Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Vilence against Conservatives

Violence against Conservatives

For conservatives, violence or the threat of violence against us is nothing new.   For conservatives who take a leading role in the movement, it is almost to be expected.

What happens when the threats become personal?

For me, one of the threats has become personal.

I got up this morning, I do one of the things I always do.  I check for emails that have come in overnight.  One particular email got my attention.

The header read, “Dead Judson.”

While D and R are close to one another on a keyboard, that is something that will get your attention, even if it turns out to be a typo.

This was not a typo.

Over the last few weeks, I have been receiving emails from someone who identifies himself as “The Joker.”  The emails were not specifically directed towards me and appeared to spoof other email addresses, such as an address for the Mitt Romney campaign.   A couple of people emailed me telling me this guy was spoofing email addresses, including possibly mine.

When I clicked on the email address that said “The Joker,” the return address was  His message said, “I will come for you.”

Really?  I don’t think so.  I think my friends in law enforcement will be coming for you.

All threats are serious and should be taken seriously.

This is not the first threat I have received nor do I expect it to be the last.   Violence and threats of violence against conservatives are on the rise.  We can thank groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center that promote violence against conservatives by labeling every conservative group, including Tea Party Nation as a “hate group.”

The problem we are seeing is the left is becoming far more radicalized.  Two decades ago, violence would have been rejected by almost everyone on the left except the most extreme.

Today, many on the left, if they are not accepting of violence against conservatives are at least willing to look the other way.   The media coverage of last week’s shooting at the Family Research Council is a great example.  This was political terror and had it not been for the actions of a heroic employee of FRC, this would have been a mass murder.

Most of the media has buried this story.   When conservatives are the victims of liberal extremism, it does not match the narrative the media wants to sell.   When Gabby Giffords was shot, there was an attempt to tie the shooter to conservatives or the Tea Party.  There was an attempt to blame it on Sarah Palin for putting Gifford’s district in the “crosshairs.”

After the Aurora shootings, Brian Ross infamously tried to tie the Tea Party to the shooting.

There has not been a single case of a Tea Party member engaging in violence against leftists that I can think of.  There is a long record of leftist violence against conservatives, yet the media just wants everyone to move along.  There is no story here.

The left is losing and they know it.   The left cannot stand they prospect of losing power.  They live for power.  They cannot live without it.

They have waited for fifty years to radically change America.  Now they have the chance and America is rejecting them.

The left does not care about freedom or liberty.  Conservatives believe in the free market of ideas and letting the people decide.  That is the last thing the left wants.  Americans want a free nation.  We are a free people and freedom is antithical to socialism.

We real Americans will continue to fight for freedom.  Our fight hopefully will be confined to the court of public opinion.  We will not yield to the violence the left is so willing to use.  We will not surrender.  We are Americans.  We believe in freedom and liberty.  Many of our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers and beyond paid a terrible price to secure our freedom.

We will not surrender.

As for the Joker, if you are reading this, the authorities have been contacted.

Say hello to them when they come for you.

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