Friday, January 29, 2010

Al Gore – Global Warming

GLOBAL WARMING UPDATE: Al Gore has picked up another devoted follower to his global warming movement, and the world is waiting to see if Gore will make a joint statement from the latest big name supporter of his movement: Osama Bin Laden. Osama made a passionate plea for the Earth.

Obama State of the Union Address

We have a lot of work to do! Don't be fooled, the fight over Obamacare, the threat of higher taxes and big government has NOT been shelved.

"Did you hear the President say what we heard him say about his future proposals?

  • Complete Refusal to back down on health care legislation and plans to work in a bi-partisan manner until a comprehensive overhaul of health care is passed
  • Eager to advance comprehensive climate and energy bill, which will further place a tax burden on American tax payers
  • Uninsured Americans to choose health care plans within a competitive environment, however this does not line up with current bills on the table
  • Close credibility gap by conducting work openly even though the administration is known for closed door meetings and lack of transparency
  • Pledges to work in a bipartisan manner and stands ready to hear alternative health care solutions, even though throughout the entire bill drafting process not one republican healthcare proposal made it into the current bill

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama’s Stimulus Jobs

"Dan Karner, the chief of an Arizona company that received $99 million from the stimulus bill, which helped him create at least 50 permanent clean energy jobs and saved others." Fifty whole jobs? What a bargain. This is an outrage.

That works out to about 1.9 million dollars per job created.

Obama’s Phony Freeze

Fiscal Policy: The latest idea for reining in the federal government's runaway spending is to "freeze" nondefense discretionary outlays for three years. That may sound good, but it's just another gimmick.

We try not to be too cynical about politics, but the White House's proposed freeze will do nothing to address America's budget problems.

Last year alone, the U.S. deficit hit $1.4 trillion on record spending of $3.7 trillion. The freeze will apply only to $447 billion in spending — just 12% of the total. Next year, if the freeze goes into effect, it will save just $15 billion — and $250 billion over 10 years.

Compared with the $9 trillion in new debt and $43 trillion in spending expected over the next decade, it's a pittance — not even a down payment on our gaping shortfalls.

U.S. News Media and Obama

PRINCETON, NJ -- Most Americans appear unimpressed by the media's performance as government watchdog in the first year of the Obama administration. A third say the media have done an "excellent" or "good" job of filling this important role of a free press, 37% say their performance has been "fair," and 27% rate it "poor."

Evil America

This evil country with those evil corporations and evil rich people have raised over 500 million dollars to aid Haiti in it’s time of need.

In the course of one day, giving and pledges jumped from $471 million Monday to $517.5 million Tuesday. The number compares favorably to previous disaster-relief efforts, even though Americans currently find themselves mired in an economic recession

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Greta’s Interview with Sarah Palin

Palin on Mass. Senate Shocker: 'The Status Quo is Not Acceptable'

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," January 19, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Right now, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin joins us by phone. She's the author of the mega-best seller "Going Rogue" and a Fox News political contributor.

Governor Palin, nice to hear from you. And Governor, as you listened to the concession stand (ph) of the attorney general here in Massachusetts, what'd you think?

SARAH PALIN, FORMER GOVERNOR OF ALASKA, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR (Via telephone): Oh, this is -- this is huge. You just witnessed a wicked political pivot across our country, and I think this victory of Brown's can't be overstated -- not just Brown, too, but look at the recent developments in New Jersey and Virginia, now Massachusetts. This is a tidal wave that's sweeping the country that's telling politicians in D.C. the status quo is not acceptable.

VAN SUSTEREN: From a purely strategic point of view, why do you think this happened? What -- did she have a misstep? Or what happened?

Watch Greta's interview with Palin

PALIN: I don't think it was a misstep on her part and one that you can pinpoint, but it was this overall message of (INAUDIBLE) arrogance this go-around wasn't going to win. Common sense victory is what was going to be seen coming from Scott Brown's candidacy, and that's what you saw. It was going to be independence and common sense (INAUDIBLE) And I think it was quite evident there at the end of the day, when you look at the way that Scott ran his campaign, it was quite simple and it was shoe leather and it was that tough work ethic that a lot of Massachusetts residents are known for. That's what he employed, versus calling on the big guns from D.C. and bringing in the elite to do the speaking for him. It was sort of (INAUDIBLE) American (INAUDIBLE) He represented that.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, in some ways, I sort of think -- I look at it a little differently. I think she got torpedoed. On December 19th, she was up 20 points. Right after December 19th, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid bought that Nebraska vote for $300 million, which enraged everyone. Then about a week ago, the unfortunate thing for Martha Coakley was the deal with the union, the special treatment. So those two sort of cataclysmic events I think brought her down those 20 points very fast because those two events made a lot of people very unhappy.


PALIN: This is a referendum on all those things that President Obama has been standing for, though. This victory tonight of Scott's is a referendum on his and the left's policy agenda. And what this message is that's being sent to Washington is that the status quo is not acceptable. But the people are opposing government takeover of health care. They're opposing increasing American debt. And they're opposing the left's agenda of increased intrusion in our lives, especially our small businesses.

So yes, it was many different factors all coming together at once. And thank God for that, I think a lot of the people will say, because this is a step towards taking our country back.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you endorse Scott Brown? And if not, why not?

PALIN: I would have, had he requested it. But I so respected that he didn't call in a whole lot of outsiders asking them to come do the bidding for him. He did this himself. And that again was kind of that underdog status of his that is so respected. Usually, a candidate like Scott is reliant upon and strengthened by their own grass roots effort. It was good for him to do it the way that he did, to run this campaign.

So I wasn't asked to be a part of it. I think I twittered a couple of times my support for him at the last minute there, but all along, I was rooting for him.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you have any sort of thoughts for Martha Coakley? I mean, it must be sort of bruising to take a beating like that and you got to wake up the next day and sort of get going again. You've won some elections, you've lost some elections. You got any advice for her, for tomorrow?

PALIN: Yes, I think she can share the news with her colleagues, other Democrats, others on the left, to say, Hey, this is what democracy looks like, Democrats. You listen to the people or Democrats are going to hear our voices even louder in November. I think she can share that lesson. And then, you know, let's hope that everybody works together there in Massachusetts, especially on the challenges facing that state. Hopefully, she'll help contribute some positive ideas for Mr. Brown as he goes to Washington. And he's going to Washington in a pick-up truck, no less!

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, if I thought that the tea party movement was sort of a threat to the Republican Party, tonight now it may look like the people who support the tea party may be moving back or might have an opportunity to move back to the Republican Party. What's your thought of the tea party movement versus the Republican Party tonight?

PALIN: I don't look at it as two opposing forces. I think the tea party movement is so much a part of the Republican and independents who believe in smaller, smarter government and strong national security. I think the tea party movement has been another voice out there, and it would do our country well for all these different voices who believe in the common sense solutions to start working even closer together.

The tea party movement represents that message that political power is inherent in the people -- the people, and that government (INAUDIBLE) directed with the people. It's sort of people's will. That's what the tea party movement (INAUDIBLE) and that's what independents so often believe in, certainly what the planks in the Republican platform are supposed to be representing.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, now, there are a lot of options with health care right now. The Democrats can try to do something so that they don't have to go to a full 60-vote -- maybe they can do a reconciliation. You can do all sorts of things. Or maybe health care has got to go back to the beginning and start all over. What do you think is going to happen now with health care? Not what do you want, but what do you think is going to happen?

PALIN: Oh, that's a good way to put it because what I want is for them to scrap it and start working with conservatives on common sense, market-driven, patient-oriented solutions. But instead, we need to watch for the Democrats to try to ram through this health care takeover, despite this very loud, this clear statement tonight from the people.

I think right now, Rahm Emanuel, Obama supporters there at the White House, they're thinking of every trick in the book to get around this -- Pelosi and Reid. So the people have to be ever vigilant and hold these politicians accountable.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you think it's -- I mean, there have been a lot of sort of nasty, derogatory remarks coming out of Washington about the way Martha Coakley ran her campaign. I mean, obviously, I have a little different thought since she came down 20 points after some very important events happened in Washington. What about that sniping, or at least what we hear of the sniping about her from Washington, from Democrats in Washington?

PALIN: Yes, they need to get over that real quickly. I've been there, too, where a candidate has been -- blame laid on a candidate for a campaign not being victorious at the end of the day. It just wastes time. It wastes human effort and resources. Democrats should get over that. Just get (ph) that chapter of the book and just start trying to work together, everybody there in Washington, to get some solutions to the challenges facing this country, health care being one of the big ones.

VAN SUSTEREN: Governor, thank you very much for joining us.

Firearms Refresher Course

1. "Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson

2. "Those who trade liberty for security have neither." ~ John Adams

3. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.

4. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

5. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.

6. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.

7. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.

8. Know guns, know peace, know safety.

    No guns, no peace, no safety.

9. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

10. Assault is a behavior, not a device.

11. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.

12. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights Reserved.

13. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.

14. What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you NOT understand?

15. Guns have only two enemies; rust and politicians.

16. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.

17. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.


Scott Brown

From Laura Ingrahams E-Blast

Hope & Change... in the People's Victory
Don't let anyone convince you that Scott Brown's victory in Mass. isn't anything but monumental. This is a body blow to Obamelosimanuel agenda and a repudiation of the course on which the President has put our nation. At the same time, beware those Republicans who claim this victory as theirs. Until a few weeks ago the RNC wasn't even really dialed into what was happening in Massachusetts. It wasn't so long ago when certain GOP elites were quietly turning their noses up at the raw raucous energy of the tea parties. Make no mistake about it--were it not for talk radio and the tea party/townhall events of last summer, healthcare would have passed long ago and you probably would have never heard of Scott Brown. He saw an opportunity, respected the will of the people and ran a great campaign--a classic American success story. Now it's time to roll up our sleeves and take back our power from the other political frauds who are destroying what we love about America. Congressmen Barney Frank, John Murtha, Luis Gutierrez, Jim McDermott, Sheila Jackson Lee (just to name a few) should all be forced to find new work in this glorious Obama economy. Congrats to Sen. Scott and to all of you across the country who helped him.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Obama – Foreign Relations

• Foreign Relations – Obama promised a better international image. Well, the Swedes and Norwegians sure like us better, but he has clearly antagonized our closest allies (Britain and Israel) and pandered to dictators in North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela. He almost let a small friend (Honduras) be taken over by a Chavez front man and has left Colombia hanging out to dry to appease his union friends. China and Russia love him because they know that we have a weak President and they can act with impunity.

Obama Bi-Partisanship

• Bi-partisanship – Mr. Obama promised us a new bi-partisan era. At least George W. Bush made a legitimate effort at the beginning of his term by negotiating with Ted Kennedy and other Democrats on important bills (such as No Child Left Behind). Obama abandoned any pretense of bi-partisanship the day he hired hyper-partisan Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff. Since then, he has made little effort to work with Republicans, and in fact went more than six months without meeting with Republican leaders on his most important legislation – health care. In this regard, Obama again seriously misled the American people, and it has severely harmed his performance as President.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Childrens Sermon

One Sunday morning when my son, David, was about 5, we were attending a church in our community. It was common for the preacher to invite the children to the front of the church and have a small lesson before beginning the sermon. He would bring in an item they could find around the house and relate it to a teaching from the Bible.

This particular morning, the visual aid for his lesson was a smoke detector. He asked the children if anyone knew what it meant when an alarm sounded from the smoke detector.

My child immediately raised his hand and said, "It means Daddy's cooking dinner."

Harry Reid’s Negro Problem

Ann Coulter :: Columnist

Harry Reid's Negro Problem

by Ann Coulter

The recently released book Game Change reports that Sen. Harry Reid said America would vote for Barack Obama because he was a "light-skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

The book also says Bill Clinton called Sen. Ted Kennedy to ask for his endorsement of Hillary over Obama, saying of Obama: "A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee."

And we already knew that Obama's own vice president, Joe Biden, called Obama "articulate" and "clean" during the campaign. (So you can see why Biden got the vice presidential nod over Reid.)

Democrats regularly say things that would end the career of any conservative who said them. And still, blacks give 90 percent of their votes to the Democrats.

Reid apologized to President Obama, and Obama accepted the apology using his "white voice." So now all is forgiven.

Clinton also called Obama to apologize, but ended up asking him to bring everybody some coffee.

Now the only people waiting for an apology are the American people who want an apology from Nevada for giving us Harry Reid.

Reid will be the guest of honor at a luncheon in Las Vegas this week hosted by a group called "African-Americans for Harry Reid." That's if you can call two people a "group."

They used to be called "African-Americans for David Duke," but that was mostly a social thing. Now they're doing real political organizing.

If this gets off the ground, "African-Americans for Harry Reid" will be a political juggernaut that cannot be denied. Their motto: "We Will Be Heard -- As Soon As I Get This Gentleman's Coffee."

Reid has also picked up an endorsement from the United Light-Skinned Negro College Fund. And Tiger Woods is considering endorsing him. He is the one light-skinned half-black guy right now who's thrilled with Reid's comments.

Reid's defenders don't have much to work with. Their best idea so far is that at least he said "Negro" and not "Nigra."

Liberals are saying that since Reid was pointing out Obama's pale hue in support of his run for the presidency, it was OK to praise his skin color and non-Negro dialect. (Reid is denying reports that in 2007 he said to Obama: "You should run. You people are good at that.")

In fact, Reid didn't endorse Obama until after Hillary dropped out of the race. It turns out, he also admired Hillary for her light skin and the fact that she only uses a Negro dialect when she wants to.

In the alternative, liberals are defending Reid by claiming he said nothing that wasn't true, though he may have used "an unusual set" of words -- as light-skinned Reid-defender Harold Ford Jr. put it.

As long as we're mulling the real meaning of Reid's words and not just gasping in awe at the sorts of things Democrats get away with saying, I think Reid owes America an apology for accusing the entire country of racism. A country, let us note, that just elected a manifestly unqualified, at least partially black man president.

On the other hand, Reid couldn't have been expecting Republicans to vote for a Democrat, so I gather Reid was accusing only Democratic voters of being racists.

I don't disagree with that, but I'd like to get it in writing.

I think the Democratic platform should include a statement that the Democrats will not vote for dark-skinned blacks with a Negro dialect. Check with Harry Reid on the precise wording, but something along the lines of "no one darker than Deepak Chopra."

The "whereas" clauses can include the Democrats' history of supporting slavery, segregation, racial preferences, George Wallace and Bull Connor -- and also a precis of their treatment of dark-skinned Clarence Thomas.

BREAKING NEWS: Hoping to curry favor with the African-American community, Sen. Reid was arrested late this afternoon after breaking into his own home.

Democrats couldn't win an election without the black vote, but the Democratic Party keeps treating blacks like stage props, wheeling them out for photo-ops and marches now and then but almost never putting them in charge of anything important.

President Bush appointed the first black secretary of state and then the first black female secretary of state. Meanwhile, the closest black woman to Bill Clinton was his secretary, Betty Currie.

The one sitting black Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas, was appointed by a Republican.

The head of the Republican National Committee is black -- medium-skinned, but liberals treated Michael Steele like a dark-skinned black when they threw Oreo cookies at him during the Maryland gubernatorial campaign in 2002.

After the 2000 election, Democrats had a chance to make one of the rare smart Democrats, Donna Brazile, head of the Democratic National Committee. Brazile had just run a perfectly respectable campaign on behalf of that bumbling buffoon Al Gore.

She also happens to be black. Again, blacks give 90 percent of their votes to the Democrats.

But the Democrats skipped over Brazile and handed the DNC chairmanship to the goofy white guy in lime green pants, Howard Dean.

UPDATE: Harry Reid has just apologized to the light-skinned people of Haiti for the 7.0 earthquake that hit them Tuesday afternoon.

The single most insulting remark made about blacks in my lifetime was Bill Clinton's announcement -- after being caught in the most humiliating sex scandal in world history -- that he was "the first black president."

He did not call himself "the first black president" when liberals were dancing and singing to Fleetwood Mac at his inauguration. He did not call himself "the first black president" when he was feeling our pain and being lionized by the media. He did not call himself "the first black president" when he was trying to socialize health care or passing welfare reform.

Not until he became a national embarrassment did Clinton recognize that he was "the first black president."

At least he could finally get his own coffee.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Economy Tanks In December

Glenn has repeatedly warned that the economy was going to get worse before improving, but 'experts' and the thrill up their leg media just decided to take Obama's word for it that things were on the mend. So, economists were predictably 'shocked' when things got so bad in December, it was the worst month of the so called 'Great Recession.' What will it take for politicians to realize that artificially propping up the economy is only prolonging the inevitable?

Harry Reid and the Racial Hypocrisy

Harry Reid uses the term 'negro'

News broke this weekend that Senator Harry Reid, during the election, described Senator Obama as 'light skinned' and commented that he had no 'negro' qualities. Is this 1810 or 2010? Take a wild guess as to what the reaction from the left has been -- is it A) Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, President Obama and other democrats calling for Reid to step down, or is it B) Harry Reid gets a pass? If you said 'B', you are correct! Another shining example of liberal hypocrisy.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Lost Wallet

A guy traveling through Mexico on vacation lost his

wallet and all of his identification. Cutting his trip

short, he attempted to make his way home but was stopped by the U.S. Customs Agent at the border.

"May I see your identification, please?" asked the agent.

"I'm sorry, but I lost my wallet," replied the guy..

"Sure buddy, I hear that every day. No ID, no entry," said the agent.

"But I can prove I'm an American!" he exclaimed. "I have a picture of Ronald Reagan tattooed on one side of my butt and George Bush on the other."

"This I gotta see," replied the agent.

With that, the guy dropped his pants and showed the agent his behind.

"By golly, you're right!" exclaimed the agent. "Have a safe trip back to Chicago ."

"Thanks!" he said. "But how did you know I was from Chicago ?"

The agent replied, "I recognized Obama in the middle."

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Democrats and Patriotism

uesday, January 05, 2010

Nathan Tabor :: Columnist

Democrats and Patriotism

by Nathan Tabor

Since the close call on Christmas Day, when a Northwest Airlines flight’s crew and passengers almost fell victim to a Jihadist from Nigeria, the Democrat Party leadership including President Barack Obama, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senator John Kerry (still fuming over his loss to George W. Bush) and Representative John Murtha are all onboard for the war on terrorism.

At least for now, gone are the days of euphemisms created by the Democrats to avoid something most American kids know: We are fighting a global war on Islamofascists abroad and their dangerous Fifth Column within the continental US.

So before you allow these politically motivated pseudo-patriots to fill your head with their war plans, commentary about military matters and other nonsense, remember who these people are and what they’ve said whenever they dropped their guard.

Jimmy Carter
While no longer a politician of any consequence, recall that when then-President Carter ran for re-election, American voters couldn’t wait to send him packing from the White House. When Carter took office, one of the first things he did was to throw our ally, the Shah of Iran, under a bus. When radical Muslims captured our embassy in Tehran and held our fellow Americans hostage, Carter dithered and dodged and made a feeble attempt at a rescue that made the Keystone Cops look efficient. Ronald Reagan whipped Carter in the 1980 Presidential race, and while Reagan will always be remembered as one of the great US presidents, Mickey Mouse could have beat Carter after his one-term performance.

Bill Clinton
It’s been said that Bill Clinton talks a good fight. In Somalia, he ordered US troops to cut-and-run. When Islamic terrorists attacked the USS Cole, he made a tough speech, but nothing else. When Islamic terrorists bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, the Clinton administration treated it as if it were a bank robbery. The bombing of two US embassies garnered an FBI dog-and-pony show. In fact, according to then-FBI director Louis Freeh, when Saudi Arabia’s Kobar Towers was bombed by terrorists and Freeh wished to send FBI agents to investigate the deaths of the American victims, Clinton instead telephoned the Saudi authorities and hit them up for a big donation for the Clinton Library. Most clear-thinking Americans believe that Clinton’s inaction in response to a string of terror attacks laid the foundation for the 9-11 attack. But he did give some great speeches. Just ask the folks at the New York Times.

John Kerry
The perpetual Senator from Massachusetts ran against President George W. Bush, and even some Democrats found it difficult not to giggle at his flip-flops and flubs during his campaign. The man was exposed as a “legend in his own mind” by the Swift Boat Veterans who revealed the truth about Kerry’s four months in Vietnam. They also exposed his fabrications and false accusations during his anti-war career. More recently, Kerry accused US soldiers of terrorizing Iraqi women and children in the dark of the night. And then there was his statement to a group of students that they should stay in school and get a good education or else they’d end up as soldiers in Iraq.

John Murtha
Dubbed a “hawk” by the Democrat Party spinmeisters, Congressman Murtha was the darling of the anti-war news media – at least for a time. Murtha’s statements were quoted repeatedly and then discarded when they were proved wrong. For example, he said our military was broken. Then he said we could not win in Iraq. Before any investigations or courts-martial, he said a group of US Marines were cold-blooded murderers. When the Marines were found innocent of any wrongdoing, Murtha moved on without any apology. While the reporters at the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN touted him as a military expert, he advised military leaders to redeploy to Okinawa and respond to violence with air missions.

Dick Durbin
Senator Dick Durbin is another perpetual lawmaker who every so often lets his guard down and utters statements that reveal his true character. For instance, on the floor of the US Senate, Durbin accused soldiers deployed as guards at the terrorist detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba of being Nazis. He described the facility as a Soviet gulag. He went on to invoke the name of a man who murdered millions of Cambodians – Pol Pot. Of course, he was forced to apologize, but the apology was more of a slap in the face of many American patriots.

President Barack Obama
It is difficult to chronicle President Obama’s “unpatriotic” statements since he utters them almost on a daily basis. For months during his administration words such as “terrorism,” “terrorist,” “war” and others were kicked to the wayside. His appointments also display a total disregard for what made ours a great nation. Avowed Marxists, Maoists and socialists populate his administration and push their agenda behind closed doors. He said police in Cambridge acted stupidly before even knowing the facts of the incident involving his professor friend. However, after a Muslim murdered 13 men and women on a US Army base in Fort Hood, Texas, Obama stated he did not wish to comment until all the facts were at his disposal. While calling for unity, Obama has used vitriolic language to describe anyone who disagrees with him or his policies and ideas. Yet, while the members of the news media and entertainment industry hated George W. Bush, they adore and practically worship Barack Hussein Obama.

The Usual Suspects
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Carl Levin, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ Feingold, Pat Leahy, Chuck Schumer – the list goes on – continue to bash former President Bush, bash our military and bash real American patriots. During a speech to the nation, President Obama said the Cambridge police acted stupidly without his even knowing the facts about the incident in question.

When the Secretary for Homeland Security compiled a memorandum regarding extremists in the United States, Secretary Janet Napolitano’s finished product described returning war veterans, pro-life activists, gun-control opponents and those opposed to big government intrusion into the lives of Americans.

Are these Democrats patriots or hypocrites?

Beltway Vampires

Meet the Beltway bloodsuckers. They convene in the dead of night, when most ordinary mortals have left work and let their guard down or are lying asleep in bed. Pale-faced and insatiable, the nocturnal thieves do their nefarious business in backrooms and secret chambers. Their primary victims? Taxpayers, the free market and deliberative democracy.

Democratic leaders have been promising the most ethical, transparent, open and engaged administration for years. Instead, they have delivered a bleak and creepy legislative environment that could double as a “Twilight” movie set.

Skulking Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rammed the government health care takeover package through under the cover of darkness before Thanksgiving and Christmas. House Democratic leaders forbade debate on all but one amendment not authored by themselves. The Senate Finance Committee killed a GOP amendment that would have required Demcare to be available online for 72 hours before the committee voted. Reid and his Volterra-style henchmen cut last-minute cash-for-cloture deals behind closed doors.

Read Michelle Malkin’s full column at:

Beltway Vampires


Since Muslims took down Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, every attack on a commercial airliner has been committed by foreign-born Muslim men with the same hair color, eye color and skin color. Half of them have been named Mohammed.

An alien from the planet "Not Politically Correct" would have surveyed the situation after 9/11 and said: "You are at war with an enemy without uniforms, without morals, without a country and without a leader -- but the one advantage you have is they all look alike. ... What? ... What did I say?"
The only advantage we have in a war with stateless terrorists was ruled out of order ab initio by political correctness.

And so, despite 5 trillion Americans opening laptops, surrendering lip gloss and drinking breast milk in airports day after day for the past eight years, the government still couldn't stop a Nigerian Muslim from nearly blowing up a plane over Detroit on Christmas Day.

The "warning signs" exhibited by this particular passenger included the following:
His name was Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
He's Nigerian.
He's a Muslim.
His name was Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
He boarded a plane in Lagos, Nigeria.
He paid nearly $3,000 in cash for his ticket.
He had no luggage.
His name was Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.

Two months ago, his father warned the U.S. that he was a radical Muslim and possibly dangerous.

If our security procedures can't stop this guy, can't we just dispense with those procedures altogether? What's the point exactly?

The warning from Abdulmutallab's father put his son on some list, but not the "no fly" list. Apparently, it's tougher to get on the "no fly" list than it was to get into Studio 54 in the '70s. Currently, the only people on the "no fly" list" are the Blind Sheik and Sean Penn.

Don’t You Wonder

If the Liberal/Socialist health care take over is so great – then why did the President, Pelosi, Reid etc exempt themselves from it.   If  it were so great they should be the first ones in line to sign on. 

Could it be that they are lying to the American People – wake up America! 

Realization – My Dog


My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day.  She has her food prepared for her.  She can eat whenever she wants, 24/7/365. 

Her meals are provided at no cost to her.  She visits the Dr. once a year for her checkup, and again during the year if any medical needs arise.  For this she pays nothing, and nothing is required of her.  She lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than she needs, but she is not required to do any upkeep.  If she makes a mess, someone else cleans it up. 

She has her choice of luxurious places to sleep.  She receives these accommodations absolutely free.  She is living like a queen, and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever.  All of her costs are picked up by others who go out and earn a living every day. 

I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick in the head,  Holy &#!* my dog is a democrat!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Obmacare Revisited


ON "ABC-TV" Monday October 12, 2009


