Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Hussein Obama Vs. Free Market

President Barack Obama, and his Democrat Party cohorts, simply fails to understand that government doesn’t create jobs and spark the economy. It also fails to sustain families and individuals during the hard times created by economic recessions.  

For instance, Obama's ideas for stimulating the economy -- such as more construction projects -- will not jump start the economy.  Will it help some people keep their jobs?  Sure.  Will it strengthen Obama’s union allies and keep government programs afloat? Definitely. But will it help average citizens facing economic turmoil in the lives? NO.

If American capitalism is allowed to function free of government intrusion, the marketplace will always find a way to help those Americans suffering personal economic woes. It's in their best interest for capitalists to help their fellow Americans. And that help is rendered without the curse of government intrusion into the affairs of the American people and their communities.

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