Saturday, April 30, 2011

Transparency, Obama style.

  • Posted by Judson Phillips on April 30, 2011 at 12:30pm in Tea Party Nation Forum
  • It is truly a funny moment when the left wing media turns on Obama.  But they have gotten a taste of Obama’s transparency.  They know what to expect and they do not like it.

    This dust up started a few days ago.

    At a fundraiser at the San Francisco St. Regis hotel, some far left activists bought a table and while Obama was speaking, broke into a chorus protesting Obama for his treatment of wiki leaks suspect and traitor Bradley Manning.

    As protests go, this one was pretty original.  The singing was good.  The protestors paid their money and when their song was over they accepted being escorted out.  Unlike the Code Pink lunatics, who fight when they are thrown out of an event, these people went peacefully.

    Even Obama handled it well.  He made an acceptable joke, though if you look, you can tell he is not happy.

    San Francisco Chronicle reporter Carla Marinucci was in the audience as part of the White House approved press pool and when the protest broke out, she used her phone with video capabilities to capture the song.  Whether Marinucci knew about the protest in advance is not evident by the reporting, though she did have her video camera out quickly and had a good spot to observe.

    The Obama regime quickly responded with their outrage.  They expect all press coverage to be fawning and they expect the press to blackout any embarrassing moments, like left wing protestors getting into a high dollar fundraiser.

    For doing her job, the Obama regime removed Marinucci from the approved list of correspondents that could cover Obama’s trips to the bay area.   Her infraction?  Doing her job.   Not only did they do that, they threatened that other Hearst Newspaper reporters would be denied access to Presidential events.  Presumably the White House wanted assurances that Heart Newspapers would not distribute or even take video at future events.

    Fortunately, someone at the San Francisco Chronicle has courage.  Instead of simply submitting to the Obama regime’s demands, the Chronicle went public.

    The White House is now doing some serious backtracking, claiming neither Marinucci nor the Chronicle, nor Hearst Newspapers were ever threatened.  Given the total lack of credibility the White House has, I think I believe the Chronicle.

    Chronicle Editor Ward Bushee issued a statement, which in part said:

    Sadly, we expected the White House to respond in this manner based on our experiences yesterday. It is not a truthful response. It follows a day of off-the-record exchanges with key people in the White House communications office who told us they would remove our reporter, then threatened retaliation to Chronicle and Hearst reporters if we reported on the ban, and then recanted to say our reporter might not be removed after all.

    Read more:

    Even the liberal media is getting jaded by the Obama regime and its treatment of the media.  Even the Chronicle expects it.  Can you imagine what would have happened had the Bush administration tried a stunt that dumb?

    The Obama regime has always been heavy handed with the media.  Like socialists everywhere, they have a problem with anyone who dares to disagree with them and a real problem with anyone who voices that disagreement. 

    Obama got a media pass in 2008.  He shouldn’t expect one in 2012.

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