Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Middle East Disaster

"The Middle East is about to blow," Savage told his listeners, claiming:

    It'll be the worst policy disaster during Obama's regime.
    John Kerry is over there now, trying to talk Israeli and Palestinian leaders into resuming negotiations.
    While Kerry was mouthing these platitudes, al-Qaida and Hezbollah are pouring arms into Syria.
    So what is Kerry doing over there?
    Why are we arming Syrian rebels when they're allied with al-Qaida?
    We have morons running everything.
    Either that, or they're traitors. I don't know which.
    Are they incompetent?
    Look what this administration has done in Egypt and Libya.
    Now they want to meddle in Syria, too?
    John McCain is backing that plan. He's the biggest doofus in the Republican Party.
    He's a clueless fool.

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