Monday, September 10, 2012

What's the ratio of dead servicemen produced by Democrats to those produced by Republicans?

From Brutally Honest:

Senator John Blutarsky's got the numbers:

In the past 100 years, 630,000 Americans were killed in foreign wars. So what's the body count? Republicans: 30,000. Democrats: 600,000.
A less charitable observer than myself might even argue that the grief of those 600,000 bereft mothers constitutes some sort of "war on women."
I'm rounding off the figures as Clinton did, but tweak them as you will, the ratio of dead servicemen produced by Democrats to those produced by Republicans will stay around 20:1. And even if you back out the two World Wars and use the time period Clinton used, the ratio is still 2.4:1.

Why the reference to Clinton's figures? 

Go read the rest and understand the point being made.

May not be what it initially seems.

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