Saturday, August 01, 2009

Liberals, Planned Parenthood and Abortion

How many laws can you break and still keep federal funding?

If you’re Planned Parenthood, which receives $350 million from taxpayers as part of its $1 billion annual revenues, the answer is: Nobody knows.

Certainly not Congress. The House on July 24 voted 247 to 183 to reject a bill by Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) to discontinue federal funding for the group.

This resounding congressional support comes despite the “sting” operation that caught Planned Parenthood counselors ignoring laws requiring them to report statutory rape of minors and urging the minors instead to lie to protect the man involved. Or the tapes that revealed PP solicitors responding enthusiastically to callers purporting to give money specifically to kill black babies.

Taxpayers over the past 10 years have coughed up more than $2 billion to Planned Parenthood. But the real cost should be counted in human lives, as those PP dollars eerily correspond with a rise in abortions performed at PP clinics. As reports , in 1997, Planned Parenthood received about $160 million in total taxpayer funding from various levels of government and performed 160,000 abortions. By 2006, government funding had doubled to more than $300 million, and the clinics committed 305,310 abortions.

Just in South Dakota, as Unruh points out, “a kindergarten class gets killed every week.”

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