Friday, December 31, 2010

Obama Spends $1.5 Million on Hawaii Vacation

December 30, 2010

POTUS spends $1.5m on his Hawaiian holiday... while the rest of America faces bleak 2011
Posted by Staff

President Obama has splashed out more than $1.5million on a sunshine break in Hawaii while many Americans are still struggling in the aftermath of the economic meltdown.

12/30/10 4:54 PM


January 4 will be the start of the 112th Congress.  The Democrats are already planning to play hardball with the GOP.  The question is, is the GOP willing to play hardball too or are they going to fall back into their old pattern of just rolling over and playing dead.


Sadly enough the trend will probably continue.  In my recent memory the only Republican with any balls is Sarah Palin.  Thank God for Sarah!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Government Waste

This is NOT chump change...and what I have been pounding on!

Greta Van Susteren | December 30, 2010 9:05 AM

Read more:

All fall long I have been pounding and pounding and pounding our Members of Congress about WASTE!  How can we begin to know how much money we need (tax revenue) when we don't even bother to do an inventory about waste.  If we cleaned up the waste we would need less money for our government...I don't know how much less, but I do know less.  And yes, of course it would also help if we had a budget to figure out how much we need but I will leave that for another posting on another day.

The pounding I did all fall long must have at least impinged upon some in Congress.  For instance I pounded Senator Mary Landrieu about waste and why our politicians won't follow through and get rid of it and she went to the Senate Floor and invoked my name (in a good way) about the topic of waste.  I was flattered but disappointed - my pounding got a Senate Floor mention but nothing has changed or will change. I would much have preferred to change than a shout out.

Every time anyone runs for office, he or she says he will clean up the waste and fraud..  They say that to get our vote...and then what happens? nothing!

Below is a perfect example of fraud - an audit shows that one of our best government agencies (if not the best), the CDC "misplaced" $8 million in equipment. (And yes, I hope "misplaced" is not a nice code word for "stealing.")  I wonder what the number is for some of our really lousy agencies? (Who can forget the SEC that completely blew protecting investors from Bernie Madoff and meanwhile some SEC lawyers were downloading porn onto government computers...ugh)

Sure 8 million dollars seems a bit like chump change when we are daily talking trillions in government spending and borrowing ...but imagine what 8 million would do for your community...your school...your police department...your fire department...or your bank account!

Read more:

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What is Obama Doing?

Winter is here.  Americans are digging out on the East Coast.  What is Obama doing?  He's on another round of golf in Hawaii. And where is the media that crucified Bush for every little thing.  Asleep, of course.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Which Republicans Sold Out?

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann

Which Republicans Sold Out?

With the new Republican power in Washington, it is doubly important to keep a close eye on the doings of GOP senators and congressmen to spot those who are straying from orthodoxy, seduced by power and the insider clubiness that characterizes Washington.

In the lame-duck session, we want to draw attention to six Republican U.S. senators who voted with the Democrats on a key issue. We should all bear their apostasy in mind and, in particular, make them mindful of the possibility of primary challenges to their renomination.

Two senators, in particular, deserve to have primary challengers take them on in 2012 -- Tennessee's Bob Corker and Mississippi's Thad Cochran. Both men voted for the START Treaty, which conceded a permanent edge in nuclear weaponry to Russia. While the treaty provided for equal and reduced stockpiles of strategic warheads, it did nothing to address the vast piles of tactical nuclear warheads held by the Russians. The Russians have 10,000 of these battlefield nuclear weapons piled up in the stockpile, while we have only a few hundred.

In addition, START's preamble blocks the U.S. from developing missile defenses, now especially important in light of North Korea's and Iran's expanding capacities.

Both Corker and Cochran face re-election in 2012. They should both be challenged for the nomination by men who put our need for national security above appeasing the Russians. Having suppressed democracy, wiped out free speech, taken over all the media, nationalized their oil and energy industry, invaded Georgia, enabled the Iranian nuclear program and tried to establish a natural gas monopoly in Europe, what else does Vladimir Putin need to do before Corker and Cochran realize that appeasement won't work?

Corker's vote for START probably stems from the insider-old boy network on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee on which he sits. Johnny Isakson of Georgia, who also voted for START, sits alongside him on the Republican minority on the committee. Led by Sen. Richard Lugar, the ranking GOP member on the panel, all three voted for START. Unfortunately, Isakson is not up for re-election until 2016. When he does come up for re-election, we hope that the citizens of Georgia's Republican Party hold him to account.

Lamar Alexander, also of Tennessee, backed START and faces re-election in 2014.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Has anyone seen Jesus?

Has anyone seen Jesus?

Baby Jesus

As I watch television today, I am amazed at the major news networks near total neglect of The Person that Christmas is really all about.  When did the FCC decide that the name of Jesus can’t be uttered over the airwaves? recently ran a blog that reminded us that at least for NBC ABC and CBS there is still no room at the inn. They pointed to a study by the Media Research Center’s Culture and Media Institute that shows that in their evening news coverage of “Christmas” in the two years from Oct. 1, 2008, to Sep 30, 2010  the networks almost completely neglected stories about family, religion, and the blessings that Americans enjoy.

Just seven stories out of 527 (1.3 percent) mentioned the deity in two years of network evening news coverage.  Evidently God and Jesus are forbidden words for the networks.

The study showed that in stories about Christmas, more words were spoken about Ping Pong than God and the Underwear Bomber got more coverage than Jesus.


Thanks to Ken Davis for this.  His blog/website is


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Obama "pivots" and the support further erodes

by Laura Ingraham on Monday, December 20, 2010 at 3:33am

Posted By: Laura Ingraham
So much for the vaunted "triangulation" strategy! A new Gallup poll shows that Washington and the Dems are ending the year with their lowest marks. The GOP better settle on a leader who can articulate a clear path out of America's decline, with resolve and substance. We cannot afford another Republican nominee who answers tough questions with bromides and generic catch phrases. We must press every potential candidate to be specific--what will you do for a permanent tax solution? How will you begin to tackle the deficit? Will you ever give illegal aliens a path to citizenship and voting? You get the point. Obama is not going to roll over in the 2012 campaign, and the country needs a strong, courageous, America- focused alternative in order to beat him.

Friday, December 17, 2010

FDA death panel pulls the plug on breast cancer drug

FDA death panel pulls the plug on breast cancer drug
Posted by Staff

The Wall Street Journal reports:
Yesterday the Food and Drug Administration moved to revoke its regulatory approval of Avastin for metastatic breast cancer. Withdrawing a cancer treatment is almost never done, and though the decision was expected, that does not make it any less reprehensible.
The FDA said in a statement that it is removing Avastin's breast cancer indication because the biologic does not provide "a sufficient benefit in slowing disease progression to outweigh the significant risk to patients." Ponder that "sufficient." The agency is substituting its own judgments about clinical meaningfulness for those of practicing oncologists and terminally ill cancer patients.
The risks of Avastin are real, but manageable. Clinical trials do not show that the drug extends life overall in the aggregate, but they have shown that it allows women to live longer without their disease getting worse. Avastin improves progression-free survival by about four months on average. Different patients respond differently, and the drug is far more effective in some than in others, for reasons that researchers still do not understand. There aren't any perfect therapeutic options in end-stage oncology, and Avastin ought to have remained one of them.
Looking at the same data, the European Medicines Agency-the FDA's counterpart in the European Union-decided on Thursday that it would continue to approve Avastin for breast cancer in combination with chemotherapy. In October, the U.S. National Comprehensive Cancer Network-a consortium of 21 leading cancer centers that issues evidence-based medical guidelines-reaffirmed its position that Avastin is valuable in some cases.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Liberals and Illegal Workers

The liberals are up in arms in Minnesota.   Chipotle Restaurants in Minnesota, over the last few days, have fired at least 48 workers.   What is the common denominator of all of the fired workers?

They are illegal!

And of course, the liberals are outraged!

A leftist group called the Minnesota Immigrants Rights Committee has been screaming about the firings, calling them “cruel.”

Cruel?  How cruel is it for the 48 Americans who now can get jobs that were held by illegals?  How cruel is it for the two to four million Americans who have lost their jobs to illegals?

MIRAC is your typical socialist, hate America first group.  They have called for boycotts of Arizona, The All Star Game, Jimmy John’s Sandwiches, and anyone who does not agree with them.  So much for liberal tolerance of other’s beliefs.

The coverage of this has been focused in Minnesota.  One of first articles you will find on this, if you do an Internet search is from WCCO and their reporter Leslie Seavert.

Seavert has written a very sympathetic piece on the firing of the workers.  She quotes extensively from one of the MIRAC board members, one Brad Sigal.

Liberals, especially liberal journalists, like to whine about the independence of the media.  The truth of the matter is, most of the media is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American left.  Seavert, as she writes about this group of socialists, is in fact, a member of their group, at least on Facebook.

The firings at Chipotle were a good start.  Unemployment in this country sits at 10%.  That does not even count the workers who have given up on trying to get a job. 

We can take a huge step forward in the economic recovery with an immediate and aggressive sweep to enforce the immigrations laws.  Putting illegals out of work will create an immediate and significant drop in the unemployment rate.   It would also ease the tax burdens at the state and local level.  By not having to provide services for illegals, the demands on local budgets would be eased.

This sounds like a great idea to everyone but the lunatic left.  Of course, they always advocate policies that destroy the freedom, liberty and prosperity we enjoy in this country.

For Christmas this year, some Americans will be getting jobs because of this.   The only people who think this is bad are the socialists and liberal journalists like Lindsey Seavert.

I wonder if she would still be as sympathetic if an illegal took her job?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Doctors continue to line up against ObamaCare

Doctors continue to line up against ObamaCare

The New York Post reports:
For all the times that President Obama promised "you'll get to keep your doctor" under his health-care reforms, he apparently failed to ask any practicing doctors.
A recent survey finds that countless MDs will respond to ObamaCare by limiting which patients they'll see.
The Physicians Foundation asked 2,400 doctors and American Medical Association members what they thought of the new law; a full 67 percent were against it.
More important, it asked how they'd cope with the new rules (which don't fully kick in until 2014). Sixty percent said they feel compelled to "close or significantly restrict their practices to certain categories of patients." And 59 percent said the "reform" would oblige them to spend less time with the patients they do have.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Hussein Obama – Outrage of the Day

Afghanistan: Outrage of the day.

This is an army photo of a mosque under construction in Afghanistan.  Why is this so outrageous?  The mosque is being paid for by American tax dollars.

Does anyone still believe that Obama is not a Muslim?

White House fudges the numbers on deportations

White House fudges the numbers on deportations
Posted by Staff

The Washington Post reports:
For much of this year, the Obama administration touted its tougher-than-ever approach to immigration enforcement, culminating in a record number of deportations.
But in reaching 392,862 deportations, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement included more than 19,000 immigrants who had exited the previous fiscal year, according to agency statistics. ICE also ran a Mexican repatriation program five weeks longer than ever before, allowing the agency to count at least 6,500 exits that, without the program, would normally have been tallied by the U.S. Border Patrol.
When ICE officials realized in the final weeks of the fiscal year, which ended Sept. 30, that the agency still was in jeopardy of falling short of last year's mark, it scrambled to reach the goal. Officials quietly directed immigration officers to bypass backlogged immigration courts and time-consuming deportation hearings whenever possible, internal e-mails and interviews show.
Instead, officials told immigration officers to encourage eligible foreign nationals to accept a quick pass to their countries without a negative mark on their immigration record, ICE employees said.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Hussein Obama and Gas Prices

July 17, 2008 is a date many of us probably do not remember. But we remember the summer of 2008. Gas prices hit their high-water mark on July 17, 2008. On July 14, 2008, then President George W. Bush lifted the Executive Order banning off shore drilling.

His act was mostly symbolic, but in Nashville, I went from paying $4.25 a gallon to $1.60 a gallon by the time Bush left office in January. One of Obama’s first acts as President was to reinstate the Executive Order banning off shore drilling.

Since then, gas prices have slowly risen.

Does anyone remember Obama on the campaign trail? In July 2008, as gas prices screamed through the roof, Obama said his problem was not with expensive gas, but only the sharp, sudden rise in prices. In other words, the Obama fool would be happy if we average Americans had to pay $5 or $10 a gallon for gas. He just wants to stretch the price hike was stretched out over time.

Since taking office, Obama has reversed almost every Bush era policy that was designed to create more oil. Shale oil development was blocked by his administration. They have blocked any new leases to drill off shore. Obama just blocked, for another seven years, drilling in the Atlantic, Pacific and in the Gulf.

Meanwhile, in the Gulf of Mexico, the Cubans, the Chinese and now even the Russians are drilling.

While Obama denies American companies the ability to drill in American waters and puts American workers out of work, he has no problem spending over $2 billion in US tax dollars to help Brazil develop its deep water, off shore drilling capabilities. Brazil will have oil and Brazilian workers will be employed, all at the expense of America.

Of course, you will never find the word hypocrisy in the White House dictionary, although I understand Webster’s Dictionary now features Obama’s photo, next to the definition of hypocrisy (and if it doesn’t, it should).

Travel and Oil Industry experts are predicting gas prices will climb to above $3 a gallon in the spring. Demand certainly has something to do with that, but anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of economics knows supply is the other half of the equation. Obama seems to be ignorant to this fact and is doing his best to return us to $4 a gallon gas or even higher.

Not only does this mean Americans have to pay more for their fuel, but also almost every other product, from food to clothing, will cost more. This will do incredible damage to an already fragile economy.

If Obama were merely incompetent, he would get something right occasionally. The law of averages would catch up with him at some point. Given everything he has done, it is obvious; he wants to see the American economy in the tank.

Meanwhile, as you put gas in your car this week, remember the price. A few months from now, we will all look back nostalgically and say, “Remember when gas was only $3 a gallon?”

Global warming summit begins with weird pagan prayer

Global warming summit begins with weird pagan prayer
Posted by Staff

NewsBusters reports:
During a congressional hearing in March 2009, manmade global warming skeptic Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) referred to God's promise in the the book of Genesis to never again flood the entire Earth as one reason why he is dismissive of global warming alarmists.
"The earth will end only when God declares its time to be over. Man will not destroy this earth. This earth will not be destroyed by a flood," Shimkus insisted, after quoting from Genesis 8:22.
Ever since then, the media have gone back from time to time to scoff at Shimkus's statement, citing his religious beliefs as reason he should not considered credible when it comes to challenging climate change science.
But if the media think that's fair game, shouldn't they apply the same standard to religious language employed by climate change alarmists like Christiana Figueres?
After all, the executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change literally offered up a prayer to a pagan moon goddess on Monday during her opening statement at a UN climate conference convened in Cancun, Mexico.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New York Times

The New York Times has a lot of names.  The Grey Lady, the newspaper of record, or as conservatives prefer, the Treason Times

From the thirties until today, the New York Times has had a long and disgusting record of cheering for and supporting America's enemies.  The latest outrage from the Treason Times is the publication of the latest dump from Wikileaks.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Rich Liberal Freak show

A group of eighty liberal freaks has released a letter claiming that it is their “patriotic duty” to ask Obama to raise their taxes.

First, we know they are lying because they are liberals. Second, this is not about raising their taxes. If they feel so strongly, they could simply contribute their wealth to the government. “A voluntary tax system doesn’t work,” one of them whined in an interview.

More telling was another signer to this letter who candidly admitted, he used an accountant to find deductions on his income taxes.

Not surprisingly, almost every name on the list is a big time donor to the Democratic Party. They range from Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream (memo to patriots: We don’t need tax increases to reduce his wealth, just don’t buy his ice cream) to Men’s Warehouse CEO George Zimmer (memo to patriots, Joseph A. Banks is a better choice).

Here is the dirty secret that these millionaires do not mention.

First, they are not patriotic.

Second, their taxes are not going to go up. They have accountants and tax lawyers to make sure they pay a minimum tax.

Finally, this is about competition. Like all liberals, these guys don’t like competition. They do not want new members coming into the millionaire club. The income tax taxes income, not wealth. You need income to create wealth, but you once you have created wealth, you do not need a great income. The people who will be hurt by this are people like you and me. The people who will be affected the most by this are entrepreneurs. These are the people that will be tomorrow’s millionaires. But taxes the way these fools want it raised will only make it more difficult or impossible for people to become millionaires and realize the American dream.

The real story here is the tax code. We have a byzantine tax code that is loaded with exceptions and exemptions for special interests. It is so complicated that it takes lawyers and accountants to figure the mess out. Among lawyers, one of the most in demand credentials is the Masters of Law in Taxation.

This insanity has to stop.

We have a spending problem. Even the fools who signed this letter give lip service to that. We will never bring spending under control unless we cap spending and create a tax system that prevents the endless, easy expansion of government.

Meanwhile, as Americans struggle to make ends meet with a weak economy, we desperately need a stimulus. Tax cuts for all is the only stimulus left

Meanwhile, I suggest the liberals who signed this letter put their money where their mouths are. Let each of them do their own taxes without any deductions and in addition, stroke a check to the government for at least one million dollars. Then we will start listening to them.

Otherwise, they are simply more lying liberals.


NOTE:  From a link of the Tea Party Nation

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Obama's job approval drops to new low of 39%

November 23, 2010

Obama's job approval drops to new low of 39%
Posted by Staff

The Los Angeles Times reports:
Turns out voters were not simply satisfied to spank the Democrat and his party in the Nov. 2 midterm elections with historic losses in the House of Representatives.
Obama's job approval rating as calculated by the Zogby Poll has now sunk to 39%, a new low for his 22-month presidency that began with so much hope and excitement and poll numbers up around 70. As recently as Sept. 20, his job approval was 49%.
A whopping 60% now disapprove of his job, up from 51% disapproval Sept. 20.
Obama now trails in hypothetical 2012 matchups against Republicans Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and the next Bush, Jeb.
And, oh, my! Lookee here! Obama has even fallen into a statistical tie with none other than Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor. How embarrassing that is because other polls have shown a majority of Americans believe she is unqualified for the presidency. So it appears many have now decided, on second thought, Obama looks that way too.

11/23/10 11:52 AM

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

War – Here Is An Idea

Here is an excerpt from a post in the Brutally Honest Blog I think is just great:


Here's an idea.

We're at war with these people.  Let's quit talking to them and instead let's start killing them.

Or just come home.

If we're not there to defeat the enemy, then bring our men and women home.  We've lost enough of our people due to our unwillingness to engage with full force.

Enough is enough.  Fight feriociously or return our troops to their families.

Not another should die when we have incompetents who lead them.


Ronald Allen


When you're getting your naked body scanned at the airport or being groped by a TSA agent, I am certain this story will make you feel it is all worth it to be secured from the terrorists. The developers for the Ground Zero Mosque have applied for a federal grant to assist in building it. To paraphrase a quote from the movie, Field of Dreams, "Build the Ground Zero Mosque and the terrorists will come".

And I have no doubt the federal grant will be given. What better way for the Obama Administration to show tolerance and reach out to the Muslim World then to give a few million to build the mosque that he supports. Your hard earned tax dollars at work.

TSA - Ignore PC and Go After The Bad Guys

Lloyd Marcus

Ignore PC and Go After The Bad Guys

Everyone is outraged and extremely frustrated by the infringement on our freedom by the TSA pat downs and full body scans at airports. Even more frustrating is that we all
know the common sense solution to the problem of terrorists at
airports. Profiling.

It has been said, “Don't let the inmates run the asylum”. This is exactly what we are doing when we allow a handful of PC (Political Correctness) nuts to dictate our
behavior; ordering us to ignore common sense solutions and play their
“let's not offend anyone” ridiculous PC games.

Profiling is common sense. As a black man, if I find myself in the midst of a group of white guys with shaved heads and covered in swastikas and white power tattoos,
profiling them, it would probably be unwise to quote a line from the
movie, Blazing Saddles, “Where the white women at?”

Years ago in Maryland, early in the morning, in a mostly white upscale neighborhood, residents saw two black youths dressed in gangster attire walking their streets. The
black youths obviously looked out of place. And yet, authorities were
not alerted because the white residents did not want to appear racist
profiling black males.

The two black youths hijacked a mom's car, drug her several feet as she attempted to save her toddler which they threw out of the window. Common sense profiling would have
prevented this horrific incident.

All, I repeat “ALL”, terrorist attacks have been committed by Middle Eastern men between the ages of 18 and 40. And yet, we can not profile these people. Instead, TSA
agents are being forced to border molesting nuns, seniors and

How did profiling become such a dirty word, when we present ourselves to the world in whatever way we wish to be profiled? Wall street executives wear suits to be profiled as
responsible. Rock stars wear spiked hair, tattoos and piercings to be
profiled as rebellious.

Remember, the popular book titled, “Dress for Success”? It could be re-titled, “How to Achieve Your Desired Profiling”.

PC demands that we ignore life experiences, common sense and the messages individuals send in the way they present themselves.

If you are different than your projected image, the burden is on you to prove yourself otherwise. Do not demonize the public for simply reading your projected image.

For example, as an artist, I wear my signature hat, braid and black and white attire. At my first republican meeting, a white gentleman approached me and said, “The
democrats meet down the road.” He seemed pleasantly surprised when
I smiled and replied, “I know. I'm in the right meeting.”

Was this white man a racist for assuming I, a black man, dressed a bit out of the norm, was a democrat? No. He was using his life experiences and the knowledge
that blacks, particularly non conservative attired blacks, typically
vote democrat. Obama received 96% of the black vote. So, in most
cases, he would have been correct in his assumption that this Avant
Garde looking black man would be a democrat. Absurdly, PC would brand
this white gentleman a racist.

Folks, we must end this PC madness which is a part of the Tea Party Movement agenda. We must continue screaming, “NO!” as loudly as possible, to the humiliating and
unconstitutional PC pat downs and full body scans.

Tell the Obama administration, “Cut this PC nonsense and go after the bad guys. PROFILE!”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Friday, November 19, 2010

Obama’s Homeland Security

We are led by complete idiots

Kim Priestap sent this in email last night... and it's bat sh*t crazy stuff:

Note to terrorists: Next time, wear a hijab. The Department of Homeland Security reportedly is giving special exemptions to their "enhanced pat-down" policy to Muslim women wearing the hijab or other form-concealing garments.

Last week, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued a "travel advisory" noting that women who are patted down "should remind the TSA officer that they are only supposed to pat down the area in question, in this scenario, your head and neck. They SHOULD NOT subject you to a full-body or partial-body pat-down." It's unclear why CAIR believes TSA frisking must be Shariah-compliant. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to deny that such exemptions existed when CNS News asked her about them on Monday, saying instead that "adjustments will be made where they need to be made" and that "there will be more to come" on this issue.

3 year olds, nuns, 85 year old women and invalids are groped by the TSA but women in hijabs will get a pass.

The insane really are running the asylum.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Obamacare Waivers

Surprise! 111 companies and unions have been given waivers by Health and Human Services in order to keep them from dropping the health insurance they provide their employees. Obama's health care "fix" is anything but--and Obama's administration is trying to stop a PR disaster by selectively exempting those who beg hard enough. Welcome to Obama's regime.
Earmarks take center stage as the lame duck session of Congress begins. A big win for the tea party conservatives soon materializes: Minority Leader Mitch McConnell reverses course and supports Jim DeMint's ban on all earmarks.

Obamacare For The Food Industry

As the lame duck session cranks up in Washington, we have to stand and fight again.  On Wednesday, there will be a cloture vote on Senate bill S.510.  For those of you not familiar with this nightmare of a bill, TPN member Eve Stephens has a summary of it here, on Tea Party Nation.

S. 510 is basically Obamacare for the food industry.  It will create 17,000 new bureaucrats, who's job is going to be to harass small farmers.  It will create huge regulatory burdens for small family farms and even for those who want to grown their own food.  This will choke out small farms.  For those who like to buy their own healthy food, forget it.  It will no longer be available.

Call your Senators in the morning and ask them to vote against cloture and let's kill this new attempt by the Obama/Pelosi/Reid axis of fiscal evil to control even more of our lives.

Friday, November 12, 2010

B. Hussein Obama: This Is So Wrong

Members of a key panel created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus bill, have scheduled a meeting on November 22 to consider ways to prevent "fraud, waste, and abuse of Recovery Act funds." The meeting will be held at the super-luxe Ritz Carlton Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona.

The group is the Recovery Independent Advisory Panel, a sub-committee of the larger Recovery Accountability and Transparency board (sometimes known as the RAT board). The stimulus bill set up the Recovery Independent Advisory Panel, or RIAP, to make recommendations to identify and prevent waste of the bill's $814 billion in stimulus spending.

"The purpose of the November 22, 2010 meeting is to allow the RIAP to have an open dialogue, with input from the public, on issues relating to fraud, waste, and abuse of Recovery Act funds," says a notice in the Federal Register. Specifically, participants in the meeting will discuss various techniques to detect and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse, as well as larger issues of transparency and public awareness. Portions of the meeting will be open to the public, while other parts will be closed.

The Ritz-Carlton is located "in the midst of the picturesque Camelback Corridor, the city's premier shopping, dining and financial district,"

Read more:

Politics before science: Obama WH fudges offshore drilling ban

Politics before science: Obama WH fudges offshore drilling ban
Posted by Staff

The Washington Times reports:
Gulf State lawmakers are accusing the Obama administration of putting politics above science after a government watchdog said Interior Department officials misled the public by altering a report to suggest that a group of outside scientists supported a blanket ban on deepwater drilling.
The administration maintains that the flap is the result of rushed editing and nothing more. However, members of Congress from the Gulf region, already incensed over what they described as a heavy-handed, one-size-fits-all reaction to the BP oil spill, are crying foul.
"This was not an accident at all. It was a deliberate attempt to use the prestige of the scientists to support their political decision," said Rep. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, one of several Republicans who this summer requested an investigation into the moratorium by the Interior Department's inspector general.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Happy Meal outlawed in San Francisco

Happy Meal outlawed in San Francisco

Despite the GOP surge across the country, pockets of moonbat lunacy still exist:

San Francisco has become the first major U.S. city to pass a law that cracks down on the popular practice of giving away free toys with unhealthy restaurant meals for children.

San Francisco's Board of Supervisors passed the law on Tuesday on a veto-proof 8-to-3 vote. It takes effect on December 1.

The law, like an ordinance passed earlier this year in nearby Santa Clara County, would require that restaurant kids' meals meet certain nutritional standards before they could be sold with toys.

Opponents of the law include the National Restaurant Association and McDonald's Corp, which used its now wildly popular Happy Meal to pioneer the use of free toys to market directly to children.

"We are extremely disappointed with today's decision. It's not what our customers want, nor is it something they asked for," McDonald's spokeswoman Danya Proud said in a statement.

"Getting a toy with a kid's meal is just one part of a fun, family experience at McDonald's," Proud said.

Democrats, the party fighting the scourge of fun family experiences.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Vote Today Please !

"If America is to survive, we must elect more God-centered men and women to public office; individuals who will seek Divine guidance in the affairs of state." - Billy Graham

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Obama has been referred to as a lot of things, but I think my favorite is when someone called him "the narcissist in chief."   Tragically for America, he does think the world revolves around him.   Narcissism is defined as "a patter of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition."  That sounds a whole lot like Barack Obama.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Conservative Women

If you are a conservative woman, look out.  If you run for office, you will be treated the worst possible way.   Conservatives would never treat a liberal woman, the way liberals treat conservative women, yet the media or some of the feminist liberal organizations remain silent on this.   From calling a Republican candidate a "whore" to paying an anonymous source to claim they had a one night stand with a candidate, the liberals know no decency.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Obama rally stagehand and supporter of the U.S. Navy fired

Obama rally stagehand and supporter of the U.S. Navy fired

His crime?  He was wearing a George H. W. Bush cap and hoodie and this upset his boss, the local union thug:

Don't try wearing a Bush hat or sweatshirt at an Obama rally.

Duane Hammond says it's what got him fired. Hammond is a union stagehand who was part of the crew that built the platform for the Obama event on campus.

He came to work early this morning wearing clothing that says "George H. W. Bush". Hammond's son is in the Navy, currently serving on the aircraft carrier U.S.S. George H. W. Bush.

Thankfully, the union thugs came to their senses:

***UPDATE: Duane Hammond says union officials called him this afternoon to apologize for the incident. He say they are "bending over backwards" to make it up to him.

With props to my brother John for the find. He rightly cites this as yet another example of the tolerant left.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

10 Things for Congress to do During the Lame Duck Session

Left to their own devices, I'm afraid the present Congress will do something like pass the carbon tax during the lame duck session when they have "nothing to lose." I therefore have the following suggestions for other activities:

1. Sit down and read the Health Care bill. Every page.

2. Draft a resolution apologizing to the American people for ignoring their wishes that the Health Care Bill, Stimulus Bill, and TARP Bill not be passed. Perhaps join hands and sing a chorus of "You're the Tops" on CSPAN.

3. Have Nancy Peloski testify on why she required a budget of over $1 Million per year to fly on AF jets. Also have her explain why she needed to have about $100,000 in food costs, and why the tax payers needed to pay for any of her alcohol bills. Perhaps also encourage her to sing a rendition of "I'm Sorry."

4. Pass a bill banning the use of AF aircraft by Congress or their staffers for any travel where the destination is within 300 miles of a commercial airport. Instead require Coach class travel and passing through the airport screening lines with everyone else. Include in the legislation a ban on taxpayer funding of alcohol purchases except for State dinners.

5. Have Michelle Obama testify on why she needs to have the vast staff she employs and why her travel to Spain with dozens of her "closest friends" was necessary.

6. Pass a bill limiting First Lady staff to one individual and limiting her budget for travel to $10,000 per year.

7. Have the former head of the IPCC, who is now a global warming skeptic, in to testify on why he changed his opinion. At the same hearing, have Al Gore give details on if/how he will benefit financially if carbon trading is passed. Also ask him to provide information on his personal energy use.

8. Repeal the Health Care bill.

9. Have the tenth amendment posted in 2-foot letters in the Capital building in the House and Senate chambers.

10. Develop a plan on how the billions of 1099's they will receive due to the Health care Bill will be processed and develop a budget to implement the plan.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


If we know one thing about liberal Democrats, we know they will not voluntarily give up power.  Voter fraud is a cottage industry for Democrats and there is no reason to believe we will not see it in full force in this election.   While we anticipate a great conservative victory in a few days, remember, a lot of these races are still within the "margin of fraud."

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Jane Fonda Memorial Wall

Jane Fonda Memorial Wall

After more than 40 years the Viet Nam Veterans of the United States of America raised a phenomenal amount of money to memorialize another one of Hollywood’s loyal American citizens who went out of her way to aid and abet the enemy and congratulate them on their treatment of US. POW's
This memorial says it all!



Monday, October 04, 2010

Socialists descend on Washington

Socialists descend on Washington
The One Nation Rally happened this weekend and it was quite the opposite from 8/28 in many ways. First, the message: big government vs. personal responsibility and individual liberties. Second, the crowd: there were far, far fewer people in attendance (despite the free bus ride). Third, the trash: despite having a tenth of the people at the mall, they trashed the place. The crowd at 8/28 left the place spotless.

Friday, October 01, 2010

American companies can't drill, but Spanish ones can

American companies can't drill, but Spanish ones can
Posted by Staff

The New York Times reports:
Five months after the BP oil spill, a federal moratorium still prohibits new deepwater drilling in the American waters of the Gulf of Mexico. And under longstanding federal law, drilling is also banned near the coast of Florida.
Yet next year, a Spanish company will begin drilling new wells 50 miles from the Florida Keys - in Cuba's sovereign waters.
Cuba currently produces little oil. But oil experts say the country might have reserves along its north coast as plentiful as that of the international oil middleweights, Ecuador and Colombia - enough to bolster its faltering economy and cut its dependence on Venezuela for its energy needs.
The advent of drilling in Cuban waters poses risks both to the island nation and the United States.

Senate votes on TV commercials, not tax cuts

Senate votes on TV commercials, not tax cuts
Posted by Staff

Washington Times reports:
Legislation to turn down the volume on those loud TV commercials that send couch potatoes diving for their remote controls looks like it'll soon become law.
The Senate unanimously passed a bill late Wednesday to require television stations and cable companies to keep commercials at the same volume as the programs they interrupt.
The House has passed similar legislation. Before it can become law, minor differences between the two versions have to be worked out when Congress returns to Washington after the Nov. 2 election.
Ever since television caught on in the 1950s, the Federal Communication Commission has been getting complaints about blaring commercials. But the FCC concluded in 1984 there was no fair way to write regulations controlling the "apparent loudness" of commercials. So it hasn't been regulating them.

ObamaCare leads to more cuts in health plans

October 1, 2010

ObamaCare leads to more cuts in health plans
Posted by Staff

The New York Times reports:
The Principal Financial Group announced on Thursday that it planned to stop selling health insurance, another sign of upheaval emerging among insurers as the new federal health law starts to take effect.
The company, based in Iowa, provides coverage to about 840,000 people who receive their insurance through an employer.
Principal's decision closely tracks moves by other insurers that have indicated in recent weeks that they plan to drop out of certain segments of the market, like the business of selling child-only policies. State regulators say some insurance companies are already threatening to leave particular markets because of the new law. And some regulators in states like Maine and Iowa have asked the Obama administration to give insurers more time to comply with some of the new rules.
"What you're seeing is the beginning of some serious math and some posturing," said Len Nichols, a health economist and policy expert at George Mason University. While some insurers, like Principal, are choosing to leave the business rather than make the necessary investments to stay, others may be simply trying to delay some of the new rules or overturn them, he said.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ObamaCare Day 189

America under ObamaCare, Day 189: Less care, lighter wallets
Posted by Staff

Business First of Buffalo reports:

Health insurance rates in Western New York will likely go up by another 9.5 percent to 14 percent in 2011.
The region's three main insurers submitted rate proposals to the state Insurance Department for the 2011 plan year:
• BlueCross BlueShield's average increase will be just under 14 percent, though about a third of members will see increases of less than 10 percent.
• Independent Health rates will go up about 10 percent for community-rated groups over 2010 rates.
• Univera's rates will rise between 9.5 percent and 12.5 percent.
The double-digit increases for employer-sponsored health insurance still must be approved by the Health Department under a "prior approval" law passed earlier this year.
It has 60 days to review those rates and determine whether to approve them or ask insurers to make modifications.
"Our expectation is they're going to stick," says Jared Gross, vice president of health-care economics at BlueCross BlueShield of WNY.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Medical Miracles

A doctor from Israel says:
"In Israel the medicine is so advanced that we cut-off a man's 
testicles,   we put them into another man ,and in less than 6 weeks he is  looking for work"

A German doctor comments:
"That´s nothing, in Germany we take part of the brain out from a 
person, we  put it into another person's head and in just 4 weeks he is looking  for work".

A Russian doctor says:
“That's nothing either. In Russia we take out half of the heart 
from a person,   we put it into another person's chest and in only 2 weeks he is able  to  look for work”.

The US doctor answers immediately:
"That's nothing my colleagues, you are way behind us. About a year  ago, in the USA ,  we grabbed a person with no brains, no heart and no balls, we made   him President,   and now the whole country is looking for work!!"

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Your hard earned dollars at Tajikistan

Your hard earned dollars at Tajikistan
Posted by Staff

CNS News reports:
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has spent $1.39 million over the last 3 years on a study that involves surveying a group of married Tajik migrant workers in Moscow, and interviewing some of them, their wives, girlfriends and prostitutes.
According to the description of the study on the NIH Web site, the research was developed in order to address "the major global health problem of HIV prevention amongst married male labor migrants in Central Asia and the public health risk for an AIDS epidemic in Tajikistan."
"The study focuses on married men from Tajikistan working in Moscow and their risks for acquiring HIV through having sex with female sex workers and then transmitting the infection to their wives or female sexual partners," the description said.

ObamaCare has just made me sicker!

ObamaCare has just made me sicker!
Posted by Staff

The New York Post reports:
ObamaCare's a painful shot in the wallet.
A Greenwich Village resident was socked with an eye-popping 25 percent increase in health premiums -- and his insurance company is slapping part of the blame on President Obama's health-care overhaul that took effect yesterday.
Doug Gowland's monthly bill will jump $140 -- from $565 to $705 -- under the hike, according to a letter he received from insurer EmblemHealth.
And the annual cost for the self-insured 62-year-old man's mostly bare-bones plan will increase $1,680 -- from $6,780 to $8,460.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Christian groups under further attack

Christian groups under further attack
Posted by Staff

USA Today reports:
A Christian event on Saturday for Fort Bragg soldiers and members of the surrounding area is unconstitutional and should be canceled, according to a national watchdog group.
Americans United for the Separation of Church and State said in a statement Thursday that the planned event - a concert and other activities called "Rock the Fort" - improperly enlists the military in a bid by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to win Christian converts.
The Charlotte-based ministry has sponsored similar events on military bases around the country. According to the BGEA's website, Saturday's event in Fayetteville is different because civilians as well as military personnel will be able to attend.
"Chaplains at the fort identified 20 churches in the area where most soldiers are involved," the site says. "The churches are now walking alongside chaplains from Fort Bragg, hosting training and praying for this event."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Obama = Anti Christian

President Obama removes 'Creator' from the Declaration of Independence.


On September 15, President Obama addressed the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. At around 22:30, he incorporated part of the The Declaration of Independence, but  removed any reference to the "Creator."

Bill Clinton

I see Bill Clinton is still preaching to America.

He is an impeached President who was also disbarred and by all rights should be on some kind of sexual predator list.   So why do the Democrats keep rolling him out to speak for them?  I guess we know where they stand. . . . too bad for them.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

L.A. Stimulus Jobs

Stimulus $111 million = 55 jobs
Exhibit #222119983 that the stimulus was a complete failure: Los Angeles got $111 million in stimulus funds and produced a whopping 55 jobs. L.A. would probably be better off if they just randomly selected 111 people and handed them $1 million each.

Michelle Obama

War on Butter: Michelle Obama is using the cover of protecting kids to pitch for yet another reason to redistribute the wealth. This time, in order to save the kids from future fatness, Michelle wants restaurants to replace butter with carrots and apples.

DeMint: 'You can't change Washington unless you change people who are here'

DeMint: 'You can't change Washington unless you change people who are here'

Associated Press
09/16/10 12:24 PM EDT

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON — Sen. Jim DeMint on Thursday dismissed worries by some of his fellow Republicans that tea party-backed politicians like Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell are too conservative to win in November.

"The tea party represents a broad cross-section of the American people," DeMint, R-S.C., told NBC's "Today." He said Republicans need to embrace tea party goals like limited government and balanced federal budgets.

DeMint, whose endorsement boosted O'Donnell late in her primary race, cited other tea party favorites who are doing well in polls, including Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio and Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul. Both defeated better-established Republicans in primaries.

"You can't change Washington unless you change people who are here," he said. "People are ready to throw out the bums."

After O'Donnell's victory Tuesday, former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove, who is trying to fashion GOP majorities in Congress, said of her general election prospects, "This is not a race we're going to be able to win." And her primary opponent, Rep. Mike Castle, said through a spokeswoman he does not intend to support O'Donnell.

But other Republicans, including Sarah Palin and Texas Sen. John Cornyn, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, rushed to O'Donnell's defense, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney sent $5,000 from his political action committee for her campaign.

DeMint, who became a force in Republican primaries this spring and summer, denied having conflicts with the GOP establishment in Washington. "I like our current leadership," he said. "I want to support this leadership team. What we're trying to do now is get a group of Republicans that provide a clear contrast with the Pelosi-Obama agenda."

While You Are Sleeping

GOP leaders go soft on pork ban?

GOP leaders go soft on pork ban?
Posted by Staff

Politico reports:
With their eyes on a House majority, Republicans are leaving the door open to allowing earmarks after a one-year party-imposed moratorium.
So cue the "bridge to nowhere" and "pork" rhetoric and fire up the angry press releases from fiscal watchdogs.
This close to the election, Republicans are all over the place on how they'll handle earmarking as they are poised to ride an anti-spending wave to electoral victories.

Obama uses stealth tactics to make another appointment

Obama uses stealth tactics to make another appointment
Posted by Staff

The Wall Street Journal reports:
President Barack Obama this week will appoint Elizabeth Warren to a lead role setting up the new Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, two Democratic officials said, a move that will allow the White House to avoid a messy Senate fight over her role.
Ms. Warren, currently a professor at Harvard Law School, will be named an assistant to the president and special advisor to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in charge of launching the new agency and setting its mission. She was a candidate to be the agency's first director, a position that remains unfilled, but would likely have had trouble securing confirmation because of opposition in the Senate.
The White House's decision to seek a middle ground could appease its liberal base, which has loudly championed her candidacy, but will irk Republicans, who oppose her leading the agency and have already charged the administration with making an end-run around the Senate confirmation process.

Poverty rate continues to rise in Obama's economy

Poverty rate continues to rise in Obama's economy
Posted by Staff

The Wall Street Journal reports:
The U.S. poverty rate rose to 14.3% in 2009, the highest since 1994, as the recession weighed on employment.
A record 43.6 million Americans were in poverty last year, the Census Bureau reported Thursday. The rate increased from 13.2% in 2008.
Meanwhile, real median household income in 2009 was $49,777, not statistically different from the previous year. Real median income fell 1.8% for family households and rose 1.6% for nonfamily households.
Economists have been concerned about the persistently high unemployment rate, which rose 3.5 percentage points to 9.3% in 2009 from 5.8% in 2008, the largest increase since the Labor Department started keeping comparable average annual data in 1947.

Gun Sales and Violent Crime

September 17, 2010

Violent crime dropped as gun sales rose in 2009
Posted by Staff

Violent crime continued to fall in 2009, even as gun sales reached an all-time high, according to statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This is "proof positive that gun prohibitionists have been consistently and undeniably wrong," the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said in a statement.

Stimulus Pay Off - Open Your Eyes


Greta Van Susteren | September 17, 2010 10:24 AM

This makes me sick.  Shame on our politicians who let this happen.  There are millions of Americans across America who need help and they allow this to happen.

Why in the world are Washington area firms getting more than 2.2 BILLION in stimulus funds?  Washington private firms???

1. Washington, which is loaded with lobbyists, has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation (the employer is the federal government and they are not laying off !  This is not a manufacturing city.)   Why put 2.2 BILLION into our economy here??? (you know why...the fix is in!)

2. Why is the government doing the administrative work? What do we pay the government workers for?  Why are we keeping government workers on the payroll and outsourcing THEIR work?

"....More than $2.2 billion of the stimulus money awarded to the Washington area has gone to private firms, many of which are helping federal agencies with the administrative work generated by the sprawling effort: deciding how to award funds, drawing up contracts and monitoring and auditing spending. Some help federal agencies with their internal monitoring systems and public-relations efforts...."


3.  By the way, I will bet my right arm that there was no competitive bidding for these contracts amounting to 2.2 billion dollars.   We did not get the best deal...instead, House, Senate and the White House's best friends got THEIR palms greased with YOUR money.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Joe Legal vs. Jose Illegal

You have two families: "Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal".
Both families have two parents, two children, and live in California .

Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.

Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".

Ready? Now pay attention...

Joe Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.

Jose Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.00 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has


Joe Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $24,031.00.

Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $18,031.00.

Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps and welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $9,631.00.

Jose Illegal receives a $500.00 per month federal rent subsidy. Jose Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $ 31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for insurance. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.

Jose Illegal says, "We don't need no stinkin' insurance!" and still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, etc.

Jose Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends out of the country every month.

Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.

Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.

Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school.Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL
program. Joe Legal's children go home.

Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.

Do you get it, now?
If you vote for or support any politician that supports illegal aliens...

You are part of the problem!

It's way PAST time to take a stand for America and Americans!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Koran Burning Apologies

Koran Burning Apologies

In light of the recent decision by the Florida Reverend to not burn Korans tomorrow, I thought we should celebrate what we actually do have in common, besides free speech, with our radically Muslim brethren. Sort of a no harm no foul, reach out the hand of reconciliation (and hopefully it won’t be chopped off).

I bring you the top ten things we are allowed according to the omnipotent Muslim street:

1.) Alcohol. Muslims love the booze. What else could explain them taking to the streets so frequently like drunken, Scottish soccer hooligans whose favorite team was just cheated out of match by a crooked, English referee. Islamic Rage Boy is so drunk.

2.) Pornography. Muslim porno is the best and they watch it all day long. Nothing else can account for such a heightened state of arousal at merely seeing a woman’s ankle or wrist. Also, let’s not forget where the 9/11 bombers were the night before, that’s right kids, a strip joint.

3.) Dogs. Muslims absolutely love dogs, of all breeds. Hell, they have a propensity to name their dogs after their favorite Muslim - Mohammed (Mo for short). We should all do the same in the name of tolerance and bridge building.

4.) Pork. Bacon, ribs, and butt. All swine all the time. Next time you are having a pig roast don’t forget to invite your Muslim neighbors. They’ll go crazy and thank you in ways you never thought possible.

5.) Woman. Forget what you’ve heard about genital mutilation, wife beating, gender specific rooms during prayer and family gatherings, rape, honor killings and the general, overall misogynistic attitude by those that practice the ‘Religion of Peace’. Muslims love women, just in a slightly different way.

6.) Western culture. Notice how they assimilate so easily to our way of life. I bet you don’t even realize that family down the street are Muslim. Besides the burkas, the chained up goats and the “children’s playground” that strangely resembles a military style obstacle course. They absolutely love our way of life, they just don’t want to be like us.

7.) Education. Math, science and especially mechanical engineering. You have to know how to build stuff before you can figure out how to knock it down. Plus, just look at all of the technological advances the Muslim world has brought to us recently - remote controlled road side bombs, suicide vests, shoe bombs and my favorite - underwear bombs. Also, I hear they invented the automobile, the polio vaccine and were the first to make it to the moon.

8.) Religion. Yes absolutely, religion and more religion, of every type. Forget that whole “infidel” stuff, Islam is the most accepting and tolerant of all the religions. I understand there are more churches and synagogues in Muslim countries than all of the western countries combined. There’s a church right in Mecca and people from all faiths are happily invited to visit that holy city, especially during the Haajj pilgrimage. I believe President Obama said that in his speech at Cairo.

9.) Humor. Muslims have a wicked sense of humor, love a good laugh and especially enjoy satire. The most famous comedians, Jon Stewart for example, are Muslims and the best comedy films, like Ishtar, come out of the Middle East. That whole “atmosphere of discrimination/hostility/hate/violence/ towards Muslims/Mosques” shtick they’ve been perpetually playing on us for the last nine years is pure classic, comedy genius. The late Andy Kaufman, another Muslim, would be envious.

There folks, that’s the top ten. I’m using Muslim math, so get over it…or I’ll riot.

Peace be upon you…filthy infidels.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

America’s Mayor

America’s Mayor
Sean was joined by America’s Mayor, Former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani, to discuss the latest controversies surrounding the 9/11 Mosque construction. “I started this syndicated radio program on September 10th, 2001,” noted Sean, “now look where we are right now with Imam telling us our soldiers are in jeopardy if we don’t build the mosque on 9/11.” The mayor quickly jumped in, “I wasn’t sure what to think of this Imam but his not-so-subtle threat the other night put me over the top.” The mayor continued,” We were attacked on September 11th because we spent the decade before not reacting strongly enough.”

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Taliban warns U.S. on Arizona Law

Taliban warns U.S. on Arizona Law

This morning, from a cave somewhere in Pakistan , the Taliban Minister of Migration, Mohammed Omar, warned the United States that if Arizona 's Immigration Law is not repealed, Taliban authorities intend to cut off America 's supply of 
convenience store managers and possibly Motel 6 and Super 8 managers.
And, if this action does not yield sufficient results, cab drivers will be next, followed by DELL and AOL customer service reps.
Finally, if all else fails, they have threatened to send us no more candidates 
for president of the United States !

It's gonna get ugly.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Obama Motto

The OBAMA motto: We've got what it takes, to take what you've got!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Obama is Not a Muslim

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

Obama is Not a Muslim

Email Ann Coulter | Columnist's Archive

The nonsense about President Obama being a Muslim has got to stop. I rise to defend him from this absurd accusation by pointing out that he is obviously an atheist.

Leave aside Obama's fanatical opposition to allowing Illinois hospitals to save the lives of babies with God-given souls inadvertently born alive during abortions. Also leave aside the fact that neither of his parents were Christians. And leave aside his current crop of "spiritual advisers," which is a collection of Mother Earth worshippers, polytheists and other nonbelievers.

Now rest from all that "leaving aside."

The only evidence for Obama's Christianity is that he faithfully attended the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years.

Yes, the guy bellowing "God damn America!" is the one vouching for Obama's Christianity. That's like saying you got sober with the help of your A.A. sponsor Lindsay Lohan.

It is a fact that any non-retarded person (thank you, Rahm Emanuel!) sitting in the Rev. Wright's church for 20 minutes, much less 20 years, does not believe in God. Even stepping inside Wright's church for a moment to get out of the rain is borderline racist.

Going to Trinity United Church of Christ is even stronger evidence of nonbelief than Bill Clinton returning from Sunday services to receive oral sex from Monica Lewinsky. This isn't mere sin -- everybody sins (though some with more frequency and less remorse than others).

Attending Wright's church is the conscious, calculated decision to immerse yourself in hate-filled demagoguery and call it "Christianity."

But according to North Korean TV's Chris Matthews, it is a provable, scientific fact that Obama is a Christian because he says so. "Everybody watching right now," Matthews said to his several viewers last week, "gets credit for being of the religion you say you are. ... We accept that in America. It's called freedom of religion and respect for religion."

That would make professions of religious belief, unlike all other self-professions, unchallengeable. Liberals say conservatives don't believe in civil rights. I say liberals are godless traitors. Why is one statement debatable and the other not?

Doesn't anyone question the Christianity of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker? How about the Satanists claiming to be Christians who stand outside soldiers' funerals with signs that say "God Hates Fags"?

And, for the record, the allegedly inviolate assertion of one's own religious belief wasn't so inviolate when it came to Ronald Reagan.

Tip O'Neill used to question President Reagan's Christianity all the time, taunting the president for not attending church regularly. Matthews might remember that: He was working for O'Neill at the time.

In fact, parading to church in front of the TV cameras carrying a 10-pound Bible -- like a certain serial adulterer, impeached president I could name -- is strongly discouraged by the creator of the universe. ("Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 6.1)

Some conservatives have cited Obama's near complete refusal to go to church to suggest he's not the "devout Christian" who "prays every day" as the White House claims.

But that's not your proof, Christians. To the contrary, it's Obama's church attendance -- back in Chicago -- that proves he's an atheist.

This was inadvertently admitted by Obama's leading butt-boy, Richard Wolffe, on North Korean TV Monday night. Wolffe acknowledged that Wright's liberation theology was not Christianity, but then forcefully distinguished Obama from the Rev. Wright –- i.e., Obama's sole character witness for his alleged Christianity.

Of Glenn Beck's denunciation of liberation theology as a false religion, Wolffe said: "Is he debating Jeremiah Wright or Barack Obama? They're two different people. If he wants to debate liberation theology with Wright, he's got something to talk about. But liberation theology hasn't been anything espoused by this president."

But it was espoused in the only church Obama ever attended regularly -- for 20 years, no less -- was married in and had his daughters baptized in. The title of Obama's autobiography came from the title of one of Wright's sermons and snippets from Wright's sermons have appeared in Obama's work.

So the sole evidence of Obama's supposed Christianity is his longtime pastor, who everyone admits is a racist nut.

No sentient human is required to take Obama's profession of Christianity any more seriously than if it were coming from a 1980s blow-dried, money-grubbing televangelist with a mistress on the side.

All liberals are atheists. Only the ones who have to stand for election even bother pretending to believe in God.

Not being acquainted with any actual Christians, they aren't particularly good bluffers. That's why Democrats babble incoherently whenever the subject of religion comes up. Liberals acting devout always looks like the love scenes between Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis in "Top Gun": awkward and unconvincing.

Former divinity student Al Gore famously botched a biblical verse, switching God's instruction that we put heaven before earthly things ("For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also," Matthew 6:21) by saying we should make the Earth our treasure. (In the druidical religion of liberalism, not separating your recyclables is a sin, but abortion is just a medical procedure.)

Howard Dean told a reporter his favorite book of the New Testament was Job.

It took the Democrats' born-again Christian Jimmy Carter three decades to announce, in 2005, that he didn't think Jesus would approve of abortion ("unless the mother's life or health was in danger or perhaps the pregnancy was caused by rape or incest," etc. etc.).

There's only one true Christian liberal in the country and that's Mike Huckabee.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

August economy worst in 9 years

The Wall Street Journal reports:
Stocks limped to their worst August since 2001, battered by a wave of discouraging data that cast doubt on the faltering economic recovery.
Investors now enter September, a month that has been historically challenging for the stock market, against a backdrop of broad uncertainty, including slow growth and deflation fears.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average battled to a stalemate on Tuesday, rising 4.99 points, or 0.05%, to finish at 10014.72. The blue-chip index's 4.3% drop for the month was the worst since a dismal May, and the measure's first down August in five years...

Looking for work . . . .

A doctor from Israel says:  "In Israel the medicine is so advanced
that we cut-off a man's testicles, we put them into another man and in 6 weeks he is looking for work". 

The German doctor comments:  "That´s nothing, in Germany we take part of the brain out from a person, we put it into another person's head and in 4 weeks he is looking for work". 

A Russian doctor says:  “That's nothing either.  In Russia we take out half of the heart out from a person, we put it into another person's chest and in 2 weeks he is looking for work”.

The US doctor answers immediately:  That's nothing colleagues, you are way behind us . . . . in the USA (about a year ago) we grabbed a person with no brains, no heart and no balls . . . . . we made him President and now the whole country is looking for work!!!!!

Another Obama radical

This time the radical is in the Department of Labor and her name is Dolores Huerta. She is a legend in the labor movement, has praised Hugo Chavez and Cuba, and has even said Republicans "hate Latinos" to an audience of school children. She has also denounced capitalism and says the suitable alternative is, of course, socialism! Your taxpayer dollars are paying her salary. Glenn has more on radio today.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cuban Blog – This is where Obama is taking us, beware!

This is a post from one of the Cuban Blog’s I read on a daily basis.

The other day I witnessed an accident in Luyanó. Orlando Luis and I tweeted what we could, and managed, poorly, to take some photos without some of those guys dressed in civilian clothes taking away our cameras. Traffic accidents happen all the time everywhere in the world and I wonder why the Cuban government blocks these incidents from press coverage. It’s ridiculous and embarrassing that State Security agents spend their time, in the middle of a catastrophe, chasing after little cameras and avoiding reporters.
Sometimes it seems that censorship and bureaucracy are living beings, with their own laws of survival, their need to perpetuate themselves and their life cycles. Does it put the State at risk to tell us how many were killed or injured on August 20, what caused the accident, and what happened to the driver?
It’s not even about a free press press or political freedom, or even the rights of citizens. It’s about this monster that in fifty years has grown to the point where it could swallow everything that happens in the nation. A monster that feeds on our knowledge, our intellect, our ability to understand history. A monster who swallows our sorrows and joys, our dreams and our lives.

Obama and Illegal Immigration

Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Ariz., says it is “an outrage” the Obama administration has stopped building the double-fencing needed to assist the Border Patrol in securing the U.S.-Mexico border and says it is time for the United States to begin fighting illegal immigration and drug smuggling directly at the border instead of within the country where it harms American citizens and communities.

People Are Going Crazy, or what?

A Missouri elementary school tried to ban the singing of “Happy Birthday To You” in order to be “sensitive” about those students that might find singing in public to be “offensive.”

When will this nonsense ever end! ! ! !

Obama IS a Muslim

But remember... Obama's not a Muslim

The Washington Post:

The Obama administration has shelved the planned prosecution of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged coordinator of the Oct. 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, according to a court filing.

The decision at least temporarily scuttles what was supposed to be the signature trial of a major al-Qaeda figure under a reformed system of military commissions. And it comes practically on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the attack, which killed 17 sailors and wounded dozens when a boat packed with explosives ripped a hole in the side of the warship in the port of Aden.

In a filing this week in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, the Justice Department said that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future."

The statement, tucked into a motion to dismiss a petition by Nashiri's attorneys, suggests that the prospect of further military trials for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has all but ground to a halt, much as the administration's plan to try the accused plotters of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in federal court has stalled.

Only two cases are moving forward at Guantanamo Bay, and both were sworn and referred for trial by the time Obama took office. In January 2009, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates directed the Convening Authority for Military Commissions to stop referring cases for trial, an order that 20 months later has not been rescinded.

Military officials said a team of prosecutors in the Nashiri case has been ready go to trial for some time. And several months ago, military officials seemed confident that Nashiri would be arraigned this summer.

"It's politics at this point," said one military official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss policy.

This should endear Obama to those who wonder exactly what faith it is that he claims allegiance to.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Obama wants to let them in?

Massive Manhunt Underway After Sheriff's Deputy Shot and Killed Near Ariz. Border

Authorities in Utah are investigating a "credible sighting" of a gunman who allegedly shot and killed a Utah sheriff's deputy in a remote desert area in northern Arizona,

ABC Media Bias

Report from the Front Lines: Apparent ABC Employee in Confrontation with Ground Zero Mosque Protestor

Posted by Andrea S. Lafferty Aug 25th 2010 at 6:32 pm in ABC | Comments (85)

On Sunday I was honored to be a speaker at the rally against building the mosque at ground zero put on by the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero. As the rally concluded, thousands of the participants marched the one block from the rally site to the actual site of Ground Zero.

I noticed a man in black shirt with a phone camera aggressively questioning and haranguing a gentleman with the sign, “No Sharia Here.” He was very aggressive, disrespectful and condescending; apparently, he did not like the man’s answers about Shariah and pushed the point: “Why do you feel threatened? What are you afraid of? Why can’t you answer my questions?”

My instincts told me to document the scene, and I took out my camera. I originally thought he was a supporter of the mosque (they’d gathered in much smaller numbers a few blocks away), or some kind of fringe reporter for a small, even fringier leftist paper. When I challenged the man in the black shirt, asking him to tell me what media outlet he worked for, he refused to answer. He walked away.

But there was cameraman was standing nearby, watching the scene play out. When I asked, he said he worked for ABC News. I then asked if the man in the black shirt was with him. The ABC cameraman said, “yes.”

Sure enough, a few blocks away, I observed the man in the black shirt getting into an ABC News truck and putting on the sound equipment. When he saw me with my camera, he attempted to hide. At that time it became clear the man in the black shirt was an employee of ABC News. The ABC cameraman also witnessed his colleague’s aggressive behavior–and did nothing to stop him.

In my opinion, the ABC employee’s role at the rally was to provoke a confrontation with participants so ABC News cameras could record it and then use the footage; literally, making news.

Media bias courtesy ABC News’ “Working Press.”

Obamas depleting U.S. lobster supply

August 26, 2010

Obamas depleting U.S. lobster supply
Posted by Staff

Keith Koffler:
So how much lobster are you having during these precarious economic times? What? You've had to cut back? No longer ordering it stuffed with crab meat, at least?
Well, if you happen to be the President of the United States or the First Lady, your lobster consumption is continuing at a robust pace.
Yes, the economy is still getting battered. And last night, so was President Obama's lobster...
Monday night at The Sweet Life Cafe in Oak Bluffs on the Vineyard it was the lobster pasta appetizer for the president and a surf and turf entrée - the "surf" being a lobster tail - for Mrs. Obama.
And what would the vacation to Maine in July have been without a taste of everyone's favorite crustacean. The president did it in a little less genteel fashion that time, heading over to something called Stewman's Downtown restaurant where he was served the "Lobster Experience" dinner - just regular lobster, corn and slaw.
The sign reads, "Michelle Obama, 2010 Worldwide Lobster-eating Record." Yes, yes, this is photoshopped.
But the Obamas' lobster experience is not confined to these shores. Michelle Obama was barely off the plane during her voyage early this month to the Spanish Riviera when, according to the Spanish press, she dived into a feast of sea bass tartare, strawberry gazpacho and sardines, and a main course of lobster with seaweed risotto.
Michelle enjoyed the repast so much that she was right back at it on August 14 during the Obamas' two-day Panama City, Fla photo-op vacation. There, at the Firefly restaurant, it was more lobster for Michelle...

08/26/10 11:06 AM