Sunday, May 28, 2006

Memorial Day

At church this morning we remembered thos who paid the ultimate price for protecting our freedom. Although I served during Viet Nam I wasn't in the front lines carrying a gun and I don't know first hand the horror of what those men went through. My prayers go out for them and their families.

My time in the Air Force was something I do not regret; it made me grow up real fast. And although I'm proud the bombs we loaded on the B-52's protected our ground troups I often wonder about those that our bombs killed. As a man who will not ever own a gun I oftem wonder about that and I pray that our bombs never killed any innocent civilians.

If the whole world were to come to Jesus Christ we would not need any more wars or guns or anger. I guess evil will always be in the world I just pray that we are strong enough to stand up against it.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Life - Am I Lost Or What

I used to think that if I kept plodding away that somehow someday things would get better or easier. I don't think that anymore, as I think about everything going on in my life I get very overwhelmed and just don't know what to do about them. I do try to keep a smile on my face and make jokes whenever I can but somedays I just get withdrawn and moody as I brood over things. I wonder if it is too late for me to run away and join the circus?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Cell Phones and Driving

When NY passed the hands free cell phone law I was against it and thought it was a total waste. But lately I have noticed in my travels to and from work that when someone does something incredibly stupid and dangerous that 99 per cent of the time they are on a cell phone. Of course I believe the key is not in being hands free but the fact that they are not paying attention to what they are doing.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

And Now It's May

Well here it is May; I missed posting for the whole month of April.. . . . oh well thats life. April was both my sons and my birthday - I decided to keep holding at 39 again.

Several weeks ago I joined the church I had been going to "United Church of Cohoes" - it is a Presbyterian church. Since I grew up in a Presbyterian church it is a good fit although it is a bit more charasmatic than I thought I was comfortable with. But when I walk in I can feel the energy and love of the congregation.

I took a 3 day training course for work this week. It was on being a business analyst for software development. It is very interesting but good old NY decided to give it in downtown Albany where there is no parking except some paid lots nearby. I found out there is a residential area close by and left really early each day and cruised until someone left for work and then I took the spot and walked to the training building. I am really glad that is over.