Thursday, January 06, 2011

Open Letter to 61st Speaker of the House

From the Tea Party Nation:

Congratulations.  Yesterday was your day.  Yesterday, you became the 61st Speaker of the House of Representatives.  That is an exclusive and elite club, perhaps second only to the Presidency. 

Yesterday you celebrated.  Today, you get down to work.

As you get down to work, there are a few things to remember.   You did not become Speaker because America suddenly fell in love with you or the Republican Party.  You became Speaker because America, lead by the Tea Party, repudiated Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the party of socialism.

What does the Tea Party and America want you to do?


Make serious and meaningful cuts in the budget.     Waste fraud and abuse should be a top target, but there is only so much you can cut in those areas.  Other areas of the budget are going to have to be cut and you are going to have to figure out what to do with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.   Those items account for almost 40% of government spending and the systems are broke. You are going to anger a lot of senior citizens when you start talking about this, but the simple fact is, the liberals stole the money from social security a long time ago.  You are now the guy who gets to clean up the mess.

Yesterday, David Bossie of Citizens United offered an open letter in the Daily Caller, saying that you should quickly do your symbolic vote of repealing Obamacare and move on to other things, like job creation.  You cannot create jobs when the government is making it more and more difficult to do so and Obamacare is forcing cost decisions onto employers that they are resolving by not hiring.

We all know the vote to repeal Obamacare is just that, symbolic.  However, you must push that fight.  After you vote on the bill, which Harry Reid will never allow to be voted on in the Senate, you must defund Obamacare.  It is not negotiable.  Not only is it what the American people want, it is the only way we can survive.

In 1993, the Clinton Administration proposed HillaryCare.  In my home state of Tennessee, we had a brain dead moron of a governor who wanted to curry favor with the administration so he and the Democratic controlled legislature voted to create something called Tenncare.  It almost bankrupted the state.

For the last two years, the party of socialism has been on a spending bender.   That bill has now come due.  We cannot simply raise the debt ceiling again.   The debt is now $14 trillion.  The only thing worse than defaulting on the debt at $14 trillion is defaulting on the debt at $20 trillion.

There would be terrible consequences if we default on our debt, but we cannot keep on borrowing money.  We have to live within our means.

Finally, we need a stimulus for this economy.  We cannot spend our way out of this economic disaster, but we can grow our weigh out of it.  We need tax cuts to stimulate the economy.  Pass them.  If Harry Reid is stupid enough to kill them in the Senate, then so be it.

In 1981, Ronald Reagan came to Washington.  He campaigned on conservative values.  He could have come to Washington and just played the go along game with the liberals, lead by your predecessor, Tip O’Neal, and the RINOs in the Republican party and not made any waves.  Instead, he fought hard for conservative values and we revere him today as one of the greatest Presidents of all time.

You have your Reagan moment now.  You can simply be a nice guy and compromise on legislation and the agenda.  And you might not be speaker in two years.  Or you can stand firm for a strong conservative agenda.   If you fight, it will be a bloody fight, but when you look at the great leaders of the past, they did not compromise.  They fought.

What will it be?   Do you have the Reagan in you?

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