Friday, December 31, 2010

Obama Spends $1.5 Million on Hawaii Vacation

December 30, 2010

POTUS spends $1.5m on his Hawaiian holiday... while the rest of America faces bleak 2011
Posted by Staff

President Obama has splashed out more than $1.5million on a sunshine break in Hawaii while many Americans are still struggling in the aftermath of the economic meltdown.

12/30/10 4:54 PM


January 4 will be the start of the 112th Congress.  The Democrats are already planning to play hardball with the GOP.  The question is, is the GOP willing to play hardball too or are they going to fall back into their old pattern of just rolling over and playing dead.


Sadly enough the trend will probably continue.  In my recent memory the only Republican with any balls is Sarah Palin.  Thank God for Sarah!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Government Waste

This is NOT chump change...and what I have been pounding on!

Greta Van Susteren | December 30, 2010 9:05 AM

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All fall long I have been pounding and pounding and pounding our Members of Congress about WASTE!  How can we begin to know how much money we need (tax revenue) when we don't even bother to do an inventory about waste.  If we cleaned up the waste we would need less money for our government...I don't know how much less, but I do know less.  And yes, of course it would also help if we had a budget to figure out how much we need but I will leave that for another posting on another day.

The pounding I did all fall long must have at least impinged upon some in Congress.  For instance I pounded Senator Mary Landrieu about waste and why our politicians won't follow through and get rid of it and she went to the Senate Floor and invoked my name (in a good way) about the topic of waste.  I was flattered but disappointed - my pounding got a Senate Floor mention but nothing has changed or will change. I would much have preferred to change than a shout out.

Every time anyone runs for office, he or she says he will clean up the waste and fraud..  They say that to get our vote...and then what happens? nothing!

Below is a perfect example of fraud - an audit shows that one of our best government agencies (if not the best), the CDC "misplaced" $8 million in equipment. (And yes, I hope "misplaced" is not a nice code word for "stealing.")  I wonder what the number is for some of our really lousy agencies? (Who can forget the SEC that completely blew protecting investors from Bernie Madoff and meanwhile some SEC lawyers were downloading porn onto government computers...ugh)

Sure 8 million dollars seems a bit like chump change when we are daily talking trillions in government spending and borrowing ...but imagine what 8 million would do for your community...your school...your police department...your fire department...or your bank account!

Read more:

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What is Obama Doing?

Winter is here.  Americans are digging out on the East Coast.  What is Obama doing?  He's on another round of golf in Hawaii. And where is the media that crucified Bush for every little thing.  Asleep, of course.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Which Republicans Sold Out?

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann

Which Republicans Sold Out?

With the new Republican power in Washington, it is doubly important to keep a close eye on the doings of GOP senators and congressmen to spot those who are straying from orthodoxy, seduced by power and the insider clubiness that characterizes Washington.

In the lame-duck session, we want to draw attention to six Republican U.S. senators who voted with the Democrats on a key issue. We should all bear their apostasy in mind and, in particular, make them mindful of the possibility of primary challenges to their renomination.

Two senators, in particular, deserve to have primary challengers take them on in 2012 -- Tennessee's Bob Corker and Mississippi's Thad Cochran. Both men voted for the START Treaty, which conceded a permanent edge in nuclear weaponry to Russia. While the treaty provided for equal and reduced stockpiles of strategic warheads, it did nothing to address the vast piles of tactical nuclear warheads held by the Russians. The Russians have 10,000 of these battlefield nuclear weapons piled up in the stockpile, while we have only a few hundred.

In addition, START's preamble blocks the U.S. from developing missile defenses, now especially important in light of North Korea's and Iran's expanding capacities.

Both Corker and Cochran face re-election in 2012. They should both be challenged for the nomination by men who put our need for national security above appeasing the Russians. Having suppressed democracy, wiped out free speech, taken over all the media, nationalized their oil and energy industry, invaded Georgia, enabled the Iranian nuclear program and tried to establish a natural gas monopoly in Europe, what else does Vladimir Putin need to do before Corker and Cochran realize that appeasement won't work?

Corker's vote for START probably stems from the insider-old boy network on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee on which he sits. Johnny Isakson of Georgia, who also voted for START, sits alongside him on the Republican minority on the committee. Led by Sen. Richard Lugar, the ranking GOP member on the panel, all three voted for START. Unfortunately, Isakson is not up for re-election until 2016. When he does come up for re-election, we hope that the citizens of Georgia's Republican Party hold him to account.

Lamar Alexander, also of Tennessee, backed START and faces re-election in 2014.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Has anyone seen Jesus?

Has anyone seen Jesus?

Baby Jesus

As I watch television today, I am amazed at the major news networks near total neglect of The Person that Christmas is really all about.  When did the FCC decide that the name of Jesus can’t be uttered over the airwaves? recently ran a blog that reminded us that at least for NBC ABC and CBS there is still no room at the inn. They pointed to a study by the Media Research Center’s Culture and Media Institute that shows that in their evening news coverage of “Christmas” in the two years from Oct. 1, 2008, to Sep 30, 2010  the networks almost completely neglected stories about family, religion, and the blessings that Americans enjoy.

Just seven stories out of 527 (1.3 percent) mentioned the deity in two years of network evening news coverage.  Evidently God and Jesus are forbidden words for the networks.

The study showed that in stories about Christmas, more words were spoken about Ping Pong than God and the Underwear Bomber got more coverage than Jesus.


Thanks to Ken Davis for this.  His blog/website is


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Obama "pivots" and the support further erodes

by Laura Ingraham on Monday, December 20, 2010 at 3:33am

Posted By: Laura Ingraham
So much for the vaunted "triangulation" strategy! A new Gallup poll shows that Washington and the Dems are ending the year with their lowest marks. The GOP better settle on a leader who can articulate a clear path out of America's decline, with resolve and substance. We cannot afford another Republican nominee who answers tough questions with bromides and generic catch phrases. We must press every potential candidate to be specific--what will you do for a permanent tax solution? How will you begin to tackle the deficit? Will you ever give illegal aliens a path to citizenship and voting? You get the point. Obama is not going to roll over in the 2012 campaign, and the country needs a strong, courageous, America- focused alternative in order to beat him.

Friday, December 17, 2010

FDA death panel pulls the plug on breast cancer drug

FDA death panel pulls the plug on breast cancer drug
Posted by Staff

The Wall Street Journal reports:
Yesterday the Food and Drug Administration moved to revoke its regulatory approval of Avastin for metastatic breast cancer. Withdrawing a cancer treatment is almost never done, and though the decision was expected, that does not make it any less reprehensible.
The FDA said in a statement that it is removing Avastin's breast cancer indication because the biologic does not provide "a sufficient benefit in slowing disease progression to outweigh the significant risk to patients." Ponder that "sufficient." The agency is substituting its own judgments about clinical meaningfulness for those of practicing oncologists and terminally ill cancer patients.
The risks of Avastin are real, but manageable. Clinical trials do not show that the drug extends life overall in the aggregate, but they have shown that it allows women to live longer without their disease getting worse. Avastin improves progression-free survival by about four months on average. Different patients respond differently, and the drug is far more effective in some than in others, for reasons that researchers still do not understand. There aren't any perfect therapeutic options in end-stage oncology, and Avastin ought to have remained one of them.
Looking at the same data, the European Medicines Agency-the FDA's counterpart in the European Union-decided on Thursday that it would continue to approve Avastin for breast cancer in combination with chemotherapy. In October, the U.S. National Comprehensive Cancer Network-a consortium of 21 leading cancer centers that issues evidence-based medical guidelines-reaffirmed its position that Avastin is valuable in some cases.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Liberals and Illegal Workers

The liberals are up in arms in Minnesota.   Chipotle Restaurants in Minnesota, over the last few days, have fired at least 48 workers.   What is the common denominator of all of the fired workers?

They are illegal!

And of course, the liberals are outraged!

A leftist group called the Minnesota Immigrants Rights Committee has been screaming about the firings, calling them “cruel.”

Cruel?  How cruel is it for the 48 Americans who now can get jobs that were held by illegals?  How cruel is it for the two to four million Americans who have lost their jobs to illegals?

MIRAC is your typical socialist, hate America first group.  They have called for boycotts of Arizona, The All Star Game, Jimmy John’s Sandwiches, and anyone who does not agree with them.  So much for liberal tolerance of other’s beliefs.

The coverage of this has been focused in Minnesota.  One of first articles you will find on this, if you do an Internet search is from WCCO and their reporter Leslie Seavert.

Seavert has written a very sympathetic piece on the firing of the workers.  She quotes extensively from one of the MIRAC board members, one Brad Sigal.

Liberals, especially liberal journalists, like to whine about the independence of the media.  The truth of the matter is, most of the media is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American left.  Seavert, as she writes about this group of socialists, is in fact, a member of their group, at least on Facebook.

The firings at Chipotle were a good start.  Unemployment in this country sits at 10%.  That does not even count the workers who have given up on trying to get a job. 

We can take a huge step forward in the economic recovery with an immediate and aggressive sweep to enforce the immigrations laws.  Putting illegals out of work will create an immediate and significant drop in the unemployment rate.   It would also ease the tax burdens at the state and local level.  By not having to provide services for illegals, the demands on local budgets would be eased.

This sounds like a great idea to everyone but the lunatic left.  Of course, they always advocate policies that destroy the freedom, liberty and prosperity we enjoy in this country.

For Christmas this year, some Americans will be getting jobs because of this.   The only people who think this is bad are the socialists and liberal journalists like Lindsey Seavert.

I wonder if she would still be as sympathetic if an illegal took her job?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Doctors continue to line up against ObamaCare

Doctors continue to line up against ObamaCare

The New York Post reports:
For all the times that President Obama promised "you'll get to keep your doctor" under his health-care reforms, he apparently failed to ask any practicing doctors.
A recent survey finds that countless MDs will respond to ObamaCare by limiting which patients they'll see.
The Physicians Foundation asked 2,400 doctors and American Medical Association members what they thought of the new law; a full 67 percent were against it.
More important, it asked how they'd cope with the new rules (which don't fully kick in until 2014). Sixty percent said they feel compelled to "close or significantly restrict their practices to certain categories of patients." And 59 percent said the "reform" would oblige them to spend less time with the patients they do have.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Hussein Obama – Outrage of the Day

Afghanistan: Outrage of the day.

This is an army photo of a mosque under construction in Afghanistan.  Why is this so outrageous?  The mosque is being paid for by American tax dollars.

Does anyone still believe that Obama is not a Muslim?

White House fudges the numbers on deportations

White House fudges the numbers on deportations
Posted by Staff

The Washington Post reports:
For much of this year, the Obama administration touted its tougher-than-ever approach to immigration enforcement, culminating in a record number of deportations.
But in reaching 392,862 deportations, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement included more than 19,000 immigrants who had exited the previous fiscal year, according to agency statistics. ICE also ran a Mexican repatriation program five weeks longer than ever before, allowing the agency to count at least 6,500 exits that, without the program, would normally have been tallied by the U.S. Border Patrol.
When ICE officials realized in the final weeks of the fiscal year, which ended Sept. 30, that the agency still was in jeopardy of falling short of last year's mark, it scrambled to reach the goal. Officials quietly directed immigration officers to bypass backlogged immigration courts and time-consuming deportation hearings whenever possible, internal e-mails and interviews show.
Instead, officials told immigration officers to encourage eligible foreign nationals to accept a quick pass to their countries without a negative mark on their immigration record, ICE employees said.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Hussein Obama and Gas Prices

July 17, 2008 is a date many of us probably do not remember. But we remember the summer of 2008. Gas prices hit their high-water mark on July 17, 2008. On July 14, 2008, then President George W. Bush lifted the Executive Order banning off shore drilling.

His act was mostly symbolic, but in Nashville, I went from paying $4.25 a gallon to $1.60 a gallon by the time Bush left office in January. One of Obama’s first acts as President was to reinstate the Executive Order banning off shore drilling.

Since then, gas prices have slowly risen.

Does anyone remember Obama on the campaign trail? In July 2008, as gas prices screamed through the roof, Obama said his problem was not with expensive gas, but only the sharp, sudden rise in prices. In other words, the Obama fool would be happy if we average Americans had to pay $5 or $10 a gallon for gas. He just wants to stretch the price hike was stretched out over time.

Since taking office, Obama has reversed almost every Bush era policy that was designed to create more oil. Shale oil development was blocked by his administration. They have blocked any new leases to drill off shore. Obama just blocked, for another seven years, drilling in the Atlantic, Pacific and in the Gulf.

Meanwhile, in the Gulf of Mexico, the Cubans, the Chinese and now even the Russians are drilling.

While Obama denies American companies the ability to drill in American waters and puts American workers out of work, he has no problem spending over $2 billion in US tax dollars to help Brazil develop its deep water, off shore drilling capabilities. Brazil will have oil and Brazilian workers will be employed, all at the expense of America.

Of course, you will never find the word hypocrisy in the White House dictionary, although I understand Webster’s Dictionary now features Obama’s photo, next to the definition of hypocrisy (and if it doesn’t, it should).

Travel and Oil Industry experts are predicting gas prices will climb to above $3 a gallon in the spring. Demand certainly has something to do with that, but anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of economics knows supply is the other half of the equation. Obama seems to be ignorant to this fact and is doing his best to return us to $4 a gallon gas or even higher.

Not only does this mean Americans have to pay more for their fuel, but also almost every other product, from food to clothing, will cost more. This will do incredible damage to an already fragile economy.

If Obama were merely incompetent, he would get something right occasionally. The law of averages would catch up with him at some point. Given everything he has done, it is obvious; he wants to see the American economy in the tank.

Meanwhile, as you put gas in your car this week, remember the price. A few months from now, we will all look back nostalgically and say, “Remember when gas was only $3 a gallon?”

Global warming summit begins with weird pagan prayer

Global warming summit begins with weird pagan prayer
Posted by Staff

NewsBusters reports:
During a congressional hearing in March 2009, manmade global warming skeptic Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) referred to God's promise in the the book of Genesis to never again flood the entire Earth as one reason why he is dismissive of global warming alarmists.
"The earth will end only when God declares its time to be over. Man will not destroy this earth. This earth will not be destroyed by a flood," Shimkus insisted, after quoting from Genesis 8:22.
Ever since then, the media have gone back from time to time to scoff at Shimkus's statement, citing his religious beliefs as reason he should not considered credible when it comes to challenging climate change science.
But if the media think that's fair game, shouldn't they apply the same standard to religious language employed by climate change alarmists like Christiana Figueres?
After all, the executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change literally offered up a prayer to a pagan moon goddess on Monday during her opening statement at a UN climate conference convened in Cancun, Mexico.