Saturday, June 26, 2010

Obama and Lobbyists

June 25, 2010

White House meeting with lobbyists at coffee shops to avoid disclosure rules
Posted by Staff

There are no Secret Service agents posted next to the barista and no presidential seal on the ceiling, but the Caribou Coffee across the street from the White House has become a favorite meeting spot to conduct Obama administration business.
Here at the Caribou on Pennsylvania Avenue, and a few other nearby coffee shops, White House officials have met hundreds of times over the last 18 months with prominent K Street lobbyists - members of the same industry that President Obama has derided for what he calls its "outsized influence" in the capital.
On the agenda over espressos and lattes, according to more than a dozen lobbyists and political operatives who have taken part in the sessions, have been front-burner issues like Wall Street regulation, health care rules, federal stimulus money, energy policy and climate control - and their impact on the lobbyists' corporate clients.
But because the discussions are not taking place at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, they are not subject to disclosure on the visitors' log that the White House releases as part of its pledge to be the "most transparent presidential administration in history."
The off-site meetings, lobbyists say, reveal a disconnect between the Obama administration's public rhetoric - with Mr. Obama himself frequently thrashing big industries' "battalions" of lobbyists as enemies of reform - and the administration's continuing, private dealings with them...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Conduct Unbecoming of a President

Here is a link to the Savage web site article on the President and his firing of  General MCCHRYSTAL

Conduct Unbecoming of a President – Again

Great article that everyone should read, unless you are one of the Liberal Lemmings and are willing to follow this jerk over the cliff.

Lie Of The Day

Lie of the Day

I don't make this decision based on any difference in policy with General McChrystal as we are in full agreement about our strategy. Nor do I make this decision out of any sense of personal insult.

- President Obama remarks on his firing of General McChrystal.

Confidence waning in Obama, U.S. outlook

June 24, 2010

Confidence waning in Obama, U.S. outlook

Americans are more pessimistic about the state of the country and less confident in President Barack Obama's leadership than at any point since Mr. Obama entered the White House, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.
The survey also shows grave and growing concerns about the Gulf oil spill, with overwhelming majorities of adults favoring stronger regulation of the oil industry and believing that the spill will affect the nation's economy and environment.
Sixty-two percent of adults in the survey feel the country is on the wrong track, the highest level since before the 2008 election. Just one-third think the economy will get better over the next year, a 7-point drop from a month ago and the low point of Mr. Obama's tenure...

Cuba’s Government Health Care

Octavo Cerco / English







In the Hospital

Marta is tired of hospitals. She, like most of her fellow citizens, has had bad luck with the public health service. One of the pillars of the Revolution in which she was born, it seems to her more and more like a building completely worm eaten to a miraculous static, one pillar short of destruction.
A few weeks ago she was caring for a relative in Calixto GarcĂ­a hospital. Among other vicissitudes, the blood serum her patient needed was bought on the black market, most of the medicines were “resolved” and the treatment had to be supervised by her own relatives. By sheer effort they managed to remind the nurse of the exact time of each treatment, the name of each pill and they themselves undertook the measures needed to avoid bedsores.
As there was rarely water, they brought buckets; as there was no way to heat the water for a bath, they bought a heater; as it was too hot in the room they asked to borrow a fan. They brought everything: the soap, blankets, food, a chair for the visitors, cream, alcohol, vitamins and cotton.
The only problem that remained unresolved was the obstruction in the bathroom; but the fact that the toilet always had stinking reddish-green water and the tap on the sink wouldn’t stop running, could be considered minor in view of all the layers of grime everywhere, the destruction of the windows and the wires hanging from the false ceiling.
Marta told me she ended her stay exhausted; all she asks of heaven is that she dies of a heart attack in her own house, without having to enjoy the comforts of the Cuban public health system.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Planned Parenthood's pornographic classroom paradise

June 23, 2010

Planned Parenthood's pornographic classroom paradise
Posted by Laura Ingraham

This Fox News report about a Planned Parenthood sex ed class at an Iowa high school where stuffed animals were used to demonstrate positions and students were shown a "3-D, anatomically correct male sex organ to explain how to use a condom" reads like every decent parent's worst nightmare. Still, a Planned Parenthood representative defended the class and the superintendent dismissed it as a political and religious hot potato.
It's time schools stop running roughshod over our values. American taxpayers sent $967 million to family planning organizations such as Planned Parenthood over the last eight years through our own government. This is an outrage and parents must speak out.
Email Superintendent Dick Profit at profitd -at- and kindly let him know this isn't just a political hot potato--it's about the morality of our nation's children.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Has Obama dropped a carton of eggs...

From Brutally Honest BLOG -

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Has Obama dropped a carton of eggs...

... or is he making an omelet?

I just had the most awful thought, Anchoress, and you were the first place on the net I thought to come…

I’ve been reading a lot about the Gulf tonight, and something struck me as very telling. A buddy of mine who is anti-Obama posted a few things about the Gulf on Facebook. His critical posts usually brings out a couple of liberal apologists. However, on the Gulf posts, none.

Then I thought about how horrified even the liberals must be, and how the Coast Guard is impeding possible solutions. Obama’s reaction (or lack thereof) seems impossible to explain. The health of the Gulf is at risk, as well as the economies of several states. How is this possible?

Then I thought of the time Stalin was asked about the millions dead, and he said that it was worth it to build socialism (paraphrase). You need to break eggs to make an omelet.

Is this not looking like it’s the only possible explanation for Obama’s “actions”? I’m sure I must be wrong, so I’d like anyone to point out the obvious factors that I’m not seeing, for whatever reasons.

Is he incompetent?  Or is he carrying out a master plan?

I believe it's the former.

I do.


Obama's Management Style: Bowing and Posturing

Lurita Doan :: Columnist

Obama's Management Style: Bowing and Posturing

by Lurita Doan

After 17 months of apologizing, kow-towing, bowing and tin-cupping around the world, President Obama has shown his true colors to the international community.  Watching Obama’s handling of the BP oil spill shows he’s a negligent manager and a poseur who reflects poorly on America.

President Obama had an opportunity to show the world his management skills and the international team spirit that he often espouses.  Peter Drucker, the management guru, recommends that, during a crisis, a good manger communicates directly with involved parties.  Instead, almost 50 days into the BP oil crisis, Obama hadn’t found time to speak with Tony Hayward, CEO of BP, a British based company that is also the fourth largest company in the world.

In a spectacular failure of international cooperation, Obama refused the help of the 17 foreign countries that offered assistance.  Obama ignored the international spirit of concern for the environment and sympathy for those affected by the disaster. The international community, which previously had believed in Obama’s commitment to “rebrand” America’s image abroad, likely realizes that Obama’s rhetoric was little more than posturing.

Almost 54 days after the U.S.’ rude refusal of that initial offer, Obama, in a humiliating reversal, sent an appeal to other nations requesting assistance.  Mexico and the Netherlands have sent aid, but understandably, some countries are a bit miffed with the Obama Administration for its autocratic and mercurial behavior.

Inexplicably, Obama was awarded a Nobel Prize, in advance of any real achievement, for "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples", but when he had an opportunity to act presidential and collaborative in the international arena, and he flubbed it--as he has many times before.

Remember the bow ?  Americans have seen Obama perform, like a trained circus animal, bowing low before various international leaders.  Many have wondered: why does Obama do this?  America is the leader of the free world.  We are defenders of individual liberty and defenders of the weak.  Consistently and at great cost, we have proven our mettle countless times in the 234 years of our existence.  We should bow to no man. Clearly, Obama doesn’t get it.

Remember the kow-towing?   Americans have seen Obama hugging Hugo Chavez and tolerating Daniel Ortega’s 50 minute anti-American rants.  Doesn’t Obama understand that these thuggish dictators loathe the American way of life?  Clearly, Obama doesn’t get it.

There is also the monthly tin-cupping.  Various, failed programs of the Obama Administration, such as the Stimulus, Obama’s faux-job-creation efforts and entitlement expansion have caused our national debt to rise to titanic proportions.  We are forced to auction hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. Treasury bonds.  Unfortunately, China holds approximately $900,000,000,000.00 of that debt. 

Neither Obama, nor his deputy, Tim Geithner, are able to get tough with China on issues relating to human rights, pollution or energy because we have to go tin-cupping every month to China in order to continue support for a bloated entitlement system and congressional pork projects. Any “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy” that we might have seen from Obama have been made impossible by his flawed, domestic agenda.

There’s also the “unprecedented” level of arm-twisting, name-calling, finger-pointing, blaming kinds of intimidation that seem to be Obama’s preferred management style.  Epitomizing Obama’s spirit of international cooperation, Obama first sent Eric Holder to build the criminal and civil legal case and gather the details necessary for prosecution-- not exactly a move to encourage international cooperation. 

Obama exhibited colossal managerial negligence in refusing to communicate directly with BP leadership for almost two months.  Then, when this negligence was publicized, Obama opened communications and extorted the arbitrary sum of $20 billion dollars to cover liabilities. Twenty billion dollars, without full knowledge of all the facts, without the benefit of a full investigation of the causes and without a final solution for the problem, under the control of one of Obama’s Czars just looks like a slush fund.

There can be no doubt that BP must bear the brunt of the blame for the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.  Louisiana is my home, and this oil spill is another, unexpected devastation making a full economic recovery difficult.  But, Obama’s managerial negligence and refusal of international cooperation have helped him use the BP oil spill crisis to advance energy reform legislation languishing in congress while alienating segments of the international community. 

The BP oil spill offered an excellent opportunity for Obama to embrace the international collaboration on environmental issues that he likes to prattle on about.  Instead, the BP crisis shows that Obama is a poseur, who likes to talk the talk, not walk the walk. 


Impeach B. Hussein Obama the traitor


Friday, June 18, 2010

Illegal Immigrants

Let's say I break into your house

A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV.
Her point:

Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that
Arizona is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

Certain people are angry that 
US  might protect its own 
borders, might make it harder 
to sneak into this country and, 
once here, to stay indefinitely.

Let me see if I correctly understand 
the thinking behind these protests. 
Let's say I break into your house.
Let's say that when you discover 
me in your house, you insist that I leave.

But I say, 'No! I like it here.
It's better than my house. I've made all 
the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors. I've 
done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-working and honest
(except for when I broke into your house).

According to the protesters:

You are Required to let me stay in your house

You are Required to feed me
You are Required
to add me to your family's insurance plan
You are Required
to Educate my kids
You are Required
to Provide other benefits to me & to my family

My husband will do all of your yard work because he is also hard-working and honest. (except for that breaking in part).

If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your 
house carrying signs that proclaim my

to be there.

It's only fair, after all, because you have 
a nicer house than I do, and I'm just 
trying to better myself. I'm a hard-working and honest, person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house,
and what a deal it is for me!!!

I live in your house, contributing only a 
fraction of the cost of my keep, and 
there is nothing you can do about it 
without being accused of cold,

uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.

Oh yeah, and I DEMAND that you learn
so that you can 
communicate with me. 

Why can't people see how ridiculous 
this is?!  
America  is populated and governed by idiots.  If you agree, pass it on (in English).
If not blow it off.........
along with your future Social Security funds and a lot of the former benefits of being an American Citizen.

Obama’s Lawless Administrtation

Oprah says she doesn't know what people expect Obama to do about the spill. Is it a "Leave Britney alone!" moment?
Rep. Barton was right, even if he didn't use the most politically smart terminology. BP cut corners, but so did Obama. He shook a company down for $20,000,000,000 and ignored the existing legal framework for this kind of thing.
Flashback: "I don't spend a lot of time worrying about what the procedural rules are." - Obama on March 17, 2010.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Leftists Say the Darnedest Things

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ross Mackenzie :: Columnist

Leftists Say the Darnedest Things

by Ross Mackenzie

The great, now late, Art Linkletter was widely appreciated for the humor he saw, as catalogued in, for instance, his book "Kids Say the Darnedest Things."

So do grown-ups -- particularly if they hang out in the fever swamps of the left.

Today's Exhibit A is Barack ("The Fault Finder") Obama -- that contemporary Diogenes ever seeking (in his oh-so-presidential phrase) an "ass to kick." Think BP, Chrysler's bondholders, and "fat-cat bankers." Think Republicans. Think maligned physicians and health insurers. Think Arizonans who dare to believe immigrants there should be legal. Think Israelis defending themselves against jihadist blockade-runners.

In the vein of "let's you and him fight," Obama now is setting up doctors and Republicans to go for each other's jugulars. Early in the dubious battle for ObamaCare, Obama won the support of the American Medical Association with promises to fix a scheduled 21 percent cut in payments to doctors participating in Medicare (about 97 percent of all practicing physicians.) He rammed through ObamaCare with no Republican support in the deciding votes -- and with, of course, no pledged fix of diminished Medicare payments to doctors.

Now Obama is saying (as he did in his weekly June 12 radio address) that Republicans had better help Democrats (holding majorities in both houses) reverse the scheduled Medicare cuts or otherwise he will disparage them as "willing to walk away from the needs of our doctors and our seniors."

IT'S ALL bilgewater. And so is so much else from the mouths not of children but of adult lefties who should know better.

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, billed by her supporters as a moderate consensus-builder, opposed allowing ROTC recruiters on Harvard's campus and defended Bill Clinton against charges of sexual harassment against Paula Jones - in a case that later triggered his impeachment.

Obama's nominee to run Medicare and Medicaid -- Dr. Donald Berwick -- is an unabashed fan of Britain's crushing National Health Service and of its rationing board, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (known by its big-brotherish acronym, NICE). Says the good doctor: "The more I have studied it, the more I believe that less discretion for doctors would improve patient safety." And: "NICE is an extremely effective and a conscientious, valuable, and -- importantly -- knowledge-building system."

Obama's National Security Adviser parrots the president's view that we shouldn't "describe our enemy as 'jihadists' or 'Islamists' because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one's community." Never mind that key tenets of the terror war -- tenets sanctioning vicious violence against non-believers -- are uniquely Islamist.

WHOSE fault is, well, you know, everything? In the eyes of mainline mediaists -- George W. Bush. The break-up of the Gore marriage? CBS Evening News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson finds a likely cause in Al Gore "winning the popular vote for president but losing the electoral vote."

Newsweek's Jonathan Alter lodges the blanket charge: "The oil spill is the perfect metaphor for Obama's presidency so far. It's been cleaning up a lot of the messes left to him by his predecessors, whether it was bank bailouts, auto bailouts, Afghanistan -- which turned out to be a much bigger mess than anybody anticipated -- preventing a depression that, you know, began to happen on George Bush's watch. So this is more of the same."

Grown-ups are defending or excusing the leftist rhetorical outrages of Helen Thomas -- implying (in the words of ABC's Dan Harris) she "deserves a break, given her status as a journalistic giant and a trailblazer for women, and given her age (90)."

Finally, there's Joe McGinniss, who rented the house next door to Sarah Palin while writing a book about her -- responding to NBC's Matt Lauer about death threats directed at McGinniss:

"I think (the alleged death threats are) probably a lesson for the American people of the power Palin has to incite hatred and her willingness and readiness to do it. She has pushed a button and unleashed the Hounds of Hell, and now they're out there slavering and barking and growling. And that's the same kind of tactic -- and I'm not calling her a Nazi -- but that's the same kind of tactic that the Nazi troopers used in Germany in the Thirties."


Those quotes contain the darnedest thinking -- and the darnedest implications. Heaven help us.

Gallup finds that in an hour of popular slide in his poll ratings, among Obama's most devoted approvers are not the poorest among us or those with the least education -- but those possessing graduate degrees: 57 percent still give the president positive job approval. Which may suggest the darnedest conclusion....

That the more educated you are the dumber you are, or the more leftist, or the more gullible -- or the less likely you are to be ideologically bright.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Obama, Hope and Change

Emboldening and strengthening our enemy, thumbing his nose and flipping the bird at our staunchest ally.

This is hope and change to believe in?

Friday, June 11, 2010

ACORN and Election Fraud

ACORN employees tell FBI of deliberate election fraud
Posted by Staff

The radical activist group ACORN "works" for the Democratic Party and deliberately promotes election fraud, ACORN employees told FBI investigators, according to an FBI document dump Wednesday.
The documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a watchdog group, are FBI investigators' reports related to the 2007 investigation and arrest of eight St. Louis, Mo., workers from ACORN's Project Vote affiliate for violation of election laws. All eight employees involved in the scandal later pleaded guilty to voter registration fraud.
Project Vote is ACORN's voter registration arm. Project Vote continues to operate despite the reported dissolution of the national structure of ACORN.
The handwritten reports by FBI agents show that ACORN employees reported numerous irregularities in the nonprofit group's business practices.

Nancy Pelosi Refuses To Answer Question

When a reporter asked House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) during a press conference last year where the Constitution granted Congress the authority to enact an individual health-insurance mandate, she answered, "Are you serious? Are you serious?" Speaker Pelosi then dismissed the question and moved on to the next reporter.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dogs and Welfare

This morning I went to sign my Dogs up for welfare. 

At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare". 

So I explained to her that my Dogs are  mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and have no clue who their Daddys are. 

They expect me to feed them, provide them with housing and medical care, and feel guilty because they are dogs.

So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify.

My Dogs get their first checks Friday.

Damn this is a great country!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Reuters Phony Pictures

June 8, 2010

Reuters cropping photos to whitewash attack on Israelis
Posted by Staff

You may remember during the second Lebanese war Reuters was caught making news pictures look worse than they were with a little touch of Photo Shop...
Reuters is now doctoring its pictures from the violence aboard the Guerrilla Flotilla. For example, this picture appeared in a Turkish Newspaper. The guy on the ground in green is one of the Israeli commandos. Notice the red circle I added. It shows one of the terrorists on the flotilla boat holding a knife...
Now here is the same picture as first released by Reuters. Notice that they cropped out the the terrorist's knife?...


I didn’t include the picture but you won’t have any trouble getting this


Nevada Support For Arizona Law

A majority of Nevadans would welcome an Arizona-style law to crack down on illegal immigrants, according to a new poll commissioned by the Review-Journal.
The survey showed 57 percent of Nevadans would support giving local law enforcement the power to ask people already stopped for possible violations of the law to show proof they are in the country legally, then arrest those who couldn't provide that proof...

Democrat and BP Hypocrisy

Rahm Emanuel's rent-free D.C. apartment owned by a BP adviser

Monday, June 07, 2010

B. Hussein Obama Disses D-Day

Party president disses D-Day
Posted by Laura Ingraham

In keeping with his commitment to not rest until America's crises are solved, President Obama attended his second party of the week on Sunday. Kelly Clarkson, Renee Fleming, George Lopez, Lionel Richie, Robin Roberts, and Dick Van Dyke, among others, all joined Obama at Ford's Theatre for a gala honoring the arts.
The kicker? Sunday was the anniversary of D-Day, the beach invasion Allied powers executed as part of the effort to free Europe of the Nazi grip in 1944. It was a success that came at the cost of thousands of lives and yet the White House website made no mention of it. There were no remarks from Obama. Silence. Still, just the day before, Obama issued a statement on the passing of legendary college basketball coach John Wooden. Was Obama even aware of the significance of June 6?


----------- >>>>>>

Impeach Obama the traitor


Saturday, June 05, 2010

Summer of Corruption

The Summer of Corruption Plot Thickens

By Michelle Malkin · Friday, June 4, 2010

In Chicago politics, there's an old term for the publicly subsidized pay-offs and positions meted out to the corruptocrats' friends and special interests: boodle.

In the age of Obama, Hope and Change is all about the boodle. So it was with the stimulus. And the massive national service expansion. And the health care bill. And the financial reform bill. And the blossoming job-trading scandals engulfing the White House.

There's always been an ageless, interdependent relationship between Windy City politicos and "goo-goos" (the cynical Chicago term for good government reformers). Chicago-style "reform" has always entailed the redistribution of wealth and power under the guise of public service. And it has inevitably led to more corruption.

In March 2010, this column first took note of allegations by Democrats Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff that the White House had offered them jobs in exchange for dropping their respective bids against Obama-favored incumbent Sens. Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania and Michael Bennet in Colorado. White House legal counsel Bob "The Fixer" Bauer's attempt to bury questions about the Sestak affair with a Memorial Day weekend document dump failed. So has the attempt to make Rahm Emanuel-enlisted former president Bill Clinton the sole scapegoat.

Bauer's memo mentions "efforts" (plural, not singular) to woo Sestak. But the White House refuses to divulge what offers besides Clinton's were extended to Sestak. Moreover, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs has now denied that Team Obama was involved in the one Clinton offer that has been publicized -- an unpaid appointment on an intelligence board for which Sestak was ineligible.

After months of silence, Romanoff finally stepped forward this week to acknowledge that the White House had dangled several positions before him, too. He released e-mails detailing not one, not two, but three different paid positions offered by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina -- whose boss, Emanuel, was subpoenaed this week by impeached former Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich of Illinois to testify in his Senate pay-for-play corruption trial.

So, can I say "I told you so" now?

In July 2009, when "Culture of Corruption" was first released, liberal critics scoffed:

How could you possibly write a 400-page book about Barack Obama's rotten administration when he's only been in office six months?!

When I proceeded to rattle off case after case of Chicago-style back-scratching, transparency-trampling and crooked special interest-dealing in the new White House, liberal critics such as "The View's" Joy Behar interjected:

B-b-b-but what about Bush? Why don't you write a book about Bush? Wha-'bout-Bush? Wha-'bout-Bush? Wha-'bout-Bush?

When I pointed out that I had reported extensively on cronyism in the Bush era (see Harriet Miers, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security), and when I further pointed out that while the Bush-bashing market overflowed, there remained a massive vacuum of critical analysis of Obama, liberal critics sputtered:

So what? Doesn't every administration have corruption?

When I patiently explained that no other administration in modern American history had set itself up as loftily as the Hope and Change reformers had done, or when I cited endless examples of Obama's broken promises on everything from lobbyists to transparency to Washington business as usual, liberal critics changed the subject again:


Two major job-trading scandals plus the start of the Blago trial this past week -- on top of a year's worth of uninhibited White House wheeling and dealing, broken transparency pledges, Justice Department stonewalling and brass knuckle-bullying of political opponents -- have finally turned the once-derided thesis of my book "Culture of Corruption" into conventional wisdom.

Obama sold America a Chicago-tainted bill of goods. A nation of slow learners is finally figuring it out.

From a Cuban BLOG

For those Democrats who love Socialism and Communism here is a blog entry from someone living in Cuba:


Every month I find myself overwhelmed by the absence of random staples; it can be oil, shampoo, detergent, milk, eggs or sanitary napkins. Every time the end of the month approaches, the question that comes to mind is, “What are we missing now?” Sometimes I can’t wash, other times cleaning is agony, or my pot of beans is distraught by the abandonment of its inseparable companion, rice.

I try to remember the moment when all this started, and I’m surprised to find that since I was a little girl the economy has played hide-and-seek with me. I still remember clearly the things my mother sighed for when I was only seven: food, cigarettes, shoes for me. Others populated my adolescent longings: chocolate, meat, a pair of shoes, soap. Here I am an adult, still finding myself frustrated by the persistent absence of simple things.

I wonder, as do the rest of Cubans, how long will it be until a bottle of hydrochloric acid, to clean the bathroom with, comes to star in my life? Could it be that when I am eighty a roll of toilet paper will still evoke nostalgia?

Short Lesson – Test In November

The last four letters in "American" = I Can
The last four letters in "Republican" = I Can
The last four letters in "Democrats" = Rats
End of Lesson.
Test to follow in November.
November will be set aside as rodent extermination month.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

LA School District

The Los Angeles Unified School District school board wants all public school students in the city to be taught that Arizona's new immigration law is un-American.

“This is ridiculous, it’s ridiculous for us to be involved in Arizona law,” said Jane Barnett, Chairman, Los Angeles County Republican Party.  “There is a 50 percent dropout rate in some parts of the school district—is this going to keep kids in school?”

962 Days Left

There are 962 days until Barack HUSSEIN Obama is out of office.