Saturday, February 27, 2010

ObamaCare summit ignored abortion

ObamaCare summit ignored abortion
Posted by Staff

In the posturing preceding the White House Health Care summit, it was clear that President Obama and his allies intended to do everything possible to airbrush abortion out of the picture of the White House plan.
And indeed they did try.
Hours went by in the morning sessions, and no mention of the deciding issue in the health care debate. They broke for lunch, still no mention of abortion funding.
Finally, in the mid-afternoon, House Minority Leader John Boehner broke into Obama's near -monologue to address the issue that consumed the better part of this past Christmas.
Obama visibly reacted, but still didn't address abortion funding in his response.
The president did, however, indirectly allege that "some things" that Boehner had said were not true. But he left it to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to put a fine point on his allegation. During the closing minutes of the day, long past when most Americans and almost all news coverage had moved elsewhere, Pelosi unleashed the whitewash.
"There is no public funding of abortion," she stated, "in this bill."
The two-step choreography was remarkable. The president dodged the issue entirely, and Pelosi moved to misrepresent the facts...

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