Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Five dollar a gallon gas: Welcome to Obama world

In the next week or so, almost every American will face $4 a gallon gas.  Many already face this.  As bad as it is now, it is going to get worse.  By Memorial Day, we will probably see $5 a gallon gas.            

While most Americans are horrified by the prospect of $5 a gallon gas, Obama seems to love the idea.  He promised us this in his campaign.  He said gas prices would necessarily rise in his administration.   But for Obama, it is not enough to stick us with high gas prices.  He wants to rub our noses in it.  Obama is having the United States loan $2.84 billion for a refinery in Columbia.  Not in the United States, but in Columbia.  It has been 40 years since the United States has built a new refinery.  Instead of trying to develop American fuel independent, he wants to make sure America must rely on nations that are not friendly to us for our fuel.

This comes after Obama made arrangements for loan guarantees so that Brazil and drill for oil off their coast.

The liberal mainstream media is in love with $5 a gallon gas.  Three years ago, when prices surged under then President Bush, the drive by media was all over Bush.  Every evening, the nightly news led with dramatic stories about how bad the gas prices were.

MSN Money came out with an article saying why we should love $5 a gallon gas.  It sounds like a typical litany of liberal wants. They want fewer Americans on the road.  They want us to give up our safe cars, our SUV’s for little crap mobiles like the spontaneously combusting Chevy Volt.  They tell us there will be shorter security lines at airports.  No there won’t.  There will be few fliers, fewer flights, fewer airlines, fewer airline employees, and fewer Americans able to travel at their leisure.   They say there will be less congestion.  That will be small consolation for Americans who cannot get to their jobs because gas costs too much.   They say we will starve those America hating regimes.   No it won’t. As long as the liberals are in power, they are never going to let us drill for our own oil.

The drive by media loves $5 a gallon gas.  They are not victimized by it.  They are in  New York or Washington.  People do not use their cars in New York and DC like we do in real America.  If you live in a rural area, you have to drive.  Most Americans  have to drive to get to their jobs.

The liberals who love $5 a gallon gas keep missing the point.  Do liberals think?  Well, no, that is an obvious answer.  How do they think food appears in stores?  Do they think that food just magically appears?  How about other goods?  Guess what?  It takes fuel to get goods to the stores.  Increases in fuel prices causes increases in retail prices, which causes inflation.

The fact liberals do not understand the basics of economics is just another reason why we need to make sure liberals never control government again.

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