Sunday, October 31, 2010

Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Obama has been referred to as a lot of things, but I think my favorite is when someone called him "the narcissist in chief."   Tragically for America, he does think the world revolves around him.   Narcissism is defined as "a patter of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition."  That sounds a whole lot like Barack Obama.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Conservative Women

If you are a conservative woman, look out.  If you run for office, you will be treated the worst possible way.   Conservatives would never treat a liberal woman, the way liberals treat conservative women, yet the media or some of the feminist liberal organizations remain silent on this.   From calling a Republican candidate a "whore" to paying an anonymous source to claim they had a one night stand with a candidate, the liberals know no decency.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Obama rally stagehand and supporter of the U.S. Navy fired

Obama rally stagehand and supporter of the U.S. Navy fired

His crime?  He was wearing a George H. W. Bush cap and hoodie and this upset his boss, the local union thug:

Don't try wearing a Bush hat or sweatshirt at an Obama rally.

Duane Hammond says it's what got him fired. Hammond is a union stagehand who was part of the crew that built the platform for the Obama event on campus.

He came to work early this morning wearing clothing that says "George H. W. Bush". Hammond's son is in the Navy, currently serving on the aircraft carrier U.S.S. George H. W. Bush.

Thankfully, the union thugs came to their senses:

***UPDATE: Duane Hammond says union officials called him this afternoon to apologize for the incident. He say they are "bending over backwards" to make it up to him.

With props to my brother John for the find. He rightly cites this as yet another example of the tolerant left.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

10 Things for Congress to do During the Lame Duck Session

Left to their own devices, I'm afraid the present Congress will do something like pass the carbon tax during the lame duck session when they have "nothing to lose." I therefore have the following suggestions for other activities:

1. Sit down and read the Health Care bill. Every page.

2. Draft a resolution apologizing to the American people for ignoring their wishes that the Health Care Bill, Stimulus Bill, and TARP Bill not be passed. Perhaps join hands and sing a chorus of "You're the Tops" on CSPAN.

3. Have Nancy Peloski testify on why she required a budget of over $1 Million per year to fly on AF jets. Also have her explain why she needed to have about $100,000 in food costs, and why the tax payers needed to pay for any of her alcohol bills. Perhaps also encourage her to sing a rendition of "I'm Sorry."

4. Pass a bill banning the use of AF aircraft by Congress or their staffers for any travel where the destination is within 300 miles of a commercial airport. Instead require Coach class travel and passing through the airport screening lines with everyone else. Include in the legislation a ban on taxpayer funding of alcohol purchases except for State dinners.

5. Have Michelle Obama testify on why she needs to have the vast staff she employs and why her travel to Spain with dozens of her "closest friends" was necessary.

6. Pass a bill limiting First Lady staff to one individual and limiting her budget for travel to $10,000 per year.

7. Have the former head of the IPCC, who is now a global warming skeptic, in to testify on why he changed his opinion. At the same hearing, have Al Gore give details on if/how he will benefit financially if carbon trading is passed. Also ask him to provide information on his personal energy use.

8. Repeal the Health Care bill.

9. Have the tenth amendment posted in 2-foot letters in the Capital building in the House and Senate chambers.

10. Develop a plan on how the billions of 1099's they will receive due to the Health care Bill will be processed and develop a budget to implement the plan.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


If we know one thing about liberal Democrats, we know they will not voluntarily give up power.  Voter fraud is a cottage industry for Democrats and there is no reason to believe we will not see it in full force in this election.   While we anticipate a great conservative victory in a few days, remember, a lot of these races are still within the "margin of fraud."

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Jane Fonda Memorial Wall

Jane Fonda Memorial Wall

After more than 40 years the Viet Nam Veterans of the United States of America raised a phenomenal amount of money to memorialize another one of Hollywood’s loyal American citizens who went out of her way to aid and abet the enemy and congratulate them on their treatment of US. POW's
This memorial says it all!



Monday, October 04, 2010

Socialists descend on Washington

Socialists descend on Washington
The One Nation Rally happened this weekend and it was quite the opposite from 8/28 in many ways. First, the message: big government vs. personal responsibility and individual liberties. Second, the crowd: there were far, far fewer people in attendance (despite the free bus ride). Third, the trash: despite having a tenth of the people at the mall, they trashed the place. The crowd at 8/28 left the place spotless.

Friday, October 01, 2010

American companies can't drill, but Spanish ones can

American companies can't drill, but Spanish ones can
Posted by Staff

The New York Times reports:
Five months after the BP oil spill, a federal moratorium still prohibits new deepwater drilling in the American waters of the Gulf of Mexico. And under longstanding federal law, drilling is also banned near the coast of Florida.
Yet next year, a Spanish company will begin drilling new wells 50 miles from the Florida Keys - in Cuba's sovereign waters.
Cuba currently produces little oil. But oil experts say the country might have reserves along its north coast as plentiful as that of the international oil middleweights, Ecuador and Colombia - enough to bolster its faltering economy and cut its dependence on Venezuela for its energy needs.
The advent of drilling in Cuban waters poses risks both to the island nation and the United States.

Senate votes on TV commercials, not tax cuts

Senate votes on TV commercials, not tax cuts
Posted by Staff

Washington Times reports:
Legislation to turn down the volume on those loud TV commercials that send couch potatoes diving for their remote controls looks like it'll soon become law.
The Senate unanimously passed a bill late Wednesday to require television stations and cable companies to keep commercials at the same volume as the programs they interrupt.
The House has passed similar legislation. Before it can become law, minor differences between the two versions have to be worked out when Congress returns to Washington after the Nov. 2 election.
Ever since television caught on in the 1950s, the Federal Communication Commission has been getting complaints about blaring commercials. But the FCC concluded in 1984 there was no fair way to write regulations controlling the "apparent loudness" of commercials. So it hasn't been regulating them.

ObamaCare leads to more cuts in health plans

October 1, 2010

ObamaCare leads to more cuts in health plans
Posted by Staff

The New York Times reports:
The Principal Financial Group announced on Thursday that it planned to stop selling health insurance, another sign of upheaval emerging among insurers as the new federal health law starts to take effect.
The company, based in Iowa, provides coverage to about 840,000 people who receive their insurance through an employer.
Principal's decision closely tracks moves by other insurers that have indicated in recent weeks that they plan to drop out of certain segments of the market, like the business of selling child-only policies. State regulators say some insurance companies are already threatening to leave particular markets because of the new law. And some regulators in states like Maine and Iowa have asked the Obama administration to give insurers more time to comply with some of the new rules.
"What you're seeing is the beginning of some serious math and some posturing," said Len Nichols, a health economist and policy expert at George Mason University. While some insurers, like Principal, are choosing to leave the business rather than make the necessary investments to stay, others may be simply trying to delay some of the new rules or overturn them, he said.