Monday, March 19, 2012

The Obama’s are bad parents!

Who would send a 13 year old to Mexico on vacation with some friends.  If anyone else did this they would be arrested and the child taken from them.  


Here is the story from the Tea Party Nation

There is a story that you need to hear about but may not because the story seems to be disappearing from the web.  Why is it disappearing?  Could it be because it embarrasses Obama?

What is the story?

The story is that Barack Obama’s 13-year-old daughter has gone on spring break to Mexico with some friends.  Why someone would let their 13-year-old daughter go to Mexico on spring break is a separate story.

Because she is Barack Obama’s child, she is traveling with 25 Secret Service agents.

Is it just me or does anyone else see a problem here?

Obama wants his kid to go on Spring Break.  That is fine but the problem we have is that we the taxpayer are footing the bill for it.  How did Malia Obama get to Mexico?  I’m willing to be she did not fly Air Mexicana.  Even is she flew commercial that means that she flew down there, 25 Secret Service agents flew down there and there has to be accommodations and logistics for those agents.

How much is all of this costing the American taxpayer?

Perhaps someone should remind Obama that we are in the middle of the Great Obama Depression.  Millions are out of work.  Millions are wondering how they are going to pay for the $5 a gallon gas we are about to see thanks to his policies.  Many are worried about losing their homes.

What is Obama’s reaction?

He takes a vacation.  His wife takes a vacation.  And now his daughter takes a vacation.  It might be nice if they showed at least some sensitivity to the real Americans who are suffering because of what the Party of Treason has done to the economy but to be blunt, they do not care.

The other interesting part about this story is that since it first broke, it has been disappearing from various websites.


If Obama were a Republican and his child were doing this, the media would be screaming about it.  Instead they ignore this.

The Blaze has a great story about the disappearing story.

Inquiring minds would like to know how much Malia Obama’s trip is costing the American taxpayer.

Don’t expect the Obama regime to reveal that information any time soon.

And don’t expect the drive by media to be very interested in this story either.

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