Wednesday, April 10, 2013

CNN Poll–Most disapprove of Obama on guns

April 9, 2013

CNN Poll: Most Disapprove of Obama on Guns
Posted by Staff

ABC News reports:
Most Americans disapprove of how President Obama has handled gun-policy issues, a new poll from CNN finds.
The president has been pushing new limits on gun ownership since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut last year captured the nation’s attention and spurred calls for new laws from Democratic members of Congress. The president will travel today to Connecticut to renew that push, as agreement between Republicans and Democrats in both chambers of Congress has been scarce.
CNN and Opinion Research Corp. found that 45 percent approve of Obama’s handling of “gun policy,” while 52 percent disapprove.
It’s unclear why, exactly: CNN didn’t ask respondents whether they’re disappointed with the president because they oppose the gun-control measures he has advocated, or because he hasn’t yet succeeded in enacting new laws.
A mix of the two reasons is the likeliest explanation.

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