Saturday, October 29, 2005

Almost Halloween

Here it is Saturday the 29th, weather is getting better and may be pretty good for halloween. We have to decorate the outside of the house yet but will get it done this weekend.

I started this week writing my annual Christmas poem for my wife (Dot). They don't come as easily as they used to or I would write more poems than just Christmas andAnniversary like I do now.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Good Week

This Wednesday my oldest granddaughter has her 11th birthday. It is really hard to believe how the time has flown; I still think of her as a toddler at most.

We just got back from Ausable Forks NY where we went up so my wife could attend a baby shower for the daughter of one of her relatives. It was a great trip.

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Kids

Danny recently took a new job with Mountain Media. He loves it and from what we see it looks like a company he can really grow with. They design websites and do web hosting etc and boy does that sound interesting to me as I have dabbled a bit with html and style sheets.

Dana is still going to school at Roger Williams University where he is studying Marine Biology. He is doing very well despite the really hard subjects he is having to take, subjects that he has to study almost 24/7 to pass. He has put in a lot of work in this.