Monday, September 28, 2009

Obama Self Interest – Anti American

Mr. Obama has a philosophy that runs as a common thread between his approaches to everything he touches from the U.S. economy, to national security, and even, yes, foreign policy.  What is this important piece of the puzzle?  Simple.  Though he pays lip service to one of the most basic issues of human nature and how people relate to and interact with each other on a micro or macro scale, his actions actually minimize – or at least, marginalize – a fundamental instinct common to every person, group, community, and nation on the earth.


The call du jour from the mountaintop at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is for all of us to rise above, or in new age parlance “transcend,” mere mortal self-interest.   On the domestic level this means that capitalism – a mean, primal, greedy, and materialistic approach to economics that steals from the poor to give to the rich – must be replaced (slowly, but surely) with a more enlightened approach; one that emphasizes social justice and the equitable distribution of wealth.  

This is all the rage these days.  It may be called “progressive,” but it’s really a barely-if-at-all disguised form of socialism.  If it walks like a duck, it’s a duck.  If it digests food like a goose, it’s…well. 

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