  Then the Arizona Department of Education said he was.

    Once that information came out, the party of treason took another tack.  They insisted it could not be true unless Hill met some silly and ridiculous burden of proof.    The lead Democrat attacking Hill was one, State Senator Steve Gallardo.  Interestingly enough, Hill mentions in his letter that the students’ regular teacher had left a writing assignment for the “students.”  They were to write Gallardo letters thanking him for his position on “immigrant rights.”  Hill also noted that a lot of the students who wrote letters said they were illegals and whites were racists.

    To anyone who has been following what is going on in the Southwest, not only is this letter credible, the story is quite probably very true.

    In Tucson, La Raza has been providing educational materials to the Tucson Unified School District, as we have shown on Tea Party Nation that are blatantly racist and separatist.   Demonstrations through out the southwest by illegals frequently use the Mexican flag and feature signs saying the Southwest belongs to Mexico, not America.

    The left has enabled the illegal immigrant, anti-American separatist movement in the Southwest to the point where it is becoming a real threat to America.  A nation cannot survive with a major portion of its population agitating to become a separate nation.   History demonstrates this clearly.

    Thanks to activist judges and liberal politicians, we have to provide education and welfare to illegals.  We make it very attractive for them to come here.  They do not want to be Americans; in fact they feel just the opposite.  They hate America and want to take part of America and turn it back into Mexico.  Tony Hill’s letter is a wake up call to the Arizona legislature to do something before it is too late.  It is also a wake up call to America.

    As for Tony Hill, I feel sorry for him.  Liberals have controlled the education establishment for a long time.  I suspect Tony will pay a significant price for his willingness to speak out.

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    Drive a Liberal Crazy

    Tell a joke:

    Q: What's the only thing worse than an incompetent liberal president?
    A: A competent liberal president.

    Monday, March 21, 2011

    Media cheerleads Obama's war for oil

    Media cheerleads Obama's war for oil
    After spending the last 8 years crying about wars for oil and how war is not the answer, the press seems completely OK with war this time around. Obama sought no approval from Congress, didn't even consult with key members of his own party before launching the attack, and has laid out no clear strategy or mission goals - despite all of this there is no outcry.

    Former Leader of the free world (Obama)

    President Obama's spring break is in full swing, as he and the family--with Mother Robinson in tow--jet around South America, playing soccer with the locals and attending state receptions along the way. With the world tackling crises in Japan and Libya, you'd think the guy formerly known as leader of the free world could lift a finger and formulate a coherent policy. You'd think wrong

    Liberals and Taxes

    Sometimes you just have to laugh about liberals and their taxes.  They are always the ones who want to raise taxes, but amazingly enough; they never want to pay them.

    Senator John Kerry was a good example.  In 2008, he agreed to pay $500,000 in taxes to the state of Massachusetts over a yacht he owns and some how or another, he forgot to pay the taxes on.   Tim Geithner screwed up on his taxes, but blamed it on Turbo Tax.

    Now we have Claire McCaskill, the ultra liberal Senator from Missouri.  First, she inappropriately billed the government $88,000 for the plane for personal travel.   Now she has discovered she owes Missouri $287,000 in taxes.

    In a statement she said, “there are people she could blame” but she would take responsibility for the error.  Translation, I’m really blaming someone else but will pretend I am doing the right thing.

    This is wrong at so many levels.  I am sure we have all forgotten to pay over a quarter of a million dollars in taxes.  It happens all the time to all of us, right?

    Perhaps we should invoke the term that really screams to be used here:  hypocrisy!

    Liberals are the worst hypocrites.  They demand that we all “pay our fair share” of taxes but then they never want to pay their share. I don’t blame them.  I don’t want to pay my taxes either.

    Liberals scream about those of us who not only do not want higher taxes but also want taxes cut.  We are greedy and selfish. Really?  What is the word we use for people like Claire McCaskill?  How about crook?

    Liberals have managed to grow government to obscene levels.  Taxes, such as the personal property taxes that Claire “blame other people” McCaskill owe simple feed the largess of the government welfare state.

    How much of our government do we really need?   Government is bloated at all levels.  When was the last time we downsized government?  Can anyone remember?  Thanks to politicians like Claire McCaskill government continues to grow and suck up all the available resources it can.

    For state and local politicians, the norm now seems to be they are graded on what kind of new project they can get funded and created.  A new highway, new buildings for a University, a new sports stadium or a new convention center.  When was the last time we had a politician in state or local office that really cut spending?  When was the last time we had one at the Federal level that seriously cut spending?

    We are bankrupt and we can thank tax-dodging politicians like McCaskill for that.   On one level, I don’t blame her for trying to avoid her taxes.  But given her love of taxing the American people, I can only hope her tax bill goes up exponentially.

    Racist at the Department of Justice.


    Jeff Foxworthy is famous for a line of jokes that says, if you (fill in the blank), you might be a redneck.   How about this: If you make major decisions and your sole criteria for those decisions is race, you might be a racist.

    In this case, I’m willing to go further.   One of the top Assistant Attorney Generals at the Department of Justice is a racist and if she does not resign, Congress should eliminate her job.

    Loretta King (no relation to Martin Luther King) has been the driving force behind decisions at the Justice Department that can only be called racist.  These cases include the famous case in Philadelphia of the New Black Panther Party intimidating voters at a polling place in 2008.   In that case, members of the New Black Panther Party stood at a polling place with clubs, making racist remarks trying to intimidate voters.  The Department of Justice immediately filed suit against them and took a default judgment against them. A default judgment is where the other side does not show up to court to contest the suit.   King was one of the political appointees who ordered the DOJ lawyers to go back into court and set aside the judgment and ordered the case dismissed.

    In another recent case, the city of Dayton, Ohio was ordered to allow people who failed entrance exams to become police officers so that more minority officers could be hired.   Her position was so extreme, even the local NAACP has denounced it.  King was the lead DOJ lawyer on that case.  In another case where she is the lead lawyer, she argued that New York City should lower test scores so that more black fire fighters could be hired.

    According to Christian Adams, a former Department of Justice lawyer told the United States Commission on Civil Rights that King opposed race neutral application of the Voting Rights Act.  Adams would ask applicants if they had any problem enforcing the act if the victims of Voting Rights Act were white.  He was ordered by King to stop asking these questions.

    According to one member of the Civil Rights Commission, there is a racial double standard on enforcement of the laws at the Department of Justice and Loretta King directed it.

    Let’s be blunt.  If this woman were white and she were doing this on behalf of white people, she would qualify for membership in the Klan.   Racism is racism and it does not matter how the roles fall.

    Loretta King is a racist.  There are no two ways about it.  She should not be in a position of authority at the Department of Justice; in fact she should not even be employed by the Department of Justice.

    While Congress has a lot on its plate right now, with the budget and with Obama getting us into a third war, at least one of the Congressional committees needs to take a look at this.

    The Daily Caller did a great expose on King.  If someone who held her racist beliefs were a Republican, there would be immediate calls for her resignation.   Her superiors would force her out if she did not resign.    If she does not leave on her own, Congress should force her to leave.

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    Obama, As Red As It Gets

    By Alan Caruba
    Isn’t it about time that the mainstream media and all others begin to examine the record and conclude that a Communist holds the reins of power in the White House?
    Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, it is often believed that Communism died with it. Not so, Communism is alive and well in China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.
    From the days of Harry Truman who discovered that Franklin Roosevelt had given the Soviets Eastern Europe at the WWII Yalta Conference, American presidents have steadfastly done what they believed was required to keep Communism “contained.”; some more successfully than others.
    The Communist Manifesto is well worth reading. Among its planks is the abolition of private property and a government that owns or controls much of the U.S. landmass is antithetical to this keystone of capitalism.
    The Manifesto calls for “a heavy progressive or graduated income tax." It calls for the centralization of credit in the hands of the state. We have a “Federal Reserve” that is a national bank.
    It calls for “centralization of the means of communications and transportation.” We have a Federal Communications Commission. There’s more and you can read about it here.
    America has never had a Communist President until now.
    While others have written how obvious it is that Obama is a “Socialist”, I think this is a matter of caution in a society that has not seriously used the word “Communist” since the 1950s when entities like the House Un-American Activities Committee actively investigated and exposed how many existed in the government, the unions, and Hollywood.
    It’s not like Barack Hussein Obama has come out and said, “Yes, I’m a Communist”, but you don’t have to have a PhD in Political Science to connect the dots. The process is made murky by the way Obama has deliberately covered his tracks wherever he could, while dropping broad hints.
    Obama is the classic “red diaper” baby, the result of a union between his mother, Stanley Dunham and Barack Obama Sr., memorialized in “Dreams of My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.” However, Jerome Corsi, the author of “Obama Nation” notes that “we are told by Obama outright…that much of the autobiography is not factually true, at least not as written.” Indeed, much of what Obama has had to write or say of his life is fiction of one sort or another.
    His father abandoned his mother, returning to Africa “to live the life of a chronic alcoholic.” He was also “a man of the left.” Obama’s mother remarried and took him off to Indonesia, but other than developing a fondness of Islam, not much is known of that period. A second divorce put Obama in the care of his grandparents in Hawaii and it was there where his most formative development occurred.
    In his excellent book, “Dupes”, historian Dr. Paul Kengor traces the role of the former Soviet Union and the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) as it developed both spies and “fellow travelers” devoted to turning the U.S. toward Communism.
    Towards its end the book traces the most important influences in the life of President Obama. The conclusion that he is a Communist is unavoidable.
    Obama’s grandparents were devoted to socialism, raising their daughter in schools known for it, even attending a church that reflected it. They were close friends with Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the CPUSA and an Afro-American. Dr. Kengor noted that, during the 1970s, the period of Obama’s adolescence, “His impact is profound because he mentored a young man who made it all the way to the White House.”
    Among the hints Obama drops in “Dreams of My Father” was a reference to his college years “hanging out with Marxist professors”, attending “socialist conferences”, and discussing “neocolonialism.” Dr. Kengor quotes Dr. John Drew, a contemporary of Obama at Occidental College for whom Obama was “as a fellow Marxist” and said of the President, “Obama was already an ardent Marxist when I met (him) in the fall of 1980.”
    After graduating from Columbia University, long a hotbed of a Leftist faculty and students indoctrinated with a liberal political philosophy, and later Harvard Law School, Obama moved to Chicago where he became close friends with former far-Left Weatherman terrorists of the 1960s, Bill Ayers and his wife Benardine Dohrn. His first venture into politics took place in a fund-raiser in their home. Obama attended a Black Liberation church in Chicago led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright who rarely had a good word for America. Ayers calls himself “a communist with a small ‘c’.”
    Among those chosen to be in his administration was Van Jones, “an avowed communist” named as Obama’s “green jobs czar.” When exposed, he resigned. Another figure of the far Left was Jeff Jones whose consulting firm, the Apollo Alliance, “helped write President Obama’s budget-bursting $800 billion ‘stimulus’ bill passed by Congress shortly into the Obama presidency.”
    For those still in denial, consider an article by Stanislav Mishin that appeared in Pravda, the Russian newspaper that was formerly one of the main organs of the Soviet Union. “It must be said that like the breaking of a great dam, the American descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against the backdrop of a passive, hapless sheep”, much of which he attributed to “the election of Barack Obama.”
    That was written before the spontaneous explosion of the quintessentially American Tea Party movement. Since then we have seen the dramatic reversal of power in Congress that occurred as the result of the November 2010 elections.
    The harm and damage done by our first Communist President will take years to repair, but Americans have wakened to
    • the socialist menace of the nation’s public sector unions,
    • the centralization of education in the federal government,
    • the threat of the Environmental Protection Agency’s assertion of control over America’s energy sector,
    • the refusal of the Interior Department to grant drilling permits,
    • the devaluation of the U.S. dollar by the Federal Reserve,
    • and the incremental efforts of an anti-American government to undermine defense, national security, our economy, and our worldwide reputation as a defender of freedom.
    Winston Churchill, the former British Prime Minister who led that nation through World War II and coined the term “Iron Curtain”, said of Communism, “it is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

    Obama’s $70 million fireworks show

    We had our hopes.  Either the NCAA tournament or the possibility of seeing the sights  in Rio might have distracted Obama enough not to screw up something else.  Unfortunately, it was not to be.

    Earlier today, Obama ordered the Navy to shoot 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Libya.  That little fireworks show will cost this country $70 million for the missiles alone.

    It was perfectly predictable that Obama would want to get us into this mess.  After all, this is a fight that does not involve America and there are no American interests at stake.  The only possible excuse to go into Libya might have been to ease the oil markets some but I thought it was the liberals who said “no blood for oil.”

    The course this will take is perfectly predictable.

    We have launched this attack with missiles where Americans did not have to fly in harm’s way.  That job is supposed to fall to the British and the French.  The French do have an aircraft carrier.  The British used to have an aircraft carrier but thanks to all their spending on social welfare, they had to cut their non-existent defense budget and their last carrier has been retired.  They do have planes but not enough of them.

    The early spin is the United States will help with support.  Support includes supplies, air to air refueling and radar jamming.  That is how it is supposed to go.  It won’t go that way.

    Either the British and the French will not be able to do all of their assignments or some of their aircraft will get into trouble and the US Sixth fleet will be asked to send in aircraft to help.  Next thing you know, Americans will be shot at.

    Qaddafi has already vowed revenge against us.

    The United States should never base any action it takes on the threats of some tyrant who is little more than a savage, living in a tent without indoor plumbing.  But Qaddafi’s threats of revenge should be taken seriously.

    In 1986, Qaddafi’s tent was bombed, courtesy of the United States Air Force.   Two years later, Qaddafi sent his agents to place a bomb aboard Pam Am flight 103.

    What happens when Qaddafi carries through with his threats of revenge?  If he lives, he will. History has proven that.

    The strategy here is a “no fly zone.”  All that means is they are going to even the playing field by grounding Libya’s air forces.  All this means is a civil war is going to become a much longer and protracted affair.

    The simple fact of life that Obama cannot grasp is that if you strike at an enemy militarily, you must kill him.  If Obama was going to do this, he should have had a plan to kill Qaddafi.

    When Qaddafi retaliates, what will we do?  If it is on Obama’s watch, will he have the backbone to avenge America?  If he continues to gut the military, will we even have the capabilities to strike back?

    In the 1990’s we intervened in Kosovo.  America had no compelling interest there.   That escalated to America bombing Serbia and American aircraft being shot down.    History tells us what happens when we intervene in a conflict we have no interest in.

    We had no interest in Libya.  This will be a waste of time, money and probably American lives.  Libya was not our fight. Unfortunately, it is now.


    Note:  the above was from the Tea Party Nation email I received.

    Friday, March 18, 2011

    Obama: amidst world chaos

    Amidst world chaos, Obama embarks on trip to beautiful Rio de Janeiro!
    The President apparently doesn't care how bad all the golfing, NCAA prediction, vacations to exotic locations look to the American people because he's off to tropical Brazil. But, he'll probably get some work done while he's there. For example, he'll be able to personally congratulate the company who got the go ahead on the first ever deep water floating production storage facility in the Gulf of Mexico. Was it BP? Exxon? Shell? Nope. Glenn has the answer on radio today (HINT: Think spooky dude).

    MSNBC: Bible is a work of fiction

    MSNBC: Bible a 'work of fiction'
    Just when you thought MSNBC couldn't get any more hostile towards conservatives they refer to God as Hitler. Lawrence O'Donnell went on a bizarre tirade against Glenn, and in the process declared the Bible (specifically the book of Revelation) to be a 'work of fiction' that portrays God as a 'mass murderer beyond Hitler's wildest dreams.' O'Donnell is not satisfied to be merely a non believer, and can't resist letting the hate flow. Watch the bigoted hate rant via The Blaze, and get Glenn's reaction to the story HERE.

    Networks Ignore Faith-Based Groups in Japan Disaster Aid Coverage–(Major networks are not on my viewing list anymore).

    Networks Ignore Faith-Based Groups in Japan Disaster Aid Coverage
    Posted by Staff

    An 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan March 11 and the ensuing Tsunami wave delivered a devastating blow to the people, resources and economy of the U.S. ally. At this writing, a nuclear power plant there is on the verge of meltdown. As can be expected, it took a few days for the world and the American media to comprehend the complexity and gravity of the situation. But two things were very predictable in the aftermath of a natural disaster. First, Americans have responded generously, having rallied financial, physical, emotional and spiritual support for the Japanese. Second, the network news refuses to recognize the impact that churches, faith-based groups and small non-profits have in the recovery effort. From Friday March 11 until Tuesday, March 15, there were 11 stories about U.S. relief efforts on ABC, CBS and NBC. Many network anchors mentioned President Obama's pledge to assist the Japanese through agencies like Federal Emergency Management Agency and USAID. But not a single broadcast mentioned the work of Samaritan's Purse, Saddleback church, Salvation Army and other large faith-based groups mobilizing to help ease the suffering. Instead, the networks held government agencies like FEMA as the gold standard for relief efforts in Japan

    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    Where is Obama?

    From Laura Ingraham’s website:,-a-civil-war-in-Libya-and-where-is-the-President-Heading-for-Rio-de-Janeiro/409652512110995962.html


    Nuclear crisis in Japan, a civil war in Libya and where is the President? Heading for Rio de Janeiro

    Mr Obama has refused to scrap a five-day trip to Latin America that will take him to Brazil, Chile and El Salvador. Resisting demands that he should remain at home in the White House to deal with the international response to Japan’s nuclear crisis and Colonel Gaddafi’s crackdown on anti-government rebels, the president insists he can stay on top of the fast-moving developments while on the road.

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    The Obama Economy

    Biggest jump in food prices in 36 years fuels 1.6 percent jump in wholesale prices;
    new home construction hits second-lowest level on record

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    Liberal and the Drive By Media

    If you listen to the drive by media, we in the Tea Party are a raging mob, vandalizing property, injuring people and threatening those who don’t agree with us.

    The funny thing is, we conservatives always seen to be the ones being threatened.  When incidents occur, the drive by media always wants to blame conservatives and, oops, when they are caught, the perps always turn out to be liberals.

    Sunday, March 06, 2011

    Obama and Gas Prices

    In less than three weeks, the prices at my local gas station have gone up fifty cents a gallon.   This morning, a number of media sources were reporting four and even five dollar a gallon gas is coming.  Given the rate gas prices have been increasing over the last couple of weeks that is going to be here sooner, not later.

    With that staggering increase in gas prices, comes the ripple effect.  Everything we consume is going to become more expensive because of the cost of fuel.  This will include everything from food to clothing to durable goods; such was computers and washing machines.  With Americans having to cut even more of their discretionary income to pay for fuel, we will see yet more Americans out of work and even more disruption to a soft economy.

    I suppose I could note that the drive-by media is not all over their President, like they were over George W. Bush.  I could also note that Obama wants higher gas prices.  He said as much.  High gas prices will help destroy the American economy, which is one of his goals.

    Friday, March 04, 2011

    Symbol of Presidency

    The skunk has replaced the Eagle as the new symbol

    of the American Presidency.

    It is half black, half white, and everything it does stinks!

    White House Ducks Reality

    In the aftermath of the shooting of two American servicemen in Germany by an Islamic radical shouting "Allahu Akbar," pretty much everyone acknowledges that radical Islam was the root cause of the atrocity. Everyone, that is, but the Obama administration.

    Obama Has To Go

    Agent Brian Terry was shot in the back and killed during a shoot-out on the Arizona border in December. He and his team confronted a group of immigrants packing AK-47s. Agent Terry was armed only with a non-lethal bean bag gun.

    The Obama style of leadership

    The Obama style of leadership: "escape the moment"
    While oil prices skyrocket and the administration blocks any new domestic oil production, President Obama can't stop partying. An arts ceremony at the White House yesterday gave him another opportunity to mingle with celebrities

    Thursday, March 03, 2011

    Liberal Media

    Liberal Media Gives Black Racism From The WH A Pass.

    Just when we think the liberal media's hypocrisy could not be more blatant, they kick it to the next level. They have obviously abandoned any pretense of fair and honest reporting.

    OK, we get it. Their template is “Conservatives suck”, kill them “politically”. Minorities are “angels”, victims of a racist America controlled by rich white guys.

    Folks, if you understand this mindset, you understand the liberal media's coverage of the Tea Party and their blatant ignoring of racism coming from the Left.

    And let me just say this. Not only does the liberal media and the Left ignore black racism, they encourage it. I'm black. The Left verbally beats me up all the time for not resenting America and for not even harboring a low level hatred of whites. They diagnose us black conservatives with having Stockholm Syndrome.

    I know I should not be surprised, but I am stunned by the latest example of the liberal media, for the most part, ignoring a huge story about racism because the perpetrator is black.

    Attorney General, Eric Holder, basically admitted he is not the attorney general of “all” Americans. Holder gives blacks special preference. Wow, we blacks have a “homey” in the White House.

    The new Black Panther Party is guilty of voter intimidation in Philadelphia. Obama refuses to press charges against the new Black Panthers; now get this folks, because they are black. Attorney General, Eric Holder, who is black, told the House Appropriations subcommittee that the New Black Panther voter intimidation case demeans “my people.”

    Holder went on to explain that the suffering of African Americans seeking the right to vote in the South in the 60s far surpasses the intimidation white voters recently endured in Philadelphia. So much for any pretense of Obama dispensing equal justice to all Americans. Folks, we're talkin' Affirmative Action justice.

    Can you imagine what would happen to a white politician using the term, “my people”? A visual of a white guy covered in tar and feathers running for his life appeared in my mind.

    Folks, the Attorney General of the United States said he is not going to pursue certain criminal charges against blacks because of past racism in America. And the liberal media, for the most part, says hoe hum, no problem.

    I have been a voice crying in the wilderness about this for years. Racism is evil. So, why is racism when perpetrated by blacks acceptable and even applauded? On HBO's Def Comedy Jam TV show, black comedians trashing white America was a staple. Had a white comic told just one of the same jokes inserting the word “black”, the insensitive white racist SOB comic's career would be over.

    A sycophant liberal media giving black racist comedians a pass is of little consequence. But, when the liberal media gives the black Attorney General of the United States a pass for his racism, Houston we have a serious problem.

    We the People are challenged by insidious enemies within; a racially bias Obama administration and liberal media; both hellbent on “fundamentally transforming America” with the implementation of their progressive/socialist agenda. They MUST be defeated.