Thursday, August 06, 2009

Healthcare Take over - Euthanasia

One doesn't have to be a futurist or prophet to see where this is headed. Having removed the right to life from the unborn in the UK and the United States, it is only a matter of conditioning before the at first "voluntary" and ultimately involuntary snuffing out of life at its other end will be tolerated and, indeed, promoted as the state seeks new ways to cut expenses.

If granny has willed you her nest egg, why not convince her and the doctor to slip her a pill and end her "suffering." Wouldn't she "want it that way" so as not to be a "burden" to her family? The executioners will not come with black masks, but in white coats and bureaucratic suits. Let us prey.

In a sense we all have a "right," or more precisely an obligation, to die.

Should that decision be left in the hands of others whose motives may be suspect, or even to our own hands when our perspective may be clouded by drugs or pressures from family members trying to unload their "burden" and get to the estate before the money is spent?

the conclusion of it all is euthanasia for the elderly, the "defective," the inconvenient and the unwanted. It's coming sooner than you think to a senior center near you, especially if Obamacare becomes law.

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