Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Obamacare and the Sneaky Congressional Leaders

Barack Obama and sneaky congressional leaders don't want you to know what's in ObamaCare. They have made it clear that they will hide all the details from you. When Sen. Jim Bunning offered an amendment that would have required that the language of the bill be made available to the American people 72 hours prior to a vote, Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee squashed it.

t's becoming more apparent that Obama and his allies in Congress don't want the American people to know or read or hear anything negative about ObamaCare. They are willing to shut down debate by any means necessary.

We believe they are laying the groundwork to enact ObamaCare in the dead of night, under the cover of darkness before any of us are any the wiser.

It's bad enough when our federal legislators vote on bills they have not even bothered to read. But to actually start "negotiations" on 200 pages of notes and ideas on a bill that has not even been written? Then in the heights of arrogance, they squash an amendment that would require them to give you 72 hours to read what will likely be thousands of pages before they vote on it.

But what's even worse, Obama is trying to muzzle, and intimidate, those who dare to speak out against ObamaCare.

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