Monday, October 31, 2011

Obama lied, the economy died

Obama lied, the economy died

This may come as a shock to people, but Obama lies.  After all, he is a politician isn’t he?  Obama lies brazenly.  If the drive by media were not in the tank for Obama, he would get called on his lies much more often.

What is his latest, possibly most outrageous lie?

Obama claimed that in the last three decades, the middle class has lost ground.  Obama claimed that this is because the rich keep getting richer.  From 1979 to 2007, those in the top 1% did very well.

The middle class did not do too badly either, through 2007.   After tax income for middle class Americans from 1979 to 2007 rose 65%.  That’s not too bad.  The middle class is defined as those in the income break down that fall between the 21st and the 80th percentile.  Even those in the bottom 20% saw their income rise during the same period by 18%.

What changed in 2007 that made the middle class stop growing and opened the door for the middle class to start sliding backwards?   It was the Democratic takeover of Congress.

Since the Democrats have taken over Congress and later the White House, income in the middle class has fallen.  Unemployment rates among the middle class have risen considerably.

The Congressional Budget Office details the prosperity that occurred for the middle class from 1979 through 2007.  So what happened?

Economic disaster is what happens when you let liberals control government.  Obama wants us to forget our history and believe the middle class has been going down the tubes since the days of Ronald Reagan.

Memo to Obama.  Jimmy Carter tanked the economy.  Reagan brought it back.  Clinton would have tanked the economy but two years into his administration, America had the good sense to put Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives and Speaker Newt Gingrich and the House gave Clinton little choice about putting America’s house in order.

There are several things to be disturbed about with Obama’s blatant lies.  First, is the fact the thinks he can get away with those lies.  So much of the drive by media is no longer a free media but little more than a propaganda arm for the Democrat Party.  The Washington Post and New York Times spend more time defending the Obama regime and investigating critics than they do investigating the Obama regime.

CBS has been working on a story on the Fast and Furious operation that Attorney General Eric Holder has been stonewalling and earlier this month allegations were raised that CBS was muzzling its own reporter who was digging into the story.

There is one aspect of this that no one talks about.  Why do we not have a real adversarial media?  We have adversarial media when there is a Republican in the White House, but that is not what I mean by an adversarial media.   If you check down the list, we have an overwhelmingly liberal media.  The New York Times and Washington Post are both on the same sheet of music.  So are CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC, MSNBC and the rest.  Fox is not conservative, but merely fair and balanced.

Where is an adversarial press?  An adversarial press is a press that is adversarial against each other.  Half the media should be conservative.  Instead we have 90% of the media that is far left and only a few cases of media that are right of center.  The Washington Times is right of center.  The Drudge Report is given credit for being right of center.  Breitbart,  WND and Newsmax are right of center.   After that, you run out very quickly.

If we had a real adversarial media, Obama would not lie with impunity.   If we had a real adversarial media, scandals like Fast and Furious and the cover-up would not be mostly ignored.  If we had a real adversarial media, Obama probably never would have made it to the White House.

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