Tuesday, July 12, 2011

CALL TO ACTION - CA Gov. Browns Office to Conservative Californians, Leave the State!!!

Posted by Dara on July 12, 2011 at 4:32pm in Tea Party Nation Forum

Are we still living in the United States?  It is never alright for a Governor's office to tell any group to leave their State.  What happened and why was it caused?

According to this article at Red State Governor tells Conservatives to leave the State, the Spokesperson Gil Duran, for CA Governor Jerry Brown had this to say:

                   " “If you want to live in a Republican state with very conservative right-wing laws,

                      then there’s a place called Arizona,”

Let me get this straight, if we do not want Progressive policies, massive spending, crushing taxes, major unemployment, etc.  We should move?!!   I have a better idea.  How about all the Progressive, Marxist,Racist policymakers leave the State!

Here is an excerpt from the article referenced above showing why conservatives in California are so upset:

   "Now, I don’t know about you, but saying that millions of residents should just leave the state if they don’t like California’s liberal laws, dysfunctional finances and horrendous business climate doesn’t really disprove the point that the Sacramento elite really and truly do not care about the Republican-leaning parts of the state or the people in them. California’s unemployment rate is 11.7% compared to 9.1% for the na... (given California’s size, I’d guess without doing the math that means the rest of the country may be as much as a full three points below CA). Even the NY Times says California’s budget crisis may be the worst ..., with a $26.6 billion budget deficit comprising nearly a third of the sta.... California owes $2,362 in debt per resident of the state, and pays ...; its A- credit rating from Standard & Poor’s is the worst in the nation. A recent budget deal only barely convinced S&P to avoid an imme...

Many of you have said you will stand with California and help us fight.  Now is the time I am asking you to act.  Please call Jerry Brown's office and inform him that NO Governor has the right to ignore and divide the People of his State!

Please call, email, or fax Jerry Brown's office and let him know how upset the whole Country is over this kind of attitude:

You may contact Governor Jerry Brown by mail at:

Mailing address:

Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160

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