Friday, November 28, 2008

The National Media

I was pleased to find out it wasn't just me who got pissed off at the media during the last presidential election.   During a Thanksgiving dinner at my son's in-laws the subject came up and they and the rest of those attending all agreed that they pretty much no longer watch the news on NBC, CBS, ABC , MSNBC AND CNN and a few others.   It really is sad that the national media sources think it is ok not to just report the news but to use their power to influence it.   Journalism in this country really is dead.  

The good old days of Walter Cronkite and Huntley/Brinkley are over and now we have the Ken & Barbie news teams with their inane banter bashing the Republicans and Conservatives at will; and the people running those news outlets cheering them on. 

RIP America 11/4/2008. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

George Bush

Shame of the Republican party for turning their back on President Bush instead of defending him from the vicious attacks on his character made by the Liberal Socialists that call themselves Democrats.   I did not hear even once how the Liberals squashed the efforts of Bush and McCain to pass a reform to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae;  this reform would have saved us from the current financial crisis we are in on Wall Street.    I did not hear even once how the men who had top positions in these two organizations that caused this problem are top advisors on the B. Hussein Obama campaign. 

George Bush I support you and wish you well in all of your future endeavors.   My friend you are a great President.

Monday, November 10, 2008

President Elect

My intentions are to give the new President every bit of support that the Media and Librerals (Socialists) have given to George Bush. . . . . that would be NONE!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air in the stale Republican/Conservative party.  She stood strong for her values and beliefs despite the constant attacks from the mainstream media (which my family and extended family does not watch anymore - thank God for FOX) and also the constant attacks from the Decomcrat/ Liberal/ Socialist party.  If Sarah should decide to run again in the next election I know of a lot of people in main street America who WILL support her in every way we can.

So Thank You Sarah Palin !

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Conservatism - Still Alive

Despite the fact that the Democrat Liberal Socialist won the election all is not lost.  Think about this;  Barrack Hussein Obama had all of the national media (except for FOX) in his corner,  he had many many more millions of dollars to spend,  the stock market crash played in his favor.    Yes with all of these things aligning right for the Socialist (Democrats)  and all of the excitement he seemed to generate in his followers etc - he only managed to pull 51 per cent of the vote.  

If the Conservative party gets it's backbone back and starts standing up for their beliefs instead of compromising with the Socialist they can put their selves back in line to win the next presidential election (assuming we survive the next 4 years).

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Loss For Our Country

I think our country has indeed lost it's moral values and it is a result of the liberal media  and those losers in Hollywood or the general entertainment industry.    I am afraid I have always tried to have an open mind and even split my ticket somewhat but this election has made me so mad that I have decided to only vote in the future for anyone who is a real Conservative;  the rest I won't even give a second thought to.  I just hope the conservitive party can start standing up for their root values once again.  Oh,  sorry but I felt the need to whine.    But one last partying shot:

We now have elected a man who:

1. Believes in murdering innocent unborn babies and even believes in killing those who are born with birth defects

2. Who is a Socialist

3. Whose party investigated a private citizen such as Joe the Plumber for simply asking a reasonable question and tried to ruin his life

4. Whose party spewed so much hatred and venom at Sarah Palin I wonder how they can live with themselves.  (of course with no moral values and conscience I guess that is easy for them.)

5. Who sat in a church for 20 years listening to the hate speach of Rev Wright

6. Who IS friends with a terrorist who has bombed public buildings in our own country and wishes he could have done more. 

This is a sad day for Americans and I fear the country I have loved and supported might not be around for my grand children.

Monday, November 03, 2008

By The Way

In case I forgot to mention it. 


Election Day

Anyone reading my recent posts here know where I stand on the election.  But with that said I want to encourage everyone, even those who do not agree with me, to get out and vote tomorrow for your candidates.

In New York state it is a given that the Democrat (Liberal, Socialist) is going to win; but I still get out and vote every time and make sure my sons and their families also vote - it is our Patriotic duty. 

No matter who wins and what happens our great country will survive it until the next election when we try once more to get our guy in.  

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama - Socialism

In case anyone really believes that turning our country into a socialist country, here is an excerpt from a Blog written by a lady in Cuba who lives in Socialism everyday of here life.

"twisted economics of state socialism"

Anyone who  buys into the Obama spread the wealth Socialist agenda should be forced to go live in Cuba for a while.  Here is a couple more excerpts  from another Blog written by a different Cuban lady.

1. The first prize we have already won:  the blog continues to live in the face of the blockade on the public servers in Cuba.  Even if I can’t see it, I continue writing and neither the complications of Internet connections nor the other “impediments” are going to stop it.
2. I would like to refer to another siege in effect every day.  This one prevents me from entering or leaving my country freely, from associating with a political group or creating a small family business.  An internal blockade, constructed on a base of limitations, control and censorship, has cost Cubans countless material and spiritual losses.  I decide to go out for the newspaper Granma—which requires a huge effort—and try to find the outcome of today’s debate in the United Nations.  I go out into the street and what is most glaring are the continuing restrictions imposed on us by our leaders.