Saturday, March 26, 2011

What do John Boehner and Barack Obama have in common?

What do John Boehner and Barack Obama have in common?

They are both really lousy leaders.   Boehner’s leadership of the budget battle can be compared to Obama’s leadership of the Libyan fiasco.  It is pointless, clueless and without a goal or strategy.

Obama’s primary goal, now that he has started this war is to abdicate leadership as quickly as possible.  Boehner’s primary goal seems to be to avoiding any meaningful changes in the budget and doing so as quickly as possible.

Does anyone in Washington understand the concept of being a leader?   Of course, Obama does not.  He is the professor (except he was never a professor).  He has no clue.   Boehner should at least have a clue.  He ran a business before being elected to Congress.  But that was twenty years ago.  He seems to have forgotten.

With no leadership in Washington, I have come to two conclusions.  First, we need to shut the government down.   I had hoped the Republican leadership in the House would come to its senses and push for realistic budget cuts.  I want to see $1.65 trillion in budget cuts.  We are rapidly hitting insolvency.  I would certainly be willing to compromise on say $800 billion in budget cuts this year.  But when the high figure for budget cuts this year is $61 billion and the more realistic figure is $25-35 billion, which in the face of a $1.65 trillion dollar deficit is a joke.

The fact that John Boehner will not stand firm for serious budget cuts in the face of this drastic situation tells me he is clueless.  He could not find his head if he were searching for it with both hands, standing in front of a mirror.

My second conclusion is that we have absolutely no choice but to reject any attempt to raise the debt ceiling.   The debt is now at 100% of our gross domestic product.  Personally, I think this is a huge psychological figure.  Either we stop here or we will never stop.  If the debt ceiling is raised now, we will simply blow past the 100% debt mark and Congress will keep spending money will all the furor of Paris Hilton on a shopping spree.

The last time we raised the debt ceiling was in February of 2010.   The ceiling went up and spending did not go down. We keep hearing it will be the end of the world as we know it, if we do not raise the debt ceiling.  This is from the same bunch of clowns who gave us record debt.  This is from people like Tim Geithner who cannot even operate the Turbotax software program. 

We the people spoke in the last election.  It is time to speak again.  We need to be calling, faxing, email, and twittering our leaders. Stop the spending.  Let the government shut down.  The left has a lot more to lose from this than Americans do.  Tell them; do not raise the debt limit.   Allowing Congress to be able to borrow more money is about as bright as giving an alcoholic a room full of booze and the keys to a high performance auto.

It is time to tell Congress, stop spending and cut up the credit cards.  We are watching and if you are not serious, the elections are only eighteen months away.  We will remember and we will fire you.

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