Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Tale Of Two Republicans

A tale of two Republicans


Two Republicans came to Washington as United States Senators.

Both were immediately haled as being the future of the Party.  Both were young, charismatic and claimed they were devoted to the conservative cause.

Both have been talked about as potential Presidential candidates.

The problem is only one of them is a conservative.

Who are they?

One is Ted Cruz and the other is Marco Rubio.

Ted Cruz burst on to the scene last year in Texas, defeating a RINO Establishment candidate.  He has quickly become a superstar.  He has stood steadfastly against Amnesty.  Yesterday, after the Supreme Court ruled that states could not ask about citizenship as a part of voter registration, Cruz vowed to introduce an amendment to the Amnesty bill that would allow states to do just that.

Cruz has come out demanding that there be a sixty-vote requirement in the Senate before the debt ceiling is raised.  James Carville, the long time Democrat Campaign Consultant called Cruz the most fearless Republican he has seen in the last thirty years.

Marco Rubio rode the Tea Party wave of 2010 into office.  Like Ted Cruz, he faced a RINO Establishment candidate in the form of former Florida Governor Charlie Crist.  Crist is a liberal who as governor supported the Obama Stimulus bill.  Rubio ran as a conservative eventually causing Crist to drop out of the Republican Primary and run as an independent.  Crist lost badly and is now a Democrat.

Unfortunately so is Marco Rubio.

Since coming into office Rubio has acted more like a Democrat than a Republican.  He has been the face of the so-called, “Gang of Eight.”  He has been the leading voice on Amnesty, which might as well be called the Republican Suicide Plan.

Perhaps Marco Rubio’s goal in life was to be just like his hero John McCain.  If so he is succeeding.  Not only is he embracing McCain’s pet goal of Amnesty, Rubio is also jumping in with both feet to get the United States involved in Syria.

In Syria, radical Islamists who have pledged loyalty to Al-Qaida are at war with the Syrian Regime.  Rubio this past Sunday on ABC News “This Week” said he would have armed the Syrian Islamist rebels much sooner.

How has American intervention in the Middle East worked out so far?

Last Saturday, Sarah Palin addressed the issue and said, “Let Allah sort them out.”

Perhaps a better idea is to simply stay out of this fight as America has no compelling interest and no matter who wins the Syrian Civil War, America loses.

2016 will be an interesting year for Republican politics.  Ted Cruz, should he decide to, can run for President without giving up his Senate seat.

Marco Rubio’s Senate term expires in 2016.

Given his support for Amnesty and not being much of a conservative, at this point it is hard to see him gathering much support for a Presidential run.

While we conservatives need to pick our battles carefully, in 2016, if Rubio runs for reelection, he is the Republican who should be at the top of the list to be primaried.

Two Republican Senators came to Washington full of promise and hope for the future.  Only one of them, Ted Cruz, held to the conservative beliefs that he campaigned on.

One of them is a great Senator and a great American.

The other is a beltway sellout.

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