Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tapes the Hussein Obama loving media chooses to ignore

Obama attended an anti-Israel conference with Rashid Khalidi.  The L.A. Times will not release the video.


Obama was caught on an open mic calling federal employees ”slugs.”  CBS News will not release the tape.

Obama was caught on an open mic promising the Russians to be more flexible if re-elected, and CBS describes the controversy as mere “presidential politics.”

An audio surfaced of Obama talking about how he loooooves redistribution, and Andrea Mitchell will not play it.

Where would this country be, where would this Presidential race be, with an objective media?  They have become nothing more than an extension of the Obama campaign.

But you people with brains already know this.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Obama Freak Show

The Obama freak show

Is there another good way to describe what is going on other than to call it the Obama freak show?  That is harsh, but what is happening is so disturbing that there are few other ways to talk about it.

What is happening here and why is it so shocking?

If you have not seen it, Hollywood stars and other big liberal celebrities are pledging allegiance.  They are pledging allegiance to Obama.

I kid you not.

They are putting their hands over their hearts and pledging allegiance to Barack Obama.

What the hell is wrong with these people?

This is America.  We pledge allegiance to our nation.  We do not pledge allegiance to a leader.  We never have.  We are not a kingdom, a communist regime or a banana republic, though if Obama has his way we will hit one of those three.

Why do we even pay attention to these people?  Let’s face it, 99% of the celebrities out there have their brain cells on the endangered species list.

This is not the first time the Holly-weird crowd has done this.  In 2009, Oprah’s Harpo productions filmed luminaries from the left coast freak show pledging their allegiance to Obama.   Back then they pledged to be “servants” to Obama.  This is America.  Americans are free people.  We are servants to no one.

If that was not bad enough, we have Obama reinventing the American flag.  It is the stars and stripes with an O logo in the field where the stars go.


This is not some artist’s drawing like the Hope poster was.  This is an item being sold by the Obama campaign to help raise funds for the Narcissist in Chief’s reelection bid.

Since I was a child, I pledged allegiance to the American flag, not to a caricature designed to offer homage to an egomaniac.  Calling this offensive does not even being to come close to describing this abomination.

The most disturbing part of this is the rise of the cult of personality surrounding Obama.  When Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed, Obama solemnly praised Stevens’ service to “my administration.”

Chris Stevens was not an Ambassador of Barack Obama.  He was an Ambassador of the United States of America.

Barack Obama needs a Copernican revolution.   The world does not revolve around his overly inflated ego.   If Obama’s ego were anywhere near normal, he might have a clue about what kind of a poor leader he is.

Megalomaniacs like Obama never have a clue.

Fortunately real Americans do have a clue and we will get rid of this clown in 46 days.

Wisdom from Twitter

kerry @Kerryepp

Yep! > @LeslieWilliamsz: @BettinaVLA Obama is at war. The sad thing is it's against America.

Kimberly Rothschild @KimbRothschild

Silly silly Americans that should have known better than to believe anything is free. Silly silly Obama supporters , you will pay plenty .

Obama's Army: Who Needs Elections When We Have The Mainstream Media?

Kimberly Rothschild @KimbRothschild

Carter taught us that we can survive any president. Obama taught us that Carter wasn't so bad.

sherry nash@harleypyrate02

If u see an Obama sticker on the car in front of you..."Maintain Your Distance"!Mentally Challenged Aboard!

Paul Combs @PAC43

There's so much anti-Americanism going on at our Middle East embassies, it almost resembles Democrat rallies

Lori Hendry@Lrihendry

Dear Politicians, the preamble of the Constitution reads," promote" the general welfare, not "provide" the general welfare.


@NathanHale1775 Obama's got the women supporters who murder their children!


@HomunculusLoikm Polls of #GOP will always show us happier; we aren't jealous of or resent other's success; if we want it, we work for it!

sherry nash@harleypyrate02

@JonathanStein4 @DLoesch Perhaps its come a time that Americans MUST STORM THE MEDIAS FORTRESSES??????

Lara Button@LaraButton

Islamists think Obama is weak with all his apologizing. America is broke bcause of Obama. They look at America as irrelevant. VOTE ROMNEY

Lara Button@LaraButton

Barry Obama wont meet with Netanyahu but he is meeting with Muslim Brotherhood Morsi. Then Oboobis meeting w/JayZ, Beyonce &Letterman show

Greg Howard@GregWHoward

Only Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama have tolerated flags of another nation over our embassies and done nothing

sherry nash@harleypyrate02

Strabge dont you think How Occupy Wall Street has all but disappeared? Whut? Scared of Camels with Fleas and Rocks?

kerry @Kerryepp

Rush: Iran deploys Russian made subs in Gulf, China warns about war with Japan, Libyans wanting to kill us AND Obama is headed to Letterman

Letter to Michelle Obama

Snippet from a Letter to Michelle by Becky Smith.
"I am also ashamed that the first family sees the Presidency as a lottery they won (how many vacations do you need in a year, really?) I have not had a job in two years, and our family would love to have a vacation in Europe, just one, someday. Yet your family has taken over seventeen vacations, at my last count, on the taxes people like me have paid. So, in effect, the middle class of America has been paying for you and your entourage of secretaries and secret service personnel to run around the world, shopping and sightseeing, when we cannot afford to go visit relatives who live in another state. Your husband’s policies have not created any jobs worth talking about, but they have kept businesses from creating jobs. Even a low-paying job would allow us the luxury of going to visit family."

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Gov. Romney Was Correct

Columnist: Judge Andrew Napolitano

As readers of this column and viewers of Fox News Channel may know, I have not hesitated to criticize Gov. Mitt Romney's presidential campaign and the governor himself. I have argued that his message is muddled and his values are unknown beyond his ardent wish to improve economic conditions through the use of free market mechanisms rather than central economic planning, a position with which I agree entirely.

I have also maintained that his willingness to abandon, or not to accept, first principles has made these questions reasonable: If Romney is elected president, which Romney will show up for work on Jan. 20, 2013? Will it be the Romney who ran to the left of Ted Kennedy in 1994, the Romney who governed Massachusetts as Mario Cuomo governed New York, or the Romney who now claims to be a "severe" (his word) conservative? Will it be the Romney who spent the entire presidential primary season assuring conservative Republican primary voters that he'll dismantle Obamacare on "Day One" (his phrase), or the Romney who told reporters last week that he approves of a limited federal role in managing health care? Or will it be the Romney who, when caught by the press saying something not intended for public consumption but demonstrably true, sticks to his guns?

A few months ago, at a private fundraiser, Romney spoke to supporters and contributors and observed that 47 percent of Americans do not pay any income tax, and thus his call for not raising taxes (though he wants to eliminate some familiar deductions, which is the functional equivalent of raising some folks' taxes) will not resonate with the voters in that group. Then he went on to say that this is roughly the same 47 percent who are dependent upon the government for part or all of their subsistence; and to that subsistence of food, shelter, education and clothing, the feds have now added health care. Then he referred to those dependent upon the government as "victims" (his word). Then, among my leftish colleagues in the press, all hell broke loose.

The reason hell broke loose among most of the media is that Romney spoke a painful truth, and often a painful truth is difficult to accept. I have argued that FDR deliberately set out to create dependence upon the federal government -- and hence upon virtually all Democrats in Congress and Republicans afraid to resist them -- by establishing entitlement programs and inducing reliance upon them. FDR went so far as to lie to Americans when he stated that the federal government will "hold" (his word) your Social Security contributions for you until you retire, and then you'll receive your nest egg of cash. We know he lied about this, because at the same time he was saying that the money deducted from your pay is yours, he dispatched Justice Department lawyers to argue in a constitutional challenge of Social Security before the Supreme Court that the money deducted from your pay is the government's money, and the government can spend it as it wishes. The Supreme Court agreed with that argument.

Now comes Romney to say that this has gotten out of hand. The feds have deliberately created a class of persons -- 47 percent of people living in America today -- dependent upon them. The governor is right. Anyone lulled into a false sense of security is a victim, and any government that has deceived members of the public to get them there is dangerous. Thus, the revelation that the big-government types who have dominated the federal government for 100 years, who want voters dependent upon them so that they can count on their votes, and who have made those voters victims have stung the Obama campaign and its media supporters. Romney was correct to call the 47 percent who are dependent upon the government victims of the government's deceptions and lust for power, and he is courageous to stick to his guns.

Dependency breeds a sense of complacency and entitlement and fosters a government that -- in order to stay in power -- will further that dependency. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton agreed on little publicly, but they did agree that when the public treasury becomes a public trough and the voters recognize that, they will send to the government only those who promise them a bigger piece of the government pie.

Then, sooner or later, the government will run out of other people's money. Romney understands that.

Obama’s Score: Fundraising 100 , National Security 0

Columnist: John Ransom

I hope you felt safe on the anniversary of 9/11. I know I did. And for that I have to thank about 500,000 dedicated national security professionals, reservists, regular airman, sailors and soldiers.

Some we now know were not so lucky.

That's because the actual count was 500,000 national security pros minus one amateur.

The amateur has been missing more often than not.

While our defense/intelligence community has been fighting the wars on terrorists, America’s been at the mall.

And the amateur? He has been busy taking out a $5 trillion mortgage for a remodeling project he favors in the US of A. Oh, and raising money for his reelection campaign.

Obama- yes, that amateur- the guy who thinks the constitution should force us to accept anything the federal government is willing to give a grateful citizenry? THAT Obama has ignored his one undisputed constitutional duty as commander in chief by skipping his daily intelligence briefings 62 percent of the time this year, according to Marc A. Thiessen, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

225th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution

Today is a special day.


    Today is a very special day.  It is a day that most Americans do not even recognize.   Every American should know what today is and more importantly, they should know what the threats against this great day.

    What is today and what are those threats?

    Today is the 225th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution.  It is known in America as Constitution Day.

    Most Americans do not know this.

    The greatest threat against our freedoms in the Constitution is coming both from abroad and at home.

    It is appeasement to Islam.

    In Lebanon today, Hezbollah called for criminalizing “Insulting Islam.”  Muslims have no problem insulting other religions, but want their religion treated differently.  In fact, if you live in a majority Muslim country, you are lucky if you are only insulted.

    Thomas Perez the Deputy Attorney General under the Obama Regime testifying before Congress said would not guarantee that the Department of Justice would not advance a proposal or a law that will criminalize speech against a religion.

    On this Constitution Day, every American should be appalled by the reaction of our government to the “Innocence of the Muslims” film.

    Instead of blaming the Islamists for the attacks on our embassies and the murder of our diplomatic personell, the Obama Regime has been blaming the film and the filmmaker. 

    Saturday night, at midnight, the filmmaker was summoned to have a conversation with the Federal Government.  Third world dictatorships arrest filmmakers in the middle of the night, not in America.

    Islamists around the world want to eliminate free speech.  Why?  Because like tyrants everywhere they cannot stand the idea that someone disagrees with them.

    Our Constitution is the greatest founding document for government that has ever existed in the world.   It has created the greatest, freest society the world has ever seen.

    Today we celebrate the Constitution’s 225th birthday.  We have a President in this nation dedicated to shredding the Constitution and around the world we have those who would destroy free speech so they can advance their ideology of evil.

    We Americans must stand for our Constitution and defend our rights.   Our rights this day are under assault as they have never been before.

    Either we defend America today or there may not be a 226th birthday.

    Monday, September 17, 2012

    Morphing of Media To Obama's Department of Misinformation Now Complete

  • Posted by Victoria Knox on September 17, 2012 at 9:06am in Tea Party Nation Forum


    Dispatch From Bizzaroland: Between September 11 and September 14, 2012: The U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other embassy personnel are murdered in a planned terrorist attack several hours before President Barack Hussein Obama skips an intelligence briefing to fly to a fundraiser in Las Vegas; Muslim mobs attack U.S. embassies in 21 Muslim countries, England and Australia as Obama parties with BeyoncĂ© and Jay-Z; Al Qaeda in Yemen exhorts Muslims to kill U.S. diplomats in Muslim countries; Sudan refuses a U.S. request to post additional Marines to protect our embassy in that country; it comes out that our embassy in Egypt knew about the attack 48 hours in advance but Hillary Clinton took no steps to bolster its defenses – for instance, reversing her standing order not to allow the security detail in Egypt to have bullets loaded in their guns; Obama is unable to say whether Egypt is an ally or an enemy; and the US government's credit rating is downgraded from "AA" to "AA-".

    But who had "the worst week in Washington," according to The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza? Not Obama, whose naive Mideast outreach strategy has spectacularly gone down in flames. Not Hillary Clinton, who demonstrated gross negligence by failing to ensure that embassies in Libya and elsewhere beefed up security in the event of a terror attack on the 11th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks in the U.S.

    No, Republican nominee Mitt Romney's week in Washington was "the worst," because the timing of his statement condemning the apologetic posture taken by the U.S. embassy in Egypt in a futile effort to appease the mob and head off the planned attack made him "[look] like he was trying to score political points rather than mourn those who died."

    A debatable point, but Romney is not in the Oval Office charting the course of this nation's foreign policy and he is not running the State Department thus the failures that led to the murders of four Americans are not his. In short, Romney doesn't have their blood on his hands as Obama and Clinton do because of their incompetence. It should go without saying, but dead Americans trump bad optics.

  • Media Bias–no more doubts!

    This appears to be the height of journalistic malpractice.

    On September 13, CNN political reporter Peter Hamby sent an Obama campaign donation request form to his Twitter followers:

    Election 2012


    Liberals response to a sneeze: may no one bless you.

    Abortion Clinic’s Shocking Sign: Good Women Have Abortions

    Senior FAA officials accused of telling workers 'job security' at risk if GOP wins

    Corrupt Media Continues to Cover Up Obama’s Solyndra Disaster

    Rep. Joe Walsh to Sandra Fluke: You’re 31‘Go Get a Job’

    WSJ’s Strassel: Romney should debunk ‘bizarre’ Democrat argument Bush tax policy caused recession

    Dem Senator Walks Out On Interview When Asked Why She Won't Debate Opponent

    Obama Pulls A Biden: ‘Three Proud Words: Made In The USA’

    Limbaugh: Rahm Emanuel Manufactured Union Crisis So Obama Could Solve It

    Report: Obama Misses Over Half His Intelligence Briefings

    Patricia Baber@trisha22522

    Communist Party USA (CPUSA) Endorses Obama for President

    Patricia Baber@trisha22522

    Shabazz: Black Panthers May Deploy Again At Polling Places

    Patricia Baber@trisha22522

    Obama’s Treason: He Is A Communist!

    Wayne Dupree@NewsNinja2012

    Hey Obama excuse me if I don't use today is the day of service to the government I will be using this day to remember our heroes

    Resist Tyranny@ResistTyranny

    Obama's 9-11 proclamation does not mention God

    Portland Principal Claims PB&J Sandwiches Could Hold Racist Connotations … But calling black Conservatives OREOS is ok.

    Michael Graham@MGraham969

    Of course President Obama can't meet with head of Israel. You know how hard it is to get a tee time on a MONDAY?

    Kimberly Rothschild @KimbRothschild

    Obama announces Letterman appearance on day he snubbed Netanyahu to talk about Iran .

    Saturday, September 15, 2012

    WE ARE AT WAR AND I WANT A LEADER! Obama campaigns with Beyonce and Clinton celebrates Muslim holiday!

  • Posted by Kasey Jachim on September 15, 2012 at 3:08pm
  • The United States is in crisis mode while Obama skips security briefings to chat with ‘Pimp with a Limp’ and Hillary hosts Lockerbie bomber supporter!  We are at war and I want a leader – not a narcissistic detached campaigner who supports the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The United States just lost four Americans, 17 others are wounded, and we have experienced another 9/11 terrorist attack – where is our President?  He is busy campaigning and scheduling appearances with David Letterman, Beyonce, and Jay Z.   Our ‘Commander in Chief’ passed up security briefings to discuss football and his favorite rappers with Pimp with a Limp.  But not to worry, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett is still in charge at the White House!

    Reports have also circulated that the attack in  Benghazi was an inside job and that the U.S. Department of State knew of the attack up to 48 hours ahead of time, yet chose to do nothing.

    Well, not exactly nothing. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was busy celebrating Muslim holiday Eid Mubarak two days after 9/11 attacks with Libyan ambassador Ali Sulaiman Aujali - the man who supported Scotland’s release of Lockerbie bomber.  But not to worry, Muslim-sisterhood member Huma Abedin has our backs!

    Obama has put his campaign and ego ahead of national security and our safety.  Hillary Clinton is in denial.  Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco are burning flags and chanting ‘Death to America.’  Are they concerned?  Obama declined a meeting with our Israeli ally, Bibi Netanyahu, while endorsing and assisting the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East.  In “Audacity of Hope” he writes: “I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”  Well, sir, they are shifting in an ugly direction and we now know where you stand.

    As the bodies of the four victims were returned to the US today, I was astonished to hear Clinton say this tragedy occurred because of a movie.  THAT is denial.  THAT was an excuse to kill Americans.  When will this administration understand that Islam is NOT a religion of peace?

    As our President and Secretary of State play down the volatile situation in the Middle East, Newt Gingrich tells it like it is:

    President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton again perpetuated the kind of intellectual dishonesty that cripples the U.S. response to radical Islamists.

    The president asserted we have to oppose “the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.”

    Clinton reinforced his analysis when she said, “We condemn in the strongest terms this senseless act of violence.”

    This concept of “senseless violence” is at the heart of the left’s refusal to confront the reality of radical Islamists.

    These are not acts of senseless violence.

    These are acts of war.

    We are at war and we should demand a leader who will make our safety and the safety of our men and women serving in the Middle East his top priority!  Clint Eastwood nailed it – President Obama has failed us and it is time for him to go!

    Kasey Jachim

    Friday, September 14, 2012

    The American Media Beclowned Themselves

    The American Media Beclowned Themselves Yesterday

    By: Erick Erickson

    Yesterday, as the American consulate in Libya was smoking and the rioters were returning in Egypt, the President of the United States flew off to Las Vegas for a fundraiser while his spokesman was telling the American press corps that yesterday wasn’t really a normal political day. Had it been George W. Bush, the media would, right now, be marching on the White House with pitch forks and torches. Remember, on 9/11, as events were unfolding in Washington, the American media was crying for President Bush to return to Washington. They wanted Daddy at home in the White House where he could tuck them in bed, damn the security issues of getting him there.

    I get that Chuck Todd is a former Democrat hill staffer. I get that the Politico is riddled with Democrats, some former activists and a former staffer for Debbie Wasserman Schultz. I get that Michael Scherer from Time magazine is a left wing reporter for Mother Jones and turned respectable, “objective” journalist. I get that Ben Smith, leading up Buzz Feed, is a leftwing journalist paraded about as if he is some sort of objective reporter at a trendy site full of cat photos. [Editor's Note: Totally forgot to include Journolist and have updated to include it] I get that precious Ezra Klein started Journolist so reporters and political operatives could collaborate on the news and narrative and now he sits at the Washington Post and gets trotted out as a fact checker. What I really get is that the American media runs with a herd mentality, leans left, and yesterday collectively fell over their group think as they leaned so far left to focus on Mitt Romney and not President Obama. Yesterday, the American media beclowned itself in ways I didn’t really even think was possible, even knowing how in the tank for Barack Obama they are.

    Thursday, September 13, 2012

    Democratic (Liberal) Stupidity

    Stupidity in charge

    When we elect liberals and put them in charge, we end up with stupidity.  We end up with amazing amounts of idiocy.  Unfortunately that idiocy may cost lives.

    What has happened?

    From the Washington Free Beacon:

    U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition, limiting their ability to respond to attacks like those this week on the U.S. consulate in Cairo.

    Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson “did not permit U.S. Marine guards to carry live ammunition,” according to multiple reports on U.S. Marine Corps blogs spotted by Nightwatch. “She neutralized any U.S. military capability that was dedicated to preserve her life and protect the US Embassy.”

    U.S. officials have yet to confirm or comment on the reports. Time magazine’s Battleland blog reported Thursday “Senior U.S. officials late Wednesday declined to discuss in detail the security at either Cairo or Benghazi, so answers may be slow in coming.”

    If true, the reports indicate that Patterson shirked her obligation to protect U.S. interests, Nightwatch states.

    “She did not defend U.S. sovereign territory and betrayed her oath of office,” the report states. “She neutered the Marines posted to defend the embassy, trusting the Egyptians over the Marines.”

    While Marines are typically relied on to defend U.S. territory abroad, such as embassies, these reports indicate that the Obama administration was relying on Egypt’s new Muslim Brotherhood-backed government to ensure American security, a move observers are questioning as violence in Cairo continues to rage.

    What the hell?

    Our Marines are ordered to be disarmed?

    Obama has ordered fifty more Marines to Libya.  What for?  If they are not going to be allowed to carry live ammunition, why are they being sent?

    Does Obama want more dead Americans or does he want to enjoy the same experience Jimmy Carter had as Americans are held hostage and marched through the streets.

    Mitt Romney has never been my first choice to be President but he is acting like the President.  Obama is acting like an America hating community organizer.

    Americans have paid the price for this.  Does anyone believe the Egyptians would have allowed this attack on our embassy if they feared Obama?  Do you think the Islamists would have killed our Ambassador if they were afraid of America?

    The simple fact is Obama is dangerous for America.  There are three words that we must all repeat.  OMG.  Obama must go.

    Romney may not be perfect but he will be infinitely better than Obama.

    Oh, and I am willing to bet he will tell our Marines they had damn well better be carrying life ammo.

    Wednesday, September 12, 2012

    Something to Think about

    Toni Brooklyn@ToniBaffa

    Ladies and gentlemen, Osama Bin Laden is alive and well and living in all these nutbags in the middle east.

    Shame on NBC

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - For NBC's "Today" show, keeping up with the Kardashians on Tuesday trumped observing a moment of silence marking the attacks of September 11, an American television news tradition observed by every other U.S. broadcast network. At 8:46 a.m., ABC, CBS and Fox all aired live silent footage of grim-faced firefighters and somber families from various memorials, marking the minute 11 years ago when the first of two hijacked airplanes struck New York's Twin Towers.

    NOTE: no one in my family and extended family will ever watch anything on NBC ever again.   

    Terrorist Attacks on America

    Sarah Palin

    Apparently President Obama can’t see Egypt and Libya from his house. On the anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks ever perpetrated on America, our embassy in Cairo and our consulate in Benghazi were attacked by violent Islamic mobs. In Cairo, they scaled the walls of our embassy, destroyed our flag, and replaced it with a black Islamic banner. In Benghazi, the armed gunmen set fire to our consulate and killed an American staff member. The Islamic radicals claim that these attacks are in protest to some film criticizing Islam. In response to this, the U.S. embassy in Cairo issued a statement that was so outrageous many of us thought it must be a satire. The embassy actually apologized to the violent mob attacking us, and it even went so far as to chastise those who use free speech to “hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” (Funny, the current administration has no problem hurting the “religious feelings” of Catholics.)

    But where is the pr

    esident’s statement about this? These countries represent his much touted “Arab Spring.” How’s that Arab Spring working out for us now? Have we received an apology yet from our “friends” in the Muslim Brotherhood for the assault on our embassy?

    It’s about time our president stood up for America and condemned these Islamic extremists. I realize there must be a lot on his mind these days – what with our economy’s abysmal jobless numbers and Moody’s new warning about yet another downgrade to our nation’s credit rating due to the current administration’s failure to come up with a credible deficit reduction plan. And, of course, he has a busy schedule – with all those rounds of golf, softball interviews with the “Pimp with the Limp,” and fundraising dinners with his corporate cronies. But our nation’s security should be of utmost importance to our Commander-in-chief. America can’t afford any more “leading from behind” in such a dangerous world. We already know that President Obama likes to “speak softly” to our enemies. If he doesn’t have a “big stick” to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one.
    - Sarah Palin

    Monday, September 10, 2012

    Why can't there be more in Hollywood like Christian Bale?

    From Brutally Honest:

    A class act is understating it:

    In July, I posted the story of actor Christian Bale, star of the “Dark Knight” trilogy, visiting victims of the shooting in Aurora, Colorado, while they were in the hospital recovering. He didn’t pursue any media coverage for this. Pictures only got out because the families of the victims he visited were excited to share this gesture of kindness. Now Christian Bale has done it again.

    Four-year-old Jayden Barber from Ohio was diagnosed with leukemia two years ago. Despite chemotherapy, it spread to his bones, and Jayden was diagnosed as terminal. It was Jayden’s greatest wish to meet the superhero, Batman, so – according to the Facebook page of an animal rescue organization called “Gremlin the Therapy Dog” – a local family made that dream come true by throwing a party and having someone dress up as Batman for Jayden. A few days later, Christian Bale got wind of Jayden’s wish and flew him and his entire family out to Los Angeles.

    Bale spent a whole day at Disneyland with Jayden – and put his family up at a hotel there for a week. Everything was kept quiet until the other day when the family revealed what happened on their Facebook page called “Lighting the Batsignal for Jayden.”

    Outstanding. Read the rest.

    Hats off to Mr. Bale and to the man's character.

    And prayers for little Jayden.

    What's the ratio of dead servicemen produced by Democrats to those produced by Republicans?

    From Brutally Honest:

    Senator John Blutarsky's got the numbers:

    In the past 100 years, 630,000 Americans were killed in foreign wars. So what's the body count? Republicans: 30,000. Democrats: 600,000.
    A less charitable observer than myself might even argue that the grief of those 600,000 bereft mothers constitutes some sort of "war on women."
    I'm rounding off the figures as Clinton did, but tweak them as you will, the ratio of dead servicemen produced by Democrats to those produced by Republicans will stay around 20:1. And even if you back out the two World Wars and use the time period Clinton used, the ratio is still 2.4:1.

    Why the reference to Clinton's figures? 

    Go read the rest and understand the point being made.

    May not be what it initially seems.

    Are you better off now?

    Posted by Judson Phillips on September 10, 2012 at 7:47am in Tea Party Nation Forum


      “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

      Ronald Reagan tossed that question out with the effect of a nuclear bomb in his debate with Jimmy Carter in 1980.  Since then it has become a standard question asked in Presidential elections.  As important as that question is, especially this year, there is another even more important question that needs to be asked.

      What is it?

      Eleven years ago today was the last full day of normalcy for Americans.  For about 3000 Americans, it was their last full day of life.

      While today’s high school seniors have no memory of 9/11, a majority of Americans still do.   Most of us still remember where we were when we first heard the news.  We remember seeing video of the second plane hitting the towers.   We remember the long trail of black smoke staining the otherwise pristine clear blue sky.   We remember the pictures of the people having to choose between jumping to their death or being burned to death and we remember the towers coming down.

      Tomorrow is the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.   The question we need to be asking is, “Are we safer now than we were eleven years ago?”

      The answer is an overwhelming no.

      After 9/11, George Bush acted decisively.  Within three weeks we began bombing Afghanistan and helping the Northern Alliance drive the Taliban from power, after the Taliban refused to hand over Osama Bin Laden.

      The administration went after Al-Qaeda wherever they were found.

      Unfortunately, the Bush Administration bought into the “Islam is a religion of peace,” garbage.

      The Bush administration captured terrorists, locked them up, used enhanced interrogation techniques against them, discovered and disrupted plots for other terrorist attacks.

      Then came the Obama Regime.

      If the goal of the Obama Regime was to help our enemies in the global war against terrorism, they have succeeded.

      Obama promised to shut down Guantanamo as a detention center.  He promised to shut down and end sites where terrorists were held and enhanced interrogation was used against them.  His Justice Department made public our interrogation techniques so the enemy could better prepare for them.  The Regime insisted on civilian trials for the enemy.   That idea was so bad even Obama had to back away from it.  The Regime has been releasing terrorists to “build good will” with terrorists.  The Regime is trying to negotiate with them instead.

      You cannot negotiate with those who want to kill you.

      Under Obama, Iran is coming closer and closer towards nuclear weapons and Obama is more worried that Israel might take actions to stop Iran than it is about Iran itself.

      Major security leaks have come from the Obama Regime, which hurt Israel’s ability to deal with Iran, and these leaks have damaged our national security.

      Are we safer now than we were eleven years ago?

      Absolutely not.

      As we come to the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, that is a question we need to be asking ourselves.  We know the answer.

      Obama thinks America, not radical Islam is the problem.

      Would Mitt Romney handle American security better than Obama?

      One thing is certain; Romney does not view America as the enemy.  That is a good start.   Unlike Obama, Romney does not hate America and does not want to see America diminished.

      No matter what, Romney would be infinitely better than Obama on defense.

      Hopefully, a year from now; we will be safer than we are today.

    Saturday, September 08, 2012

    If hypocrisy were a hammer . . .

    From “Brutally Honest”

    The Democratic National Committee banned dozens of Charlotte churches from distributing gift baskets to delegates because the congregations hold values that are contrary to the party platform, according to local religious leaders.

    “They told us our views on women’s rights are contrary to the Democratic party platform,” said David Benham, the lead organizer of the Charlotte714 religious movement.

    Charlotte714 is a group of more than 100 churches across the region that mobilized to pray for the Democratic National Convention. More than 9,000 people gathered last Sunday for a time of worship and prayer in advance of the convention.

    A gathering of some 200 Muslims praying in Charlotte was given extensive national coverage. The massive Christian received scant coverage.

    Benham said the name references an Old Testament passage in 2 Chronicles 7:14 – calling the nation to prayer.

    He said 56 churches wanted to “Adopt-a-Delegation.” They put together gift baskets featuring Carolina Pralines and a letter welcoming them to the city and offering assistance in transportation, childcare or spiritual matters.

    “We were just trying to display Southern hospitality,” he said. “We wanted them to know we were happy to serve them.”

    However, DNC officials conveyed to city leaders that the Christians would not be allowed to present their gift baskets.

    “I got a call from the mayor’s office speaking on behalf of the convention and they asked us not to participate,” he said. “They told us our views on women’s rights are contrary to the platform.”

    Benham said he was shocked because all the churches involved are mainline denominations ranging from Baptists and Methodists to Assembly of God.

    “I was blown away and could not believe it,” he told Fox News.

    So instead of gift baskets, Benham asked if they could send welcome letters to the delegates. Again, he said the DNC refused – because the churches hold pro-life values.

    “They responded back and said no because our views on women,” he said. “They would not allow it.”

    Benham said it is true that all the churches are pro-life – but the baskets did not include a single political or pro-life message. They just wanted to give them regional candies and a welcome letter.

    A spokesman for the city of Charlotte referred comments to the DNC. The DNC did not return numerous calls seeking comment.

    And you and I, who hold views contrary to the views held by most of those represented by the DNC, are the extremists, the bigots, the intolerant ones.


    "The greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people"

    Clint Eastwood is doubling down:

    AFTER A week as topic No. 1 in American politics, former Carmel Mayor Clint Eastwood said the Eastwoodoutpouring of criticism from left-wing reporters and liberal politicians after his appearance at the Republican National Convention last Thursday night, followed by an avalanche of support on Twitter and in the blogosphere, is all the proof anybody needs that his 12-minute discourse achieved exactly what he intended it to.

    “President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” Eastwood told The Pine Cone this week. “Romney and Ryan would do a much better job running the country, and that’s what everybody needs to know. I may have irritated a lot of the lefties, but I was aiming for people in the middle.”

    For five days after he thrilled or horrified the nation by talking to an empty chair representing Obama on the night Mitt Romney accepted the Republican nomination for president, Eastwood remained silent while pundits and critics debated whether his remarks, and the rambling way he made them, had helped or hurt Romney’s chances of winning in November.

    But in a wide-ranging interview with The Pine Cone Tuesday from his home in Pebble Beach, he said he had conveyed the messages he wanted to convey, and that the spontaneous nature of his presentation was intentional, too.

    “I had three points I wanted to make,” Eastwood said. “That not everybody in Hollywood is on the left, that Obama has broken a lot of the promises he made when he took office, and that the people should feel free to get rid of any politician who’s not doing a good job. But I didn’t make up my mind exactly what I was going to say until I said it.”

    Mr. Eastwood is correct.

    Obama is a hoax.

    The sad part is that there are still lots of folks buying into the charade.

    I'm slackjawed by those still supporting the guy.

    Just slackjawed.

    An alternative to Democrats' moral bankruptcy

  • Star Parker
  • Star Parker

    Maybe Democrats have some slick salesmen, like Bill Clinton and our current president, who can sell you swampland and have you convinced that you've bought choice beachfront property.

    But the omission of any mention of God and recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital from the Democratic Party platform, which were in it in 2008, and then the almost-failed attempt to add them after the fact, showed the clear truth about the 2012 Democratic Party.

    It took three boisterous floor votes to add these principles to the platform. Listening to the ayes and nays on the third vote, it is questionable that they actually got the two-thirds that were needed.

    The omission of these key principles from the Democratic platform was the party equivalent of what journalist Michael Kinsley calls a political gaffe -- when a politician inadvertently says what he really believes.

    Democratic Party operatives panicked when they realized that the platform, as initially drafted, showed today's Democrats exactly for who they are: the home base for the nihilism, radical moral relativism and welfare statism that define today's far left.

    But the Democrats are the party of the entertainment industry. They know how to create fiction and appeal to fantasies.

    So the party of the radical left brands Republicans as extremists.

    The United States is still a religious nation.

    According to a 2010 Gallup poll, 43 percent of Americans attend church regularly. However, just 39 percent of Democrats and 27 percent of liberals do.

    The alignment of the culture of the Democratic Party with that of bankrupt European welfare states provides a powerful hint where they are taking this country.

    In a Pew Research Center survey last year, 50 percent of Americans said religion is "very important," compared to 22 percent in Spain, 21 percent in Germany, 17 percent in Great Britain and 13 percent in France.

    Of the 50 percent of Americans who said religion is very important, 67 percent were conservative and 29 percent liberal.

    Regarding Israel, in a Gallup poll done this year, 61 percent of all Americans -- 78 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of Democrats -- said their sympathies lie with the Israelis rather than the Palestinians.

    Back in 1965, when President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law, 30 percent of federal spending consisted of payments to individuals. Today it's almost 70 percent.

    Democrats True Colors

    The true colors of the Democrat Party were on full display this week at their convention in Charlotte.

    The display from the Democrats this week shows they truly are the party of…

    You fill in the blank.

    The Democrats opened their convention with an Islamic prayer service led by a man who has called for the overthrow of the “filthy” American government and to have it replaced by an Islamic state.

    That has worked out so well in Iran, Afghanistan and Egypt among other places.  That’s a good idea.

    The Democrats took God out of their platform, booed when he was put back in and truthfully those who wanted him out of the platform probably won that vote.

    Then, after repeated insults to those who hold Christian beliefs, an olive branch was offered.  The Democrats hastily accepted the offer by Cardinal Dolan to offer the benediction.

    When he offered the benediction, he offered an explicitly prolife benediction.

    The left went nuts.

    While conservatives are not allowed to dare question Obama’s Christianity (or lack thereof), it was open season on the top Catholic Prelate in America.

    Liberals took to twitter saying all manner of foul things about the Archbishop

    Twichy has got a pretty good rundown on the slime. (warning, the language is very obscene).

    This is liberal tolerance on full display.  No one is allowed to disagree with liberal orthodoxy.

    Conservatives are told that we must tolerate any liberal idiocy and the first word out of the mouth of your average liberal about a conservative is that we are “intolerant.”

    Guess what?

    For liberals, that term just got retired.

    The Coming Earthquake

  • Posted by Judson Phillips on September 8, 2012 at 8:03am in Tea Party Nation Forum
  • Our society is not a static one.  We have changes all the time.  Some of them are small.  Occasionally we have a massive earthquake of a change.  These come along only once a generation, once a century or perhaps even less frequently than that.

    We have a huge political earthquake coming.  What is going to cause this seismic change and what will the shocking result be?

    We are about to see the end of the liberal media political complex.  Since the end of World War Two, the left has held a monopoly on the news information business.  Actually monopoly is not a true description.  To call it a cartel would be more accurate.   They were a group of individuals who worked together to restrict the flow of a product into the market place.

    In this case, the product was news and information.

    For over sixty years, the liberal media cartel controlled news.   The cartel had one goal, having their ideology reflected in the news.  Cartels are easy to control when there are only a few producers.  In the hey day of the liberal media, the media narratives were controlled by the New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC, CBS and NBC.

    With these media titans in place, the narrative was formed and it was hard to break.  There were exceptions to the cartel, where conservatives flourished but they were rare.

    The liberal media cartel has been doomed by the information age.  It started with talk radio, providing an alternative outlet.  Then Fox News came along.  It thrived because it was an alternative to the liberal media cartel.  Then the Drudge Report came along.

    Now, conservative media is exploding on the Internet

    Cartels become doomed when they cannot control all of the producers of a product and that is what has happened here.   Viewers are fleeing liberal media in record numbers for media outlets that reflect their values and do not act as a palace guard for the Obama Regime.

    The end of the liberal media cartel is helping to bring about something else too.  This is a seismic change we have not seen in over 150 years.  We are about to see the death of a major American political party.

    The Democrats have moved so far to the left they are no longer recognizable as an American political party.  Their beliefs sound more like something that would come from a Central Committee meeting of the Communist Party than from an American political party.

    Perhaps the last straw came a few days ago when the Democrats first met in Charlotte.  They declared we all belong to the government.   I’m not sure what is worse, the Democrats announcing we belong to government or not understanding why real Americans are horrified by that claim.

    The real fiasco came when the Democrats announced their platform.  They removed God from it and took out the plank that said Jerusalem was the capital of Israel.   The Republicans hit that so hard the Democrats had to react.  So Ted Strickland, a former Ohio governor and minister in the Church of Karl Marx was designated to make the motion to put God and Jerusalem back in the Democrat platform.

    Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa went to the platform as chairman, called for the vote and was about to do as he was ordered, namely make sure the amendment passed.  As he called for the voice vote, not once but three times, it was plainly obvious that those voting against the amendment outnumbered those in favor of it.

    Villaraigosa stood there wondering what the hell was happening, watching his political career go down in flames.  Finally he ruled the amendments had passed, despite the clear indication they had not.

    This idiocy and the loud booing afterwards were all dutifully recorded and are now on YouTube.

    The message has been simple.  The Democrats are booing God.  If you add the Islamic Prayers, which was an official Democrat Convention event, led by an Imam who calls for the overthrow of the American government and the obscenities hurled at Cardinal Timothy Dolan who offered the benediction, you have a radical party that is out of touch with America.

    Rush Limbaugh said yesterday that the liberal media would throw Obama under the bus to save liberalism.  They would blame the failure of this administration on Obama’s incompetence, not liberalism.

    He is right about that, but there is more.

    With the collapse of the liberal media cartel, the media can no longer shield the American people from what the Democrat Party has become.  It has become an anti-American party of socialism.

    Americans do not want socialism.  We like freedom.  Scott Rasmussen reported a few days ago that record numbers of people now identified themselves as Republicans while the number of those who identify as Democrats is close to an all time low.

    A Republican tsunami is coming this fall. Romney will win the Presidency.  There is no amount of voter fraud that can stop him.  The Republicans will take control of the Senate and maintain control of the House.

    The Democrats will become so marginalized they will tear themselves apart.  Conservatives and anyone who is not to the left of Karl Marx realize the Democrat Party does not want them.

    In 1848, the Whig Party elected their last President.  By 1860, the new Republican Party had replaced the Whig Party.  By 2016, given the way the Democrat Party is imploding, we may well see a new political party coming into its own as a major political party.

    Let us hope so and we can consign the Party of Treason to the ash heap of history.

    Obama’s Main Problem: Math

    At the Democratic National Convention, former President Bill Clinton told America that his solution to joblessness and budget deficits was one word -- arithmetic. I couldn’t agree more. Let’s take a look at Barack Obama’s record these last four years -- I think you’ll agree the numbers just don’t add up:

    •    23 million Americans are out of work, have stopped looking for work, or are underemployed
    •    $16 trillion national debt (that’s $50,000 for every American)
    •    43 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment
    •    4 straight trillion dollar budget deficits in a row -- more than any other president combined

    Ultimately, it’s simple arithmetic -- the policies of Barack Obama just don’t add up to the kind of future America deserves.
    My economic plan creates 12 million new jobs. Jobs that will help middle class families move forward again. Jobs that will help restore the American Dream.
    With your support, we can put Americans back to work. It's simple arithmetic.
    Donate today to help the Republican team and me put Americans back to work.
    Mitt Romney

    Friday, September 07, 2012

    Good (Conservative) vs Evil (Liberal)

    Some must reads from Twitter:

    Wayne Dupree@NewsNinja2012
    The Republican convention featured love of God, love of Country, love of life, and the sanctity of life, Dem convention denied God 3 times
    Kirsten Powers cooed DNC much more 'patriotic' than GOP - honoring military, etc. That's why Obama sued 2 suppress military vote?
    Congressman Louis Gohmert: 70% Of Americans Killed In Afghanistan Have Been Killed Since Obama Became President
    Word Michelle Obama Used Most In DNC Speech, Barack: Word Ann Romney Used Most In RNC Speech, America
    Party of Criminals: Illegal Alien Addresses Democratic Convention And the unemployed weren't invited.
    Patriots Billboard@PatriotsOrg
    Kimberly Rothschild @KimbRothschild
    Capitalism works very well for America . Anyone who wants to move to North Korea is welcome .
    Did Obama's Afghan surge work? NO! We have 1480 troops dead now on HIS watch now! Still no media coverage @DBab24 @truthteam2012 #p2 #tcot
    My beef is the media NOT covering deaths @DBab24 With Bush it was a headline every night. Where is media outrage? Crickets @truthteam2012
    When Bush was president, liberals said dissent was "patriotic." Today liberals say dissent is racist, ugly & hate-filled #tcot #obama #DNC
    Libs LOVE women. They call Palin, Bachmann, & ingraham expletive I cannot tweet, tweet death wishes 2 Ann Romeny. Very female friendly.#tcot
    Dave Koffer@davekoffer
    Susan @Cookiemuffen
    DOJ Suggests Criticism of Islam Could Be Criminalized -
    Only FOX shows all of Cardinal Dolan's closing prayer. CNN & MSNBC go to their talking heads - did not want to hear him pray for the unborn

    Thursday, September 06, 2012

    The Forgotten Democratic President

    The Missing Democrat

    The Democrat Convention has featured all manner of Democrats this week.  Most of them have been retreads.  They featured the man who was a bad President, Bill Clinton.  They featured the man who, until Obama was the worst President in American history, Jimmy Carter.  They even honored the Democrat who should have been sent to prison, Ted Kennedy.

    Yet there was one notable Democrat President who was completely forgotten.

    Who is it and why was he forgotten?

    It was John F. Kennedy.  Yes, the Democrats had to slobber all over the memory of Ted Kennedy, who left a woman to drown in his car.  They had John F. Kennedy’s daughter as a speaker, but no mention of the last patriotic Democrat President.

    If you go back and read what John Kennedy wrote back in the day, it is shocking how conservative he was.

    If you read or listen to John Kennedy’s inaugural address, you realize how out of touch today’s Democrats are with reality.

    Kennedy uttered these famous words:  “ Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

    Does anyone believe Barack Obama would utter those words today?

    Does anyone think Barack Obama believes in the success or even survival of liberty?

    He will not bear any burden or pay any price in the cause of liberty.  He will sell out our friends and encourage our enemies.  For Barack Obama, just the opposite is true.  He will support no friend and help any foe in the battle for liberty.

    Obama’s greatest triumph has been the Islamist Spring.  In the Middle East, anti-American regimes have replaced regimes that were either allied to us or at least were no longer causing trouble.

    Anyone else remember John F. Kennedy’s finest moment?    It was his speech in 1962 where he said, “We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.”

    Does anyone think Barack Obama has the character to utter any words like that?

    This is the same guy who has gutted our manned space program and told his NASA director that NASA’s mission was to make Muslims feel good about their contributions to science.

    John Kennedy was the last patriotic Democrat.   Why aren’t the Democrats of today invoking his memory?  With the passing of Neil Armstrong, we remember the greatness of the 60’s when we put a man on the moon and returned him safely.  We put Neil Armstrong on the moon because John F. Kennedy believed in the greatness of America.  We put a man on the moon because John F. Kennedy gave us that vision.

    Conservatives admire John F. Kennedy.  He was a great American and that is why Democrats do not revere him today.  John Kennedy appealed to America’s greatness and Barack Obama wants to see America weak and defenseless.  Today’s Democrats want to see America as just another insignificant country in a sea of nations.

    The reason you do not see today’s Democrats appealing to the memory of John F. Kennedy is because he reminds them of everything they no longer are.

    He reminds them, they are no longer real Americans.

    The Condom Convention

    The Condom Convention continues The never-ending parade of irritating liberal women continued unimpeded at the Democratic convention. Yesterday we got to hear from contraception crazy Sandra Fluke, Planned Parenthood's president, and renegade nun Simone Campbell. Keep it up, Democrats; you're the only ones thinking that any woman will be won over by your creepy obsession with birth control.
    Dr. Alveda King, Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece, came on the show to talk about the real King legacy. She claimed that Martin Luther King Jr. was pro-life and against gay marriage, contrary to what Democrats would have us believe. Dr. King said that Obama's support for abortion and gay marriage was not living up to her uncle's dream for America, asking "How is killing black babies uplifting to the black community?"

    The Godless Democrats

    After getting criticism for removing God from their platform, Democrats scrambled to put the language back in the platform. But when they asked for a 2/3 voice vote, half the Democrats were opposed. When they amended the platform anyways, Democrats booed the re-inclusion of God! This is the party that supposedly represents the average American?

    End of the Democrats as an American Party

    The end of the Democrats as an American Party

    The Democrat Convention was supposed to be the big kick off for Obama’s reelection.  By any stretch of the imagination, even despite the cheerleading by the drive by media, this has been a disaster.

    This convention may well mark the week that the Democrat Party ceased to be an American party.

    Americans have always had certain basic beliefs we all shared.  We were a free people.  Our government was of the people, by the people and for the people.  The government belongs to us and those who work for the government are public servants.  The key word there being servant.

    No more.

    Americans have also had a public piety.  We accept God.  No, this is not necessarily the Evangelical God, but it is a Judeo Christian God.  We publicly bow our heads.   We begin our public meetings, including Congress with prayer.  Some of the greatest words uttered by American leaders were prayers.

    Americans were Evangelical, mainstream protestant, Catholic, Orthodox or Jewish, but we accepted the premise of God being a benevolent being who we appealed to in our time of need and offered our gratitude in times of prosperity.

    No more.

    The Democrats have taken God out of their platform.

    Then they realized they made a mistake.

    So they did what Democrats do.  They quickly flip flopped.  But when they put God back into their platform, the far left that controls the Democrat Party went nuts.  They booed.

    Can you imagine?  The Democrats booed God.

    The drive by media is going into emergency overtime trying spin, explain or simply hide this.

    They cannot.

    It is on the Internet.  Everyone knows about it.

    What does it say about those activists who control the Democrat Party?

    They are no longer real Americans.

    They no longer represent the values of real Americans.   In this convention, the Democrats told Archbishop Timothy Dolan they were not interested in having him (though they later had to reverse themselves) but welcomed radical Islamists to hold an Islamic prayer meeting led by a radical who wants the “filthy” American Constitution overthrown and replaced with Sharia law.

    They insulted millions of faithful Americans.

    They no longer believe in freedom and liberty.

    They believe in the collectivism of communism.  They believe we the people are not a free people, with God-given inalienable rights.  They believe belong to the government.  They believe we are the serfs of this nation.  They believe we the people are the chattels of the government.

    The Democrat Party no longer believes in America.

    They must be totally defeated and replaced with a Party that does.

    VP Biden

  • Posted by Robert J. Mack on September 3, 2012 at 3:14pm
  • Biden creeps me out because he is, shall we say, intellectually challenged—Who believed that FDR as president was on TV to talk about the stock market crash of 1929? Who claimed that when you do everything right and with absolute certainty, there’s still a 30% chance you’ll get it wrong? Who accused Romney and Wall Street of attempting to put all African-Americans back in chains? It’s difficult, even in your wildest imaginings, to accept the fact that the guy who thinks these things is a heart beat away from assuming the presidency. Biden consistently produces fear, the fear that someone with his intelligence deficit could potentially become the leader of the free world. How appalling and depressing is that. That’s not a 70% fear either, Joe.

    Wednesday, September 05, 2012

    John Davis was right

    John Davis was right.

    The Democrats had the first night of their convention last night.   It featured the usual litany of losing liberal ideas.   Most of the discussions were either about their feelings or trashing Mitt Romney.   They did not want to talk about the record of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid axis of fiscal evil.   They also proved that John Davis was right.

    Who is John Davis and what was he right about?

    John Davis was the Democrat Nominee for President in 1924.

    He realized the far left of his day was taking over his party.  Eight years later, we would see the first socialist President, Franklin Roosevelt come from the Democrats.

    Davis said, “When will we get done with the fool idea that the way to make a party grow is to scare away everybody who has an extra dollar in his pocket? God forbid that the Democratic Party should become a mere gathering of the unsuccessful!”

    That pretty much sums up the Democratic National Convention:  A gathering of the unsuccessful.

    Julian Castro is a great example.  He ran for Mayor of San Antonio claiming he would bring down crime.  Most crime in the city is up and unsolved murders are skyrocketing.  San Antonio’s schools are rated consistently as among the worst in Texas.

    Only a Democrat Convention would pick a mayor who is a complete failure and tout him as the future.

    Michelle Obama came to speak.  Despite the fact she tells Americans to eat their vegetables, she and her husband regularly feast on steak that costs $100 a pound.

    Michelle Obama is touted as a success only in a gathering of the unsuccessful.  After a mere four years, she had her law license suspended by Illinois.  The reasons for this have never been explored.

    Her career since then has been one of political cronyism.

    Only the Democrats would have someone try to tout a healthcare plan, who was herself the architect of a scheme to help the hospital she worked for get rid of poor patients and bring in more affluent patients who could pay their bills.

    Back then, the American College of Emergency Physicians called it dangerously close to patient dumping.

    Michelle Obama begged America to give her husband four more years.


    Are we better off now than we were four years ago?

    The answer is no.  In Obama’s almost four years in office, he has incurred more debit than all of the previous 43 Presidents combined.  The last year the Republicans controlled the House and Senate as well as the White House, the deficit was $161 billion.   Barack Obama and the Democrats blow through that in a month.

    Barack Obama emulates the policies of socialist Europe.  Want to talk about the unsuccessful countries in Europe?  Greece and Spain are cratering.  Italy and Ireland are not that far behind.

    France just decided to raise its income tax rate to 75% and at least one of the political parties wants to raise the income tax to 100% for those with incomes a little over $1 million US dollars.

    The result?  The French with any kind of wealth are fleeing.

    And the Democrats think this is a good thing.  In America, we are facing Taxageddon on January 1.  This is the massive increase of taxes across the board that will force America further into the Great Obama Depression.

    Did you hear a single word about this from the Democrats last night?

    No, they truly are the gathering of the unsuccessful.

    Clint Eastwood lit up the Republican Convention last week.  To quote Eastwood, “Do you feel lucky?”

    Do we feel lucky enough to trust the gathering of the unsuccessful and incompetent to run this nation for four more years?

    The democrat/media hispanic hoax

    September 4, 2012

    The democrat/media hispanic hoax
    Posted by Staff

    When Republicans feature a Latina governor and a Latino U.S. Senator at their party’s convention, the mainstream media reports it as a desperate attempt to reach out to a voting bloc it is rapidly losing. When Democrats feature a Latino mayor from a mid-size city as their keynote speaker, the mainstream media celebrates that as evidence of the party’s growing appeal among Hispanic voters, which is predicted to last generations.

    That bias is compounded when additional facts are considered, such as the fact that San Antonio mayor Julian Castro is from an extremist, radical left background, with his mother belonging to the Partido Nacional de la Raza Unida (“Race Party”) organization. Or the fact that a busload of illegal immigrants is arriving at the Democratic National Convention, to participate in the politics of a nation whose laws they have broken.

    Monday, September 03, 2012

    You Know You’re A Moron IF:

    By Alan Caruba

    We now know the theme of Barack Obama’s campaign in the remaining weeks before the November 6 election.

    In an interview with the Associated Press last week he said that Mitt Romney holds “extreme positions.” This is in line with the immediate Democratic Party attack launched against Paul Ryan as a “radical.”

    The sad part of this is that people who will vote for Obama still believe what he says.

    To them I say, you know you’re a moron if….
    You can ignore the fact that, under Obama, the nation has been through forty-two months with an unemployment rate of eight percent or higher.

    You know you’re a moron if…
    You don’t know that there are currently an estimated 23,000,000 Americans unemployed or who have simply given up looking for work.

    You know you’re a moron if….
    You don’t know that there are 45,000,000 Americans on food stamps.

    You know you’re a moron if….
    You don’t know that there are 46,000,000 Americans living below the poverty line.

    You know you’re a moron if….
    You don’t know that the Congress has not passed a budget in the last three years and that both houses were controlled by the Democratic Party for Obama’s first two years in office.

    You know you’re a moron if….
    You don’t know that Obamacare takes $716 billion out of Medicare in order to fund a law that has twenty-two new taxes hidden in it.

    You know you’re a moron if….
    You don’t know that the United States of America is $16 trillion in debt; more than the nation’s annual Gross Domestic Product, the total of all its goods and services.

    You know you’re a moron if….
    You don’t know that the Obama Department of Justice sued Arizona to thwart its effort to stop illegal immigration and reduce the flow of drugs and human trafficking across its border with Mexico.

    You know you’re a moron if…
    You don’t know that the Obama administration is still covering up “Fast and Furious”, an operation to move guns to the Mexican drug cartels that cost a Border Patrol office his life.

    You know you’re a moron if….
    You don’t know that Obama’s “stimulus” program, a $787 billion slush fund for unions, green energy companies, and other cronies of the administration, has been a massive failure.

    You know you’re a moron if…
    You don’t know that Obama intervened to stop the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline even though it was estimated to produce 20,000 construction and related jobs, and provide the U.S. with Canadian oil without costing the American taxpayer a dollar.

    You know you’re a moron if…
    After Obama installed pro-union members on the National Labor Relations Board, it ordered Boeing aircraft company not to build a plant in South Carolina.

    You know you’re a moron if…
    You don’t know that in May 2012 Obama endorsed same-sex marriages, the first President to ever do that. The next day, North Carolina voters approved a ban on gay and lesbian marriages.

    You know you’re a moron if….
    You think it’s a good idea to reduce America’s nuclear arsenal to 1,500 warheads in a world where the North Koreans have nukes, Pakistan has nukes, and Iran is working feverishly to acquire them.

    I could go on, but it is a very long list of things Democrats and liberals apparently either do not know or prefer to ignore.

    Voters for Obama will ignore the fact that Obama is “transforming” America into the equivalent of Greece and taking the nation over a fiscal cliff.

    Profits over Stupid People ( Code Pink )

    Profits over stupid people

    Thursday night, the flat Earth society, otherwise known as Code Pink, tried to disrupt the acceptance speech, as Mitt Romney agreed to try and save the nation and the world from stupid people.

    What did the Code Pink people say?  Here’s a hint, it didn’t involve words longer than two syllables.  More importantly, why are these people so dangerous?

    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.  While Code Pink qualifies for federal protection because their brain cells are on the endangered species list, they are a threat.


    The chant the Code Pinkers gave before being shown the door was, “People over profits.”

    The first thing you need to know about the Code Pinkers is, like most liberals, they could not find their heads if they were searching for it with both hands, standing in front of a mirror.

    Here’s my take.  How about profits over stupid people?

    I like profits.


    Profits are a part of the free market.  The word I really like there is free.   Free as in the word freedom. 

    And that is the difference between real Americans and the Code Pinkers.

    There is something you really need to know about the Code Pinkers.  There is a nation they love.  The only problem is, it isn’t America.   They love the old Soviet Union.  They love the old communist Cuba.

    Those were the nations that put people over profits. 

    That is why most people in the old Soviet Union did not own cars.  It was because the “people over profit” government, which controlled the markets, did not produce nearly enough cars.    They had more important priorities, such as building a military, keeping an empire and giving dissidents an all expense paid vacation to Siberia.

    Perhaps someone should school Medea Benjamin, the founder of Code Pink and one of those tossed from the RNC about profits.

    She has founded several non-profits.  People who found non-profits make money, they just call it a salary and an expense report. Does anyone doubt she makes money from these ventures?

    She has written books to get her insane driveling out to the great-unwashed masses. 

    Let’s see, how does that work?  She writes a manuscript, which is then purchased by a publisher.  Sounds like there might be a little profit there.  The publisher then sells the book wholesale to book sellers.  Could there be more evil profits there?  Then the bookseller sells the book.  There could be more profit there but honestly who the hell wants to read what that geriatric harpy has to say?

    Code Pink has a donate button on their website.  They use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google, and others to share their message.  Do you know what all of those groups have in common?

    They are all for profit ventures.

    Code Pink also has a donate button on their website.   Why do they need money if profit is so evil?   The people donating are making an evil profit from the work they do. 

    Medea Benjamin lives in San Francisco and I’m willing to go out on a limb here and bet she lives in a really nice house in a really nice area of San Francisco.   I’m also willing to go out on a limb and bet that she and her husband drive really nice, though probably hybrid, cars.

    After all, the poverty socialism creates is only for the little people.

    Intelligent people learn from their mistakes.  Medea Benjamin spent four glorious years in that hellhole we call Cuba.  Maybe she was stoned the entire time, since she said she thought she had died and gone to heaven.  Of course, she was deported from Cuba when she wrote an article critical of the government.  You would think she might learn that socialism sucks because it will tolerate no other opinions.  But no, she is out there cheerleading for other mass murderers like Hugo Chavez and Hamas.

    The free market, which is indispensible to freedom, has done more good for more people than anyone else.

    The byproducts of the free market are not only profits.  The byproduct of the free market is freedom.   There is a reason why all of these nations with centrally planned economies are not only poor they also have no freedom.

    Karl Marx once said, “Workers of the world, unite.”  The Code Pinkers’ motto is “stupid people of the world unite.”

    That is the great failing of liberalism.  They listen to stupid people.

    Fortunately, real Americans are smarter than that.

    Clint Eastwood - Game Change

    Game change!

    There are moments in a political campaign where a candidate changes the course of an election.  Reagan did it twice.  First in his debate with Jimmy Carter, with his famous line, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago,” and again when he told Walter Mondale he would not take advantage of Mondale’s youth and inexperience.

    We just saw a game change Thursday night.  What did Mitt Romney do that changed the course of this election?

    While Romney gave a good speech accepting the Republican nomination, it was not his speech that changed the election.  It was his decision to invite Clint Eastwood and let Eastwood go off script that changed the election.

    While the liberal media elites panned Eastwood’s brilliant mocking of Barack Obama, it connected with millions of real Americans in a way that even Romney’s carefully scripted speech and convention could not.

    In his extemporaneous speech, Eastwood hit the homerun that Romney needs.  Eastwood summed the election up in a few sentences that are right up there with some of Ronald Reagan’s greatest hits.

    Eastwood said, “We own this country.  We own it.  It is not you owning it, and not politicians owning it.  Politicians are employees of ours. And  -- so -- they are just going to come around and beg for votes every few years.  It is the same old deal. But I just think it is important that you realize, that you're the best in the world. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican or whether you're libertarian or whatever, you are the best.  And we should not ever forget that. And when somebody does not do the job, we got to let them go.”

    You know the Eastwood speech resonated so well with the American people because the left wing media spent so much time trying to call it crazy, rambling or just a failure.

    Two days afterwards, the New York Times, the official newspaper of treason and favored rag for those all around the world who hate America, did yet another piece on Eastwood’s speech.  The Times managed to find the obligatory anonymous Republican Delegates who grumbled about Eastwood’s appearance, but amazingly enough, they did not have a single delegate who was quoted by name. 

    Anonymous quotes are liberal journalism’s way of just making stuff up.

    Eastwood’s quote and his entire monologue were a game changer.  The Romney campaign needs to be all over this because it resonated in a very real way with the American people.

    Unfortunately, professional political consultants who would not know what resonates with the American people if it bit them in the backside run most of these political campaigns.

    Romney can destroy Obama with the message Eastwood delivered.  If Romney’s campaign is smart they will let Eastwood be the voice of his campaign.   A few well-placed commercials with Eastwood delivering the same script, albeit cleaned up just a bit.

    Remember Clint Eastwood’s voice on the halftime commercial during the Super Bowl?

    The message is simple and it will resonate with the average voter who does not tune in until a couple of weeks before the election.  The messaging is beautiful and simple.  Obama is not doing the job.  We the people are the employers of the politicians and all we have to do is let them go.

    Or perhaps the Romney campaign can borrow a line from another cultural icon and remind the American people they can tell Obama, “You’re fired.”