Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hollywood Hypocrits

From the Sean Hannity E-Mail newsletter.

Hollywood Hypocrites
Jason Mattera, author of the book, “Hollywood Hypocrites”, joined Sean to talk about his new book highlighting the tales of Hollywood’s elite who preach one thing and do another. In Mattera’s book, he highlights the hypocritical actions of U2’s lead singer Bono who’s spent years asking the US Government to spend more money in philanthropic efforts while he’s hiding their millions. “I’ve always liked U2 so I was surprised to find out what a tax dodging hypocrite he is,” began Mattera, “While he’s lecturing us on why we should give more of our tax money away, U2 moved their operations from Ireland to Holland so they could cut the taxes they pay on music royalties virtually in half.” “Leftist celebrities are usually the biggest tax dodgers,” continued Mattera, “I don’t begrudge them trying to save their money.” “The way I sum this up is that liberals are only gener ous with other people’s money,” concluded Hannity, “Liberals only care about the environment when it’s not impacting their lifestyles or impacting flights on their leer jets or big SUVs.” This is a great read for anyone who needs some added ammunition when fighting liberal friends. For more on Mattera's new book, click here

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