Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Democrat / Liberal Priority

Mike Huckabee

For President Obama, nothing is as sacred as raising money for Democrats so they can continue to batter the Constitutional process, make up their own laws as they go, and refuse to enforce the ones that don't help them politically. The latest outrage is that while tens of thousands of illegal immigrants storm across the border, the President is jetting off to Texas, but not to see first-hand the mess his policies have created, but to attend high-dollar dinners with the "swells" and extract as much money as he can from some people who got rich on the very oil he despises. One thing he won't have time for is to visit the border or meet with the state's Governor. Let's just get this much clear—we don't have a President right now. We have a Democrat Fundraiser-in-Chief, living large off the taxpayers and oblivious to the chaos his lack of leadership has caused. For him to go to Texas and spend two days shaking down donors and never even getting near the border mess he helped create would be like flying into New Orleans in the highest waters of Katrina to eat Creole cooking, but never getting near the 9th Ward, the Superdome, or the Convention Center where thousands languished in squalor. Does anyone in the media have the integrity to point this out? God help us!

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