Friday, May 27, 2011

Obama’s Budget

This found on Laura Ingraham’s website.


The budget proposal released by the White House back in February didn’t win a single vote in the Senate on Wednesday— the final tally was 0-97. Senate Republicans pushed for the vote as a counterpoint to the defeat of Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan.

POLITICO’s David Rogers reports: “The vote on the president’s plan turned into a rout, with neither Republicans nor Democrats voting in favor of taking it up. At one level, the 97-0 vote showed how out-of-date the February requests can seem after so much has changed in the spending debate already this year. But for Democrats, it also proved a convenient way to mask their substantial internal differences over how to proceed” on addressing the government’s fiscal problems.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Enough: Why does Ed Schultz still have a job?

Judson Phillips

Why does Ed Schultz still have a job?

In case you missed it, Ed Schultz, host of another unwatched show on MSNBC, on Tuesday called her a “slut.”  Schultz is a liberal hothead who falls in the noble traditions of Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, ranting, spewing and saying things that, well they can get away with because they are liberals.

Schultz called Laura Ingram a slut.  What happened after that?

Perhaps the better question might be what did not happen.  Two things did not happen.   Schultz was not fired and the National Organization of Women did not leap to Laura Ingram’s defense.

Neither is particularly shocking.  According to the press release issued by MSNBC, Ed Shultz suggested that he be given a week off without pay.

Can you imagine if a conservative talker has said something similar about a liberal?  Imagine if Sean Hannity said something similar about Rachel Maddow.  First, Hannity would not say something like this, as he is a class act.  But assume for a moment he did.

The feminazis would be coming out of the woodwork.  There would be demands that Hannity be fired.  There would be demands that sponsors of his show drop him.   Boycotts would arise.  There would be major repercussions for him.

Schultz makes a totally despicable remark about one of America’s most popular female talk show hosts and he will see no consequences.    Conservatives are not out demanding he be fired.  MSNBC would not do that regardless.   There is no demand that Schultz’s show be boycotted or that his advertisers drop their support for his show.

There should be.

Liberals say these type things about conservatives all the time.  There is a brief outrage and then the matter is swept down the memory hole.  When was the last time a liberal lost his or her job for making outrageous remarks about conservatives?  When was the last time the National Organization for Women went after a liberal who made misogynistic comments about a conservative woman?

The new civility that the left has been harping about for the last five months clearly does not apply when the attacker is a liberal and the victim is a conservative.

Schultz has issued a typical liberal non-apology.  Yesterday he said, "I just want to make sure that if there are any ladies out there who were offended that I used that term, I do apologize. I didn't mean to offend you."  Really?  What about Laura Ingram?

Laura Ingram handled her end of the matter with class.  She simply laid a zinger on him via her facebook account. 

MSNBC should fire Ed Schultz.  They decry sexism so they should be held to their standards.  The advertisers who advertise on the Ed Schultz show should pull their ads and for those who don’t, every decent person should say that we will not buy your products.

GE, MSNBC’s parent has corporate policies that forbid this type of behavior.   If this were an executive with GE who had made such a comment, they would be shown the door.  If the comment had been made by one of MSNBC’s token conservatives, they would have been shown the door.

For far too long we have let liberals say and do outrageous things against conservatives and nothing has been done.  This time, we should stand up and say enough is enough.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Why Obama HAS to Go

He's unconstitutional. The bunch of crypto-Marxists, eco-Nazis, 9/11 Truthers, socialists, and radical agitators he has appointed as his "czars" are in clear violation of the Founding Fathers' principles. The czars have been granted the power of "principal officers" and ought therefore be subject to a confirmation vote by the Senate; or, if they are inferior officers, they should be answerable to Congress. The appointment of so many democratically unaccountable stooges represents a power grab that demonstrates Obama's utter contempt for the checks and balances that have preserved America from tyranny.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Obama Lie of the Day

I believe in an America where government lives within its means.

- President Obama at a DNC fundraiser in Boston. This is the same president who has had 3 $1 Trillion deficits in a row, first for America.

Brief Comparison: Bush vs Obama

A brief comparison

George W. Bush speech after capture of Saddam:

"The success of yesterday's mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq.

The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator's footprints in a vast country. The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force. Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime, and in their effort to bring hope and freedom to the Iraqi people. Their work continues, and so do the risks. Today, on behalf of the nation, I thank the members of our Armed Forces and I congratulate 'em."


Barack Obama speech after killing of bin Laden:

"And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network.

Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

John Boehner: Just Nancy Pelosi with less Botox.

John Boehner: Just Nancy Pelosi with less Botox.

    There is a scene in the movie “The Perfect Storm,” where the fishing vessel Andrea Gail has been fighting through a hurricane. Suddenly the clouds break and there is light.  The light stays for a couple of moments, and then fades back into the storm and the boat is hit by the hurricane again.

    That is a great metaphor for John Boehner.  Just when we thought there might actually be some hope, Boehner turns around and shows that he is nothing more than Nancy Pelosi, sans Botox.

    Reuters reported that on April 25, John Boehner had a private meeting with Tea Party Activists from his home district in Ohio.  They asked him he would vote to raise the debt ceiling.  He said he would and the debt ceiling would have to be raised again.

    John Boehner had been talking tough, giving Tea Party activists hope that he finally not only got it but had grown a backbone.   He talked of trillions of dollars in budget cuts.   Now, we know the truth.  Boehner has no interest in cutting the budget.  He demonstrated that as he backed off the GOP’s initial pledge to cut $100 billion and under his brilliant leadership, he managed to secure a deal that cut spending by a whopping $352 million.

    As a leader and as a negotiator, Boehner is a total disaster.   My blind twelve-year-old Labrador Retriever could do a better job of leading the GOP in Congress than John Boehner.

    Almost three months ago, Tea Party Nation called on conservatives in Ohio to primary John Boehner.    We cannot wait for the next election.  We must act now.

    When the House of Representatives comes into session at the beginning of a new Congress, the members elect the Speaker.   The Speaker typically serves for the entire Congress.  However, the Constitution and the Rules of the House of Representatives are silent on whether a majority of members of Congress can replace a sitting Speaker during the middle of Congress.

    We must call our Congressmen and tell them to replace John Boehner as Speaker immediately. 

    John Boehner is not a conservative.  Nor does he have any courage.  It is also safe to say, he isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.    He has the biggest political mandate since Ronald Reagan and he is blowing it.

    In 2006, the American people grew tired of the GOP being no different from the Democrats and threw them out.   In 2008, the GOP was handed its head by the Democrats.  In 2010, the Republicans came flying back, kicking the Democrats out of power in the House of Representatives and coming amazingly close to taking the Senate back.

    The difference?  The Tea Party.

    Prior to the 2010 election, the public did not swoon over John Boehner.  There were no John Boehner for Speaker rallies.   There were no major Republican rallies.  There were Tea Party Rallies.  The Tea Party movement brought political salvation to a Republican Party intent on self-destruction and keeping itself confined to minority status, as it was for 38 years before 1994.

    Tea Party Nation is read by a lot of people.  Most of them are Tea Party activists.  Many journalists and news organizations read our materials and so do some very influential Republicans.

    Here is a memo to the GOP:  You are reaching the end of the line.  The consensus opinion of the Tea Party has always been that we do not want to become a third party.   Many of us still feel that way.

    The leadership of the GOP should remember their history.   The GOP was born when the Whig Party would not address the slavery issue.  Within ten years, the Whig Party went from controlling the White House to obscurity and irrelevance.

    The Tea Party movement resuscitated the GOP.  The Tea Party members are the people who go out and work phone banks, put out yard signs and do the other heavy lifting for political campaigns.   If the GOP does not pay attention and start being serious about the issues the Tea Party is concerned about, ten years from now, we may well be talking about the GOP as the modern version of the Whigs. 

    Tuesday, May 17, 2011

    Osama Bin Laden

    Some people have problems with the fact we killed Osama Bin Laden.  Tim Nerenz is not one of them.  Tim says, "Bin Laden killed Americans for personal glory and we finally found him and killed him; the rest is noise. We should neither celebrate nor apologize for exercising our right of self-defense."


    Note: I am in total agreement with this sentiment.  The world is better off without this coward, this murderer. . . .

    Saturday, May 14, 2011

    Listen Up Obama ! Theres a lesson here!

    European nations moved to reverse decades of unfettered travel across the continent when a majority of EU governments agreed the need to reinstate national passport controls amid fears of a flood of immigrants fleeing the upheaval in north Africa.
    In a serious blow to one of the cornerstones of a united, integrated Europe, EU interior ministers embarked on a radical revision of the passport-free travel regime known as the Schengen system to allow the 26 participating governments to restore border controls.

    Thanks for Nothing Obama

    Inflation hit the highest level in 2-1/2 years as food and energy prices moved higher, but there was little sign of a broader pick-up in inflation that would trouble the Federal Reserve.
    The Labor Department said on Friday its Consumer Price Index increased 0.4 percent in April from March after rising 0.5 percent in March.

    Friday, May 13, 2011

    A congress of Liberal Morons

    Judson Phillips

    A congress of morons


    Soviet dictator and mass murderer Joseph Stalin has always been an inspiration to liberal democrats.  Once again, they have taken a play from the Stalin handbook.

    One of the hallmarks of Stalin was his famous show trials and Democrats in the United States Senate, eager to show they had learned from him, staged a show trial.

    Five executives from big Oil were summoned.  Make no mistake; it was a summons, complete with subpoena, served by a United States Marshall.

    Congressional hearings are a joke.  Perhaps the only things that are a bigger joke than the hearings are the Congressmen and Senators who put the hearings on.   A hearing implies some type of fact-finding mission.  The Democrats running the hearing yesterday were not interested in facts.  They are too stupid to understand what a fact is or what a fact means.

    In this case, the oil company executives were summoned to explain why they should have $4 billion in tax breaks while gas prices go through the roof.

    Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia won the booby prize for the really dumbest comment of the day, when he said the executives of Big Oil were “out of touch” with the American people.

    Joseph Stalin fan boy and dim bulb Bob Menendez, who gave Rockefeller strong competition for the dumbest comment of the day, whined that the oil companies were making profits.    He wants $2 billion from the oil companies so he can squander that money.  He claims the Oil Companies will make $125 billion in profits this year and they can give up a couple of billion.

    This is what happens when you put Marxists and the brain dead in charge of the country.  Menendez is clearly a lost ball in high weeds.  He has no clue where profits go.

    Earth to Bob, profits go back to the owners of the oil companies.  The oil companies are all publically traded.  The owners are individuals who own stock, such as in their 401(k) accounts or in pension accounts.

    It is hard for Congress to become even more of a joke, but the dimwits we keep electing to Congress keep pushing the boundaries.  And they do so with the willing help of the drive by media.

    Instead of questioning why the hearings with the CEO’s from Big Oil even took place, the major news organizations just dutifully quoted the talking points from political prostitutes like Rockerfeller, Baucus and Mendnedez and cheerfully portrayed the oil execs as the bad guys.

    The problems we have are myriad.  Not only do we have elected officials who make major decisions for the country who do not have the first clue as to how a business or an economy operate, but they are bound and determined to cause as much damage to the economy, all for the sake of their reelection.

    The oil CEO’s have gone home now.  They have had to endure their annual abuse by men who would not otherwise be qualified to work in the mailroom of a real company.  Now Congress will move on to its next waste of time hearing.   This one will probably involve clueless Hollywood celebrities coming up to opine on a subject they know little about.

    Of course, the CEO’s have it lucky.  They only had to deal with verbal abuse at the Democratic Senate show trial.  

    Stalin shot the stars of his show trials.

    Thursday, May 12, 2011

    Obama Lie of the Day

    We have gone above and beyond what Republicans want for border enforcement.

    - President Obama.

    Tuesday, May 10, 2011

    So you want Obama's Socialism (or Communism)

    From one of the Cuban Blogs I browse (read).  Anyone who buys into the Socialism crap that the Liberals are trying to sell us needs a swift kick in the Ass.  Anyway here is a blog entry that you need to read.


    How do I relate the horror? The last image I have of Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia is at my side running around under the Santa Clara’s relentless sun. We tried to get permission from the Bishop so that Padre Dominico--who had come halfway around the world to get to Cuba--could go see Guillermo Fariñas in Intensive Care at the scheduled visiting hours. At the church they told us that State Security was in charge of giving out permissions, and at State Security they told us it was the Bishop.
    Now I look at the photo in Penultimos Dias of the Student and I don’t recognize him. It must be that I refuse to accept that they beat him to death. It must be that I can’t admit that this time of horror has come to this Island. I must be that I don’t have the ability to look death--murder--in the face. And I ask myself--is it the obvious uncertainty of rationalism--how many Wilfredos have there already been and how many are still to come? While sitting in a park, an incomprehensible crime, the massive weight of half a century of police impunity falling on his body.
    Anonymous faces in blue. For a long time people have feared them more than the thieves, scammers and criminals. “Call the police” has become the last card in the deck. Because justice does not come with them. Because they are not here to protect us, but to control us at any price. Because they are corrupt and they are unafraid to dirty their hands, which in any event are almost all already dirty.
    What are we going to ask a National Revolutionary Police that we’ve seen them force into the patrol car of the “new” State power the former Minister of Health, “compañero” Balaguer with his line of twenty-six dead of starvation and cold at the psychiatric hospital; now that we have seen the government, on national TV, justify the death of a man on hunger strike? What can we ask of the police except that they not kill us?

    Saturday, May 07, 2011

    Obamanomics: unemployment at 9%, labor participation stagnent

    A broader measure of the unemployment rate, which includes people who stopped looking for work and those settling for part-time jobs, rose to 15.9% in April from 15.7% the previous month.
    In another sign of the challenges still faced by the labor market, the report showed 43.4% of unemployed Americans, or nearly six million people, were out of work for more than six months in April. The longer someone is without a job, the harder it is to find work.

    Spending on gas takes up 9% of an average family's income

    Round-trip airfare from New York to Los Angeles. More than a dozen dinners for two at Applebee's. Two 16 GB iPod nanos.
    These are just a few of the things you could have bought if you weren't spending $368.09 a month on gasoline.
    The study, which compared average gas prices with median incomes nationwide, also showed that U.S. households spent nearly 9% of their total income on gas last month

    9/11 families say Obama making OBL death too much about himself

    When he visited Ground Zero today, President Obama kept the ceremony deliberately low key to fend off suggestions he was revelling in the death of Osama Bin Laden.
    But that hasn't stop some relatives of the 9/11 victims criticising him for his 'self-congratulatory' handling of the killing.
    One, Debra Burlingame, said the president was 'using families in what is a transparent political ploy'.

    Obama–Things just get worse.

    “Desperate Housewives” star Eva Longoria said today that she was “brainstorming” with President Barack Obama at the White House last week to “reframe the immigration argument.”
    “Last week we were asked to meet with President Obama--there’s about 10 of us that are considered influential in the media--in hopes to reframe the immigration argument, or the immigration conversation,” said Longoria, “and we were--it was like a brainstorming room.”

    Thursday, May 05, 2011

    Obama administration might tax cars by the mile

    The Obama administration might tax cars by the mile
    Posted by Staff

    The Hill reports:
    The Obama administration has floated a transportation authorization bill that would require the study and implementation of a plan to tax automobile drivers based on how many miles they drive.
    The plan is a part of the administration's "Transportation Opportunities Act," an undated draft of which was obtained this week by Transportation Weekly.

    Wednesday, May 04, 2011

    NOT an Obama victory

    Let's be clear on this: OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. An American soldier, who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, did. Obama just happened to be the one in office when our soldiers finally found OBL and took him out. This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN victory!!

    Osama is All About Obama

    Osama is All About Obama

    By Alan Caruba
    In the interest of being seen as fair-minded, bipartisan, ecumenical, unbiased, and an all-round decent American, I have been searching my mind for things about America that President Barack Obama likes.
    He likes its golf courses, basketball, Hawaii, unions, and crowds, large and small that openly adore him.
    He does not like “millionaires and billionaires” and, even though he will take their money to fund his reelection campaign, he wants to raise their tax rates. This, in turn, raises the question of how dumb it would be for them to give him their money.
    With his hand on all the strings of government, it appears that he does not like “Big Oil”, “Big Coal”, and “Big Pharma”. These three industry groups pay billions in taxes in addition to providing employment for hundreds of thousands of America. “Big Pharma” invests millions to develop new medicines and life-saving medical techniques and technologies.
    Big Oil is enjoying record profits thanks to the rise in prices due to increasing global demand for oil. So, naturally, the Environmental Protection Agency just denied Shell Oil’s bid to drill for oil offshore of Alaska. Some environmental group has requested that some useless lizard no one has ever heard of be declared an endangered species in order to shut down oil drilling in a large swath of the West.
    Obama has nothing good to say about Wall Street and the banking community. In response, the heads of many hedge funds that formerly donated to his campaign are now contributing to the Republican National Committee.
    Obamacare is predicted to destroy the U.S. healthcare system, widely regarded as the best in the world, so one assumes he doesn’t care much for it either. So far, twenty-eight sovereign States have declared their opposition to Obamacare, but Obama does not care.
    Apparently he doesn’t like Boeing Aircraft Company because his National Labor Relations Board is trying to stop the building of new assembly facilities in South Carolina despite the thousands of jobs and tax revenues that would generate.
    The auto industry companies that refused his “investment” or “rescue” did quite well without it. The Obama administration is likely to have a multi-billion loss when it sells its remaining shares in General Motors, but of course that is taxpayer’s money. For the past two years GM has been forced to divert its assets to produce expensive electric cars no body wants.
    Former Presidents made accommodation to work with an opposing political party, but Obama’s initial response was “We won” and it was downhill from there. GOP leaders in Congress routinely note that he refuses to meet with them in any substantive fashion.
    Obama plans to cut the defense budget and this suggests he doesn’t like the military much either even though a strong defense is essential to a nation’s security.
    In the realm of foreign affairs, we know he didn’t like Egypt’s Mubarack or Libya’s Gadhafi, though the U.S. still maintains an embassy in Syria’s Damascus while its dictator kills protesters. Despite many efforts to “reach out” to the Iranian ayatollahs, they still dislike him in particular and America in general.
    He was openly rude to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and snubbed our British cousins in a variety of ways that did not go unnoticed. It’s hard to find a foreign leader that does not consider him to be an idiot even if they won’t go on record to say it.
    The killing of Osama bin Laden gave Obama a slight “bump” in the polls, but it is not expected to last, especially since he has been polling poorly for a long time now.
    In so many ways, Obama displays his disdain for those who both voted for and against him. America has never had a President that didn’t like it and, in November 2012, voters will have the opportunity to return the feeling.

    Monday, May 02, 2011

    Michelle Obama–Lie of the Day

    I always love spending time with you guys.

    - Michelle Obama to children. Really Michelle? With your celebrity filled schedule the words do not seem to match up with actions.

    Sunday, May 01, 2011

    Which is worse? Liberal politicians or liberal journalists?

    Which is worse? Liberal politicians or liberal journalists?

    No, that isn’t a trick question.  The answer would be they are both pretty bad.

    Illinois is a perfect example of the nexus of liberal politicians and liberal journalists and the disaster that results for the taxpayer.

    Illinois is one of the most reliably blue states, thanks primarily to the domination of Chicago politics by the party of corruption.  Illinois has spent money like there was no tomorrow, and then they were shocked to find that tomorrow is now today.

    The corrupt politicians of Illinois have sold their souls, or at least their votes to every special interest group out there that wants money from the government.   Illinois has gone through all the money they can raise or borrow.  The logical thing to do would be to cut spending.  Unfortunately, when you are dealing with liberal politicians, logic and common sense are on the endangered species list.

    Politicians in Illinois last year raised personal income taxes by 67% and corporate income taxes by 50%.  That increase may not be enough to satisfy the bottomless pit of liberal government spending.

    One of the most egregious taxes imposed was a tax on Internet sales by affiliates.  Affiliates are people who have their own websites and advertise for a company on that website.  If someone purchases through that affiliate, the affiliate gets a commission. When faced with the prospect of paying taxes on Internet sales, instead eliminated about 9,000 affiliates in Illinois. At least 9,000 people lost full or part time jobs thanks to another tax greedy politicians imposed.

    Politicians and journalists in Illinois were shocked.  How dare companies not simply sit there and gladly fork over taxes?   Some of those people and companies affected by the taxes went across the state line to tax friendlier states.

    The Chicago Tribune two days ago responded with an editorial demanding that the federal government enact legislation so that taxes would be imposed on all Internet sales.

    The language in the Chicago Tribune editorial was amusing.  They said, “No one likes taxes, and tax laws are time-consuming and burdensome for any business. But at a time when so many others are being asked to make major sacrifices to offset state revenue losses, this loophole must be closed.”

    Why don’t we start by asking the Tribune to sacrifice?  Why don’t we start by asking liberals to sacrifice?  Perhaps liberals could sacrifice by staying out of politics for the next fifty years while we correct their mistakes.

    George Will has an excellent piece in the Washington Post, which also ran on the 29th.  Will points out, when you treat businesses badly, they leave.  When you abuse them, they leave.  When you try to make them your golden goose so they fund every corrupt special interest that makes you campaign contributions and you make business the villain in all of your political efforts, business leave.

    Liberals have only one solution.  They want to tax.  They are totally oblivious to the consequences taxes have.  Want to know why so many corporations have moved off shore so millions of Americans lost jobs?  Taxes.  Want to know why businesses just moved out of Illinois?  Taxes.

    Liberals have never met a tax they did not like.

    How about we impose massive taxes on liberal newspapers?  There is a tax I could support.

    CNN and the Tea Party

    When CNN traveled with Tea Party Express' bus tour, something amazing happened.  CNN did a documentary on it and all of the black people disappeared.  CNN wanted to push the story line that the Tea Party was nothing but a bunch of white people.  Those who have been to Tea Party events know the truth.  Lloyd Marcus knows the truth and he is not happy about the truth being hidden.  For him, it is, "Time to pull the cloak of invisibility off of black conservatives."  Read what Lloyd has to say, here on Tea Party Nation.