Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Obama vs Catholic Church

Warning that the Church is being “despoiled of her institutions” as “freedom of conscience and of religion become a memory from a happier past,” Cardinal Francis George of Chicago observes that “the Catholic Church in the United States is being told she must ‘give up’ her health care institutions, her universities and many of her social service organizations.”

“So far in American history, our government has respected the freedom of individual conscience and of institutional integrity for all the many religious groups that shape our society,” he continues. “The government has not compelled them to perform or pay for what their faith tells them is immoral. That’s what we’ve meant by freedom of religion. That’s what we had believed was protected by the U.S. Constitution. Maybe we were foolish to believe so.”

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lie: Obama Wants To Put Americans To Work

How can you tell Obama is lying?  Well, if his lips are moving that is a pretty good clue.  Obama claims he wants to help American workers get back to work.   Yet every action he takes is just the opposite.  If we had a real adversarial media or if Obama were a conservative Republican, he would get called on his lies.

What has he done now?

The Air Force needs a new airplane to fight terrorism.   In military terms, it is an aircraft that can deliver close air support.  They Air Force needs a plane that is not complicated to operate, is not expensive and does not cost a fortune in fuel for it to stay on station waiting for a call, like the jets are.

There was a very obvious solution that would put American workers back to work.   The primary initial flight training aircraft for the military is something called the T-6 II Texan.

This aircraft has been in the US Air Force inventory since 1999.  It is a proven airframe.  It is an aircraft the Air Force is not only familiar with but has used extensively.

Hawker-Beechcraft manufactures the T-6 II and has made a slightly modified version of it called the AT-6, which is an attack aircraft that meets the Air Force’s needs.

The Air Force posted the need for this type aircraft and Hawker-Beechcraft put in a bid for it.  Had the bid been accepted, it would have put almost 1500 Americans back to work.

What did the Obama regime do?

They picked an aircraft for this job that is made be a Brazilian company.

If everything goes through, the US Air Force will by an airplane made in Brazil, by Brazilians instead of Americans.

What is wrong with this picture?

The true story here is that Obama does not want to help Americans.  He identifies with the third world and wants to see them helped more than he cares about Americans.

How many times do we have to see this before it sinks in?

WND.COM has a great story about this but they are one of few media outlets to cover it.

The next time a liberal says Obama is doing everything possible to get Americans back to work, we should throw the story of the AT-6 back in their face and ask why Obama is so obsessed with giving Brazilians jobs and not Americans.

Lie of the Day: Obamacare

The pieces of healthcare reform, when you ask Americans about them, they overwhelmingly support.

- Debbie Wasserman Schultz. If ObamaCare is so popular why do the majority of Americans want it repealed?

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Obama / Liberal Double Standard

Let them have vacations

by Judson Posted on February 20, 2012

Media double standards are amazing and they never change. If a Democrat is in the White House, negative stories about them are either swept under the rug or minimized if they cannot be ignored.

Where are Michelle Obama and her children this weekend?

Good luck finding out about this on the drive by media.

So what is going on?

Michelle Obama and her daughters have gone to Aspen this weekend for a ski trip.

What is the reaction of most Americans? Gee, that must be nice.

Now, in Obama’s America, gas prices are driving towards record levels and may be there by Memorial Day. Unemployment, if you believe the cooked books of the Obama regime, is above 8%. If you look at the real numbers it is about 15%.

Many Americans are losing their homes and the only mobility in American society seems to be a downward mobility. Yet, this is now the 16th Obama family vacation in three years.

Do you know anyone, who even in good times takes five vacations a year?

Can you imagine what the drive by media would be doing if a Republican were in the White House?

A few months ago, CBS News, ever diligent in its duties to defend the Obama regime, pointed out that George W. Bush had made more trips to Texas at this point in his Presidency than Obama has.

Bush took trips back to his ranch in Crawford Texas. He did not go to luxury vacation spots.

And under the heading of facts are really tough things to deal with, at the time Bush was taking his trips back to his home, unemployment was under 5% and the economy was growing rapidly. Regular Americans could afford vacations.

Obama does not act like a public servant. He acts like a ruler.

Obama does not get the idea that leaders lead from the front.

During World War II, the King and Queen of England refused to be evacuated from London during the height of the blitz. Why? They were going to share the fate and difficulties of their people.

As for Obama? He would certainly like to be King or at least a dictator. But he is like all socialists. Who cares what the regular people are going through, as long as he has his vacations and his Wagyu steak? Wagyu steak, which is one of Obama’s favorites, goes for $100 a serving.

There is a new reality for many Americans over 50. Thanks to Obama and the Democrats, their jobs are gone and they are not coming back anytime soon. Many of them have now exhausted their unemployment benefits and out of desperation are trying to get on disability.

This is their new reality. They have gone from working to being a part of the dependency class. Their golden years are not going to be what their parents had. Unless things change soon, their golden years will simply be years of poverty, punctuated by claims every two years that electing Republicans will cause them to lose their disability payments.

American burns but Obama is not fiddling. He is off taking another vacation.

Race Baiting Liberals

From blog: Brutally Honest

The mother of a seven-year-old boy was told to sign a school form admitting he was racist after he asked another pupil about the colour of his skin.

Elliott Dearlove had asked a five-year-old boy in the playground whether he was ‘brown because he was from Africa’.

His mother, Hayley White, 29, said she received a phone call last month to say her son had been at the centre of a ‘racist incident’.

She was then summoned to a meeting with Elliott, his teacher and the deputy head of Griffin Primary School in Hull.

Ms White, an NHS healthcare assistant, said: ‘When I arrived at the school and asked Elliott what had happened, he became extremely upset. 

'He kept saying to me, “I was just asking a question. I didn’t mean it to be nasty” and he was extremely distressed by it all.’

Ms White claimed she was asked at the meeting to read a copy of the school rules and in particular its zero-tolerance policy on racism.

‘I was told I would have to sign a form acknowledging my son had made a racist remark which would be submitted to the local education authority for further investigation,’ she said. 

‘I refused to sign it and I told the teacher in no way did I agree the comment was racist. My son is inquisitive. He always likes to ask questions, but that doesn’t make him a racist.’

We really can't be surprised by this... and though it occured in England, given the idiots so prevalant on this side of the pond, it could just as easily happen here.

Yes... thank you race-baiting idiots.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Obama Hates America

Actions speak louder than words.  The actions of the Obama regime speak louder than words.  Obama gives lip service to the claim he is for America and wants to make America great.

His actions tell a different story.

What has happened now?

Obama wants to kill the armed pilot program.  Technically it is known as the Federal Flight Deck Officer Program.  It allows properly trained pilots to carry firearms.  They would be the last line of defense if there were to be another 9/11.

This program is arguably the best program the TSA has.  It is certainly better than the McDonald’s rejects who randomly choose children, old ladies and Senators from Kentucky to be groped, fondled and strip-searched.

If Obama were merely incompetent, the law of averages says he would occasionally do something that helps America.

He is currently gutting our military.  He is trying his hardest to unilaterally disarm our nuclear forces and now he wants to kill the one program from the TSA that actually seems to be effective.

Have you heard about any problems with the armed pilot program?  Given the animus the left has towards guns, the military and any sensible program, had there been the slightest problem, Brian Williams would have been hyperventilating to tell America about it and instead of berating Republican Presidential candidates about contraception, George Stephanopoulos could have been haranguing them about the armed pilot program.

Technically, Obama is not killing the program.  He is simply cutting the budget in half but that is enough of a budget cut to effectively end the program.

Obama has not found a program that he wants to cut, except those that actually protect Americans.

I don’t care who the Republican nominee is, none of them would be this stupid.

Of course it is only stupid if the action is done without considering the consequences and I believe Obama is anything but stupid.

This is one issue the Republicans should be all over.  We have to go through the joke that constitutes TSA security, have our rights violated and our persons microwaved just to be able to fly, yet the one sensible safety precaution the government takes is being eliminated.

Why aren’t the Republicans all over this?

We have had our fights in the Republican Party over who is or is not good enough to be the Republican nominee and who we will or will not support.  We have done surveys on Tea Party Nation that have said up to half of all Tea Party members will not vote for Romney if he is the nominee.

At this point, even if Romney is the nominee, for all the flaws he will bring, does anyone really believe he would discontinue the armed pilot program?  Does anyone believe Ron Paul would?  Ditto for Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich.

It really is no great shock that Obama hates America and is doing everything he can to destroy America.

I have said in the past there are certain Republicans I would not support if they won the nomination.

No longer.

The top priority is getting rid of Obama.  I want a conservative but I will settle for a RINO.

This time there is no choice.

Obama must go.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Obama LIE Of The Day

We're releasing details of the blueprint for next year's budget. I won't read it for you. It has lots of numbers. The main idea is this - when our nation is growing and creating jobs faster, we must keep it on track.

- President Obama. How do you plan speeding up a "recovery" when you are planning to raise taxes and crowd out private spending with a bloated budget?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Global Warming Hoax

The Global Warming Hoax is Now Killing People

By Alan Caruba

By Friday, February 10th, an estimated 500 Europeans had died from the freezing weather gripping the continent. This is the price they and British citizens are paying for embracing the global warming hoax, spending billions for wind power when they should have been building coal-fired and other sources of energy to heat their homes and businesses.

As the British daily, The Telegraph, reported on Friday, “Serbia has started implementing power cuts in a desperate bid to stave off the collapse of its national grid as the country suffers the effects of days of freezing temperatures.”

I and others have been warning for years that the Earth has been cooling since 1998 and that the planet is on the cusp of a new ice age because the average length of an interglacial period of warmth between such ages is now coming to an end after the passage of some 11,500 years.

All aspects of global warming legislation and spending programs must be utterly reversed if we are not going to see huge losses of life and the disruption of entire economies.

The Ottawa Citizen published an Agence France Presse article on Friday reporting that “Thick ice closed vast swaths of the Danube on Thursday, crippling shipping on Europe’s busiest waterway, as the death toll from bitter cold across the continent rose…as it has every day for nearly two weeks.” The report noted that “Navigation was impossible or restricted in Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria, as ice covered the river or formed dangerous floes in shipping lanes.”

No shipping means no delivery of coal and oil and no shipping of food and other necessities. Europe is freezing over as the United States has been experiencing an unusually mild winter thus far. That, too, is likely to yield to the increased cooling of the planet and then, maybe, Americans will realize the threat to their lives that the closing of coal-fired plants, instigated by the Environmental Protection Agency, really means.

In England, the Mail, reported on Sunday, February 12th, that large numbers of its elderly citizens are being “frozen to death as fuel bills soar: hypothermia cases among the elderly double in five years.” England, now gripped by foolish green notions of renewable energy, has covered itself with wind turbines, despoiling its countryside and coasts while proving unreliable and incapable of meeting its energy needs.

Figures showed that “1,876 patients were treated in hospital for hypothermia in 2010-2011, up from 950 in 2006-2007” reported the Mail. “Three-quarters of victims were pensioners, with cases soaring among the over-60s more than any other age group.”

In Europe, other news organizations reported that “Many of the dead were homeless people, who literally froze to death as the temperatures dropped to minus 50 degrees in some parts of the continent. Their bodies were found in the streets buried under snow, in rivers, and in doorways. Dozens of people were also killed in weather-related accidents.”

Writing in a Turkish newspaper, the Hurriyet Daily News, Sophie Quintin Adali, an analyst for a project of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, said, “As if the debt crisis weren’t bad enough news, the climate freeze sweeping across Europe is wreaking havoc by severely disrupting travel, business and people’s lives. Local authorities, indeed whole countries, are caught poorly prepared.” Turkey is experiencing record snowfall and low temperatures.

“The lack of readiness should come as no surprise because for decades the sensationalist message of global warming has dominated the public area,” said Ms. Adali.

“Politicians and decades of political environmentalism have a lot to answer for,” said Ms. Adali. “The man-made climate theory…is still supported by a mighty European Union bureaucracy and a green network addicted to public funds.” Even now, the Green Climate Fund “through which millions of taxpayer’s money will still be disbursed” is threatening the lives and the economy of people worldwide.

The current freeze is not just affecting Europe, but reaching across the Mediterranean to North African nations. And at some point America will feel it too.

We have not built a single new nuclear plant in America since 1978. EPA rules are forcing the closure of coal-fired plants throughout the nation. The national grid for the distribution of electricity is in need of upgrades.

The nation’s policies are controlled by the most environmentally insane administration in its history, wasting billions on so-called green energy. Its new budget raises taxes and proposes a trillion-dollar deficit without any significant effort to cut the spending that has left this and future generations in debt while the price of gas soars to new heights.

America and the rest of the world have been horribly deceived by the United Nations Intergovernmental Climate Change Panel that continues to drive the global warming hoax. The lying scientists who got on the global warming gravy train, the politicians that embraced it, and the media that misled millions are all culpable, all responsible.

They should be driven from office, defunded, and chased through the streets like villagers in pursuit of Frankenstein.

People are freezing to death in their homes and in the streets. What will it take to drive a stake into the heart of the global warming monster?

© Alan Caruba, 2012

The Drive By Media (Liberal)

Questions asked to Republican candidates from the drive-by media range from total non-sense to absolutely idiotic.  Rick Santorum got the conservative treatment on Sunday.

What happened and what should we do about it?

On NBC’s Meet the Press or as Rush likes to call it, Meet the Depressed, David Gregory asked Rick Santorum the following question:

Let me ask you one more question about women.  If you are President of the United States, and women want to work in your administration. Do single women without children only need apply? Are you going to respect the decision of women to come work for you if that’s the choice they make, or would they be somehow held by radical feminists?

Did Media Matters email in the talking points for David Gregory?

Can you imagine David Gregory asking Barack Obama a tough question about his birth certificate or Jeremiah Wright or perhaps even his questionable land deal in Chicago.

Come to think of it, can you imagine David Gregory or anyone at NBC asking Obama a tough question?

The media is certainly to the left.  No one seriously even debates that any more.  There is no conservative broadcast or cable news.  Fox News has moved to the center, parting ways with or reducing the roles of their major conservative anchors and personalities.  Politico has a good article on this today, if you have missed it.

Conservatives spend a lot of time complaining about the liberal media, but we do nothing about it.

The Daily Caller has been doing a series of exposes on Media Matters, with inside information about Media Matters’ plans to try and silence conservative media.

One of the plans Media Matters planned was to encourage people to buy shares in News Corp., which is the parent company of Fox News to complain about their conservative slant.

What works for them, works for us.  NBC is owned by NBC Universal, which is owned by Comcast (51%) and GE (49%).  Both Comcast and GE are publicly traded companies, which means anyone can buy shares of their stock.

NBC’s ratings, particularly those of MSNBC continue to tank. Fox News has more viewers than MSNBC and CNN combined.  Someone can make a good argument at a shareholders’ meeting that the leadership of NBC needs to be changed.

A shareholder has the right to go to the shareholder meetings and even present resolutions to be voted on by the shareholders.

So the question is, why don’t conservatives band together, buy Comcast and GE shares, take our complaints to the shareholders meeting and make some changes?

The answer is for the most part, we are happier just complaining about liberal bias in the media than we are about doing something to change it.

We can.

The good news is there is a revolution coming.  The old broadcast media are the dinosaurs and the giant meteor of death is about to sweep down on them.  The giant meteor of death is the Internet.

The Internet is the great equalizer.

The good news is this may well be the last Presidential election where the broadcast networks dominate the news.   By 2016, the Internet should be putting the old broadcast networks on the endangered species list.

We conservatives just need to make sure we are on the web and do not let the liberals artificially control the web so our viewpoints are heard.

Monday, February 13, 2012

More Obama Corruption

The Solar thing just got a little more interesting:

The Tonopah Solar company in Harry Reid's Nevada is getting a $737 million loan from Obama's DOE.

The project will produce a 110 megawatt power system and employ 45 permanent workers.

That's costing us just $16 million per job.

One of the investment partners in this

endeavor is Pacific Corporate Group (PCG). The PCG executive director is Ron Pelosi, who is the brother to Nancy's husband.

Just move along folks. Nuthin' goin' on here.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Liberal LIE of the Day

We certainly don't want to abridge anyone's religious freedoms.

- Obama senior adviser David Axelrod, defending a policy that abridges religious freedoms.

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Obama Lie of the Day

Lie of the Day

The recovery is speeding up.

- President Obama, on the same day when 1.2 million people dropped out of the labor force.