Friday, February 07, 2014

Good Morning America - Our Country Has Been Confiscated

  • Posted by Marcia Wood on February 6, 2014 at 12:00pm
  • Good morning America – what’s the definition for those who ignore our Constitution, distribute our wealth, control our healthcare, spy on Americans, put our youth in harm’s way and use violent act to achieve a political goal.  Words that come to mind are dictator, terrorist, traitor and Socialist or Communist.

    The political climate in the White House is hot, tepid and pollutants are in the dangerous zone.  There’s no signs of this political drought leaving in the near future, in fact the hot air coming from our White House indicates that our Government is reeking with corruption, false ideologies, propaganda, double dealing  and  criminal misconduct.

    Wake up America – we no longer live in the land of the free.  Our Country has been confiscated by a perverted group of people who have plans already formulated to bring our beautiful America to its knees.  We are not in control – we’re being controlled.

    We have A Commander in Chief who without a doubt is the most corrupt evil leader in our history.  In five years he has taken over businesses large and small controlling them and inhibiting their growth.  This person has stolen billions of taxpayer’s money via lies, propaganda, misrepresentation and abuse of our Federal laws.

    There aren’t just a few red flags, there’s land mines intentionally and deliberately placed to destroy our rights, our freedoms and our Country.  His strategy to destroy our Nation is based on one principle – take power from the “Haves” and give it to the “Havenots.”

    In order to implement his strategy Obama utilizes what most of us know as “redistribution” always disguised under the pretense of a moral necessity to care for the “havenots.”

    Good morning America – are we there yet?  "President Obama's anti-poverty efforts are basically to give more people more free stuff," Robert Rector, a specialist on welfare and poverty at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told The Washington Times.  As he hands out the free stuff our National debt increases, our Nation becomes poorer, full time jobs disappear, dependency on the Government increases and we’re basically in “limbo.”
    Barack Obama’s ultimate goals are listed below.

    • Healthcare

    Control healthcare and you control the people

    • Poverty

    Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

    • Debt

    Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.

    Here’s but a few examples of the power, deception and manipulation that this person some refer to as “Mr. President” has implemented in the past five years.  13 million more Americans have fallen into the Entitlement society since Obama took office.  Over 15% of Americans are now in the poverty level and Obama is trying to strong arm States into increasing their Medicaid for the poor, which is paving the way for the millions of illegal aliens who are on our turf.

    Americans are one “notch” away from a single payer healthcare system – Obama has already taken over our healthcare via Affordable Care Act.  It’s not a matter of when – it’s happened.  His Obamacare has had a devastating effect on businesses, private citizens, children, senior citizens and our medical field.

    Debt is close to being unsustainable and it’s obvious that Obama still has our credit card in his hip pocket.  The House of Representatives either don’t care or are incapable of controlling our purse.

    The CBO, just yesterday shared some crucial information with us – Obama in a blink of an eye has just added 2.3 million more to the “Havenot” society.  The “Havenots” will be Obama’s army because they are owned totally by the Government. 

    Good Morning America – your children, your Country and your future are in danger.  It’s time to remove Obama and gang from our White House – this is a matter of life or death for the greatest Nation in the World.

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