Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas !

To All My Democratic/Liberal Friends:
   Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2010, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere . Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wish.

   To My Republican Friends:
   Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ 2010.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Universal Healthcare – Say NO!

Article from the "Investor's Business Daily.  It provides some very interesting statistics from a survey by

the United Nations International Health Organization.

Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years after diagnosis:

U.S.            65%

England       46%

Canada        42%

Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who received treatment within six months:

U.S. 93%

England 15%

Canada 43%

Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received it within six months:

U.S.            90%

England       15%

Canada        43%

Percentage referred to a medical specialist who see one within one month:

U.S. 77%

England 40%

Canada 43%

Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people:

U.S. 71

England 14

Canada 18

Percentage of seniors (65+), with low income, who say they are in "excellent health":

U.S. 12%

England 2%

Canada 6%

I don't know about you, but I don't think I want "Universal Healthcare" comparable to England or Canada .

Moreover, it was Sen. Harry Reid who said, "Elderly Americans must learn to accept the inconveniences

of old age."


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Obama’s Safe School Czar

Doug Giles :: Columnist

Kevin Jennings and “FistGate” Should Make Parents Furious

by Doug Giles

Man, am I about to sound like an uncool, homophobic, bigoted zealot who should be on a terror watch list (according to the paranormal progressives). Why is that, you ask? Well, I think Obama’s G-boy, Kevin Jennings, should not be the Safe Schools Czar for many egregious reasons. Here are just a few.

I believe anyone who thinks it’s okay to teach 14-year-old boys how they can jam their fist up another 14-year-old boy’s tailpipe, or provides “fisting” kits for the kiddos, or thinks it’s neat-o to urinate on one another during teen sex, or passes out literature to your young ones on how they can find old pedophiles to hook up with at “gay leather bars,” or talks to your teen about the tricky pros and cons of spitting versus swallowing should not be the Safe Schools Czar.

Maybe Kevin Jennings could be the “Adam Lambert Eye Liner Czar” or Cher’s “Do You Believe in Life After Love Czar,” but not the Safe Schools Czar. But then again, there I go being extreme. Shame on me for not being a hip parent who’s totally cool with adult flamers filling our fifth grade kids’ heads with filth. I am truly an ignorant, puritanical, buckle-shoed killjoy, ain’t I? By the way, what the heck is up with liberals? They have their hands in our pockets, their noses in our business, and now they want their arms up our backsides.

How crazy of me that I would have the audacity to go public with the notion that someone who headed up an organization (GLSEN) that proselytizes confused kids on how they can insert their knuckles up someone else’s anus should not be the determiner of what is “safe” at school, eh? Hello!

Hey, Kev… last time I checked, trying to make your mate a hand puppet didn’t fall within the city limits of SafetyTown. Sounds kinda dangerous to me. Oh and here’s an aside for the butt pirates: Our rectums are an exit, not an entrance.

In addition, Mr. Jennings, apart from the “arm in arse” thing, from what I remember during 9th grade health class many moons ago, it’s also not wise to place one’s reproductive organ in the end of another’s digestive system.

A fist up a rectum? Are you kidding me? You guys sound like you have way too much time on your hands. If you’re in need of an idea regarding what to do with your fist, here’s one: Why don’t take your fist and smack yourself in the face with it for poisoning America’s kids with your perverted crap?

For those not in the know, Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings, who was cherry picked by Obama, is not having a good week as whistleblowers are righteously shouting this guy down and trying to get him removed from calling the shots regarding what is nontoxic in your kids’ scholastic lives.

Why are watchdogs barking this dude down? Well, it’s not because he’s mildly gay but because he’s wildly militant in his homosexuality, and both he and his hombres at GLSEN have had no problemo whatsoever filling your kids’ heads and bodies with weirdness galore. For the unbelievable full list of what this man and his organization have advocated and continue to advocate, check out the fantastic work Jim Holt has done on “FistGate” at Also, don’t miss Jennings/GLSEN’s “Little Black Book” for your sons! Hellish.

I’ve gotta warn you, mom and dad: What you’re about to read regarding “FistGate” is very sick and twisted. You’d better brace yourselves. I hope it thoroughly ticks you off that such baseness is being peddled to your babies. In addition, I hope you raise major hell with your elected reps about permanently removing Jennings from anything that has to do with your children and our schools.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Obama Reducing the Debt? Dream On

Friday, December 11, 2009

David Limbaugh :: Columnist

Obama Reducing the Debt? Dream On

Two recent news stories illustrate, more clearly than ever, the Obama Democrats' contempt for the free market and individual economic liberty. If given the chance, they will expand government and spend as much of our money as they can get away with.

First we learn that Obama and his party simply will not agree to keep their grubby government hands off the estimated $200 billion the banks are going to repay under TARP. Just when we finally receive this glimmer of good news to ameliorate our reasonable panic over the ever-increasing national debt, Obama announces that he intends to intercept a good portion of the debt repayments and spend it on job creation and assistance to certain debtors.

I assume we're supposed to be too dense to remember that his stimulus spending to date hasn't created jobs and that most of it hasn't even been used for that purpose. So when this administration says its first priority is reducing debt, understand we are being played -- by consummate cynics.

Likewise, the Democrats' various health care plans contemplate $500 billion in Medicare savings between 2010 and 2019. But instead of using the savings to shore up this entitlement's solvency, they are charging forward with a new entitlement: major subsidies to the uninsured to buy health insurance.

They just can't help themselves, what with their firm control of the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. They barely have to pretend to like capitalism anymore.

Obama's economic radicalism was as plain as day for those paying attention during the presidential campaign and not otherwise hypnotized by his platitudes. But it's not just him; the lion's share of his party is right on board, putting the lie to their long-professed centrism.

We surely all remember two of candidate Obama's unscripted comments that were particularly revealing of his economic philosophy.

When asked in the 2008 Philadelphia primary debate why he wanted to pursue a capital gains tax increase despite historical evidence that such increases generate net decreases in revenues, he said, "I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness."

Plus, he told Joe "the Plumber" Wurzelbacher -- who was complaining about Obama's plan to increase taxes for those, including small-business owners, making more than $250,000 -- "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you ... (has a) chance at success, too. ... My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's going to be good for everybody. ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

Obama Democrats never tire of ridiculing supply-side economics -- which is basically letting people keep more of what they earn -- as specious "trickledown economics." Labels aside, supply-side is just common sense. The economically and historically literate know that small- and large-business owners create jobs when they're prospering and that the less burdensome the tax code the likelier they are to prosper.

But Obama Democrats, as we see from Obama's comment to Joe the Plumber, believe in "trickle-up economics," the self-defeating notion that jobs are created from the bottom up: "If the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's going to be good for everybody."

Sadly, though, we might as well dispense with any debate over which of the two economic philosophies is more effective. This is just a diversion.

Why can't everyone see the obvious? For Obama and his comrades, this isn't about creating jobs, or they wouldn't be hoarding so much of the "stimulus" money for purposes of "buying" the upcoming national elections. It isn't about getting everyone health insurance. It's about leveling the economic playing field by lowering the common denominator and spreading the misery. It's about evening the score. It's about power, i.e., who makes the decisions over how our money is to be spent.

Obama Democrats believe that they know better than we do how our money ought to be spent and that they have a superior moral right to our money. They might even recognize that supply-side economics works -- just as they know capital gains tax reductions generate more revenues. But to them, the free market isn't fair because winners and losers are determined, not by the government, but by other factors, including people's raw efforts. They believe that economic "fairness" -- or "economic justice," a good old Jane Fonda/Tom Hayden/Marxist phrase -- should be dictated from the top down by government officials and bureaucrats.

If they permit significant reduction of this monstrous debt that they are deliberately expanding exponentially, they lose their main excuse to implement their socialist schemes, which are born from the chaos and fear they've generated. So when you hear them talking about debt reduction, look at their actions, not their words -- except for their unscripted, candid statements.

Fix The Economy

Dear Mr. President,
Please find below my suggestion for fixing America 's economy.  Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the "Patriotic Retirement Plan":
There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force.  Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1) They MUST retire.  Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
2) They MUST buy a new American CAR.  Forty million cars ordered – Auto Industry fixed.
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage – Housing Crisis fixed.
It can't get any easier than that!!
P.S. If more money is needed, have all members in Congress pay their taxes...
Mr. President, while you're at it, make Congress retire on Social Security and Medicare. I'll bet both programs would be fixed pronto!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Global Warming Fraud



Similarly, the U.N. was caught recently deleting documents that would disclose how member states are leading (or not leading) the way in self-greening efforts.

The scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters documented that ice melt on Antarctica was the lowest in 30 years during 2008-09, a fact being ignored intentionally by NASA.

A U.S. scholar is threatening to sue NASA in order to prompt the agency to release climate change data, which he says have been manipulated here just like in Britain.

Officials in the Environmental Protection Agency gagged one of their own senior researchers after the 38-year employee submitted an internal critique of the EPA's climate change position.

Unlike the U.S., China and India already have opposed foreign climate governance because it would jeopardize their national sovereignty.

Nearly two months ago, Christopher Monckton, once science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, warned us that the real purpose of the conference is more about global government than it is about global warming.

Obama Records & the Media

Just read this and it goes back to before the election.    But  it does express a sentiment that I agree with about the bias of the National News Media

Three days before Election Day 2008 and much of Barack Obama’s past remains shrouded in secrecy. The same press that can tell you how much Sarah Palin’s shoes cost can’t seem to muster any curiosity over large gaps in the Obama narrative.

Indeed, that same MSM press is as intent on hiding information as it is publishing it.

Presidential College Records

Senator Obama's life story, from his humble roots, to his rise to Harvard Law School, to his passion as a community organizer in Chicago, has been at the center of his presidential campaign. But one chapter of the tale remains a blank — his education at Columbia College, a place he rarely speaks about and where few people seem to remember him.

Contributing to the mystery is the fact that nobody knows just how well Mr. Obama, unlike Senator McCain and most other major candidates for the past two elections, performed as a student.

The Obama campaign has refused to release his college transcript, despite an academic career that led him to Harvard Law School and, later, to a lecturing position at the University of Chicago. The shroud surrounding his experience at Columbia contrasts with that of other major party nominees since 2000, all whom have eventually released information about their college performance or seen it leaked to the public.

For better or worse, voters have taken an interest in candidates' grades since 1999, when the New Yorker published President Bush's transcript at Yale and disclosed that he was a C student. Mr. Bush had never portrayed himself as a brain, but many were surprised to learn the next year that his opponent, Vice President Gore, did not do much better at Harvard despite his intellectual image.     When Senator Kerry's transcript surfaced, reporters found that he actually had a slightly lower average at Yale than Mr. Bush did.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Global Warming Fraud

 From Ann Coulters Website:

As we now know (and by "we" I mean "everyone with access to the Internet"), the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) has just been caught ferociously manipulating the data about the Earth's temperature.

Recently leaked e-mails from the "scientists" at CRU show that, when talking among themselves, they forthrightly admit to using a "trick" to "hide the decline" in the Earth's temperature since 1960 -- as one e-mail says. Still another describes their manipulation of the data thus: "[W]e can have a proper result, but only by including a load of garbage!"

Am I just crazy from the heat or were they trying to deceive us?

Global warming cheerleaders in the media were quick to defend the scandalous e-mails, explaining that, among scientists, the words "trick," "hide the decline" and "garbage" do not mean "trick," "hide the decline" and "garbage." These words actually mean "onion soup," "sexual submissive" and "Gary, Ind."

(Boy, it must be great to be able to redefine words right in the middle of a debate.)

Also, of course, the defenders said that the words needed to be placed "in context" -- the words' check was in the mail, and they'd like to spend more time with their families.

I have placed the words in context and it turns out what they mean is: gigantic academic fraud.

Obama, Baucus, Healthcare

Obama is lobbying for votes among weary Senators who fear supporting this trillion dollar debacle of a healthcare bill (a bill which amounts to nothing more than a progressive wish list of favors, pork and entitlements) as a vote draws closer. The bill was written by Senator Max Baucus, who was in the news this weekend for a different reason. Baucus could be the most thankful person alive that Tiger cheated on his wife with like 6 ‘women of the night’ - because his alleged affair suddenly doesn't seem so steamy. Should we give the guy who is drafting massive healthcare legislation the same scrutiny as a guy who plays golf?

Climate Change Conference

The big climate change conference is coming up, and it's already been conceded that nothing groundbreaking will happen as a result of the meetings. Considering the carbon footprint of this event is larger than what 60 countries produce in an entire year...combined...maybe they should get something done since they are hurting the environment so much. Perhaps participants feel a little less guilty now that it's apparent, thanks to the ClimateGate emails, much of the global warming hype is exactly that.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

George Bush, Queen Elizabeth and Vladimir Putin

George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell.  While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The Devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth. 

Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he was finished the devil informs  Him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes him a check.

Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes.  When she Was finished the devil informs her that cost is 6 million dollars, so Queen Elizabeth writes him a check.

Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he was Finished the devil informed him that there would be no charge for the Call and feel free to call the USA anytime.

When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got To call the USA free. 

The devil replied, "Since Obama became president Of the USA , the country has gone to hell, so naturally it's a local call."