Monday, September 10, 2012

Why can't there be more in Hollywood like Christian Bale?

From Brutally Honest:

A class act is understating it:

In July, I posted the story of actor Christian Bale, star of the “Dark Knight” trilogy, visiting victims of the shooting in Aurora, Colorado, while they were in the hospital recovering. He didn’t pursue any media coverage for this. Pictures only got out because the families of the victims he visited were excited to share this gesture of kindness. Now Christian Bale has done it again.

Four-year-old Jayden Barber from Ohio was diagnosed with leukemia two years ago. Despite chemotherapy, it spread to his bones, and Jayden was diagnosed as terminal. It was Jayden’s greatest wish to meet the superhero, Batman, so – according to the Facebook page of an animal rescue organization called “Gremlin the Therapy Dog” – a local family made that dream come true by throwing a party and having someone dress up as Batman for Jayden. A few days later, Christian Bale got wind of Jayden’s wish and flew him and his entire family out to Los Angeles.

Bale spent a whole day at Disneyland with Jayden – and put his family up at a hotel there for a week. Everything was kept quiet until the other day when the family revealed what happened on their Facebook page called “Lighting the Batsignal for Jayden.”

Outstanding. Read the rest.

Hats off to Mr. Bale and to the man's character.

And prayers for little Jayden.

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