Monday, August 20, 2012

The blood on Obama’s hands

The blood on Obama’s hands

Mark Halperin of Time shocked people this weekend by saying, “the media is very susceptible to doing what the Obama campaign wants.”   The media has gone from simply being biased in favor of the liberal to being an outright media arm for the Democrat Party and the Obama Reelection campaign.

The media should be telling the story of the blood on the hands of Barack Obama.  They are not.  What is this shocking story the media is not telling us?

The blood on Obama’s hands comes from the American troops in Afghanistan.

Obama’s policy for American troops in Afghanistan can be summarized as, “Let them be targets.”

Obama has American troops in Afghanistan dying or being maimed for no good purpose.  He has no objectives here, other than not to lose Afghanistan before the election so it will not be blamed on him.

In the last eleven days, there have been nine attacks on American or NATO soldiers by Afghan soldiers or Taliban infiltrators posing as Afghan soldiers.  These are the so-called insider attacks.

What has been the response of the Obama Regime to more Americans coming home in flag-draped coffins?

They are pressuring Afghanistan to do more “screening” of recruits.  Gee, Afghanistan is a 7th Century nation.  How are they going to screen people?  There are no central records in Afghanistan.   How are they going to screen?  Unless there is a new way to start reading minds, screening in Afghanistan means nothing.

At least there is one sane military officer in Afghanistan.  General John Allen, the NATO commander in Afghanistan has now ordered all coalition military forces to carry loaded weapons with them at all times.

Afghanistan is a combat zone with the enemy carrying out unconventional attacks.  Which begs the obvious question: Why the hell weren’t our soldiers carrying loaded weapons all of the time before now?

This is the problem with Afghanistan.  We are treating it like a social welfare problem instead of a military campaign. 

The first rule of war is you fight to win.   While George W. Bush deserves some of the blame for this, an overwhelming amount of the blame now goes to Barack Obama.  You do not send Americans to die in a war you have no intention of winning.

What is Barack Obama’s goal in Afghanistan?  It is to get out by 2014.  It is not to win.  It is simply to cut and run and have Afghanistan go down as another loss to America, much as Vietnam was lost.

Obama does have another strategy.  According to Aaron Klein and Brenda Elliot in their book, Fool Me Twice, Obama’s strategy is to reduce and remake the American military into an international social services agency.   Obama’s Afghan strategy not only destroys the morale of America’s military causing many patriotic Americans to leave the service instead of making it a career, it also destroys a lot of equipment that will never be replaced.

Obama has no clear-cut strategy in Afghanistan, other than to lose.

The Obama Regime has saddled our troops with rules of engagement that do not result in successful operations against the enemy and do result in casualties.  American soldiers are often forced to choose between violating those rules of engagement on the battlefield, surviving and risking a court martial or dying.

The real problem is Obama will not identify our enemy.   Islam is the enemy.  The Islamists hate us because we are not Muslims. 

During World War 2, we pacified Germany after the war by de-Nazifying it.   We did the same to Italy.   We did the same to Japan.

Why aren’t we doing this to Afghanistan?

Instead of de-Islamifying Afghanistan, we bend over backwards to accommodate our enemies.  We are using taxpayer dollars to build Mosques where the Taliban then come and recruit new fighters to attack America.

Afghanistan is not worth one more American life.  Fortunately, six months from now we will have a new commander in chief.   Then the military will have a commander who supports them.

And not one who simply views them as political props.

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