Friday, March 18, 2011

Networks Ignore Faith-Based Groups in Japan Disaster Aid Coverage–(Major networks are not on my viewing list anymore).

Networks Ignore Faith-Based Groups in Japan Disaster Aid Coverage
Posted by Staff

An 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan March 11 and the ensuing Tsunami wave delivered a devastating blow to the people, resources and economy of the U.S. ally. At this writing, a nuclear power plant there is on the verge of meltdown. As can be expected, it took a few days for the world and the American media to comprehend the complexity and gravity of the situation. But two things were very predictable in the aftermath of a natural disaster. First, Americans have responded generously, having rallied financial, physical, emotional and spiritual support for the Japanese. Second, the network news refuses to recognize the impact that churches, faith-based groups and small non-profits have in the recovery effort. From Friday March 11 until Tuesday, March 15, there were 11 stories about U.S. relief efforts on ABC, CBS and NBC. Many network anchors mentioned President Obama's pledge to assist the Japanese through agencies like Federal Emergency Management Agency and USAID. But not a single broadcast mentioned the work of Samaritan's Purse, Saddleback church, Salvation Army and other large faith-based groups mobilizing to help ease the suffering. Instead, the networks held government agencies like FEMA as the gold standard for relief efforts in Japan

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