Sunday, November 25, 2012

Republican Surrender Fever

  • Posted by Judson Phillips on November 25, 2012 at 3:02pm in Tea Party Nation Forum
  • Cowardice is a disease.  It is every contagious.  That is why the military treats cowardice so severely.  We are now seeing surrender fever in full force in Washington.

    What is going on?

    The Republican Party is in full surrender mode.

    First it started with worthless RINO Saxby Chambliss announcing he was abandoning his pledge to the voters who put him in office that he would not raise taxes.  Now equally worthless RINO Lindsay Graham says he is abandoning the pledge too.

    He wants to limit deductions for people to $30,000 to $40,000.  This would primarily hit upper earners.  Graham is almost orgasmic at the possibility this could raise $1 trillion dollars.

    Isn’t that wonderful.  The Republican want to give the government another trillion dollars of tax dollars to waste.

    Here is the obvious question.  When the hell is the government going to cut spending?

    The deficit was almost under control in 2007.  It was shrinking and was down to $163 billion for the year.  Now we blow that in a month.

    Every year watchdogs identify hundreds of billions of dollars in waste, fraud and duplicated services.  Every year politicians hold news conferences to denounce the waste.  Yet they never do a damn thing about the waste.

    Now surrender fever is racing through the Republican ranks in DC.

    The Republicans are doing just what the Democrats want.  They are giving them cover.  Republicans are going along with the Democrat tax hikes.  So what are they going to say in 2014 as the Great Obama Depression worsens?

    Are the Republicans going to hit the Democrats on taxing, spending and borrowing?  How are they going to do that when they are going along with the Democrat plans?

    John Boehner is already negotiating his surrender in the House of Representatives.    He has already bought into bovine scatology that the problem is a revenue problem.  It is not a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.

    As the Republicans cave, what are fiscal conservatives to do?

    We have some fiscal conservatives left, but they are outnumbered.  John Boehner has made sure that no fiscal conservative is in the top rank of the Republican leadership.   Republicans could threaten to filibuster in the Senate but now they are seeing so many Republicans caving on the issue a filibuster would not matter.

    Mitt Romney ran for President and was the first Republican since before Ronald Reagan to run without specifically calling for tax cuts.  Now the Republican Establishment has followed his lead.

    Now we are watching the Republican Party not only surrender but self-destruct.

    Why should fiscal conservatives continue to support a party that is abandoning its principles and simply becoming one of two big government parties?

    We in the Tea Party did not go into the streets in 2009 and put a Republican majority in the House just so they could be big government statists.

    If the Republican Party wants to be a big government statist party, then to paraphrase Ronald Reagan, “I’m not leaving the Republican Party.  The Republican Party is leaving me.”

    Friday, November 23, 2012

    Hating America, even on Thanksgiving

  • Posted by Judson Phillips on November 22, 2012 at 4:56pm in Tea Party Nation Forum


    You know the left hates America.  Many on the hard left hate any Americans that dare to disagree with them.  They hate those who love this nation and believe that America is a great nation.

    The hard left cannot even accept something as simple as Thanksgiving.

    From CNS News:

    Forget all that turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie, today should be a day of fasting and atonement for American “sin.” That’s according to Robert Jensen, a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Jensen, known for his hard-left politics, also calls Thanksgiving a “white-supremacist holiday.”

    Jensen’s opinion piece “No Thanks for Thanksgiving,” appeared on the far-left, Soros-connected website Alternet on Thanksgiving eve. In it, he wrote how Native Americans suffered because of the “European invasion of the Americas.” He went on to compare the Founding Fathers to Nazi Germany. “How does a country deal with the fact that some of its most revered historical figures had certain moral values and political views virtually identical to Nazis?” he asked.

    According to Jensen, Thanksgiving is “at the heart of U.S. myth-building. “But in the United States, this reluctance to acknowledge our original sin -- the genocide of indigenous people -- is of special importance today,” he explained.

    Jensen has a long career in both working journalism and academia, including work as a copy editor at The St. Paul Pioneer Press and the St. Petersburg Times, as well as “volunteer editing and writing for the Texas Triangle, Austin (weekly statewide lesbian/gay paper).”

    This wasn’t the first time Jensen has bashed America. He does so on a regular basis. Other Alternet pieces include headlines like “The Painful Collapse of Empire: How the ‘American Dream’ and American Exceptionalism Wreck Havoc on the World” or “What White People Fear.”

    I am sick of these hard-core leftists.  If you Professor Jensen, do not like America, then get the hell out.  There are a lot of third world hellholes that embrace the philosophy this clown loves.

    The other issue is why taxpayers have to support idiots like Jensen.  Unfortunately many universities have become little more than full employment systems for leftists.  All a leftist has to do is get a tenure track position then they can go off and say any outrageous thing about America or real Americans.

    If someone like Jensen wants to run his mouth, he has the right to.  The taxpayers do not have to pay his salary.

  • Wednesday, November 21, 2012

    Obama Immigrant Welfare Welcome Mat Sparks Outrage

    By Dave Wedge

    Local lawmakers are fuming over an Obama administration policy promoting welfare and EBT benefits for immigrants, with a “welcome” package and promotional website that encourage new arrivals to take advantage of the nation’s generous government largesse.

    “I think it’s a complete outrage that we’re encouraging people coming here to get on public assistance,” said state Rep. Shaunna O’Connell, a Taunton Republican who has fought for EBT reform. “We should be encouraging people to be self-sufficient. These programs are rampant with fraud and abuse.”

    NYT Once Again Unaware of Terrorists in Gaza

    By Washington Free Beacon Staff | November 19, 2012 8:02 pm

    The New York Times once again appears to be unaware of the presence of terrorists in the Gaza Strip. In a new report on developments in the latest round of Israel-Hamas violence, the Times says:

    On Sunday, Israeli forces attacked two buildings housing local broadcasters and production companies used by foreign outlets. Israeli officials denied targeting journalists, but on Monday Israeli forces again blasted the Al Sharouk block, a multiuse building where many local broadcasters, as well as Sky News of Britain and the channel Al Arabiya, had offices.

    That attack, which struck a computer shop on the third floor, sparked a blaze that sent plumes of dark smoke creeping up the sides of the building. Video footage showed clouds of smoke billowing.

    The Times leaves out the story’s single most relevant piece of information: Four senior Islamic Jihad terrorists were using the media building as a hideout. They were killed in the Israeli strike.

    AP Reporter Demands Answers From State Department Spokeswoman

    AP Reporter Demands Answers From State Department Spokeswoman on Administration’s Handling of the Israel-Gaza Conflict: “You’re Staying Silent While People Are Dying”


    In a rare exchange at the State Department yesterday, Associated Press reporter Matthew Lee pushed State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland on the agency’s approach to handling the Israel-Gaza conflict.

    Lee questioned Nuland, “You say that it would not be helpful for you to discuss any of your conversations, that quiet diplomacy is the way to deescalate that. Well, you’ve been doing your quiet diplomacy now for almost a week. How’s is going so far?”

    Nuland began to respond “we are working hard…” but Lee interjected, “Hasn’t it occurred to anybody that maybe being less quiet might get more results? You know, squeaky wheel gets grease, that kind of thing. (Nuland begins to speak, but is interrupted again) You’re staying silent while people are dying, left and right.”

    “Matt, we are being far from silent. The president…” she attempted once more. Lee pressed, “You’re not telling us anything about what you’re … When the Turks come out, when the leaders of Turkey come out and say that Israel is engaged in acts of terrorism, and you refuse to say that you don’t agree with that, or maybe you do agree with it, that’s being silent.”

    Divorce Agreement

    Subject: USA divorce agreement

    we are not going to get gasoline back to $1.50 per gallon and coffee to $2.00 per pound maybe this would be a solution we could live with.

    DIVORCE AGREEMENT -- This is so incredibly well-put, and I can hardly believe it's by a young person, a student!! Whatever he runs for, I'll vote for him!
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, regressive, Marxists, and Obama supporters, et. al.:

    We have stuck together since the late 1950s for the sake of the kids, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has clearly run its course. 

    Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right for us all, so let's just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way.

    Here is a model separation agreement:

    1. Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by land mass, each taking a similar portion. That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy. Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides had such distinct and disparate tastes.

    2. We don't like redistributive taxes, so you can keep them.

    3. You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU.

    4. Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA, and the military.

    5. We'll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and you can go with wind, solar, and bio-diesel.

    6. You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore, and Rosie O'Donnell. You are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them.

    7. We'll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart, and Wall Street.

    8. You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, food stamps, homeless home boys, hippies, druggies, and illegal aliens.

    9. We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO's and rednecks.

    10. We'll keep the Bibles and give you NBC and Hollywood .

    11. You can make peace with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us.

    12. You can have the peace-niks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security.

    13. We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values.

    14. You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism, political correctness, and Shirley McLaine. You can also have the U.N., but we will no longer be paying the bill.

    15. We'll keep the SUV's, pickup trucks, and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Subaru station wagon you can find.

    16. You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing doctors..

    17. We'll continue to believe healthcare is an earned luxury and not a right.

    18. We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "The
    National Anthem."

    19. I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute "Imagine", "I'd Like
    to Teach the World to Sing", "Kum Ba Ya," or "We Are the

    20. We'll practice trickle down economics and you can continue to give trickle up poverty your best shot.

    21. Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our constitution and our flag.

    22. Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like-minded liberal and conservative patriots and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you answer which one of us will need whose help in 15 years.

    John J. Wall
    Law Student and an American

    P.S.: Also, please take Ted Turner, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Barbara Streisand,
    Jane Fonda, George Clooney, Jesse Jackson, Rosanne Barr and Whoopi Goldberg with you. You can start your own Congress with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Al Franken, Maxine Waters, and Barney Frank.

    You can have Obama to head your Socialist
    government and anoint him with the title "Dearest Leader".

    P.S.S..: And you won't have to "Press 1 for English" when you call
    our country.  Forward this every time you get it! Let's keep this going; maybe some of it will start sinking in!

    **If you can't stand behind our Military, Please feel free to
    stand in front of them! **

    Could we add Joy Behar to the list to go with Whoopi, although I would be willing to keep Whoopi in exchange for Joy!

    Monday, November 19, 2012

    Thoughts on Politics and recent election

    To the Republicans:

    I hear many people say that now the Republican party should compromise their views by moving to the middle or the left;  to accept abortion and paying for free contraception;  to accept tax increases and estate taxes ; to accept the amnesty of millions of illegal immigrants.    There are many more examples but here is what I have to say about this:

    IF the Republicans become like the Liberals then there would not be any reason to vote for them.  If they compromise their beliefs and values then they do not have any beliefs and values. 


    The vast majority of the Jewish voters in this country voted for Hussein Obama – the candidate least likely to support Israel, and most likely to hurt Israel instead of helping them.   You folks need to sit down and shut up you will get what you deserve.

    And Christians, so-called strong faithful Christians you folks say you believe in the 10 commandments and “Thou Shalt NOT Kill” and yet you vote for the party (man) who supports abortion and free abortions at that.   They believe in late term abortions where the baby is actually born alive but is held in the womb and has it’s brains sucked out – this is murder people!

    By the way this IS a Christian nation, I don’t care what you Liberals say.    You vote to take God out of your platform then go to church on Sunday.    Stop pretending and just stay home on Sunday.

    Friday, November 16, 2012


    The People's Cube@ThePeoplesCube

    #Twinkies Makers of Twinkies launch new product called Pink Slip, its filled with hard cold reality and comes with lifetime union membership

    Monday, November 12, 2012

    Future Republican Leaders

  • Posted by Judson Phillips on November 12, 2012 at 11:28am in Tea Party Nation Forum


    As the Republican Party looks for future leaders, they do not have to look far for a new crowd of young Republicans who are quite willing to pick up John Boehner’s freshly laundered white flag of surrender and fly it high for all to see.

    Who are these future Republican leaders and what have they done?

    The College Republicans at Fordham University decided they were going to use some of their university funding to invite Ann Coulter to speak.   Ann Coulter is acerbic, controversial and very well known.

    When the liberal nitwits in the University leadership found out that Ann Coulter was coming they went into liberal hysteria.   The leftwing University President (which may be a redundant expression) between his wine and cheese and finishing his petition to have Karl Marx declared a Saint, whined that students were encouraged to bring in people with “diverse, sometimes unpopular points of view.”

    Really?  If that were the real criteria, Coulter would not cause a problem.   The real problem for liberals is that Coulter is effective.

    What did the College Republicans do in the face of liberal tyranny?

    They borrowed John Boehner’s freshly laundered white flag of surrender.  They surrendered so fast; they now qualify for honorary membership in the French Army.

    The College Republicans immediately cancelled Coulter’s appearance and put out an email begging for “forgiveness” from Fordham University.  Fordham’s left wing University President immediately did high fives with the statute of Joseph Stalin he keeps in his office and issued a statement where he exulted in the fact a conservative had been kept away from the campus.

    Anyone want to bet there is no such controversy the next time a group at Fordham invites a far left nut to speak on campus?

    The Fordham College Republicans have shone that they have every talent necessary to become leaders in the Republican Party.  They surrender early and often to the left.

    In 1980, conservative students at Dartmouth, tired of the liberal establishment on campus founded the Dartmouth Review.  The Review was the first of a series of conservative student papers that were founded during the 80’s on university campuses.   They faced threats, vandalism, lawsuits and retaliation from leftist professors and university administrators.

    Those students stood for their beliefs and they made history.

    Unlike the Fordham students, they stood for their beliefs.

    Fortunately for the Fordham College Republicans, they have a great future as leaders of the Republican Party as they have learned early how to surrender gracefully to liberals.

  • The GOP Establishment

    The Establishment Strikes Back.

      It has been five days since the election.  It has been five days since Mitt Romney lost and the establishment started its narrative.  It is also starting to push the Republican Party and conservatives down a path that will result in another defeat in 2016, if we let them.

      What are they doing and how do we stop them?

      The establishment has hit the ground running trying to pin the blame for the defeat of Mitt Romney and the disastrous Senate races on the Tea Party and on conservatism.

      Peggy Noonan, the Doyenne of RINOs, made the talk show circuit again to explain that once again, all of the problems in the world and the Republican Party are conservatives’ fault.

      She breathlessly thanked the Tea Party for what it did in 2010 and for not splitting from the GOP, then said the Tea Party should not be the brand of the GOP.


      This coming from the woman who endorsed Barack Obama in 2008?

      And of course, her advice is the same as the other RINOs.  We should “moderate”.

      Mitt Romney was the most moderate Republican we have ever had run for President.  Short of changing the symbol of the GOP to a Jackass, how could you get any more moderate?

      Noonan’s great claim to fame is that she was, for a period of time, a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan.   The left wing media loves her because she will always come on, claim to be a conservative Republican, then proceed to announce to the world that conservatives are wrong and the only way for the Republicans to get ahead is to become just like the Democrats.

      Lest she be alone, Bill Kristol was out on Sunday demanding the Republican Party abandon its core principles.  Kristol hit Fox News and bravely surrendered to Barack Obama and the Democrats by announcing that the Republicans should go along with raising taxes on millionaires.

      You have to give Barack Obama and the Democrats credit.  They did a good job of demonizing the so-called “rich” during the campaign.  Obama tries to sound reasonable by saying we want millionaires to pay a little more. After all, they “can afford it”.

      One thing the Republicans should be excoriated for is the fact that Republicans do not explain their beliefs well.

      Sound bites sell.  Liberals excel at sound bites.  One of the reasons they do is if you get beyond the sound bite, you realize how bad their ideas are.

      Republicans are fighting against a guy whose message is “free stuff”.  Republicans have to explain that tax cuts put money in the pocket of the average citizen.  The GOP is giving them something.

      The GOP wants people to keep the money they have worked hard to earn.  The GOP wants businesses to keep more of their money so they can hire more people.

      The problem is spending.  Americans understand this.  Republicans are not talking about this. Out of control government spending is driving the economy into the ground.  Out of control government spending is putting Americans out of work.  Fraudulent and wasteful government spending costs America hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

      Tax increases are a mask.  Tax increases never work.  Just look at France.  Francois Hollande raised taxes on the “rich” to 75%.  The rich fled France.  In Maryland, six years ago, they imposed a millionaire’s tax.  What happened?   The millionaires fled Maryland.

      When RINOs like Bill Kristol embrace Obama’s mantra of raising taxes, we lose.

      The problem is not that we have a bad policy.  We have great ideas and, unlike liberal ideas, ours work.  Our messaging is the problem.  We need to get out and explain our ideas so that Tea Party ideas prevail.

      We need to make sure that the ideas of freedom and liberty win.  The last thing we need to do is to listen to the RINOs that were responsible for the devastating losses of 2012.

      Saturday, November 10, 2012

      NBC News : True Colors

      'I'm so glad we had that storm (Sandy)' 
      NBC  News  Chris  Matthews

      To all the millions of victims of superstorm Sandy, Chris Matthews has a message: "I'm so glad." 

      The MSNBC host, on a panel of pro-Obama pundits including Rachel Maddow, ended election coverage overnight by saying he's "glad" the storm hit, suggesting it served a greater good by boosting President Obama to a second term.

      "I'm so glad we had that storm last week," Matthews said, after interjecting to give some final thoughts. Somebody off-screen could be heard saying "ooo" at that remark, but Matthews confidently put his hand up to explain.

      "No, politically I should say -- not in terms of hurting people. The storm brought in possibilities for good politics," he said.

      Click to see the video.

      Matthews apologized on air at the beginning of his show Wednesday night.

      "It was a terrible thing to say, period," Matthews said. "I could say it was because I was tired, but the fact is, I wasn't thinking of the horrible mess this storm has made of people's real lives up here in New York and elsewhere."

      Earlier Wednesday, via social media, he had attempted to explain his remarks.

      "To clarify -- I was thrilled at the cooperation between the President and state officials that made the country proud. Great bipartisanship," he tweeted.

      "Obviously I wasn't talking about the horror of the storm. I grew up on the Jersey shore," Matthews wrote in another message on his Twitter feed.

      The death toll from that storm, which caused billions of dollars in damage, now exceeds 100. Many in the path of the storm's wrath -- in New Jersey, New York and elsewhere -- lost their homes or their cars or were otherwise displaced. The storm wreaked havoc on Election Day, as officials scrambled to facilitate the vote with many precincts facing power outages and fuel shortages.

      Some analysts did say the storm boosted Obama's image by allowing him to show a bipartisan side -- reaching out to Republican Gov. Chris Christie, who publicly thanked Obama for the federal government's support -- and effectively sidelining Mitt Romney for a few days one week before the election.

      Exit polls also showed about four in 10 voters said Obama's response to Sandy was important to their vote, and they backed the president by more than a 2-to-1 margin.

      Matthews, though, was oddly upbeat in describing the political impact. He made the Sandy comment after ripping Republicans for their "assault" on the president.

      "I am so proud of the country. To re-elect this president and overcoming -- not because of the partisanship or even the policies -- just the fact, here's an African guy,  African-American guy with an unusual background -- part immigrant background, part African-American background -- with all this assault on him from day one. From Mitch McConnell, from the clowns out there that aren't elected, never will be to anything," he said. "And the way he took it, as someone said, with coolness and charm and dignity and just took it and took it and kept moving forward and doing his job. ... A good day for America."

      Friday, November 09, 2012

      MSNBC = Shameful

      If there is anyone left who watches the mainstream media you might want to rethink that. 


      MSNBC's Bashir apologizes to young viewers 'frightened' by Krauthammer’s face

      By Noel Sheppard

      Published November 09, 2012

      The childish unprofessionalism on display at MSNBC is becoming breathtaking.

      Anchor Martin Bashir on Wednesday jokingly apologized to young viewers who might have been “frightened by” Charles Krauthammer's face in a video clip that was aired on his show.

      While speaking about the election with GQ’s Ana Marie Cox and the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart, Bashir asked, “Do Republicans understand what has happened? Let’s listen to the great Charles Krauthammer.”

      This evoked laughter from Cox and Capehart.

      After playing a Fox News video clip of Krauthammer commenting about Tuesday’s election results, Bashir said, “Now I need to apologize to any young viewers who may have been frightened by that face.”

      This again evoked laughter from Cox.

      Honestly, is this what MSNBC considers journalism today?

      Krauthammer is a Pulitzer Prize-winner whose columns are syndicated to more than 275 newspapers and media outlets.

      He received a medical degree from Harvard in 1975 completing his residency in psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. In 1984 he was certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

      While at Harvard, he was involved in a diving accident that left him paralyzed but didn’t prevent him from finishing his studies and completing his degree.

      He received a Pulitzer Prize in 1987, and is considered one of the nation’s leading conservative voices.

      Yet Bashir, who commands virtually no respect from his peers given his consistent unprofessionalism and sophomoric behavior, has the nerve to ridicule Krauthammer for his appearance.

      And the folks at MSNBC wonder why nobody takes this so-called “news network” seriously.

      Read more:

      Sunday, November 04, 2012

      Wasserman Schultz (Democrat) Violates Yet Another Campaign Finance Law

      by Javier Manjarres

      Fresh off of her police altercation this past weekend, Debbie Wasserman Schultz again finds herself surrounded by questions concerning what appear to be clear violations of Federal Election/Campaign Finance law by her campaign for Congress.

      Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz’s latest mailer yet again overtly exploits her past battle with breast cancer, but it also contains a picture of the congresswoman talking to students in the courtyard of Florida International University’s North Dade Campus.

      In addition, Wasserman Schultz has released a TV commercial using the same FIU courtyard which was used to film some ‘B-roll’ found in the ad.  In both the commercial and the mail piece, ‘DWS’ for Congress staged the shots using college age students wearing apparel which advertises the school, Florida International University.

      But here’s the rub- in order to use FIU’s taxpayer-funded campus or use their school’s logos/slogans, past congressional campaigns have been charged a ‘usage fee’ of anywhere between two and ten thousand dollars.  One south Florida congressional campaign was charged five thousand dollars to use the FIU campus to film a campaign commercial.

      Upon inspection of  Wasserman Schultz’s campaign finance reports, there are no campaign fund distributions directly made out to the school.  There is however the possibility that DWS for Congress hired a media company who in turn paid that school the usage fee.

      We then contacted the FIU’s Media Relations department, and according to the school’s head of Media Relations Maydel Santana-Bravo, and mum’s the word.  At first, Ms. Santana-Bravo asked us to send her the TV commercial, which we did.  When we followed up with her for comment, Ms. Santana-Bravo stated, “We are doing some research internally to make sure we have our facts. I will get back to you tomorrow.”

      Now Mrs. Santana-Bravo has responded by saying that,” she will have something for me by the end of today (Friday).”

      Corporations and non-profit organizations, to include taxpayer funded state schools, are not allowed to donate or ‘in-kind’ any donations or services to congressional candidates. So if, the school allowed ‘DWS’ to use their school to film the commercial without a usage fee, then it clearly violated FEC law, and the ‘DWS’ for Congress campaign did as well by not reporting this disbursement.

      We called the FEC for clarification on this matter and were told that whether the school in question was either a for-profit or non-profit, and if the facilities were used to film a commercial, the campaign in question needed to “pay rent” to the corporation (FIU).

      The only exception for not “paying rent” to FIU, who is clearly a corporation, per the Division of Corporations of the state of Florida, was if the commercial was used for a  “learning activity” with “no reference to the campaign.”

      As you can see below, the ‘DWS’ for Congress clearly used the school for campaigning, not for any “learning activity.”

      Here are a few other possible campaign finance law violations of the ‘DWS’ for Congress campaign:

      DWS Violates Campaign Finance Laws

      Wasserman Schultz’s ‘Mile-High’ Dilemma

      Wasserman Schultz’s Involved in Police Altercation

      Election 2012

      John Doe@Vision4AllofUS

      When you are dependent on Big Brother to feed you, house you, support you, you have sold yourself into slavery



      North Carolina man brags on Facebook about voting multiple times for Obama … via @examinercom


      Just me@reluctantzealot

      NBC Sites hacked ....why? It's not like they have anything other than the memos the Obama admin hands out to them to repeat....



      #MSNBC #CNN #ABC @MittRomney NC man under investigation for possible voter fraud, media silent … via



      Bloomberg kept National Guard out of NYC because they had guns?


      Testing reports that the Obama website accepts illegal foreign donations. Journalists successfully donated as "osama bin laden" #fail #tcot


      Ron Pratt@Zener39

      AARP Supports ObamaCare Despite Voter Opposition. ~~~> http://www.CancelAARP.Org



      It's sad to say but Liberals were more upset over #Romney's big bird comment than they are over the Benghazi cover-up


      S @sgn013

      @Miller51550 I say shipp his Muslim ass to GITMO & forget about him



      How soon YOUR turn will suffer? To Each Corner of Earth comes Tragedy. Awake from Obama's seduction before his Foreboding PURPOSE concludes!


      Charles Bender @chiefragingbull

      Obama accepts ‘Osama bin Laden’ donations … @trisha22522 @eavesdropann @Linnlondon1 @donnalashe @conjn19 @Lrihendry


      Patricia Baber@trisha22522

      Obama Campaign Accepts Two Donations From Osama Bin Laden Located In Pakistan. … #CFSA

      Hurricane Disaster–NY, NJ

      I am sorry almost to say this but . . . the minute I heard that the Liberal’s in the affected areas turned away help because they were not Union members – my sympathy for them totally dissolved.  These folks vote in these ultra Liberals time after time after time so they have ultimately  brought this lack of help on themselves. 


      Now I hear that the NYC Mayor doesn’t want the National Guard to come in and help because they carry “guns”.   

      . . . enough said. . .

      Sarah Palin–Robo Call Transcript

      “Hello, this is Sarah Palin calling to urge you to go to the polls on Election Day, or better yet, vote early. We have a critical choice to make this year and America needs leaders who believe in limited government, individual liberty, a robust national defense, stronger families, the sanctity of life and marriage, and time-honored values. Our nation is at a crossroads. So please go to the polls and vote for the candidates who share your common-sense values. Urge your friends and family to vote, too. Thank you and God bless you!”

      Mental Disorder: LDS( Liberal Derangement Syndrome)


      • Posted by Judson Phillips on November 4, 2012 at 5:54am in Tea Party Nation Forum
      • 48 hours from now, the voting will begin for the 2012 election.  We will be voting for the President, control of the Senate and will determine the margin by which the Republicans control the House.

        We are already seeing a lot of LDS and will see a lot more before it is over.

        What is LDS and why is it a threat to you?

        LDS is liberal derangement syndrome.

        While it is fun to laugh at liberals, this one is very serious.

        Liberalism is a mental illness.  I’m not the first one to come up with that idea.  Michael Savage had a best seller by that name.  Unfortunately for real Americans liberals live in this world of delusion.

        In the days of the old Soviet Union, there was a concept that bound artists called “Socialist Reality.”   Artists could not portray things as they were, only as they should be.

        Liberals live in this alternative reality that we can call liberal reality.   In their imaginary world, things are never as they are, only as they should be.

        In their imaginary world, Barack Obama is the greatest leader ever.  In their imaginary world, the stimulus has worked.  In their imaginary world, the only people who dare oppose Obama or liberalism are racists and evil corporatists.

        In their imaginary world, Obama is cruising on to victory.  The Democrats are going to keep the Senate and somehow, Nancy Pelosi is going to end up as Speaker of the House again.

        The problem liberals have is that the real world is now intruding on their imaginary world.

        Liberals are not handling this well.   It simply cannot be true that Obama is only drawing crowds of two thousand while Romney is drawing crowds of thirty thousand.   It simply cannot be true that Obama is not only not picking up any new states this time around, but Romney is now competitive on some very blue states, including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Minnesota.  It cannot be true that the only way Obama is coming up ahead on polls is for the polls to massively oversample Democrats.

        Liberals, to quote the famous Jack Nicholson line from A Few Good Men, “can’t handle the truth!”

        Unfortunately, this lack of ability to handle reality is now showing itself up as anger.  Liberals have been harassing conservatives online regularly, but in the last couple of days, that harassment has gone to new levels.  On twitter, there are too many threats to assassinate Mitt Romney if he wins for the Secret Service to keep up with.

        Now the latest is the liberals are threatening to riot if Romney wins.

        Romney is going to win.  He will win decisively.

        The Republicans are going to take the Senate as well.  The American people will speak, but do you expect the left to simply accept the results and say the people have spoken?

        No.  That isn’t going to happen.

        Liberal Derangement Syndrome will go off the charts in the next few days.  It will be like nothing we have seen so far.  For conservatives, our mission is not over.   Electing Mitt Romney and a Republican Senate is not enough.

        The Obama Propaganda Media will be working overtime to begin spinning Romney’s administration as a failure and Obama’s regime was really more successful that we realized.  They will work hard to claim Romney won with dirty tricks.  As the left goes off the rails, they will ignore everything liberals suffering from LDS do.

        We have social media.  We now have a conservative media with WND, Breitbart and others.  We can bypass the Obama Propaganda Media.

        LDS will be in full force for the next few months.  We need to use the tools we have to highlight LDS in all of its horror.

      Friday, November 02, 2012

      Obama and Liberals–still killing people–why isn’t this on the news?

      Obama’s lying, people are dying

      Obama lied.  People died.  That was Benghazi.  That was bad enough.  Let’s change that to Obama is lying and people are dying.   Notice the present tense.

      What is going on?  What is so bad that people are dying and it really is Obama’s fault?

      If the press treated Obama the way they treated George Bush after Katrina, this would be all over the press.  But the press has now evolved into nothing more than a propaganda arm for Obama; therefore he is getting a free pass.

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      Hurricane Sandy hit and now in the aftermath, people are dying.   While Obama is using the post Sandy wreckage and that insufferable bag of hot air, Chris Christie as props for his photo ops, in Staten Island, three days after Sandy, people do not have food.    They do not have heat and unlike Katrina, the cold is a huge issue.  Katrina happened in the summer and while the heat was an issue for some, the cold is an issue for everyone.

      It is not just Obama the media is treating with kid gloves.  It is every liberal involved.  Bush was castigated for congratulating Michael Brown for doing a great job with Katrina.  Obama has a whole cast of Michael Browns to choose from.

      How about Obama’s new best friend and as Rush Limbaugh called him, stand in “Greek Column” Chris Christie?   Obama promised red tape would be cut through.  Yet when Alabama sent utility crews to help New Jersey, they were turned away because the crews are non-union.  The state is a wreck and needs all of the help it can get, but union rules cannot be changed, no matter how dire the situation.

      Perhaps the best “heck of a job there Brownie” Award should go to New York’s crown prince of idiots, Mayor Michael Bloomberg.  In some parts of New York, people are dumpster diving just to get food.  Huge parts of New York still do not have power.  Gas lines stretch for miles and this Sunday the New York Marathon will be run.

      Think about this for half a moment.  Imagine you are the Mayor of the city.   You have precious few resources as it is.  You are stretched thin.   What is the first thing you are going to cancel or at least postpone?

      Any sane person would be cancelling the marathon.  But liberals aren’t sane and Bloomberg’s brain cells went extinct a few years back.

      Yes, in case you have not figured it out, the moron Mayor is not canceling the New York City Marathon.  Resources that New Yorkers desperately need like generators, food, water and New York Police officers are being pulled from hurricane devastated areas to the race area.

      New Yorkers who are homeless because of the storm and who have sought refuge in hotels will now be homeless again so that the marathon’s previous reservations can be honored.

      Millions of rats drowned in New York’s flooded subways.  Millions more are now on the streets to greet the marathoners.

      Americans are forced to find food in garbage dumpsters in New York.  Are you hearing a word about this from the drive-by media?  No.  Do you think you will see photos of the people who die from exposure because no one is getting fuel to them so their homes or shelters can be heated?

      Are you seeing the photos of Obama in the situation room and standing on the beach, next to America’s blimp, Chris Christie?  Of course you are.  That is because the mainstream media is little more than the media arm for the Obama campaign.

      In the last few days of this election, it is up to we the people to point out that after Katrina, George Bush did not go to New Orleans for a photo op.  Instead he stayed away, lest the security arrangements necessary for a Presidential visit disrupt rescue efforts.   Obama does not care if his presence interferes with rescue operations as long as he gets his photo op.

      We the people need to call and email our friends.  Sandy is Obama’s disaster.   As we have four days to the election, we need to tell the story that the Obama Propaganda Media is not telling.

      (Hat tip to Jack Kemp for information on the hotels in New York City)

      Thursday, November 01, 2012

      A President of ALL America

      A President of all America?

      In a stunning moment, in a photo op at the Red Cross, Barack Obama said in America we leave no one behind.   After what happened in Benghazi, did Obama even think before he said that?

      Is the statement even close to true?

      On May 2, 2010 I flew out of Washington on a Southwest 737 down to Tampa.  I was supposed to catch a connecting flight to Nashville.   By the time I touched down in Tampa, I was getting calls, texts and emails from family and friends.

      Nashville was being inundated with rain.  Just a couple of miles from my home, a shopping center was under four feet of water.

      The Cumberland River in Nashville exploded over its banks, flooding downtown Nashville.   This was a thousand year flood.

      The flood did billions of dollars in damage to Nashville.   The citizens of Nashville rallied.  The citizens of Tennessee rallied.    The one thing that did not happen was that Barack Obama did not visit Nashville.  In fact, he barely acknowledged the massive flooding that occurred. 

      A year later, Texas was ablaze.

      Obama managed not to visit there either.

      Hurricane Irene tore through the North East in August 2011.   The storm did millions of dollars of damage in states that are blue states.   Obama went to New Jersey to personally view the damage.

      Now hurricane Sandy has hit the North East.  Where was Obama today?

      He was in New Jersey.

      What is the moral of this story?

      It means if you are in a red state, forget support from the Obama Regime. Do you remember the guy who was supposed to be the great uniter?  He is the most divisive President in history.

      What will happen after Obama is reelected?

      Does anyone really believe that Obama will suddenly become more conciliatory towards Republicans after the election?  After all, this is the guy who told Republicans in 2009, “I won.”

      Mitt Romney stopped his campaign and began fundraising for the Red Cross.  Barack Obama was simply worried about being reelected.

      Do we really want four more years of a President who cannot be bothered to rescue Americans in distress in Benghazi, but will spare no expense to be reelected?

      This Presidential Election, Don't Forget Obama's Imperial Fiats

    • Posted by Seton Motley on November 1, 2012 at 8:25am


      The reasons to un-elect President Barack Obama are myriad.  His has a litany of failings that is massive and nearly all-encompassing. One of the most important reasons to dispatch this President is his governing via Executive Order and regulatory fiat - well outside the Constitutional process and proscribed bounds of his office.

      People say that President Obama isn’t interested in the legislative process.  If he ever was, he checked out after turning over the highly dubious and unpopular ObamaCare operation to then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

      It’s not much fun to go to the People’s House when the People repeatedly express disdain for your worldview.

      Built into ObamaCare is the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).  Fifteen bureaucrats who can - in Congress-free, unilateral fashion - decide who does and does not receive medical care.

      The IPAB approach is much more to President Obama’s liking.  He has all along been - in Congress-free, unilateral fashion - imposing all sorts of new “laws,” “rules” and “regulations” via royal edict. And this has created tremendous uncertainty for - and done egregious damage to - the economy.

      House Majority Leader Eric Cantor just released a detailed report entitled “The Imperial Presidency.”  Here are - culled from just its “Creating Laws” subsection - some of Emperor Obama’s Greatest Hits:

      Tech Layoffs Hit 3-Year High in First Half of 2012

      • Energy Sector regulations: The Greatest Fraud on Earth is alleged “global warming.”  Or “climate change.”  Cap & Trade never passed Congress - so Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency and Departments of Energy and Interior are imposing it as if it did.  The results?

      January 19, 2009 av. gas price:      $1.85 per gallon

      October 22, 2012 av. gas price:     $3.69 per gallon

      Coal plants closed under Obama:  111 - more than 1/5 of the nation's nearly 500.

      Public land oil-gas production under Obama:

      Leases: Down 11%

      Land in use: Down 19%

      Drill permits approved: Down 36%

      Which brought us those doubled-under-Obama gas prices.

      But wait, there’s more.  For instance, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has been a one-stop bureaucratic wrecking shop.

      • Unilaterally making it much easier to form business-impeding, Democrat-supporting unions - and much harder to un-form them.
      • Telling Businesses Where They Are Allowed to Locate

      Obama Touts S.C. Boeing Plant That NLRB Sued

      • Imposing Union “Propaganda” Mandates on Employers

      Then there is the Obama Administration doubling car CAFE mileage requirements.  The results?

      New cars are expected to cost about $2000 more because of this mandate.

      And on, and on, and on....

      Oh - and how’s ObamaCare doing for us?

      During Obama’s term, between 2009 to 2012, premiums have climbed $2,370 for the average family with an employer-provided plan – a rate faster than the during the previous four years under President George W. Bush....

      During the 2008 campaign and health care reform debate in 2009, President Obama said repeatedly that his plan would bend the cost curve downward, ultimately saving the average family $2,500 per year.

      The Barack Obama Presidency has been conducted almost entirely against the Constitution and the will of We the People.  The results?

      2012 GDP growth thus far: 1.77%.

      Next Tuesday, We the People get to Constitutionally express our will about that.

    • From Liberals–I am not surprised (sad)

      Unhinged: Liberals on Twitter want Hurricane Sandy to kill Mitt Romney

      Not content to issue direct threats to murder Mitt Romney, liberals on Twitter expressed a desire to see Hurricane Sandy kill the GOP nominee, Twitchy reported Sunday.

      "#Sandy should kill #Romney," exclaimed one person.

      "Hurricane Sandy, do us a favor and blow Romney away. Thanks," tweeted "ashley cameron."

      "Romney better be gone with sandys wind lmao she needa blow him away (sic)," added "Gypsy."

      Twitchy noted that some hoped the massive hurricane would kill those voting for Romney.

      "Sandy better blow away the h*es voting for Romney (sic)," said "JoseSosa."

      We discovered similar tweets Monday evening.

      "Hopefully the hurricane kill mitt romney (sic)," said "J-Pistols."

      "'Maybe the hurricane will kill Romney' best thing I've heard all day (sic)," added "Kimmy Schneider."

      This is not the first time liberals have hoped that a hurricane would kill Republicans.

      Nor, I suspect, will it be the last.  Liberals have repeatedly expressed a desire to murder the GOP nominee, and the so-called "mainstream media" refuses to report on it.  I fear these people really do want to see blood in the streets.