Thursday, May 26, 2011

Enough: Why does Ed Schultz still have a job?

Judson Phillips

Why does Ed Schultz still have a job?

In case you missed it, Ed Schultz, host of another unwatched show on MSNBC, on Tuesday called her a “slut.”  Schultz is a liberal hothead who falls in the noble traditions of Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, ranting, spewing and saying things that, well they can get away with because they are liberals.

Schultz called Laura Ingram a slut.  What happened after that?

Perhaps the better question might be what did not happen.  Two things did not happen.   Schultz was not fired and the National Organization of Women did not leap to Laura Ingram’s defense.

Neither is particularly shocking.  According to the press release issued by MSNBC, Ed Shultz suggested that he be given a week off without pay.

Can you imagine if a conservative talker has said something similar about a liberal?  Imagine if Sean Hannity said something similar about Rachel Maddow.  First, Hannity would not say something like this, as he is a class act.  But assume for a moment he did.

The feminazis would be coming out of the woodwork.  There would be demands that Hannity be fired.  There would be demands that sponsors of his show drop him.   Boycotts would arise.  There would be major repercussions for him.

Schultz makes a totally despicable remark about one of America’s most popular female talk show hosts and he will see no consequences.    Conservatives are not out demanding he be fired.  MSNBC would not do that regardless.   There is no demand that Schultz’s show be boycotted or that his advertisers drop their support for his show.

There should be.

Liberals say these type things about conservatives all the time.  There is a brief outrage and then the matter is swept down the memory hole.  When was the last time a liberal lost his or her job for making outrageous remarks about conservatives?  When was the last time the National Organization for Women went after a liberal who made misogynistic comments about a conservative woman?

The new civility that the left has been harping about for the last five months clearly does not apply when the attacker is a liberal and the victim is a conservative.

Schultz has issued a typical liberal non-apology.  Yesterday he said, "I just want to make sure that if there are any ladies out there who were offended that I used that term, I do apologize. I didn't mean to offend you."  Really?  What about Laura Ingram?

Laura Ingram handled her end of the matter with class.  She simply laid a zinger on him via her facebook account. 

MSNBC should fire Ed Schultz.  They decry sexism so they should be held to their standards.  The advertisers who advertise on the Ed Schultz show should pull their ads and for those who don’t, every decent person should say that we will not buy your products.

GE, MSNBC’s parent has corporate policies that forbid this type of behavior.   If this were an executive with GE who had made such a comment, they would be shown the door.  If the comment had been made by one of MSNBC’s token conservatives, they would have been shown the door.

For far too long we have let liberals say and do outrageous things against conservatives and nothing has been done.  This time, we should stand up and say enough is enough.

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