Friday, January 29, 2010

Obama State of the Union Address

We have a lot of work to do! Don't be fooled, the fight over Obamacare, the threat of higher taxes and big government has NOT been shelved.

"Did you hear the President say what we heard him say about his future proposals?

  • Complete Refusal to back down on health care legislation and plans to work in a bi-partisan manner until a comprehensive overhaul of health care is passed
  • Eager to advance comprehensive climate and energy bill, which will further place a tax burden on American tax payers
  • Uninsured Americans to choose health care plans within a competitive environment, however this does not line up with current bills on the table
  • Close credibility gap by conducting work openly even though the administration is known for closed door meetings and lack of transparency
  • Pledges to work in a bipartisan manner and stands ready to hear alternative health care solutions, even though throughout the entire bill drafting process not one republican healthcare proposal made it into the current bill

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