Thursday, June 09, 2011

Courage from an unexpected place.

Courage from an unexpected place.

Far too often, politicians live down to our worst expectations.  They pander to any group with votes and they are sadly lacking in both principles and courage.  But, every now and then a candidate comes along and really does something right.  Someone stands in the face of political correctness and says what needs to be said.

Who has stood up and said what needs to be said?

Herman Cain.

On the Glenn Beck show, Herman Cain said he would require proof from Muslims they were loyal to America before they work for the United States government.  Here is a transcript of the conversation:

BECK: So wait a minute, are you saying that Muslims have to prove, there has to be a loyalty proof?

CAIN: Yes, to the Constitution of the United States of America.

BECK: Well, would you do that to a Catholic or a Mormon?

CAIN: No, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t because there is a greater dangerous part of the Muslim faith than there is in these other religions. I know there are some Muslims who talk about but we’re a peaceful religion

Holy Cow!  There is a politician who gets it!  Someone out there realizes that Islam is making war on America.  All Muslims may not be our enemies, but all of our enemies are Muslim.

The left will go nuts over this, so will some of the RINOs.   They will bring up images of the McCarthy hearings, people being driven to suicide and if you believed the left, secret FBI squads rounding up alleged enemies of America, sending them off to secret concentration camps.

What Joe McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee did back in the day was insist on one simple idea.  If you are going to work for the government of the United States, you are going to be loyal to the United States.  The left did not like it then because so many leftists were communists and were in fact not loyal to the United States.  It is a pity we do not have a loyalty test today, as that would instantly disqualify 95% of the Obama regime from holding the jobs they currently do.

Cain makes it clear this does not apply to other religions because other religions are not a threat.  Only Islam tells its followers to make war against those who do not believe and to establish a theocracy.

We keep hearing that Islam is a religion of peace, but remember past conduct is the best indicator of future behavior.  Islam has been at war with the West for 1400 years.  Muslims are told they are to be at war with the unbelievers.

The Qur’an says, “Never be a helper to the disbelievers.” Sura 28:86.  It also says, “The infidels are your sworn enemies,” Sura 4:101.  “Make war on the infidels who dwell around you,” Sura 9:123.

Major Nadal Hassan is a good example of why Muslims need to prove their loyalty to America.  He attacked soldiers at Ft. Hood, killing 14, shouting “Allah Akbar.”  In 2003 Hasan Akbar was convicted of killing two officers in Kuwait.  He was a Muslim who objected to Americans being in Muslim countries.   Captain James Yee was court-martialed for breeching security at Guantanamo.   The list goes on.

Contrary to what the left will say about this, Cain is not advocating violence or any kind of mistreatment against Muslims.  However, no one has the constitutional right to have a government job.

On this Cain is absolutely right.  If we cannot prove you are loyal to the United States, you can do many things, but you will not work for the United States government.

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