Wednesday, February 05, 2014

The Virtue of being Right

  • Posted by Judson Phillips on February 5, 2014 at 9:16am in Tea Party Nation Forum
  • There is something to be said for being right.  Most conservatives are conservatives because conservatives are not slaves to ideology as liberals are.  Conservatives are willing to change their mind and their opinions if they are proven wrong.

    What a pity that is not a virtue among liberals.

    Once again conservatives have been proven right.

    Why are conservatives right about again and what does this mean for America?

    The Congressional Budget Office released a report this week showing Obamacare is going to cost two million jobs in America.

    When Obamacare was proposed, conservatives warned it would destroy jobs.  Guess what?

    We were right!

    We are five years into the Great Obama Depression.  Democrats are doubling down on stupid.

    In his State of the Great Obama Depression, er the State of the Union speech, Obama simply wanted to reinforce policies that have already damaged the economy.

    Perhaps the Democrats should be made aware of something called the scientific method.  In simple terms, you develop a hypothesis, take the facts you have and test that hypothesis.  Then you either accept or reject your hypothesis.

    Deficit spending, high taxes and massive increases in government spending have never ended an economic recession or depression.  In fact, evidence shows those things increase the length of an economic downturn.

    What has worked to bring an economy back?

    Tax cuts for one. When Ronald Reagan came into office, the economy was in the Carter recession.  President Reagan made tax cuts the centerpiece of his first term agenda.  They were passed and by 1983 the economy was coming back and by 1985 the economy was roaring.

    In 2001, as George W. Bush was coming into office, the economy was slipping into recession. The 9/11 attacks caused over a trillion dollars worth of damage to the economy.  George W. Bush pushed through not one but two rounds of tax cuts and the economy boomed until 2007, which coincidentally was the year the Democrats took control of Congress.

    In the Baltic states, near Russia, they felt the effects of the world wide economic downturn.  While the states of the Eurozone tottered towards collapse, the Baltic States of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia instead of putting the people on an austerity budget, put the government on an austerity budget.

    The result is the economy in the Baltic States is humming along while Greece now needs a third economic bailout and there are discussions whether the Greek economy and government can even survive.

    If the Democrats, or for that matter, the Republicans, were serious about ending the Great Obama Depression, there is a simple formula.  Repeal Obamacare and its disincentive for employment.  Cut taxes and make a radical cut in government spending.

    Based on history, if this were done today, by 2016, the economy would be booming.

    Unfortunately prosperity, at least for America and real Americans, is not on Obama’s agenda.

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