Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mean America

A certain presidential candidates wife is not proud of America, in fact she says America is "mean". Well if it wasn't for this mean country there would be millions more people around the world starving and/or dieing for lack of medical care. This mean country under the Bush administration increased aid to Africa from 1.4 billion annually to over 4 billion annually; and U.S. trade with Africa has doubled since 2001. As a matter of fact this mean country is the single largest donor of foreign economic aid.

I notice that this country isn't so bad this candidate and his wife have ivy league college education and both have been sucessful in their careers. This country is not so bad that they have moved to more progressive and nicer country. . . . . beause there isn't any. . . . .

I wasn't a big John McCain fan until I started learning more about his opponent and those he surrounds himself with (including his wife). Now I definately will be voiting Republican; or should I say against the Democratic candidate.

I am proud of my country. I am proud of the way we send aid and support to 3rd world countries. I am proud of the way that our citizens volunteer to help those in need all over the world. In fact I know a number of people in my church who have gone on mission trips to the Phillipines and Zimbabwe; as a matter of fact one man has left for an extended mission trip to zimbabwe.