Monday, September 17, 2012

Morphing of Media To Obama's Department of Misinformation Now Complete

  • Posted by Victoria Knox on September 17, 2012 at 9:06am in Tea Party Nation Forum


    Dispatch From Bizzaroland: Between September 11 and September 14, 2012: The U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other embassy personnel are murdered in a planned terrorist attack several hours before President Barack Hussein Obama skips an intelligence briefing to fly to a fundraiser in Las Vegas; Muslim mobs attack U.S. embassies in 21 Muslim countries, England and Australia as Obama parties with Beyoncé and Jay-Z; Al Qaeda in Yemen exhorts Muslims to kill U.S. diplomats in Muslim countries; Sudan refuses a U.S. request to post additional Marines to protect our embassy in that country; it comes out that our embassy in Egypt knew about the attack 48 hours in advance but Hillary Clinton took no steps to bolster its defenses – for instance, reversing her standing order not to allow the security detail in Egypt to have bullets loaded in their guns; Obama is unable to say whether Egypt is an ally or an enemy; and the US government's credit rating is downgraded from "AA" to "AA-".

    But who had "the worst week in Washington," according to The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza? Not Obama, whose naive Mideast outreach strategy has spectacularly gone down in flames. Not Hillary Clinton, who demonstrated gross negligence by failing to ensure that embassies in Libya and elsewhere beefed up security in the event of a terror attack on the 11th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks in the U.S.

    No, Republican nominee Mitt Romney's week in Washington was "the worst," because the timing of his statement condemning the apologetic posture taken by the U.S. embassy in Egypt in a futile effort to appease the mob and head off the planned attack made him "[look] like he was trying to score political points rather than mourn those who died."

    A debatable point, but Romney is not in the Oval Office charting the course of this nation's foreign policy and he is not running the State Department thus the failures that led to the murders of four Americans are not his. In short, Romney doesn't have their blood on his hands as Obama and Clinton do because of their incompetence. It should go without saying, but dead Americans trump bad optics.

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